Contents of N3/2014

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Contents of N3'2014


Dynamic transformation of the theory of strategic management
Trifonov Y.V.Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Dean of the Faculty of Economics,  Doctor of Economics, Professor
Veretennikova A.A.Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Postgraduate student

The article analyzes the development patterns of strategic management theory. All methodological approaches to strategy development are classified as classic and contemporary, characteristic of the new technological order. Root development competencies and Blue Ocean Strategy are studied under the latter model. The conclusion is formulated that the combined use of classical and modern approaches to development strategy seems much more efficient than use of each separately.
Keywords: strategic management tools, economy of knowledge, core competencies, blue ocean strategy.

1. Katkalo V. (2002). The theory of strategic management: stages of development and the basic paradigm // Scientific Reports Center Management and Institutional Research, Faculty of Management, St. Petersburg State University: Publisher "Peace and family".
2. Porter M. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. 1 edition. - New York: Free Press, 1998. 
3. Prahalad С.К., Hamel G. Strategic Intent // Harvard Business Review. – 1989. 
4. Christensen K., Raynor M. Addressing innovation in business. - Moscow: Alpina Business Books, 2004
5. Teece D.J. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.
6. Prahalad K, Ramaswamy V. Future competition. Create a unique value with customers. - Moscow: Olimp-Business, 2006.
7. Kim W. Ch., Mauborgne R. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant. - Moscow: Н1РРО, 2005.
8. Methods and tools of portfolio analysis // The electronic library of MSU. URL:
9. Atkinson, J., Wilson J. Strategic Marketing: situations, examples. Moscow: UNITI-DANA, 2001.
10. Trifonov Y., Skarzhevskaya T. Managing the development of business economics. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publisher NNGU, 2005.
11. Management of innovative business development: modern strategies // Department of Economics Faculty of Economics of Innovation of Lomonosov Moscow State University URL:Управление%20инновационным%20развитием%20бизнес_современные%20стратегии.pdf.
12. Popov S. Actual concept of strategic management for the modern Russian companies. - Moscow: Yurait, 2013. 
13. Prahalad СК., Hamel G. The Core Competence of the Corporation // Harvard Business Review. 1990. Vol.68. N 3. - P. 79-91.
14. Popov S. Competitive strategy is based on the root of competences // Economic strategies. 2010, No 11. - P. 69-78. 
15. Cherkashenko V., Marshukova N., Zinkevich V. Current state of strategic management: "fiasco" and the micro search for a new paradigm? // Newsletter Financial Information. 2005, No 2-3 (117-118). - P. 29-35.
16. Innovative development: economy, intellectual resources, knowledge management / ed. B. Milner. - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2010.
17. Trifonov Y., Gorbunova M., Ananev F. Strategic management in a market economy. - Nizhny Novgorod: Publisher UNN. 2003

Methods of regional investment assessment and forecasting in the integration model
Alabugin A.А.Doctor of Economics, Professor of the International Management Department, the South Ural State University
Kochegarova L.G. Teacher of the Economics and Project Management Department, the South Ural State University

This article describes the process of creating a forecasting investment model based on investment potential and investment risk including the concentration of the investment market. The value of investment potential and investment risk are formed on the basis of individual criteria according to their importance. The importance of the criteria is determined by evaluating the correlation of these factors with the value of foreign investments. The results can be considered in the development of measures to attract foreign investment at the regional level.
Keywords: investment attractiveness, investment potential. investment risk, regional investment, market concentration, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index.

1. Alabugin A.A., Kochegarova L.G. The concept and principles of the regional investment management // News USUE. – 2013. - № 5. - P. 87-91.
2. Hannanov K.M. The competitiveness of the region: problems of analysis and evaluation // Management in Russia and Abroad. – 2012.  - № 4. – P. 25-34.
3. Website of the rating agency "Expert RA" URL: 
4. Etkin D. (2011). The rating estimation methods of the investment climate regions // Social policy and social partnership. – 2011. - № 9. - pp. 66-70.
5. Tihomirova I.V. The investment climate in Russia: regional risks, Moscow: Izdatcenter, 1997.
6. Marchenko G., Machulskaya O., (1999). The study of the investment climate regions of Russia: problems and results. Economic issues, № 9, pp. 69-79.
7. Kochegarova L.G. (2013) Formation of the Statistical Model to Assess Foreign Investment Attractiveness of the RF Subjects. Upravlenets, № 4, pp. 48-53.

