Contents of N6/2016

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Contents of N6'2016


Dialectics sustainable development of economic systems in the context of non-linear theory
Kozhevina O.V., Doctor of Economics, Director of the Research and Education Center for Analysis of the Effectiveness and Performance Governance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University)

The article is prepared on the results of of studies carried out at the expense of budget funds for state assignment University of Finance 2016.

The article examines the systemic, dialectical, synergistic questions of formation of the mechanism of management and sustainable development of economic systems. The content of the stages of management mechanism, presented their goals and objectives in terms of ensuring stability in the non-equilibrium conditions, socio-technical transitions, describes the specifics of managerial decisions. The basic variables of the emerging economies, with the basic contradictions of economic systems defined by integration and differentiation.
Keywords: economic system, homeostasis, non-linearity of development, self-organization.

1. Upravlenie jeffektivnost'ju i kachestvom. Ch. 1. Povyshenie jeffektivnosti i kachestva: koncepcii, processy i metody. - M.: Delo, 2001.
2. Kemp R., Loorbach D. Governance for sustainable development: moving from theory to practice //Sustainable Development. - Vol. 8. - Nos. 1/2. - 2005. - R. 12-30 (data obrashhenija 3.09.2016)
3. Loorbach D. Transition Management for Sustainable Development: A Prescriptive, Complexity-Based Governance Framework //International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions. - Vol. 23. - No. 1. - January 2010. - pp. 161–183) (data obrashhenija 3.09.2016)
4. Loorbach D. Transition Management. New mode of governance for sustainable development. Financially supported by the J.E. Jurriaanse Stichting Rotterdam. - 2007.
5. Williams D. Transitions: managing personal and organizational change. First published in the ACDM Newsletter. April 1999. – 2008.
6. Abdeev R.F. Metodologija ustojchivogo razvitija i puti ego realizacii v uslovijah Rossii // Tr. mezhdunar. konf. «Analiz sistem na poroge XXI veka: teorija i praktika». - M., 1996.
7. Klejner G.B. Jekonomika. Modelirovanie. Matematika. Izbrannye trudy. - M.: Nauka, 2016.
8. Razvitie teorii jekonomicheskih sistem i ee primenenie v korporativnom i strategicheskom menedzhmente . Klejner G.B. Preprint 99/2010. - M., 2010
9. Abdeev R.F. Filosofija informacionnoj civilizacii. - M.: VLADOS, 1994.
10. Kozhevina O.V. Upravlenie izmenenijami.- M.: INFRA-M, 2016.
11. Korotkov Je.M. Koncepcija rossijskogo menedzhmenta. - M.: DeKa, 2004.
12. Veber M. Izbrannoe. Obraz obshhestva.- M.: Jurist, 1994.
13. Fajol' A., Jemerson G., Tjejlor F., Ford G. Upravlenie - jeto nauka i iskusstvo. - M., 1992.
14. Fajol' A. Obshhee i promyshlennoe upravlenie. Per.s franc. - M, 1923 (data obrashhenija 3.09.2016)
15. Kozhevina O.V. Perehodnaja jekonomika kak faktor neravnovesija social'no-jekonomicheskih sistem // Izvestija Altajskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - 2003. - № 2. - S. 7-10
16. Byk F.L., Kitushin V.G. Konceptual'naja model' upravlenija razvitiem // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. - 2009. - № 4. - S. 112-118
17. Kozhevina O.V. Upravlenie izmenenijami. - M.: INFRA-M, 2014.

Fundraising in non-profit organizations: theoretical approaches and empirical studies
Korneeva I.E., Research Fellow National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Not-For-Profit Sector

Theoretical issues of fundraising implementation in nonprofits are covered in the current article. Theoretical concept of fundraising is examined through four types of communications, which differ by sphere and by message. The authors highlight a ROPES that is a five-step process of fundraising, and justify an evolution of fundraising models from direct advocacy to establishing relationships with donors. Fundraising of relationships is analyzed in comparison with transactional fundraising. The article highlights basic lines in research of this area, including research of philanthropy area and donors, studies of fundraising as a professional field and as a management functions for nonprofit organizations.
Keywords:  nongovernmental nonprofit organizations, evolution of fundraising models, transaction-based fundraising, relationship fundraising.

