Naturalistic concept of management
Minaev George A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Financial and legal University,
Shibalov Konstantin V., Post-graduate student of the Moscow Financial and legal University,
This article discusses the possibility of applying for naturalness in management.
Keywords: management, security.
1. Hegel . Works . - Moscow: Science , 1956.
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Risks and chances: decision making under uncertainty of the future
Madera A.G., SRISA RAS, Chief of department, Doctor of Science, Professor,
When people make a decision, they are oriented primarily on dividends and profits (chances) which are promised by this decision and in the last instance – on the difficulties (risks) that may be encountered on the way to their goal. In other words future chances are the motivation that drives the activities and possible risks are warnings about the dangers. Therefore, for making science-based decisions it is necessary to evaluate chances and risks in equal measure. In this paper we develop a method of decision making under uncertainty and actualization of the set of possible chances and risks in future. The method is based on the prediction and assessment of the future states of nature, chances and risks. To make the best decision a complex criterion and a diagram of chances and risks, are introduced. An application of the proposed method is considered in the example.
Keywords: decision making, chances, risks, subjective probabilities, quantitative measures, criteria, diagram of chances and risks.
1. Madera A.G. Modeling and Decision for Management (3-d ed.). – Moscow: URSS, 2013
2. Moore J.H., Weatherford L.R. Decision modeling with Microsoft Excel (2-d ed.). – New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001
3. Madera A.G. Risks and chances: uncertain, forecasting and evaluation. – Moscow: URSS, 2014
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6. Madera A.G. Method to predicting the probabilities of future consequences by decisions at indefinite conditions // Management in Russia and Abroad Journal, ¹ 6, 2012. P. 21 – 29
7. Keynes J.M. The general theory of employment, interest and money. – Moscow: Gelios ÀRV, 2012
8. Carnap R. Philosophical foundations of physics. – Moscow: URSS, 2008
9. Philosophy of mathematics and engineering. – Moscow: Academic Proect, 2006
The competitive behavior of firms under the conditions of hypercompetition
Taranukha Y.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economic Theory, Faculty of Economics Lomonosov Moscow State University,
The article investigates the specifics of the firm’s new behavioral paradigm caused by the transition to hypercompetition. Based on the analysis of changes in modern competition, the author shows that there is a transition to a new form of competition – the struggle for market leadership. By analyzing the characteristics of this form of struggle, the author analyses the principles of firm behavior and how the struggle for leadership works.
Keywords: hypercompetition, competitive behavior, the struggle for leadership.
1. Aveni d’ R. Hypercompetition: Managing the Dynamics of Strategic Maneuvering. – N.Y.: The Free Press, 1994.
2. KristensenK.M. Dillema novatora: kogda novye tekhnologii privodyat k provalu vydayuchshykhsya kompaniy. M.: Alpina business books, 2004.
3. Tszen Min, Williamson P.G. Drakon u dverey. M – SPb.: Vershina, 2009.
4. Wiersema F. The Discipline of Market Leaders: Choose Your Customers, Narrow Your Focus, Dominate Your Market. Basic books. 1995.
5. Braun M. Hyperkonkurentsiya: kharakternye osobennosti, dvizhuchshie sily I upravlenie. // Problemy teorii I praktiki upravleniya. – 1998. – N 3.
6. Moore J.F. The Death of Competition: Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems. Harper Business. – N.Y, 1996.
International standard ISO 31000-2009 “Risk management. Principles and guidelines”
Pletneva N.P., Assistant Professor of Production Management, Mordovian State University,
Sazhina N.S., Assistant Professor of Statistics, Mordovian State University
The purpose of this article is to comment the international standard ISO 31000-2009 which enables organizations to establish risk management process.
Keywords: risk, risk management, risk assessment, risk treatment
1. ISO31000 «Risk management – Principles and guidelines». – First edition 2009-11-15.
Management of public-private projects in housing and public utilities
Fedorova E.A., Professor of Financial management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
Gurina V.A., Specialist on the Stocks certificates ARIVA.DE AG,
Dovjhenko S.E, Post-graduate student of Saint Petersburg State University, specialization “Economical Cybernetics”,
In this study, based on analysis of 67 PPP projects in the field of housing and communal services, factors influencing the effectiveness of attracting private investors into the sector are discussed. Using econometric modeling proved that the venue, duration of the project, as well as the participation of the Investment Fund adversely affect the attraction of investors to the project, and the type of the legal form (JSC), the presence among members of foreign investors, as well as the amount of total investment in the project positively affect it. The results can be used for effective project management GSP.
