Management theory
Transactional approach to the study of effectiveness of the institutions of stimulating the innovative activity of economic agents
Islamutdinov V.F., PhD in economics, Head of the Departament of Economics, Yugra State University,
The paper examines the possibility of a transactional approach to the study and measurement of the effectiveness of institutions of stimulating institutions of the innovative activity of economic agents. The features and classification of transactions carried out in the framework of innovation are described. The classification of transaction costs in the field of innovation is carried out. It is shown that the estimation of the size of the transaction costs can not fully assess the effectiveness of stimulating institutions of the innovation activity of economic agents. The author's method of estimating the efficiency of stimulating institutions of innovation based on the concept of performance of the transaction is proposed. Possible ways to calculate the total effect from transactions is shown.
Keywords: transaction costs, innovative activity, effectiveness of institutions, performance of the transaction.
1. Syrov M.V. Optimizing the transaction costs of the innovation process. Abstract .... diss. Candidate. Econ. Science. - Moscow, 2006.
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5. Iskokov M.O. Assessment of transaction costs in corporate structures // Vector science TSU. № 2 (16), 2011. – S. 246-251.
6. Lebedev D.S. Methodological approaches to the identification and assessment of transaction costs in international trade // Bulletin of the Yaroslavl State University. PG Demidov. Number 14. Pp. 98-104.
7. Serebryakov F.A. Transaction costs of the Russian enterprise: factors and measurement. Abstract .... diss. Candidate. Econ. Science. - Rostov-on-Don, 2004.
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10. Islamutdinov V.F. Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the institutions of the innovative environment // Management in Russia and abroad. № 6, 2012. P. 7-15.
Management of knowledge generation processes at universities
Popov E.V., Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science , Director of the Economic Theory Center, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science,
Vlasov M.V., Phd of Economic Sciences, Senior research assistant, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RussianAcademy of Science,
In the present research the assessment of the dynamics of the quantitatively measured results of scientific activity of university divisions from dynamics of an expenditure of transactional means is presented. It is proven that transactional expenses define the productivity of the scientific activity of universities in the form of publication of scientific articles, registration of patents, participation in exhibitions and conferences. The hypothesis that the transactional speed of knowledge generation in the form of exponatny participation in exhibitions is proportional to the quantity of the business organizations created at educational institutes of university for the use of scientific development is empirically confirmed. It is shown that the transactional speed of generation of knowledge in the form of reports at scientific conferences is proportional to the volume of commercial development on one employee of educational institute.
Keywords: knowledge generation, transaction costs, articles, patents, reports.
1. Klyuev A.K. Nacional'nye universitety - novoe slovo v universitetskom stroitel'stve // Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz. 2006. № 1. S. 27-32.
2. Klyuev A.K. Programmy innovacionnogo razvitiya regiona i universitetov: poisk sootvetstviya // Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz. 2010. № 1. S. 30-34.
3. Kochetkov G.B. Mirovoi opyt organizacii nauki (na primere SShA) // Problemy prognozirovaniya. 2006. № 4. S. 145-161.
4. Krasnobaeva I.A., Platonova N.A. Formirovanie federal'noi seti nauchno-obrazovatel'nyh centrov v usloviyah integracii nauki i obrazovaniya // Servis v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2009. T. 5. № 15. S. 110-123.
5. Nait F. Risk, neopredelennost' i pribyl': per.s angl. M.: Delo.2003.
6. Popov E.V, Vlasov M.V, Veretennikova A.Yu. Funkcional'naya klassifikaciya transakcionnyh izderzhek // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. 2010. № 1. S. 55-62.
7. Popov E.V., Vlasov M.V., Veretennikova A.Yu. Integral'nyi pokazatel' prirosta znanii firmy // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2012. № 5. S. 104-111.
8. Popov E.V., Vlasov M.V., Veretennikova A.Yu. Institucional'noe proektirovanie generacii znanii hozyaistvuyushimi sub'ektami // Zhurnal ekonomicheskoi teorii. 2012. № 3. S. 71-84.