1. MersiyanovaI.V., IvanovaN.V., KorneevaI.E. Fandrajzing kak faktor ustojchivogo funkcionirovaniya tret'ego sektora: postanovka problemy // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Seriya 8: Menedzhment. 2015. № 1.
2. ACOSS Giving Australia: Research on Philanthropy in Australia. Summary of Findings. Australian Common wealth Government, Canberra. 2005.
3.  Balabanis G., Stables R.E., Phillips H.C. Market orientation in the top 200 British charity organizations and its impact on their performance // European Journal of Marketing. 1997. V. 31 (8). P. 583–603.
4. Beem M.J. Fundraising in the balance: an analysis of job performance, appraisals and rewards. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 2001. V. 6 (2). P. 164–171.
5. Bennett R. Factors underlying the inclination to donate to particular types of charity // International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 2003. V. 8 (1) P. 12–29.
6.  Bennett R. Predicting the Lifetime Durations of Donors to Charities // Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. 2006. V.15 (1/2). P. 45–67.
7. Bennett R. Regret and Satisfaction as Determinants of Lapsed Donor Recommencement Decisions // Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. 2009. V. 21. P. 347–366.
8. Bennett R., Savani Sh. Sources of New Ideas for Charity Fundraising: An Empirical Study // Creativity and Innovation Management. 2011. V. 20 (2). P. 121–138.
9. Bloland H.G., Tempel E.R. Measuring Professionalism // New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising. 2004. V. 43. P. 5–20.
10. Burnett K. Relationship Fundraising: A Donor-Based Approach to the Business of Raising Money. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 2002.
11. Carbone R. An Agenda for Research on Fund Raising. College Park, Md.: Clearinghouse for Research on Fund Raising, 1986.
12. Cermak D.S.P., File K.M., Prince R.A. A benefit segmentation of the major donor market // Journal of Business Research. 1994. V. 29 (2). P. 121–131.
13. Christopher M., Payne A., Ballantyne D. Relationship marketing: creating stakeholder value, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. 2002.
14. Crittenden W.F. Spinning straw into gold: The tenuous strategy, funding, and financial performance linkage // Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2000. V. 29 (1). P. 164–182.
15.  Duronio M., Tempel E. Fund Raisers: Their Careers, Stories, Concerns, and Accomplishments. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1997.
16. Greenlee J.S., Bukovinsky D. Financial Ratios for Use in Analytical Review of Charitable Organizations // Ohio CPA Journal. Jan.-Mar. P. 32–38.
17. Grunig J.E., Hunt T. Managing public relations. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1984.
18. Hendrix J. Public relations cases. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 1995.
19.  Kelly K.S. Effective fund-raising management. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1998.
20.  Knowles P., Gomes R.  Building relationships with major-gift donors: A major-gift decision-making, relationship-building model // Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. 2009. Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 384–406.
21.  Kohli A, Jaworski B, Kumar A. MARKOR: A Measure of Market Orientation // Journal of Marketing Research. 1993. Vol. 11. P. 467–477.
22. Kottasz R. How should charitable organisations motivate young professionals to give philanthropically? // International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 2003. V. 9 (1). P. 9–27.
23. Lindahl W.E., Conley A.T. Literature review: Philanthropic fundraising // Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 2002. V.13 (1). P. 91–112.
24. Lloyd T. Cultural Giving. London: DSC. 2006.
25. Marudas N.P., Jacobs F.A. Much Ado about Nothing: Reliability of Financial Diclosures of Nonprofits that Report Zero Fundraising Expense. In ASBBS annual conference. Las Vegas. 2010.
26. Morris M.H., Coombes S., Schindehutte M., Allen J. Antecedents and outcomes of entrepreneurial and market orientations in a non-profit context: Theoretical and empirical insights // Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 2007. V. 13 (4). P. 12–39.
27. Narver J.C., Slater S.F. The Effect of a Market Orientation on Business Profitability // Journal of Marketing. 1990. V. 54 (4). P. 20–35.
28. Panas J. Born to Raise: What Makes a Great Fundraiser: What Makes a Fundraiser Great: Chicago: Pluribus Press. 1989.
29. Ritchie W.J., Eastwood K. Executive Functional Experience and its Relationship to the Financial Performance of Nonprofit Organizations // Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 2006. V. 17 (1). P. 67–82.
30. Ritchie W., Kolodinsky R. Nonprofit Organization Financial Performance Measurement: An Evaluation of New and Existing Financial Performance Measures // Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 2003. V. 13 (4). P. 367–381.
31.  Rooney P. A Better Methodology for Analyzing the Costs and Benefits of Fund Raising at Universities // Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 1999. V. 10 (1). P. 39–56.
32. Rosso H. and Associates. Achieving Excellence in Fundraising. (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 1991.
33.  Rothschild M.L. Carrots, sticks, and promises: A conceptual framework for the
management of public health and social issue behaviors // Journal of Marketing. 1999. Vol. 63. No. 4. P. 24–37.
34. Sargeant A. Charitable Giving: Towards a Model of Donor Behaviour // Journal of Marketing Management. 1999. V. 15 (4). P. 215–238.
35. Sargeant A., Shang J.  Fundraising Principles and Practice. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Jossey-Bass, 2010.
36. Sargeant A., Shang J. Growing Philanthropy in the United States. Blacbaud Inc. 2011.
37. Sargeant A., Shang J., Shabbir H. The social marketing of giving: A framework for public policy intervention // Public Management Review. 2010. Vol. 12. No. 5. P. 635–662.
38. Sargeant A., Woodliffe L.  Building Donor Loyalty: The Antecedents and Role of Commitment in the Context of Charity Giving // Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. 2007. V. 18 (2). P. 47–68.
39. Sargeant A., Woodliffe L. Individual giving behavior: A multidisciplinary review // The Routledge companion to nonprofit marketing / Ed. by A. Sergeant, W. Wymer. London: Routledge, 2008. P. 117–151.
40. Sargeant A., Kähler J. Returns on Fundraising Expenditures in the Voluntary Sector // Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 1999. V. 10 (1). P. 5–19.
41. Scaife W.A., Williamson A, McDonald K. Who’s asking for what? // Fundraising and leadership in Australian nonprofits. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD. (In Press). 2013.
42. Schervish P.G. The new physics of philanthropy: The supply-side vectors of charitable giving / Presentation at the 13th Annual Symposium; Center on Philanthropy. Indianapolis: Indiana University, 2000.
43. Schulman K., Sargeant A. Measuring donor loyalty: key reasons why Net Promoter Score (NPS) is not the way // International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing. 2013. V. 18. P. 1–6.
44.  Siciliano J.I. The Relationship Between Formal Planning and Performance in Nonprofit Organizations // Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 1997. V. 7 (4). P. 387–403.
45. Song S., Yi D.T. The fundraising efficiency in U.S. non-profit art organizations: an application of a Bayesian estimation approach using the stochastic frontier production model // Journal of Productivity Analysis. 2011. V. 35. P. 171–180.
46. Srnka K.J., Grohs R., Eckler I. Increasing fundraising efficiency by segmenting donors, Australasian Marketing Journal. 2003. V. 11(1). P. 70–86.
47. Suárez D.F. Collaboration and Professionalization: The Contours of Public Sector Funding for Nonprofit Organizations // Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 2011. V. 21 (2). P. 307–326.
48.  Trussel J.M., Parsons L.M.  Financial Reporting Factors Affecting Donations to Charitable Organizations // Advances in Accounting. 2007. V. 23 (1). P. 263–285.
49. Vázquez R., Álvarez L.I., Santos M.L. Market orientation and social services in private non-profit organizations // European Journal of Marketing. 2002. V. 36 (9/10). P. 1022–1046.
50. Weinstein S. The complete guide to fundraising management // John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2009.