Keywords: PPP, mathematical modeling, financial and economic performance of the company, effective PPPs, housing and public utilities.
1. Fandel G., et al., Measuring synergy effects of a Public Social Private Partnership (PSPP) project. International Journal of Production Economics (2012),
2. Belyi E.M., Vershinin Yu.V. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo v sfere zhilishnyh uslug: opyt i problemy funkcionirovaniya // Vestnik SAMGUPS – 2010. – ¹ 3. – S. 14–18
3. Naumova S.A. Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo v social'no-kul'turnom servise i turizme // Izdatel'stvo Tomskogo politehnicheskogo universiteta – 2003
4. Fond sodeistviya reformirovaniyu ZhKH [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
5. Oficial'nyi sait Gubernatora Tul'skoi oblasti Vladimira Gruzdeva [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
6. Fedorova E.A. Dovzhenko S.E., Gurina V.A. Analiz faktorov vliyayushih na effektivnost' razvitiya gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva v Rossii. //Finansovaya analitika: problemy i resheniya – 2013. – ¹ 13, S.2 – 15 // Daidzhest-finansy – 2013. – ¹ 5 (221)., S.39 – 51
7. Fedorova E.A. Dovzhenko S.E., Gurina V.A. Opredelenie faktorov, vliyayushih na effektivnost' razvitiya gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva v Rossii. // Audit i finansovyi analiz – 2013. – ¹ 13, S.412-421
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Features of the development of business structures in trade
Chkalova O.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Chair Commercial activity in trade and catering, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod,
The author picked out the differentiating parameters of retail formats and presents their classification. The article shows that the development of geographically grouped retail formats such as shopping complexes, shopping centers and malls is not adequate to the modern regulatory framework which formally assigns them to the medium and large, and in practice – to small.
Keywords: shopping centers, shopping complexes, malls, classification, small and medium-sized retail formats.
1. FZ «O razvitii malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva v Rossiiskoi Federacii» –
2. GOST R51303-99. Torgovlya: terminy i opredeleniya. – M.: Gosstandart Rossii, 2000.
3. Chkalova O.V. Torgovoe delo. M.: – FORUM: INFRA, 2013.
Cargo transportation method selection in freight forwarding company management
Tyapukhinà A.G., Orenburg State University, Post-graduate student 080200.68 Management, Masters program “Logistics Management in Supply Chains”, ,
Kurlykova A.V., Orenburg State University, Associate Professor of Management, PhD in Economics, ,
The article explains the importance and the necessity of cargo transportation method selection in freight forwarding company management. Cargo transportation methods are proposed in accordance with the selected classification definitions. These cargo transportation methods are also defined and characterized. The algorithm of cargo transportation method selection has been developed in accordance with the client’s needs and capacity of the freight forwarding company.
Keywords: freight forwarding company; cargo transportation methods; management.
1. Kurlykova AV, Tyapukhinà A.G Manage freight forwarding company based logistics approach / AV Kurlykova, AG Tyapukhin // Management: scientific research and development. – 2013. – ¹ 1. – P.67 – 71.
2. Lomtev A. Herald ECC APIC : Functional areas of logistics. Of transport and forwarding function / / World climate. – 2011. – ¹ 72. – Mode of access :
3. Yeldash G. parties and the content of the contract of carriage of goods / G. Yeldash - Mode of access:
4. Hadjinsky AM Logistics: Textbook for higher and secondary specialized educational institutions . 19th ed . / Hadjinsky AM – M.: Dashkov and K, 2010. .
5. Alesinskaya TV Fundamentals of Logistics . Functional areas of logistics management -ray / TV Alesinskaya. – Part 3. Taganrog: Tsure in 2010.
Forecasting as the method of improving of the enterprise's products demand planning
Glushkov A.M., Lead Engineer of LLC “Uralgiprotrans” Yekaterinburg,
Sokolova O.G., Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management of the Ural State Mining University, Yekaterinburg,
This paper is about the necessity of products demand forecasting as a method of improving the planning system considering the interaction and interdependence of organizations in supply and various factors chain; there are distinguished the main methods of forecasting and the most appropriate one is proposed – this is the method of multiple regression considering such factors, as the main customer’s income of the analyzed organization and factors, which affect this income.
Keywords: forecasting, planning, demand, trend forecasting method, r egression and correlation analysis, tracking signal.
1. Kozlovskiy V. A., Makarina T. V., Makarov T. M. Proizvodstvenniy i operatsionniy menegement. Uchebnik – SPb: “Spetsial’naya literatyra”, 1998.