9. Popov E.V., Vlasov M.V., Veretennikova A.Yu. Skorost' prirosta znanii organizaciei // Ekonomicheskii analiz: teoriya i praktika. 2012. № 18. S. 2-11.
10. Popov E.V., Vlasov M.V., Orlova H.V. Vydelenie transakcionnyh izderzhek v buhgalterskoi otchetnosti akademicheskih institutov // Finansy i kredit. 2010. № 17. S. 7-11.
11. Popov E.V., Vlasov M.V., Orlova H.V. Vliyanie transakcionnyh izderzhek na rezul'tativnost' nauchnoi deyatel'nosti // Ekonomicheskii analiz: teoriya i praktika. 2010. № 19. S. 21-24.
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19. Popov E.V., Vlasov M.V. Dependence of research productivity on transactional costs // Actual problems of economics. – 2012. – № 5 (131). – Pp. 438–448.
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Management of the logistics system on the basis the organization theory laws
Tyapukhin A.P, Head of the Management Department of Orenburg State University, Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Syundyukova T.V., Senior teacher of the Management Department of Orenburg State University,
The article contains the theoretical foundation of the use of organization theory laws in the management of the logistics system and includes the classification of these laws and their basic components, and also sequence and algorithm of the implementation of these laws in the management of the logistics system.
Keywords: logistics, system, law, organization theory
1. Tyapuhin A. P. Logistika: uchebnik. – M.: Yurait, 2012. – 568 s.
2. Akimova T. A. Teoriya organizacii: uchebnoe posobie. – M.: «Yuniti», 2003. –367s.
3. Teoriya organizacii: ucheb. dlya vuzov / pod red. V. G. Alieva. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M.: Ekonomika, 2003. - 431 s.
4. Bogdanov A. A. Tektologiya. Vseobshaya organizacionnaya nauka. Pod red. L. I. Abalkina, A. G. Aganbegyana, D. M. Gvishiani, A. L. Tahtadzhyana, A. A. Malinovskogo. - M.: Ekonomika. 1989. Kn. 1 – 304 s., Kn. 2 – 351 c.
5. Dul'shikov Yu. S. Teoriya organizacii: uchebnik. - M. : RAGS, 2009. - 192 s.
6. Ivanova T. Yu., Prihod'ko V.I. Teoriya organizacii: uchebnik. - M. : KnoRus, 2007. - 384 s.
7. Lapygin Yu. N. Teoriya organizacii: uchebnoe posobie. – M.: INFRA-M, 2007. – 311 s.
8. Latfullin G. R., Raichenko A.V. Teoriya organizacii: uchebnik.- 2-e izd., dop. i pererab. - SPb. : Piter, 2008. - 464 s.
9. Mil'ner B. Z. Teoriya organizacii: uchebnik.- 8-e izd., pererab. i dop. - M. : INFRA-M, 2012. - 810 s.
10. Semikov V. L. Teoriya organizacii: uchebnik. – M.: Akademiya GPS MChS Rossii, 2003. – 220 s.
11. Smirnov E. A. Teoriya organizacii: ucheb. posobie. - M. : INFRA-M, 2000. - 248 s.
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13. Shemetov, P. V., Petuhova S.V. Teoriya organizacii: ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov. - 7-e izd., ster. - M. : Omega-L, 2013. - 275 s.
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15. Shalamov, O. V. Formirovanie sistemy upravleniya ustoichivym razvitiem promyshlennyh predpriyatii (na primere mashinostroeniya): avtoreferat diss- kand. ekon. nauk. – Samara: SGEU, 2013. - 23 s.
16. Tyapuhin, A. P. Proizvodstvennyi menedzhment: uchebnoe posobie. – SPb.: GIORD, 2008. – 384 s.
Strategic management
The development of the industrial multi-level structures: adaptation of corporations
Pustylnik P.N., Phd of Engineering Sciences, Phd of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Foundations of production department, Russian State Pedagogic University by Gertsen A.I.,
The article presents the development of the industrial multi-level structures in the Russian Federation on the basis of the centralization of management of production. It is shown the change of the management system of the industrial enterprises, which manufactures products for production purposes, after their entry in a corporation. The influence of the globalization on management of industrial corporations is shown.