Essence of the uncertainties from the viewpoint of innovative entrepreneurship
Mosalev A.I.PhD, Associate Professor of Economics., Murom Institute of Vladimir State University n. a. A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs

The problem of innovative entrepreneurship development in Russia is given special attention because of its existence and development can solve the problems of employment, enhance innovation and high technology development, in the macroeconomic context – improve the competitiveness of the country as a whole. Despite significant programs to support small and medium-sized businesses at the level of the Russian Federation and at the country level in general there are few significant results, moreover, if one studies in detail the functioning of innovation-oriented companies, there are significant difficulties in terms of tracking their activities.
This article suggests that the main obstacle is the successful development of the set of uncertainties. The issues of uncertainties management in innovative business through the autopoesis systems are considered.
Keywords: uncertainties, innovative entrepreneurship, internal environment, external influence, Autopoiesis.

1. Mosaljov A.I. Formirovanie sistemy razvitija innovacionnoj sostavljajushhej v jekonomike Rossii // Sovremennaa ekonomika: problemy, tendencii, perspektivy. 2010. №3. S. 19-44.
2. Federal'nyj zakon «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty RF po voprosam sozdanija bjudzhetnymi nauchnymi i obrazovatel'nymi uchrezhdenijami hozjajstvennyh obshhestv v celjah prakticheskogo primenenija (vnedrenija) rezul'tatov intellektual'noj dejatel'nosti» ot 24 ijulja 2009 goda № 217-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2009 g. № 31.
3. Bohn R.E. Measuring and Managing Technological Knowledge // Sloan Management Review. – 1994. – № 36. – P. 61–73.
4. Sawyer R.K. Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation. – New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. – P. 15.
5. Wittgenstein L. Some Remarks on Logical Form // Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. – 1993. – № 9. – P. 162–171.
6. Weise P., Kraft M. Minsky's View of Fragility: A Game Theoretic Interpretation // Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. – 1981. – Vol. 3, № 4. – P. 519–527.
7. Mosaljov A.I. Processnye innovacionnye proekty v razvitii organizacii // Sovremennaa ekonomika: problemy, tendencii, perspektivy. 2011. №4. S. 73-79.
8. Graham P. Want to start a startup? // Paul Graham. URL: (дата обращения: 02.02.2014).
9. Luman N. Ponjatie riska // THESIS: teorija i istorija jekonomicheskih i social'-nyh institutov i sistem. 1994. №5. S. 135-160.



Place of personnel planning in strategic management of the industrial enterprise
Berseneva K.V.EW Specialist, Moscow Institute of Public and Corporate Management
Chumachkov D.V.Phd Economics, Associate Professor of Projects and Innovations Management, North Caucasian Federal University
Ostrovskaya V.N.Doctor of Economics, Professor of Chair of Projects and Innovations’ Management, North Caucasian Federal University

Under the conditions of the Russian market economy the issues of strategic management of human resources become very important, the solution of which facilitate the increase of the socio-economic efficiency of any enterprise. Industrial enterprise's strategic management by means of effective personnel planning will allow to optimize personnel use, to discover and productively apply the professional potential of human resources, to create bases for the systematic recruit, to reduce the general costs of hiring of employees due to own systematic personnel policy.
Keywords: personnel planning, personnel, strategic management, industrial enterprise.

1. Volosatova U.A., Gornostaeva Zh.V., Zhidkov V.E., Krivokoro Yu.N., Mitrahovich T.N., Ostrovskaya V.N., Popkova E.G. Benchmarking: otraslevoi podhod : monografiya. GOU VPO «Yuzh.-Ros. gos. un-t ekonomiki i servisa», Volgogr. gos. tehn. un-t. - Stavropol': Stavropol. kn. izd-vo «Mysl'», 2010. 
2. Shahovskaya L.S., Popkova E.G., Volkov A.A., Dzhindzholiya A.A., Ostrovskaya V.N., Eroshin Yu.A., Polikarpov D.V., Konina O.V., Ardzinba A.A., Akimova O.E., Mitrahovich T.N., Vodop'yanov A.V., Balalaeva I.V., Surkova O.A., Zabaznova T.A., Gornostaeva Zh.V., Telyatnikova V.S. Upravlenie marketingom v sovremennyh usloviyah: monografiya. VolgGTU. - Volgograd, 2008. 
3. Popkova E.G., Dubova Yu.I. Marketing kak teoriya i praktika povedeniya na rynke. Srednee professional'noe obrazovanie. - 2003. - Spec. vyp. «NIR». - C. 84-88. 
4. Kotler F. Marketing menedzhment. Ekspress-kurs. 2-e izd. - SPb.: Piter, 2006. 
5. Malysheva, Dar'ya Aleksandrovna. Sovershenstvovanie strategicheskogo upravleniya vneshneekonomicheskoi deyatel'nost'yu promyshlennyh predpriyatii : na materialah vertikal'no integrirovannyh neftyanyh kompanii : avtoreferat dis. ... kandidata ekonomicheskih nauk..- Saratov, 2011. 
6. Popkova E.G., Akimova O.E. Rynok truda: puti formirovaniya // Trud i social'nye otnosheniya. - 2008. - № 2. – C. 24-28.