2. Tsikli politicheskogo razvitiya: prognosticheskiy potentsial (sbornik stateiy) / Otv. red. – V. I. Pantin, V. V. Lapkin. – M.: IMEMO RAN, 2010.
3. Osnovnie finansovo-ekonomicheskie pokazateli po itogam raboti OAO “Uralgiprotrans” za 2011 god, g. Ekaterinburg, 2012.
4. – Ofitsial’niy sait Ministerstva finansov R. F.
5. – Ofitsial’niy sait OAO “RJD”.
6. Cheiz R. B., Jeikobz F. R., Akvialano N. J. – Proizvodstvenniy I opertsionniy menegement, 10-e izdanie. – M.: OOO “I. D. Wiliyams”, 2007.
Corporate reporting: searching of quality data source
Dzuba Sergey, Doctor of Science, Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, Irkutsk State Technical University, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Economics, Irkutsk State University,
Corporate financial reporting is a valuable research material presented in the form of open data sources. It is published on the websites of companies and is represented in the specialized search financial systems. This paper presents comparative data quality analysis of these sources. It is found that the search systems have a poor quality of data and the data on the companies’ websites are very dispersed. In the context of quality is considered the problem of corporate reporting correction.
Keywords: corporate reporting, open data sources, quality of data sources.
1. Sharpe W. Capital asset prices: A theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk // Journal of finance. 1964. 19(3) p. 425-442.
2. Fama E., French K. Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds // Journal of financial economics. 1993. 33(1) p. 3-56.
3. Li Z., Shroff P., Venkataraman R. Zhang I. Causes and consequences of goodwill impairment losses. Review of Accounting Studies, 2011, 16(4), 745-778.
4. Ohlson J. Earnings, book values, and dividends in equity valuation // Contemporary accounting research. 1995. 11(2) p. 661-687.
Management of logistics flows based on Japanese technology: experience of the application of tools of kanban in a Russian company
Sazonov A.A., Director of Logistics LLC Repair and Construction Company «Triess»,
Schumaev V.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Management and Marketing of S.Y.Witte Moscow University.
The experience of application of the tool Kanban Toyota production system in a Russian company, especially the functioning of the logistic process of delivery of the products from the warehouse to the workplace.
Keywords: Experience in the use of Kanban, the logistic process, in-plant logistics.
Modern view of knowledge management in the organization: from theory to tools and technologies
Malichenko I.P., Ph.D. the Department of Human Resource Management Southern Federal University, the head of the publishing department publishing house “Phoenix”,
The improvement and transformation of forms of competition in a globalized market initiated the revision by organizations of the paradigms used for managing the transition from the technocratic style to sociohumanitarian theories of human resource management focused on the effective management of all aspects of intellectual capital that can now significantly increase the company’s market capitalization. Under this concept is presented a practical approach to building real system knowledge management as a necessary condition to maintain competitiveness by the domestic companies. In the article the integrated tools and technology management and knowledge sharing aimed at information accumulation of knowledge from internal and external sources, providing continuous access to knowledge, as well as dissemination and sharing are systematized.
Keywords: intangible assets, knowledge management, explicit and implicit knowledge, corporate education, corporate university, the transformation of knowledge, tools, and knowledge management technology, network structure of knowledge management, learning organization.
1. Afanas'ev D.V. Korporativnye universitety: k probleme opredeleniya i klassifikacii // Korporativnyi universitet: issledovaniya, konsalting, obuchenie. – 2006.
2. Klimov S.M. Intellektual'nye resursy organizacii. – SPb.: IVE-SEP; Znanie, 2000. – S. 53
3. Kolosova O. Kak podgotovit' kompaniyu k upravleniyu znaniyami // Korporativnyi universitet. Yanvar'-fevral' 2008. ¹ 10. – S. 14 – 21.
4. Korchagin Yu.A., Malichenko I.P. Investicii i investicionnyi analiz: uchebnik – Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2010.
5. Malichenko I.P. Strategicheskoe upravlenie innovacionnym razvitiem rossiiskih kompanii v usloviyah formirovaniya «ekonomiki znanii» // Nauchnyi aspekt ¹3. 2012. – Samara: izd-vo OOO «Aspekt», 2012. – 38 – 44 s.
6. Malichenko I.P., Bortnik E.M. Adaptaciya institucional'nogo podhoda k regulirovaniyu finansovogo rynka i formirovaniyu «ekonomiki znanii» // «Nauchnyi aspekt» ¹1. 2013. Samara: izd-vo OOO «Aspekt», 2013.