Public corporations enterprises as centers of scientific and innovative development of regions
Dmitrienko A.G., Doctor of Engineering Science, Director General of “NIIFI”, JSC
Belyakova V.A., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor

The present article is concerned with the problems of model choice for the innovative development of the country, them being particularly topical during the economic crisis. The main thing for the models of innovative development being discussed and used in the world practice is the search for centered growing points, where at maximum advantage one could combine managerial capabilities, resources potential and interests of everyone involved in the innovation process. The enterprises within such public corporations as ROSKOSMOS (the Russian Federation State Space Corporation), Rostec (the Russian Technologies State Corporation), ROSATOM (the Russian Federation National Nuclear Corporation) have been able not only to keep but also to increase their productive, technological, scientific and research capacities, that enables them to become centers of the innovative development.
Keywords: public/state corporations, regional clusters, innovative development, research-and-development activities.

1. Indikatoryi nauki: 2016: stat. sb. – M.: Natsionalnyiy issledovatelskiy universitet «Vyisshaya shkola ekonomiki», 2016. – 304 s.
2. Rossiya dolzhna stat nauchnoy sverhderzhavoy. Nevostrebovannost nauki - ugroza natsionalnoy bezopasnosti Rossii. Doklad na zasedanii Prezidiuma RAN direktora Instituta SShA i Kanadyi RAN, chlena-korrespondenta RAN S.M. Rogova. – URL: Data obrascheniya: 11.04.2016.
3. Issledovatelskie universitetyi SShA: mehanizm integratsii nauki i obrazovaniya. – M.: Magistr, 2009. - 399 s.
4. Analiz mirovogo opyita v upravlenii i finansirovanii nauchnyih issledovaniy. Data obrascheniya: 08.04.2016
5. Data obrascheniya: 15.05.2016
6. Zinov V. Korporativnyie innovatsii v Rossii: mifyi i realnost. Indikatoryi nauki: 2016: stat. sb. – M.: Natsionalnyiy issledovatelskiy universitet «Vyisshaya shkola ekonomiki», 2016. – 304 s.
7. Platonov V. Oboronka perehodit v nastuplenie. Rossiyskaya biznes-gazeta - URL: Data obrascheniya: 25.05.2016.
8. Surtaeva O. S. Sovershenstvovanie integratsionnyih protsessov v malom predprinimatelstve. Diss-iya na sois. uch. st., k. e. n. po spetsialnosti 08.00.05 – Ekonomika i upravlenie narodnyim hozyaystvom (ekonomika predprinimatelstva). M.: 2014 g.
9. Lenchuk E.B., Vlaskin G.A. Klasternyiy podhod v strategii innovatsionnogo razvitiya zarubezhnyih stran. - URL: Data obrascheniya: 11.05.16.
10. Rotkevich E. Ekspert na primere «Sapsanov» ob'yasnil, pochemu klasteryi v Rossii ne pomogayut v razvitii tehnologiy. URL: Data obrascheniya: 11.05.2016.
11. Doklad ob itogah deyatelnosti Rospatenta v 2015 g.  Data obrascheniya: 25.05.2016
12. Ofitsialnyiy sayt kompanii AO «NIIFI» - URL: Data obrascheniya: 16.05.2016
13. Ofitsialnyiy sayt Tsentra klasternogo razvitiya Penzenskoy oblasti. Data obrascheniya: 15.05.2016.

The supply chain management of products in the Orenburg regional`s market of sugar
Berezhnaya L.Y., lecturer, Department of public and municipal administration and management, Orenburg state university
Gubanenkov E.V., manager at the territory of LLC “GC “Rusagro”, a subdivision in Orenburg

The article deals with current issues of supply chain management on the example of large enterprises for the production and sale of sugar. Disadvantages of the existing supply chain preventing the development of distribution of this enterprise. As the main option for improving supply chain proposed opening a logistics centre on the territory of the Orenburg region. Reviewed and analyzed accommodation options and logistics center, as well as selected the best of them.
Keywords: logistics, supply chain management, regional market logistics center.

1. Forrester Dzh. Osnovy kibernetiki predpriyatiya (industrial'naya dinamika). – M.: Progress, 1971.
2. Gasparyan V. Evolyuciya cepochek postavok. URL =70865 (data obrasheniya: 21.12.2015).
3. Supply Chain management at 21: The hard road to adulthood. URL, section «content» (data obrasheniya: 21.12.2015).
4. Tan K.C. A framework of supply chain management literature // European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management. – 2001. – № 7. – P. 39–48.
5.  Chen I., Paulraj A.  Towards a theory of supply chain management: the constructs and measurements // Journal of Operations Management. – 2004. – № 22. – С. 119–150.
6. Hanf '., Dautcenberg K. , Gagalyuk T. , Belaya V. Setevoi podhod k upravleniyu cepyami postavok: ponyatiya, krug problem i napravleniya razvitiya. // Rossiiskii zhurnal menedzhmenta, 2009. – № 7 (1). – S. 43-68.
7. Giyunipero L., Huker R., Dzhozef-Met'yuz S. ,Yuun T. , Bradvig S. Desyat' let issledovanii v sfere upravleniya cepyami postavok: proshloe, nastoyashee i vyvody dlya budushego. //. Rossiiskii zhurnal menedzhmenta, 2011. – № 9 (2). – S. 59-92.
8. Tyapuhin A. P. Logistika. - M.: Yurait, 2015.

The restructuring of modern business: a stakeholder approach
Bikeeva M.V., Ph. D. in Economics (Candidate of economic sciences), assistant professor of the “Chair of Statistics, Econometrics and Information Technologies in Management”, Mordovia N.P. Ogarev State University

The study materials are a continuation of series of articles devoted to the problems of restructuring of modern business. The main reason for the surge of attention to these issues is the need of systematization of the results of the theory of restructuring in the light of the need for new concepts of effective business strategies to dramatically and rapidly changing conditions of competition in the economy of the XXI century. The aim of the study is to develop an approach to business restructuring in the context of the theory of interest groups. A systematic approach is the basis of interaction of business with stakeholders. The result of the restructuring transformations is a long-term development of the enterprise on the basis of mutually beneficial relations with stakeholders in the framework of a long-term partnership.
Keywords: business restructuring, integrated marketing, interest groups, stakeholderst approach.