Keywords. Industrial multilevel structure, structured organization, cluster, the technological platform.
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3. About organizational measures on transformation of state enterprises, voluntary associations of state enterprises into joint-stock companies» (together with «Regulation for the commercialization of state-owned enterprises with a simultaneous transformation into joint-stock company of open type»): the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 1, 1992. № 721 // Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. – 1992. – № 1. – article 3.
4. On the establishment of financial-industrial groups in the Russian Federation: the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from December 5, 1993. № 2096 // Collection of acts of President and Government of the Russian Federation. – 1993. – № 49. – article 4766.
5. On the Program for the promotion of the formation of financial and industrial groups: the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 16, 1995. № 48 // collected legislation of the Russian Federation. – 1995. – № 4. – article 311.
6. Pustylnik P.N. The Information-Logistical Aspect of Economical System’s Management in the Transitional Economy // Scientific-technical Bulletin of Saint Petersburg state Polytechnical University. – 2007. – № 4 (52). – P.17-21.
7. Annual report. 2006 year. OJSC Machine-building concern «ORMETO-YUMZ». URL: (the date of the link: 03.04.2013).
8. Report of JSC «Izhorskiye Zavody» about industrial and economic activities. 2009 year. – Saint-Petersburg, Kolpino, 2010. – 118 p.
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Industry-specific characteristics of strategic alliances
Kuznetsova N. V., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of World Economy, School of Economics and Management Far Eastern Federal University,
The article examines factors that motivate companies to join strategic alliances. It is shown that the factors appear in the analyzed industries in varying degrees. Industry-specific characteristics of strategic alliances are examined, and their development trends in specific industries are registered. The article includes examples of strategic alliances between companies and the review of goals of cooperation within strategic alliances in basic industries. It is proven that companies that originate in U.S.A., countries of West Europe, and Japan, create a dominant number of strategic alliances.
Keywords: strategic alliances, high-technology industries, industry-specific characteristics, knowledge-intensive and capital-intensive industries, alliances’ goals, concentration, distinctive features of strategic alliances, trends, Russian companies, cooperation, investments, international cooperation.
1.Karasuk E. Velvet competition [Electronic resource] Secret of a firm. 2004. №4(43). URL: (date viewed: 18.10.2012).
2. Garrette B., Strategic alliances: translated from English / Garrette B., Dussauge P. – M.: INFRA-M, 2002. 331 с.
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4. Harvard Business Review on Strategic Alliances.//Boston: Harvard Business School Press. 2002. 224 p.
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6. Koroleva E.V. Strategic alliances: foreign experience and Russian distinctions // Russian foreign economic bulletin. 2009. № 5. С. 3-13.
Tax control of business activity: quality, quantity, culture
Pechenegina T. A., Phd of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Department of the Economic theory, FGBOU VPO "Perm National Research Polytechnical University", Russia, Perm,
Fukalova Yu. Graduate student of the Humanities faculty FGBOU VPO "Perm National Research Polytechnical University", Russia, Perm,
Authors of the article tried to consider the tax control of business activity from the point of view of factors of culture, quality and quantity. The dynamics of administrative punishments of businessmen of the tax checks revealed at carrying out is investigated. Recommendations for a better and more cultural tax control are offered.
Keywords: business; culture of business; tax control; tax checks.
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Model unified operational management production of various types
Konovalova G.I., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics, Production Management Bryansk State University of Technology,
The model of a single operational management system of production that does not depend on the type of production and the length of the production cycle of manufacture is described.
Keywords: model, a unified system, the type of production cycle of the product.
1. Konovalova, G.I. Kontseptual'naya model' sistemy sbalansirovannogo upravleniya promyshlennym predpriyatiem / G.I. Konovalova // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – M., 2012. – №.1. – S. 120-127.