7. Marinicheva M.K. Upravlenie znaniyami na 100%: Putevoditel' dlya praktikov. M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2008.
8. Upravlenie znaniyami v innovacionnoi ekonomiki: Uchebnik. M.: Ekonomika, 2009.
9. Upravlenie znaniyami: Hrestomatiya. 2-e izd. Pod red. T.E. Andreevoi, T.Yu. Gutnikovoi. Vysshaya shkola menedzhmenta SPbGU. SPb.: Izd-vo «Vysshaya shkola menedzhmenta», 2010.
10. Kelly Ê. New Rules for the New Economy. Ten Radical Strategies for a Connected World. N.Y., 2008.
Production quality management on the basis of Toyota system
Lazarev S.V., Research Scientist at the Institute of Machines Science named after A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS,
Omel'chenko I.N., Doctor of Science in Technology, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
Komarova S.G., Phd of Engineering sciences, Associate Professor of D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia,
Nevmyatullina Kh.A., Phd of Engineering sciences, Associate Professor of D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia,
A comparative analysis of the principles of the Toyota Production system and Dr. E. Deming theory is provided in article. Similar and different principles are founded. The structure of the production quality management system is created on the basis of the analysis.
Keywords: production quality management system, Toyota production system, Deming theory, lean management.
1. Dzhordzh S., Vaimerskirh A. Vseobshee upravlenie kachestvom. SPb: Viktoriya plyus, 2002.
2. Laiker D. Dao Toyota: 14 principov vedushei kompanii mira. M: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005.
3. Deming E. Vyhod iz krizisa. Tver': AL'BA, 1994.
4. Masaaki I. Kaidzen: klyuch k uspehu yaponskih kompanii. M: Al'pina Pablishers, 2011.
5. Ono T. Proizvodstvennaya sistema Toioty: uhodya ot massovogo proizvodstva, M. Institut kompleksnyh strategicheskih issledovanii, 2008.
Assessment of the netreprise resources management efficiency on the basis of a dynamic standard construction
Borisenko E.E., Senior Teacher of the Zaporozhye National Technical University,
Nechayeva I.A., Phd Economics, Associate Professor of the Zaporozhye National Technical University,
In the article is grounded a method of enterprise resource management efficiency on the basis of a dynamic standard construction.
Keywords: productive resources, management, efficiency, dynamic standard.
1. Ekonom³ka p³dpriºmstva: P³druchnik / Za S.F. Pokropivnogo. – Vid. 2-ge., pererob. ta dop. – K.: KNEU, 2001.
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Mathematical model of a manager’s efficient power
Pavel Mikhnenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head, Management and Strategic Management chair, “Synergy” University, Moscow,
The employee motivation profile and manager power profile are analyzed. A mathematical model is proposed to assess the efficiency of the manager’s power profile in the context of its adequacy to the employee or group work motivation profile. An example of calculation is given.
Keywords: Authority, influence, motivation, stimulation, model, matrix.
1. Mad'jarov A.A. Jevoljucija metodov menedzhmenta: tendenciigumanizacii. // Vos'moj Mezhdunarodnyj nauchnyj kongress «Rol' biznesa v transformacii obshhestva». M.: MFPU «Sinergija», 2013.
2. Mihnenko P.A. Teorija menedzhmenta: uchebnik – M.: MFPU «Sinergija», 2012.
3. GerchikovV.I. Upravleniepersonalom: rabotnik – samyjj effektivnye resurs kompanii. M.: INFRA-M, 2008.
4. GerchikovV.I. Tipologicheskaj akoncepcijatrudovoj motivacii (chast' 1) // Motivacijaioplatatruda. 2005. ¹ 2, s. 53-62.
5. GerchikovV.I. Tipologicheskaj akoncepcij atrudovoj motivacii (chast' 2) // Motivacijai oplata truda. 2005. ¹ 3, s. 2-6.
6. Mihnenko P.A. Princip raspredelennoj otvetstvennosti v sisteme organizacionnyh izmenenij. // Ekonomicheskij analiz. Teorijai praktika. ¹23 (188), 2010, s. 47-58.