1. Zub A.T., Panina E.M. Antikrizisnoe upravlenie organizaciej: Uchebnoe posobie. - M.: ID FORUM: NIC Infra-M, 2013.
2. Balashov A.P. Teoreticheskie osnovy restrukturizacii organizacii: ucheb. posobie. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Vuzovskij uchebnik: INFRA-M, 2016.
3. Belyh L.P. Restrukturizaciya predpriyatij: ucheb. posobie dlya studentov vuzov, obuchayushchihsya po ehkonomicheskim special'nostyam / L.P. Belyh. – 2-e izd., dop. i pererab. – M.: YUNITI-DANA, 2007.
4. Bikeeva M.V. Sistematizaciya nauchnyh vzglyadov na restrukturizaciyu predpriyatiya. Problemy sovremennoj ehkonomiki, 2011. № 2. S. 139-142
5. Bikeeva M.V., SHCHennikova I.S. Celostnyj marketing kak osnova restrukturizacii sovremennogo biznesa. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii sotrudnikov, aspirantov i studentov vuzov Rossii «Sovremennyj marketing na rossijskih predpriyatiyah: problemy i perspektivy». Sbornik nauchnyh statej. – Ekaterinburg: UrFU, 2013.
6. Bikeeva M.V. Tipologiya zainteresovannyh grupp biznesa Sistemnoe upravlenie. 2016. № 1 (30). S.6
7. Zaharov V.YA. Antikrizisnoe upravlenie. Teoriya i praktika: ucheb. posobie dlya studentov vuzov, obuchayushchihsya po special'nostyam ehkonomiki i upravleniya (060000) / V.YA. Zaharov, A.O. Blinov, D.V. Havin. – M.: YUNITI-DANA, 2007.
8. Ivanova I.A., Bikeeva M.V. Ocenka ehffektivnosti restrukturizacii biznesa i ego social'noj otvetstvennosti: sovremennyj metodologicheskij podhod. Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2015. №1. S.89-96
9. Mazur I.I. Restrukturizaciya predpriyatij i kompanij / I.I. Mazur, V.D. SHapiro i dr. Spravochnoe posobie / Pod red. I.I. Mazura. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 2000.
10. Bikeeva M.V. Sovremennaya model' ehffektivnogo biznesa: monografiya / M.V. Bikeeva, N.YU. ZHukova, O.S. ZHukovec i dr. / Pod obshch. Red. S.S. CHernova. – Kniga 9. – Novosibirsk: Izdatel'stvo «SIBPRINT», 2010.
11. Naumov V.N., SHubaeva V.G. Strategicheskoe vzaimodejstvie rynochnyh sub"ektov v marketingovyh sistemah: Monografiya  – M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2015.
12. Vdovin       S.M. Strategicheskoe partnerstvo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo universiteta: realii i perspektivy: monografiya / S.M. Vdovin, T.A. Salimova, N.D. Gus'kova i dr. –  Saransk: Izd-vo Mordov. un-ta, 2014.
13. Tompson A.A. Strategicheskij menedzhment. Iskusstvo razrabotki i realizacii strategii. / A.A. Tompson, A. Dzh. Striklend. Per. s angl. Pod red. L.G. Zajceva, M.I. Sokolovoj. – M.: Banki i birzhi, YUNITI, 1998.
14. Kozhevina O.V. Upravlenie izmeneniyami: Uchebnik. - 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2016.

Stratagem development of customer-oriented high schools
Demenenko I.A., senior lecturer of sociology and management Belgorod state technological university. V.G. Shukhov

This article was prepared with the financial support of the RHRF and the Government of the Belgorod region. Grant « Formation of the Customer-Centric Organizational Culture of the University as a Factor of Effective Social and Economic Development of the Region» № 16-13-31002 (head – Shavyrina I.V).

The article discusses the genesis of their client-oriented nature of higher education as factor of increase of competitiveness of the university on the educational services market. The author substantiates the necessity of change organizational forms of institutions of higher education in conditions of modernization of the education system. Offers application-oriented mechanisms of interaction between higher education institutions with external customers, to improve the competitiveness of the university, its image and brand, as well as the development of business partnerships.
Keywords: customer focus, competitiveness, University, business environment, modernization of the education system.

1. GuleyI.A., ShavyrinaI.V. Sociokul'turnaja model' razvitija organizacionnoj kul'tury vuza v uslovijah povyshennoj konkurencii vypusknika // Menedzhment v Rossii i zarubezhom. 2015. № 5. - S. 91-96.
2. Baharev V.V. Guzairov V. Sh. Socializacija studencheskoj molodezhi: mezhkul'turnye aspekty // Social'no-gumanitarnye znanija. 2012. № 8. S. 20-26.
3. Guley I.A., Papanova O.A. Organizacionnaja kul'tura kak marketingovyj aktiv konkurentosposobnosti vuza // Vestnik Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnologicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Shuhova. 2014. №4. S. 197-200.
4. Efimova I.N. Analiz motivacii abiturientov pri vybore vuza (na primere Nizhegorodskoj oblasti) // Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz. 2011. № 6. S. 38-45.
5. Grinkrug L.S., Vasilenko V.S. Obnovlenie obrazovatel'noj sistemy vuza: model' vzaimodejstvija s vneshnej sredoj // Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz. 2011. № 3. S. 31.
6. Avilova Z.N., Gulei I.A., Shavyrina I.V.Formation of the Customer-Centric Organizational Culture of the University as a Factor of Effective Social and Economic Development of the Region // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, June 2015. Vol. 6. No 3. P. 207-216.
7. Gulei I.A., Smolenskaya O.A., Shavyrina I.V., Shapovalova V.A. Conceptual bases of formation client-oriented organizational culture of the high school // Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. 2015. Vol.6. No. 3. P. 551-559.



Regional problems of social and economic policy in the sphere of human resources management (on the example of Krasnodar krai)
Lopatina I.Y., cand.econ.sci., associate professor of the management department of the Russian Economic University of G.V. Plekhanov, Krasnodar department
Khokhlova T.P., cand.econ.sci., associate professor of the management department of the Russian Economic University of G.V. Plekhanov, Krasnodar department

Analysis results of the condition and use of a manpower of one of the largest regions of the South of Russia – Krasnodar Krai are provided. The main regional problems of social and economic policy in the sphere of human resources management are revealed.
The author’s interpretation of concept regional social and economic policy is offered, criteria for evaluation of effective management of human resources at the subfederal level are allocated. Creation of interdepartmental body in structure of administration of Krasnodar Krai for the purpose of coordination of work of executive bodies, monitoring and attainment of strategic reference points is recommended.
The mid-term forecast of results of social and economic policy in the sphere of human resources management which can be used by territorial authorities of management for an assessment of prospects of social and economic development of the region is provided.
Keywords: human resources, region, social and economic policy, efficiency of management of human resources, Krasnodar Krai, forecast.