2. Konovalova, G.I. Model' integrativnogo mekhanizma planirovaniya na promyshlennom predpriyatii / G.I. Konovalova // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – M., 2012. – №3. – S. 109 – 117.
3. Sokolitsyn, S.A. Organizatsiya i operativnoe upravlenie mashinostroitel'nym proizvodstvom/ S.A. Sokolitsyn, B.I. Kuzin. – L.: Mashinostroenie, 1988.
4. Fal'ko, S.G. Ekonomika i organizatsiya proizvodstva / S.G. Fal'ko – M.: Izd-vo MGTU im N.E. Baumana, 2009.
5. Frolov, E.B. Operativno-kalendarnoe planirovanie i dispetchirovanie v MES-sistemakh / E.B. Frolov, R.R. Zagidullin // Stanochnyy park – M.: 2008. - №11. – s. 22-27.
Program Management of Strategic Changes - an innovation in the management
Astafyeva L.I., Citigold Portfolio and Business Development Manager, ZAO KB “Citibank,” Moscow, Russia,
In the article on the basis of experience of CB “Citibank” is considered, as for creation of long-term strategic advantage in the segment of privileged clients of the bank, it used the Program of Strategic Changes Management as an innovative tool of management.
Keywords: program management of strategic changes, program management office, financial indexes.
1. Brown James T. The handbook of Program Management: how to facilitate project success with optimal program management. The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2007.
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3. Zabrodin Yu.N., Mihailichenko A.M., Saruhanov A.M., Shapiro V.D., Ol'derogge N.G. Upravlenie investicionnymi programmami i portfelya proektov. M.: «Delo», 2010 g. str. 276-277.
4. The Project Management Office (PMO): A Proven Method for Increasing Project Success
5. Organizing the Optimal PMO
The definition of compromise in choosing effective solutions stakeholders in the restructuring of industrial enterprises
Lukyanova M.A., Senior Lecturer of the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University,
Bolonicheva T.V., Phd of Economic Sciences, docent of Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University,
When choosing a method of restructuring the organizational structure of enterprises it is often not enough to consider only one stakeholder. In this paper we prove the necessity of integration and coordination between different interests in the restructuring process.
Keywords: restructuring, stakeholders, coordination of interests, the scheme of compromise
1. Urlov F.F. Metodi i modeli v ekonomike, ychebnik. NGTY, N.Novgorod, 2010 – 243 s.
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Concerning the question of performance assessment at art institutions
Shekova E,L., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of International and Strategic Management Department, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University,
The article is devoted to the different approaches to the definition and assessment of the art institutions’ performance. Special attention is paid to the application of the Balanced Scorecard to the performance assessment in the arts and culture, as well as its implementation steps specific to the needs of a separate art institution. In the end there is an example of the Balanced Scorecard designed for the Hermitage Museum.
Keywords: performance, art institution, Balanced Scorecard
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Assessment of investment projects by means of alternative methods (a Monte Carlo method, creation of a tree of decisions and real options)
Fedorova E.A., Doctor Economic Sciences, Professor Financial Management of the Financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation,
Shapovalova V.A., Senior Accountant of LLC Delta ("Klarus Trading" Autotechnical center),
Consider alternative approaches to the evaluation of investment projects: the Monte Carlo simulation modeling, the construction of a decision tree, the use of the Black Scholes option pricing model. A comparative analysis of conventional and alternative methods of evaluating investment projects with a concrete example is performed. The efficiency of the considered methods for deeper analysis of investment projects is proven. Recommendations about the application of various evaluation methods of cost efficiency of investment projects are made.
Keywords: Real option valuation, investment project, investitions, Black-Scholes model, Monte-Carlo modeling, decision tree.
1. Julian Rosh. Stoimost’ kompanii: ot jelaemogo k deistvitel’nomy, Grevtcov Publisher, 2008 г., 352 pp.
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3. Miller L., Bertus M. License valuation in the aerospace industry: A real options approach//Review of Financial Economics. – 2005. – № 14. – Р. 225–239.