Strategic changes in organization and it`s object: organizational culture
To T.T.Post-Graduate student, the Department of Project Management and Innovation Management Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)

The article considers the essence of strategic changes and the influence of organizational culture as a strategic factor in management to the fulfillment of the organizational task. In addition it presents the McKinsey model for analyzing the organization and its efficiency. For some companies organizational culture is the key to success, for others it is a deterrent factor to organizational development. In this case this phenomenon needs to be studied and the subsequently changed due to its importance for the organization.
Keywords: strategic change, organizational culture, the McKinsey 7S model, corporate culture matrix G. Schwartz and S. Davis.

1. CatchcaloV.S., FilonovichS.R. Menedzment I proektirovanye budushego (pamyati Peter F. Drucker) // Rossiiskii zurnal menedzmenta. – Vussaya shkola menedzmenta SPbGU. – 2005. – Tоm 3. – N4. – S.6.
2. CatchcaloV.S.Teorya strategicheskogo upravlenhya: etapu razvitya i osnovnue paradigmu // Vestnik Sanct-Peterburgskogo universiteta. – Vussaya shkola menedzmenta SPbGU. – 2002. – Seria 8. – Vip.2 (N16). – S.16.
3. CatchcaloV.S. Ishodnue konsepsii strategicheskogo upravlenhya i ih sovremennaya osenka // Rossiiskii zurnal menedzmenta. – Vussaya shkola menedzmenta SPbGU. – 2003. – N1. – S.8.
4. NikiforovaL.E., SurikovS.V. Strategicheskoe upravlenhye organizasyei na osnove triadu “znanya – intellektualnui capital – innovasii” // Economika i menedzment. – Sibirskaya academya finansov i bankovskogo dela (Novosibirsk). – 2011. – noyabr-dekabr 6. – S.99.
5. Korolev M.I. Economika. Riski. Zashita: slovar-sprav. / Korolev M.I. – M.: Ankil. – 2008. – S.349.
6. PechatkinaE.Y., MenshikovaN.V. Rol organizasionnoi culturu v formirovanii sistemu upravlencheskoi economiki predpriyatii legkoi promuslennosti // Seria “Economika i menedzment”. – Vestnik YUrGU. – 2012. – Vip.23 (N30). – S.111.
7. Kuznesov Y.V., Kizyan N.G. Strategicheskoe upravlenhie organizasionnoi culturoi v predprinimatelskoi deyatelnosti v sfere uslug // Vestnik Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta im. A.S. Pushkina. – Avtonomnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezdenie vussego professionalnogo obrazovanya Leningradskii gosudarstvennui universitet im. A.S. Pushkina. – 2012. – Тоm 6. – N1. – S.86.
8. Osipov G.V. Menedzment: uchebnik / G.V. Osipov, V.A. Lisichkin, N.D. Koryagin. – M.:Norma: INFRA-M. – 2011. – 528 s.

Inventions institutional cycles
Popov E.V.Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Science, Director of the Economic Theory Center, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science
Vlasov M.V.Phd Economics, Senior research assistant, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science

In this article authors empirically reveal institutional cycles of inventions in industrial enterprises and the technique of their analysis and quantitative assessment is developed.
Keywords: institutional cycle, invention, efficiency, resources.