7. Mihnenko P.A. Ekspertnye ocenki. // Novosti menedzhmenta, ¹5, 2010, s. 5-14
Assessmnet of organization efficiency through value measurement of intellectual capital
Gribov P.G., PhD in Economics, senior lecturer of «Management Organization», MSIU,
This article is devoted to the study of the relationship between the organizational performance and the value of its intellectual capital. Completeness of use of intellectual resources, and the management of intangible assets in general are excellent indicators of organizations effectiveness and especially – active in high-tech industries. A new perspective on intellectual capital as a tool for costs reduction, as well as an approach, justifying the possibility of measuring efficiency in terms of intellectual capital. A measurement of the latter by means of mathematical methods is proposed
Keywords: organization efficiency, costs, intellectual capital, Weibull distribution, innovation.
1. Roos G. «Managing intellectual capital in practice», 2010.
2. Stewart T.A. «Intellectual capital. The New Wealth of Organization», 2007.
3. Lukitcheva L.I, « Managing intellectual capital», 2009.
4. Brooking A. On the Importance of Managing Intangible Assets as Part of Corporate Strategy. The Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Intellectual Capital. – Portugal, 2010.
5. Pulic A. The Principles of Intellectual Capital Efficiency – A Brief Description. – Zagreb, 2008.
Specificities of managing administrative hr`s work in universities
Rubina M., Ph.D.(econ), Moscow University of Industry and Finance “Synergy”,
Currently, the Russian system of HR management in universities is just beginning to develop. Especially important is the theme of organizing high-quality work of administrative HR. This article grounds a new classification of administrative personnel, describes the specificities and difficulties of management functions implementation relative to this group of personnel, such as planning, organization, motivation and control, as well as the management actions such as personnel hiring, its use development and termination of employment relations.
Keywords: management of the university`s administrative staff, quality of education, quality of university’s staff work.
1. Garanrii kachestva professionalnogo obrazovaniya / Sbornik metodicheskih materialov, tezisov I statey uchastnikov foruma. Tom 1. M.: RAGS, 2010
2. Building bridges: Making sense of quality assurance in European, national and institutional contexts. Hoståd by university Claude Bernardly on 1, France [Elektronnyi resurs]. 2011. Rezhim dostupa:
3. Ob utverzhdenii polozheniya o poryadke attestacii rukovoditelei gosudarstvennyh obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenii goroda Moskvy. Prikaz Departamenta obrazovaniya g. Moskvy ot 72 ot 27 yanvarya 2011 g. [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:;base=MLAW;n=125521.
4. Prilozhenie k Prikazu ob utverzhdenii polozheniya o poryadke attestacii rukovoditelei gosudarstvennyh obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenii goroda Moskvy. Departament obrazovaniya g. Moskvy ¹ 72 ot 27 yanvarya 2011 g. [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:;base=MLAW;n=125521
5. Edinii kvalifikazionii spravichnik dolshnostei rukovodotelei, spezialistov i stuzashih, razdel Kvalufukazionnie harakteristiki dolshnostei rukovoditilei I spesialistov vischego professionalnogo I dopolnitelnogo professionalnogo obrazovanija [prikaz ministerstva zdravoohranenija I sozialnogo razvitija ot 11 janvarja 2011 g.] [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:;base=LAW;n=112416
6.Struktura gosudarstvennogog universiteta upravleniya [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
7. Struktura Tomskog Politehnicheskogo universitets [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
8. Struktura Nazionalnogo issledovatelskogo universiteta «Vicshaja shkola ekomomiki» [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
9. Departamenti Moskovskogo finansovo promishlennogo universiteta «Ñèíåðãèÿ» [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
10. Magura M. I., Kurbatova M. B. Chemu i kak uchit' rukovoditelei [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
Stimulation of top-manager’s work as a factor of increased unit performance
Dolzhenko R.A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics, Sociology, Labor and Personnel Management, Altai State University,
The article examines the possibility of building an incentive system for a top-manager, which links his reward with the division performance. Provides a mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of key performance indicators, priority projects and extent of the managerial competence of the top-manager. The possibilities of using assessment results when calculating the size of the salary of the top-manager are described.
Keywords: incentive system of leader, bit system, salary, normative coefficients of awarding, competency assessment, priority projects of the leader (BPD), key performance indicators (KPI).
1. Upravlenie trudovym kollektivom (social'no-psihologicheskie faktory optimizacii) / Otv. red. K.K. Grishenko, N.A. Sakada. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1988.
2. Popov D.E. Motivaciya rukovoditelei kak faktor vypolneniya strategii predpriyatiya // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2003. ¹ 3. – C. 56-74
3. Odegov Yu. G., Kotova L.R.Ocenka effektivnosti deyatel'nosti i formirovanie oplaty na osnove sistemy KPI (Key Performance Indicators) // Normirovanie i oplata truda v promyshlennosti. – 2011. ¹2. C. 24-32