4. McIntyre D., Chintakananda A. A real options approach to releasing “network” products//The Journal of High Technology Management Research, Volume 24, Issue 1, 2013, p. 42–52.
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6. Monias-Barroso M., Balibrea-Iniesta J. Valuation of projects for power generation with renewable energy: A comparative study based on real regulatory options//Energy Policy, Volume 55, April 2013, p. 335–352.
7. Nishihara M. Real option valuation of abandoned farmland//Review of Financial Economics, Volume 21, Issue 4, November 2012, p. 188–192.
8. Guimar es Dias M. A. Valuation of exploration and production assets: an overview of real options models,//Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 44, Issues 1–2, 31 October 2004, p. 93–114.
9. Budylin M.A. “Teoria realnyh optcionov v otcenke posledovatelnyh proectov” .Vestnik Sibirskogo Gosudartvennogo Aerocosmicheskogo Universiteta im. Akademika Reshetova, № 1 (2009), str. 181-185.
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11. Limitovsky M.A. Investitcionnie proecty I realnye optciony na razvivaushihsia rynkah. – M.: Delo, 2004.-528 pp.
Motivational orientation in the system of career management in the public service
Vyrupaeva T.V., Phd of Economic sciences, Lecturer of the Management chair, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk;
In this article are considered the importance of career management in correlation with the labor motivation and is proposed the model of career management. On the basis of the analysis of different approaches to the career typology of employee are proposed: the career profile of public employee, the principles of elaboration, are characterized the possibilities of the practical application in the process of career management in public service.
Keywords: motivational orientation, career profile of public employer, model of career management.
1. Vesnin V.R. Upravlenie personalom: teoriya i praktika M., 2011.
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The possibilities of motivation of the participants of crowdsourcing project
Dolzhenko R. A., Ph.D Economic sciences, Assistant Professor of Economics, Sociology, Labor and Personnel Management, Altai State University,
The article discusses the possibilities of motivation of the participants of a crowdsourcing project. It describes those aspects of crowdsourcing that enhance or reduce the quality of the joint activities of people involved in such projects. The different aspects of motivation of the crowdsourcing projects participants are considered. The directions of motivation of participants in internal and external crowdsourcing projects are considered.
Keywords: сrowdsourcing, the motivation of the participants of crowdsourcing, information panels, contests of crowdsourcing.
1. Dolzhenko R. A. Kraudsorsing - novaya forma organizacii trudovoi deyatel'nosti v kommercheskom banke// Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom – 2012. - № 5. - S. 98-103.
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7. Gartner Says By 2015, More Than 50 Percent of Organizations That Manage Innovation Pro-cesses Will Gamify Those Processes [electronic resource]. URL:
System of emotional monitoring as a tool of management efficiency increase.
Khlevnaya Е.А. Phd Economics, Department of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production Russian Economic Academy of G.V. Plekhanov,
Kiseleva T.S. Phd Economics, Managing Director of the International center «KTK»,
Myl'nik A.V. Chief Economist International center «KTK»,
The article considers the problem of the increase of management efficiency. The author's development - the system of emotional monitoring (SEM), the main purpose of which is the systematic comprehensive monitoring of the emotional state of staff of the organization, with the subsequent analysis of the results of the monitoring to identify the relationship between the emotional state of the employees and the degree of achievement of assigned to them by the key performance indicators of their activities. The content of the concepts of: emotions monitoring, emotions, adversely affecting the effectiveness of the activity, emotions, having a positive impact on the effectiveness of the activity, emotions, which have a negative and a positive effect.
Keywords: system of emotional monitoring (SEM), the effectiveness, emotional intelligence
1. Izard K. Emocii cheloveka. - SPb.: Piter, 2012
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6. Mayer J. D., Salovey P., Caruso D. R. Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) User’s Manual. – Toronto: Multi-Health Systems, 2002.
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Improvement of the mechanisms of efficiency assessment of investment programs in the Belarus electricity sector
Prusov S.G., Head of DPB EPD RUE «Vitebskenergo»,
Article is devoted to the necessity of changing the approach to the evaluation of the effectiveness of investment projects in the electric power industry of the Republic of Belarus within the framework of comprehensive investment programs.