1. Avraamova E. M., Zherebin V. M. Ekonomicheskaya politika i sotsialnyie prioritetyi. – M.: ISEPN RAN, 2011.
2. Dmitrieva L. A., Ahmeeva V. I. Osobennosti sotsialnoy politiki v sovremennoy Rossii. – SPb.: Piter, 2013.
3. Aktualnyie problemyi usileniya sotsialnoy napravlennosti ekonomiki Rossii (voprosyi teorii i praktiki). – M.: INFRA-M, 2011.
4. Kristinevich S. A., Omelyanyuk A. M. Institutsionalnyie usloviya vosproizvodstva chelovecheskogo kapitala v inovatsionnoy ekonomike. – Brest: BrGTU, 2011.
5. Avagyan G.L., Saitova M.Yu., Saitov A.B. Sovremennyie podhodyi k opredeleniyu soderzhaniya ekonomicheskoy sistemyi regiona: elementyi novogo sinteza // "Sfera uslug: inno-vatsii i kachestvo". 2011. - № 2. S. 4.
6. Byilkov V. G. Ekonomicheskie faktoryi upravleniya sistemoy regionalnogo ryinka truda // Ekonomika i upravlenie – 2013. – № 5 – S. 74-86.
7. Dovchenko Yu. V. Sravnitelnaya otsenka sotsialno-ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti razvitiya regionov Yuzhnogo federalnogo okruga Rossiyskoy Federatsii // Voprosyi statistiki. – 2014. – № 2. – S.48-52.
8. Kofanov A.A., Goretskaya E.O. Strategicheskie napravleniya regionalnogo raz-vitiya Rossii. – Krasnodar: Diapazon-V, 2016.
9. Novitskiy N. R. Region: politika, upravlenie, ekonomika // Vserossiyskiy ekonomich-eskiy zhurnal. – 2012. – № 2. – S. 35-40.
10. Frolov V. L. Perspektivyi regionalnoy sotsialno-ekonomicheskoy politiki. – Spb.: Neva, 2013.
11. Trud i zanyatost v Krasnodarskom krae: Statisticheskiy sbornik / Krasnodarstat. – Krasnodar, 2015.
12. Sotsialnaya sfera i uroven zhizni naseleniya Krasnodarskogo kraya 2014: Statistich-eskiy sbornik / Krasnodarstat. – Krasnodar, 2015.
13. Zakon Krasnodarskogo kraya № 1465-KZ. O strategii sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Krasnodarskogo kraya do 2020 goda. Prinyat Zakonodatelnyim Sobraniem Krasnodarskogo kraya 16.04.2013.

Strategic planning councils: some peculiarities of formation
Semenov A.V., post-graduate student of department of state and municipal government, Stolypin Volga Region Institute of Administrsation – branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

The paper deals with the problem of strategic planning process. The aim of the study is to consider the representation structure in Strategic Planning Councils. The author used logical, comparative and systematic methods. The result is a comparative analysis of the representation structure in Regional Strategic Planning Councils. The author offered optimal correlation government, business and scientists representatives of based theory of Adizes.
Keywords: public management, strategic planning, interaction government and population, representation, strategic planning council, effectiveness of public administration.

1. Adizes I.K. Razvitiye liderov: Kak ponyat` svoy stil` upravleniya i effektivno obshchatsya s nositelyami inykh stiley. / Per. s angl. – M.: Alpina Business Books. 2008.
2. Adizes I.K. Upravleniye zhiznennym tsiklom korporatsii. – M.: Bizneskom. 2010.
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5. Filimonova N.M., Rusanov R.Yu.  Razrabotka mekhanizma vzaimodeystviya organov gosudarstvennoy vlasti i obshchestva v protsesse strategicheskogo planirovaniya regional`nogo razvitiya // Voprosy ekonomiki i prava. 2011. № 7. S. 145-149.
6. Strategicheskoye upravleniye: region. gorod. predpriyatiye / OON RAN NIMB ; pod red. D. S. Lvova. A. G. Granberga. A. P. Egorshina. – M. : Ekonomika. 2004.
7. Semenov A.V. Transaktsionnyye izderzhki v strategicheskom planirovanii. // Materialy vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Upravleniye strategicheskim razvitiyem territorii»: sb. nauch. trudov. – Saratov : Povolzhskiy institut upravleniya im. P.A. Stolypina. 2016. – S. 189-191.
8. Federal`nyy zakon ot 28 iyunya 2014 goda №172-FZ «O strategicheskom planirovanii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» // SZ RF. 2014. № 26 (chast I). St. 3378.



Investing in innovation projects planning economic growth industrial corporation
Mezhov I.S., doctor of economic, professor, head of chair economics and industrial management, FGBOU VO Altai State Technical University
Dronova O.B., candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor, assistant professor of chair economics and industrial management, FGBOU VO Altai State Technical University
Machin K.A., candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of chair economics and industrial management, FGBOU VO Altai State Technical University

The article discusses the concept of innovation investment at the industrial enterprise, which takes into account the constructive-technological and competitive features of an innovative product. Process approach in this case allows you to keep the integrity of the production and economic system, contributing to economic growth by optimizing the operational and innovative processes. Factor Model of analysis and evaluation of economic growth allows to adjust and regulate the management of the strategic factor efficiency of industrial enterprises.
Keywords: investment, innovation, profitability, rent, process approach, the net present value, growth.