1. Varavva M. Yu. Formation of the economy based on knowledge. Orenburg. : Prod. OGAU center, 2008.
2. Vlasov M. V. Otsenka of production efficiency of new knowledge//Magazine of the economic theory. 2005 . No. 3. P/ 142-146.
3. Vlasov M. V. Strategy of new knowledge production //Social sciences and present. 2007 . No. 3. P. 18-22.
4. Vlasov M. V. Formation of strategy of development of the organization on the basis of new knowledge//the Economic analysis: theory and practice. 2014 . No. 9. P/ 30-36.
5. Vlasov M. V., Panikarova S. V. Traditional knowledge in social and economic development of the territory of accommodation of indigenous people//Regional economy: theory and practice. 2012 . No. 38. P. 43-48.
6. Vlasov M. V., Panikarova S. V., Tyulyush Ch.O. Management of scientific productivity of university//Scientific review. 2012 . No. 4. P. 531-538.
7. Katkalo V. S. Theory of strategic management: stages of development and main paradigms//Messenger of St. Petersburg State University. 2002 . Series 8. Release 3. (24). P. 3-26.
8. Kortov S. V Evolutionary modeling of life cycle of innovations. Yekaterinburg: Institute of Economics UB RAS 2003. 285 p.
9. Kuzyk B. N. Rossiya - 2050: strategy of innovative break. M.: JSC Ekonomika Publishing House, 2004.
10. Kuzminov Ya.I. Bendukidze K.A. Yudkevich M. M. Kurs of institutional economy: institutes, networks, transactional expenses, contracts. M.: Prod. GUVShE house. 2006 . 442 p.
11. Nonaka I., Takeuti H. Kompaniya-sozdatel of knowledge. Origin and development of innovations in Japanese firms. M.: Olympe-business, 2011. 384p.
12. Polterovich V. M. Elements of the theory of reforms. M.: Economy, 2007. 445p.
13. Popov E.V. Transactional theory of institutes//Economic analysis: theory and practice. 2013 . No. 27. P. 2-12.
14. Popov E.V. Vlasov M.B. Orlova N.B. Allocation of transactional expenses in accounting reports of the academic institutes//Finance and the credit. 2010 . No. 17. P. 7-11.
15. Popov E.V. Vlasov M. V. Mobilnost of young scientists // Economic analysis: theory and practice. 2012 . No. 3. P. 43-51.
16. Popov E.V. Vlasov M. V. Formal and informal institutes of inventions//Messenger UrFU. Series: Economy and management. 2013 . No. 3. P. 4-14.
17. Popov E.V. Vlasov M. V. Economic institutes of inventions//Economic analysis: theory and practice. 2013 . No. 18. P. 2-12.
18. Rygalin D.B. Systematization of problems and identification of tendencies of formation of steady innovative interactions//Creative economy. 2009 . No. 5. P. 106-113.
19. Tarushkin A.B. Institutional economy. SPb.: Piter, 2004. 368p.
20. Shumpeter Y.A. Theory of economic development. Capitalism, socialism and democracy. M.: Economy, 1995. 540p.
21. Bell D. The coming of post-industrial society: A venture of social forecasting. — N.Y.: Basic Books, 1973.
22. Druker P. F. The theory of the business//Harvard business review. 1994. Sept.-Oct. 
23. Eggertsson T. Economic behavior and institutes. M: Business, 2001. 408p.
24. Teece D.J. Firm organization, industrial structure and technological innovation.//Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. — 2001. 

Logistical infrastructure of e-commerce
Kaluzhsky M.L.Ph. D., Associate Professor of Marketing; Department «Organization and Management of the High Technology Manufactures»; Omsk State Technical University

Article is about features of providing logistical services in e-commerce. 
The author analyzes the basic laws and tendencies of formation of a logistical infrastructure in the market of e-commerce. The special attention is given the analysis of the Chinese experience of development of distributive and trading logistics.
Keywords: e-commerce, logistics, distri bution, providing, market infrastructure, network economy, logistical management, management of sales.

1. Bedeman M.,Gattorna J.L. Third- and Fourth-party logistics service providers  / GattornaJ.L. (ed.) Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management. – Moscow: Infra-M, 2008. – pp. 586-606.
2. Kaluzhsky M.L. Dropshipping – the revolutionary form of the goods sale // Journal of Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2012. – № 1. – pp. 90-104. 
3. KotlerP. A Framework for Marketing Management.Second Edition. – St.-Petersburg: Piter, 2006. – 464 p.
4. Chen Y., Hui D., Seong J. Click by click: How consumers are changing China’s e-commerce landscape / Consumer and Shopper Insights. – McKinsey & Company, July 2012.

Business planning as a tool of modern management in agribusiness
Kravchenko T.S.Ph.D. OrelGAU, Chairs «Organization of business and management in agribusiness»

Planning is one of the main functions of management at the level of an isolated unit of economic activity, and at the level of the economy in general. The business-idea of a budding entrepreneur is born on paper in the form of a plan and then implemented in a particular business. A professionally designed business plan is a working tool of a director, which contributes to the management and control functions of the company.
Keywords: Business-plan, planning, entrepreneur, farming.