Keywords: investment project, a comprehensive investment program, electric power, comparative equivalent annual annuity.
1. Guidelines for the assessment of the effectiveness and development of investment projects and business plans in the power industry at the stage of investment proposals (typical examples) /JSC RAO «UES of Russia», GOU VPO «Ankh [collective of authors under the editorship. S.K. Dubinin, M.A. Limitovski]. -M.: Goo - 2008.
2. Padalko, L.P., Yancevich I.V. Methods of evaluation of financial and economic efficiency of investment of energy objects: Educational-methodical manual on Dipl design for students in special. 1-43 01 06 «energy-Efficient technologies and energy management and 1-27 01 01 «Economics and organization of production (energy)» – Mn.: BNTU, 2003.
3. Prusov, S.G. The mechanism of evaluation and ranking of investment projects in power industry / economy Modernization, economic institutions and systems of state regulation Monograph. / Ed. by. A.A. Bykov and M.I. Nozdrina-Carpenter - Minsk: Misanta, 2012.
Event tourism as the basis of the formation of the tourism traffic in Kazakhstan
Shayekina Zh. M., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Marketing Chair, Karaganda Y.A.Buketov State University,
In this article the current state of event tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan is described. The results of the survey conducted to identify the awareness of the Kazakhstan population about the events and assessing the demand of event tourism. In particular are analyzed the major event-related activities carried out in Kazakhstan - the 7th Asian Winter Games, the presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the international exhibition EXPO-2017 and others. The factors impeding the development of event tourism, as well as proposed measures for its improvement in Kazakhstan are summarized.
Keywords: tourism, event, event tourism, Kazakhstan, EXPO-2017, the 7th Asian Winter Games, the Organization of the Security and Cooperation in Europe.
1. Babkin A.V. Special'nye vidy turizma: ucheb. рosobie. – Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2008. – s. 186.
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7. Koncepciya razvitiya turistskoi otrasli Respubliki Kazahstan do 2020 goda. – Astana – 2013 g.
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Discussion club
The questions of management adequacy to modern economic reality: the root causes and basic tendencies
Bondarenko V.A., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Marketing Advertising Department in Rostov State Economic University,
The author on the basis of a historical and economic analysis establishes the reasons of the ineffectiveness in applying the universal principles of management under the Russian national conditions. The author demonstrates the existence of a paradox, when a more efficient corporate management leads to a reduction in consumption due to the decrease of the solvent demand in national and supranational entities.
Keywords: management, joint management, the principle of personal devotion, extended consumption, modern economic realities
1. Klyuchko V.N. Motivation management: back to Marx // Management in Russia and abroad. 2013. №1. P. 122.
2. Vavilov S.Y., Khachaturov AU Strategic planning as a long-term program of development and adaptation of key competence of the company // Management in Russia and abroad. 2013. №1.
3. Aristotle. Policy.The science of control by the state. / Saint Petersburg - M : Terra Fantastica, 2003. - 864 P.
4. Platon. State / translation by N. Karpova. - Ed. 4-E. Moscow. 2012. – 531p.
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10. Bondarenko V.A. Problems of formation and efficiency of modern marketing-management in Russia // Practical marketing. 2010. №6.
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12. Ilovaisky D. I. Formation Of Russia. M: AST, Astrel, 2005. - 864 P.
13. SolovievS.M. Look at the history of establishment of the state order in Russia beforePeter the Great Reading and stories on the history of Russia. M., 1989.P. 201-203.
14. Galbraith J. K. Economic theory and goals of the society. M, 1964.P. 166.
15. Tompson J.D. Organizations in Action. NY, 1967.P. 100.
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18. Parsons T. Structure and Process in Modern Societies. Glencoe. 1960.
19. Mockler R. J. Situational Theory of Management // Harvard Business Review, 1971, №3. P. 146.
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21. Bakhoor A.V. Features of national management /Management in Russia and abroad. 2005. №5.