1. Аоki M. Firm in Japanese economy. - SPb.: Lenizdat, 1995.
2. Dronova O.B. Prognozirovanie pokazateley tovarov i uslug promishlennogo predpriyatiya v usloviyah primeneniya procesnogo podhoda // «Vestnik altaiskoy nauki» № 2.- 2015. – S. 138-145.
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6. Machin K.A. Adaptaciya promishlennogo predpriyatiya k economicheskoy dinsmike biznes-cikla na osnove mehanizma interaktivnogo planirovaniya // «Vestnik altaiskoy nauki», № 3-4. – 2015. – S. 348-359.
7. Machin K.A. (2015). Upravlenie economicheskim rostom promishlennogo predpriyatiya / / Issledovaniya molodih uchenih: economicheskaya teoriya, sociologiya, oyraslevaya i regionalnaya economika: sbornik statey konferencii molodih uchenih. – Novosibirsk : IEOPP SО RАN. – 2015. – S. 203-208
8. Mezhov S.I., Dmitriev D.A. (2010). Innovationniy process na  promishlennih predpriyatiyah: razvitie i ustoichivist // «Nauchno-tehnicheskie vedomosti. Ekonomicheskie nauki», № 3 (99).-  2010 . – S. 119-124.
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10. Оmае K. Mishlenie stratega: Iskusstvo biznesa po yaponski. - M.: Alpina Biznes Buks, 2008.
11. Polterovich V.M. Problemi formirovaniya nacionslnoy innovacionoy sistemi // «Economika i matematicheskie metodi», № 2 (45). – 2009. – S. 3-18.
12. Titova V.A. Strategicheskie imperativi innovacionnogo razvitiya promishlennih predpriyatiy / [Titova V.A, Mezhov S.I., Ljamzin O. L, etc.]. -  Novosibirsk: Izd-vo NGTU; M.: « Omega-l», 2010.
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14. Titov V.V., Mezhov I.S., Solodilov A.A. Proizvodstvenniy menedgment: osnovnie principi i instrumenti organizacionnogo razvitiya. – Novosibirsk : IEOPP SО RАN, 2008.
15. Tchernyshev S. Kremnistiy put i silikonoviy protez // «Expert» № 28. – 2010. – S. 58-60.
16. Chesboro G. Otkritie innovacii. – М.: Pokolenie, 2007.
17. Rajnert E. (2010). Zakritie uroki proshlih let // «Expert» № 1 (687). – 2010. -  S. 30-35.
18. Jaruzelski Barry, Dehoff Kevin. Profits Down, Spending Steady: The Global Innovation 1000 / / Strategy + business. - 2009. - № 57 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:  [Data obrashcheniya: 02.09.2016].
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Management activities of the organization as a combination of process control, knowledge and conditions
Dresvjannikov V.A., Doctor of Economics, the associate professor, head of sub-department of management, computer science and general humanitarian, The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (affiliated branch in Penza)

The article presents an approach to the management of organizational activities as a combination of three types of management: process, knowledge and condition. It is the author’s opinion, reduces risks, motivates staff and provides the most effective organizational performance.
Keywords:  organizational activities, process management, knowledge management, condition management, operating efficiency.

1. Dresvjannikov V.A., Chufistov O.E., Zubkov A.B. Menedzhment organizatsii (uchebnoe posobie). Saratov: Vuzovskoe obrazovanie, 2014. Rezhim dostupa: EBS «IPRbooks»
2. Dresvjannikov V.A. Ponjatie, soderzhanie, vidy i znachenie kategorii «sostojanie» v menedzhmente. Predposylki sozdanija teorii upravlenija sostojanijami //Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. № 4, 2016.
3. Piter Senge. Pjataja distsiplina. Iskusstvo i praktika samoobuchajuschejsja organizatsii. Olimp-Biznes, 2003 g.

Crowdfunding as a promising form of co-financing various  projects from the concerned public
Dolzhenko R.A., Doctor of Sciences (Dr.Sc.), associate professor of strategic marketing department, research fellow of centre for study of social organization of business, Higher school of Economics

The work is funded by The RF Ministry for Education and Science as a part of the State research program for Higher Educational Establishments, Altai State University, project № 2014/2-752.

The article describes the contents of crowdfunding, forms of various projects financing that involving the use of financial resources from the interest in the results of the project entities through a specialized crowdfunding platform. The features of crowdfunding in comparison with other technologies of crowd are studied.The possibilities and prospects for its use in modern societyare highlighted. The specific features of the experience of the implementation of crowdfunding through domestic crowdfunding platformare defined.
Keywords:  the collective interaction, crowd-technologies, crowdfunding, crowdfunding  platform.        

1. Kotljarov I.D. Jekosistema: novye sposoby vzaimodejstvija kompanii s rabotnikami, klientami i shirokoj publikoj // Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta jekonomiki i upravlenija. 2013. № 4. S. 54-68.
2. Patarakin E.D. Kul'tura 2.0 – sovmestnoe tvorchestvo i sovmestnoe issledovanie. // Obrazovatel'nye tehnologii i obshhestvo (Educational Technology & Society), 2010, № 2.  S. 302 – 315
3. Leimeister J.M. Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding, Crowdvoting, Crowdcreation. 388 – bis 392. St.Gallen, CH: Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management. 2012
4. Howe J. The Rise of Crowdsourcing, Jelektronnyj resurs. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija 01.08.2016)
5. Kleemann, F., Voß G., & Rieder K. (2008): Un(der)paid Innovators: the commercial Ut.ilization of Consumer work through Crowdsourcing. Vol. 4, No. 1, July 2008, 5–26.
6. Sooljattje A.Ju. Biznes-modeli na osnove mnogostoronnih platform: innovacii, revo-ljucionno preobrazujushhie biznes. // Menedzhment innovacij. 2011. №14 (2). S. 88–93.
7. Jablonskij S.A. Mnogostoronnie platformy i rynki: osnovnye podhody, koncepcii i praktiki // Rossijskij zhurnal menedzhmenta. 2013. №4. S.57-78
8. Hagiu A., Wright J. Multi-sided platforms // Harvard business school working paper. -2011. - №12 (October)].
9. Sedel'nikov S.R. Kraudfanding kak instrument finansirovanija startapov v Rossijskoj Federacii \\ Problemy sovremennoj jekonomiki. 2015. № 4 (56). S. 154-157.
10. Agrawal C., Catalini D., Goldfarb A. Offline Relationships, Distance, and the Internet: The Geography of Crowdfunding // National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA. 2011.