22. Boncharuk V.A. Mentality and development strategy of Russian business // Source -
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Organizational systems: metrology of productivity and innovative principles of management
Demidov I.P., Phd of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of chair Accounting, Finance and Banking, Kazan institute (branch) of Russian Economic University G.W.Plekhanov Plehanоvа,
The article considers the issues of estimation of the efficiency of organizational systems on a myriad of heterogeneous and diverse indicators. The formation of new principles of management, which are universal and apply to any managed multi-organizationaltion objects and processes.
Keyword: principles management, modeling, measuring, tracking mode
1. Demidov Ya.P., Matveev A.P. Kriterii garmonizacii. Opyt obosnovanii i primenenii. Zh. Pribory i sistemy upravleniya. №1, M., 1990: Mashinostroenie, s.41-44.
2. Demidov Ya.P. Institucional'naya ekonomika. Principy i tehnologiya sistemnyh izmerenii. – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2013.- 358 s.
3. Shabanova L.B., Demidov Ya.P. K voprosu vybora novoi paradigmy ekonomiki // Ekonomicheskii analiz (teoriya i praktika), №15(270) – 2012, s.2-8
Functional model of communication in realtor activity
Chibikova T.V., PhD historical sciences, Associate Professor, Omsk State Technical University,
In article the functional model of communication proposed by M. Meskon and the model of the economic system of H.B. Svintitsky are considered. The author uses this complex model for the analysis of real-estate activity in the modern market. Factors influencing the system of communications of the real-estate agent are described.
Keywords: communication, realtor, real estate market
1. Meskon M.H., Al'bert M., Hedouri F. Osnovy menedzhmenta: Per. s angl.- M.: «Delo», 1995.
2. Metelev S.E., Kos'min A.D., Svintickii N.V. Vektory razvitiya funkcional'nogo upravleniya organizacii.- M.: ZAO «Izd-vo "Ekonomika"», 2009.
3. Chibikova T.V., Svintickii N.V. Funkcional'naya model' kommunikacii v ramkah ekonomicheskogo processa // Problemy ekonomiki, organizacii i upravleniya v Rossii i mire. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii. 20 dekabrya 2012 g. - Praga, 2013. - S. 521-526
4. Propp O.V. Vzaimodeistvie sfery vysshego obrazovaniya i regional'nogo rynka truda na osnove kompetentnostnogo podhoda // Rossiiskoe predprinimatel'stvo. – 2011. – № 10 – 2. –S. 38–42.
Short essays
Assessment of the mortgage potential of regional housing market
Simonova N. Graduate Student of Finance and Credit Volga V.N.Tatischeva University (Institute), mortgage
Mortgage potential, as an indicator of the level of security of the regional housing market mortgages to manage not only its further development, but the entire social infrastructure of the region. Therefore, an important challenge is the formation of a mortgage potential assessment.
Keywords: credit potential, mortgage potential, potential mortgage index
1. Burdyak A.Ya. Izmerenie potenciala razvitiya ipoteki kak sochetaniya potrebnostei, vozmozhnostei i namerenii domashnih hozyaistv // Novye social'nye tehnologii.-2012. – №16
2. Eroshenkov K.M. Formirovanie mehanizmov upravleniya regional'nym potencialom ipoteki: Avtoref kand.ekonom.nauk. Institut ekonomiki i social'nyh otnoshenii, Moskva, 2008.
3. Ivanova D.G. Investicionnyi potencial ipotechnogo zhilishnogo kreditovaniya // Ekonomicheskie nauki. –2011. –№5
4. Levina L.I. , Ivashkov A.O. Tipologiya rossiiskih regionov po urovnyu vozmozhnosti v sfere razvitiya ipotechnogo zhilishnogo kreditovaniya // Vestnik Volzhskogo universiteta im.V.N. Tatisheva. Seriya «Ekonomika».-2011.-№24
5. Nikolaev S.V. Eshe raz o «Dostupnom i komfortnom zhil'e – grazhdanam Rossii» //