Index health organization: calcu lation
Nikishina V.B., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. Department of Psychology of health and correctional psychology Kursk State Medical University, Dean of the FPC
Lazarenko V.A., MD, Professor, Rector of the Kursk State Medical University
Petrash E.A., Ph.D., assistant professor of health psychology and correctional psychology Kursk State Medical University

The article presents the criteria for health organizations and the procedure for calculating the health index of the organization (IHO), defined as a measurable indicator of multifunctional, integrating a criterial content of organizational norms. Оrganizing health index characterizes the extent to which the organizational system of reference criterial values of span of control, integration, interoperability and standards promotion organization.
Keywords:  health index of organization, the rate of the organization, integration interaction, encouraging the organization of the norm.

1. Lazarenko V.A., Nikishina V.B., Zapesotskaya I.V., M.V. Medvedeva. Tekhnologiya otsenki effektivnosti vzaimodeistviya strukturnykh podrazdelenii vuza // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom – № 3–2014– S. 60-68.
2. Lazarenko V.A., Nikishina V.B., Petrash E.A. Kompetentnostnaya model' otsenki effektivnosti vzaimodeistviya strukturnykh podrazdelenii vuza // Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz. – 2014.– № 3. – S. 49-57.
3. Lazarenko V.A., Nikishina V.B., Medvedeva M.V., Zapesotskaya I.V. Effektivnost' vzaimodeistviya strukturnykh podrazdelenii vuza: tekhnologiya otsenki // Akkreditatsiya v obrazovanii. –2014.– № 71.– S. 38.
4. Eibl-Eibesfeldt I. Human ethology. – Chicago: Aldine, 1989 – 234 р.
5. Prigozhin A.I. Metody razvitiya organizatsii/ M.: MTsFER, - 2003. – s. 863.
6. Robert Bales. Studies in Social Interaction (with co-authors). – N.Y., 1955. Pр. 19–33.

Risk management educational organization based on self-assessment according to the criteria of the model excellence efqm
Pisarenko K.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, engineer of the Quality Department, associate Professor of сomputer Engineering and Engineering Cybernetics, expert of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development (AKKORK)
Bruhanov D.Y., Candidate of Economic Sciences, the head of quality, licensing and accreditation of the P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Safovov A.A., Candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, deputy director of the center of expert programs of the Russian Organization for Quality (ROQ), expert GRI G4
Kvitko V.Zh., the chief auditor of the integrated management system, deputy head of the Quality Department of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, expert of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development (AKKORK)

The article describes an approach to risk management using the EFQM Model and ISO 31000:2009 based on the experience of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University. Shows the relationship of risk management with the level of development of management systems and implementation of educational technologies.
Keywords: management, risk, quality assurance, project-oriented learning.

1. Method for Quality Improvement of Higher Education, TRIS EFQM model version 4.2, May 2003, TRIS-group.
2. Standarty i rekomendacii dlya garantii kachestva v Evropejskom prostranstve vysshego obrazovaniya ESG ENQA 2015.
3. Vsemirnaya iniciativa CDIO. Standarty: informacionno-metodicheskoe izdanie. – Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2011. – 17 s.
4. ISO 14001:2004. Sistemy ehkologicheskogo menedzhmenta. Trebovaniya i rukovodstvo po ih primeneniyu.
5. OHSAS 18001:2007. Sistemy menedzhmenta ohrany zdorov'ya i obespecheniya bezopas-nosti truda. Trebovaniya.
6. K.EH. Pisarenko, V.ZH. Kvitko Integrirovannaya sistema menedzhmenta v obrazova-tel'nom uchrezhdenii // «Kachestvo. Innovacii. Obrazovanie», №8, 2013, str. 3-9.
7. K.EH. Pisarenko, V.ZH. Kvitko EHkologicheskij menedzhment v obrazovatel'nom uchrezh-denii // Nauchnyj zhurnal NIU ITMO. Seriya «EHkonomika i ehkologicheskij menedzhment», №1, Sankt-Peterburg 2014. – 14 s.
8. K.EH. Pisarenko, V.ZH. Kvitko Primenenie standarta OHSAS 18001:2007 v processe podgotovki specialistov toplivno-ehnergeticheskogo i stroitel'nogo kompleksov // «Professional'noe obrazovanie v Rossii i zarubezhom», №3, 2014, str. 21-24.
9. K.EH. Pisarenko, V.ZH. Kvitko, EH.V. Pisarenko Integraciya menedzhmenta kachestva, ohrany okruzhayushchej sredy, zdorov'ya i obespecheniya bezopasnosti truda v obrazovatel'nom uchrezhdenii. // «Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom», №1, 2015, str. 105-113.
10. ISO 31000:2009. Menedzhment riska. Principy i rukovodyashchie ukazaniya.
11. Model' Sovershenstva EFQM 2013.
12. ISO 9001:2015. Sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva. Trebovaniya.
13. K.EH. Pisarenko Innovacionno orientirovannye programmy obucheniya – innovacionnoe razvitie obrazovatel'noj organizacii. // «Professional'noe obrazovanie v Rossii i zarubezhom», №1, 2014, str. 37-45.
14. K.EH. Pisarenko, EH.V. Pisarenko Upravlenie trebovaniyami rabotodatelej k kachestvu obrazovatel'nyh uslug. // «Kachestvo. Innovacii. Obrazovanie», №4, 2014, str. 25-31.
15. K.EH. Pisarenko, R.G. SHarafiev. Analiz i uluchshenie kachestva menedzhmenta vysshe-go obrazovaniya s pomoshch'yu Modeli delovogo Sovershenstva EFQM // Mezhdunarodnyj tekhni-koehkonomicheskij zhurnal №4, 2011, str. 62 – 67.



Methodical approach to the evaluation of human development in the context of globalization
Kuznetsova N.V., Doctor of Economic Science, Professor, Department of World Economy, School of Economics and Management, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia, 690950, Vladivostok City, Suhanova Str. 8
Kocheva E.V., PhD, Department of Business Informatics and Mathematic Methods in Economics, School of Economics and Management, Far Eastern Federal University, Russia, 690950, Vladivostok, Suhanova Str. 8

The results were achieved within the frameworks of the governmental assignment of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in the sphere of scientific research during the researching assignment № 26.1478.2014/K “The structural transformation of Russian Economy through the integration installation in the industrial markets of Asia-Pacific Region”.

The paper provides the methodical approach to the evaluation of human development in the context of globalization. In order to make a complex analysis of human potential the key zones of human development were selected. On the basis of the selected zones the groups of the limited indicators were chosen. Authors propose the integral index that characterizes human development according to the unity of the defining factors (Human Development Index (HDI)). The proposed methodical approach was tested and approved by the comparison of the largest countries of Asian Pacific Region with the most developed countries of European Union. The paper gives the clusterization of the mentioned countries on the basis of the indicators that define human capital.
Keywords: methodical approach, human capital, globalization, human development, rating, integral index, intellectual potential, clusters.

1. McCullox J.R. The Principles of Political Economy. Alex Murrey @ Son, 1870.
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11. Genisaretskyi O.I., Nosov N. A., Udin B.G. The Concept of Human Potential: main concepts // Human Potential: the experience of the complex approach. Edited by I.T. Frolov. – M.: Editorial, 1999.
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15. Human Development Report 2015: Workfor Human Development. – UNDP. New York. – 2015. 

Competitive intelligence: protection against targeted information distributed in social systems Social Network
Tumbinskaya M.V., Ph.D., assistant professor of information security systems, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev – KAI

Social Network Systems offers a wealth of information about users. This process is called exploration on the basis of public sources. Social Network User shall provide the information on criminals by publishing information about their workplace, place of study, talks about his interests through the list of pages and groups where he is, the records that he published, thereby providing significant information to intruders who organize targeted attacks on users with targeted information. In the formalized algorithm targeted dissemination of information in the Social Network systems, defined its parameters, the variation of which will detail the different attack scenarios. The technique of protection against targeted information distributed in Social Network Systems, Social Network recommendations for system users to protect against targeted information.
Keywords: competitive intelligence, Social Network, targeted information, an attacker, an attack scenario.

1. Zakablukovskij E.V., Gaponova O.S., Korshunov I.A. Korporativnye social'nye seti v sovremennom menedzhmente organizacii. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2015. № 1. S. 79-88.
2. Tumbinskaja M.V. Informacionnaja podderzhka pri obespechenii zashhishhennosti sistem internet-bankinga. // Nacional'nye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost'. 2015. № 15 (300). S. 48-58.
3. Jakimov I.M., Tumbinskaja M.V. Analiz sistem imitacionnogo modelirovanija biznes-processov. V sb.: Information Technologies for Intelligent Decision Making Support (ITIDS'2016). Proceedings of the 4th International Conference. 2016. S. 155-158.
4. Jashnikov A.Ju., Bolodurina I.P. Vyjavlenie liderov mnenij social'noj seti. Molodezhnyj nauchnyj forum: tehnicheskie i matematicheskie nauki. 2016. № 5 (34). S. 59-65.

The process of formation of quality of human resources at the university level
Masalova Y.A., Ph.D. in Economic sciences, Associate Professor of Labour Economy and Personnel Management Department in Novosibirsk State University of Economy and Management

Quality of human resources used by organizations recently given special attention. Purposeful formation of quality of human resources at the university must ensure that they meet the requirements of the activities. The article describes the process of the formation of the quality of human resources of the university.
Keywords: quality of human resources, professional standards, quality standards, University, human resources.

1. Masalova Y.A. Kahestvo heloveheskih resursov kak obekt upravleniy n sisteme vishego obrasovanij. // Izvestija Irkutskoj gosudarstvennoj ekonomicheskoj akademii. – Irkutsk, 2016. - № 1. - S. 107-114.
2. Masalova Y.A. Sistema upravlenij kahestvom heloveheskix resursov. // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Seriy ekonomika. – 2015. - № 1. - S. 81-85.
3. MasalovaY.A. Trebovanij k kahestvu heloveheskix resursov vuza. // Kadrovik. – 2016. - № 4. - S. 52-57.
4. Isaev A.P. i dr. Sertifikazij prepodavatelej universiteta na osnove ozenki nauhno-pedagogiheskix kompetenzij. Metodiheskoe pospbie. Ekaterinburg, Ajur, 2015.
5. SotnikovaS.I., KozlovaO.P. Strategicheskij podhod k upravleniju konkurentosposobnost'ju prepodavatelej vuza v innovacionnoj ekonomike // Izvestija Irkutskoj gosudarstvennoj ekonomicheskoj akademii. – Irkutsk, 2010. - № 2. - S. 90-93.
6. Sotnikova S.I. i dr. Upravlenie chelovecheskimi resursami v uslovijah reformirovanija sistemy obrazovanija. Novosibirsk, 2014. S.23-29.



Management in Russia and Germany: workplace management and тon-financial motivation in the structure of human resources management
Vardanyan I.S., PhD in economics, associate professor at the International Business Department of Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics

The article examines the differences in approach to non-financial motivation and characteristics of workplace management in Russia and Germany, as well as the impact of these features on the staff.
Keywords: non-financial motivation, human resources management, workplace management.

1. OgnetovaI.U. Rol motivacii personala v sisteme menedjmenta kachestva. // “Molodoy ucheniy” 2009. – № 6. – S. 44-47
2. Mordvin S.K. Motivaciya personala v Rossii. [Elektrony resurs]. – Rejim raboty:
3. Filina F.N. Motivaciya personala: naibolee effectivnye metody i sposoby stimulirovaniya sotrudnikov. - [Elektrony resurs]. – Rejim raboty:
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5. Ageeva E.D. Nematerialnaya motivaciya personala – sistema, sposoby, primery. [Elektrony resurs]. – Rejim raboty:

Non-standard approaches to the formation of a marketing strategy of the region: foreign experience
Lugovaya O.A., Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Volgograd Region, Russian Federation

This article focuses on corporate marketing and sports marketing, as an alternative mechanism of activation of regional development and formation of marketing strategy of the region. The experience and marketing strategy of Phoenix, Collier, Mississippiis detailed as an important example of the implementation of the marketing approach. The models and mechanisms for the implementation of corporate marketing (relationship marketing) and sports marketingare proposed, introduction to management practices in the Russian regions.
Keywords: regional marketing, marketing strategy of the region, territorial development, corporate marketing of the territory, sport marketing of the territory.

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