1. Naumov AI Investing innovative processes in agricultural production [For example, Orel region . ] : Author. dis ... Dr. ehkon. Sciences: 08. 00 . 05. Voronezh , 2004. - 55 .
2. Program "Development of (peasant) farms and other small farms in the countryside in the Oryol region for 2012-2015 " [electronic resource] - Access mode : http://
3. Pogoreltsev O. The role of business - planning for small businesses in agriculture [electronic resource] - Access mode :
4. Rybalko TS Economic evaluation of innovative technologies in crop production : on materials Orel region : abstract dis. ... candidate of economic sciences : 08.00.05 - Eagle , 2007 . - 23 p.
5. Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Oryol region [electronic resource] - Access mode :
6. Textbook : "Business - Planning" / VI SAVKIN , TS Kravchenko , NA Sukhocheva . - Eagle Univ Eagle GAU , 2013 . - 360 .
7. Federal State Statistics Service [electronic resource] - Access mode :

Technology assessment of the effectiveness of interaction of university structural units
Lazarenko V.A.MD, Professor, Rector of Kursk State Medical University
Nikishina V.B.Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of Health Psychology and Correctional Psychology  Kursk State Medical University, Dean of FPC
Medvedeva M.A.PhD, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Kursk State Medical University
Zapesotskaya I.V.Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor of Health Psychology and Correctional Psychology Kursk State Medical University
Petrash E.A.Ph. D., Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology and Correctional Psychology Kursk State Medical University

This paper describes the use of technology and the results of evaluation of the effectiveness of interactions between structural units of the university in the parameters of integration, consistency, inclusion of structural units, as well as criteria for constructing a reference model of organizational interaction taking into account the hierarchical structure of the organization.
Keywords: efficiency of interaction, assessment of the interaction, the interaction of performance criteria, consistency interaction, inclusion, integration interaction.

1. Ward P. Method 360 degrees. - Publishing House of Hippo, 2006. - 352 р.



Russian cooperatives: the forgotten experience or the mechanism of the development of production democracy?
Klyuchko V.N.Phd Economics, Associate Professor, The Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Bauman MSTU)

The possibilities of the involvement of workers in the magement processes of production by the development of the system of production cooperatives are analyzed. The development process of the “artel” form of the enterprise in Russia is observed. Ways of recreation of the system of the production cooperatives (artels) are proposed.
Keywords: cooperative, artel, production cooperative, regulations, participants, decision making, democratism, development.

1. Ashinov S., Bukreev V., Rudyk Je. Narodnye predprijatija: ot formy k soderzhaniju // Moskva. 2004. № 10. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: URL: .
2. Global 300 Report 2010. The world’s major co-operatives and mutual businesses. – Geneva: International Co-operative Alliance, 2011. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: URL: 
3. Kooperativy v processe social'nogo razvitija i provedenie Mezhdunarodnogo goda kooperativov // Doklad General'nogo Sekretarja. General'naja Assambleja. A/66/136. 2011. 13 ijulja. [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: URL: 
4. Isaev A.A. Arteli v Rossii. Jaroslavl': Tip. Gub. pravl., 1881.
5. Kalachov N. Arteli v drevnej i nyneshnej Rossii. SPb.: Tip. V. Golovina, 1864.
6. Maksimov V. Arteli birzhevye i trudovye (s razjasnenijami Pravitel'stvujushhego Senata i prilozheniem: vseh dejstvujushhih uzakonenij, pravil, obrazcovyh ustavov birzhevyh i trudovyh artelej i ustava obshhestva dlja sodejstvija artel'nomu delu v Rossii). M.: Izd-vo knizhn. mag. I.K. Golubeva pod firmoju Pravovedenie, 1907.
7. Tugan-Baranovskij M.I. Social'nye osnovy kooperacii / Predisl., komment.: L.A. Bulochnikova, G.N. Sorvina, T.P. Subbotina. M.: Jekonomika, 1989.
8. Sbornik materialov ob arteljah v Rossii. Vypusk 1. // Izdanie S-Peterburgskogo Otdelenija Komiteta o sel'skih, ssudo-sberegatel'nyh i promyshlennyh tovarishhestvah.  SPb.: №2 Tip. Majkova, 1873. 
9. Tomashkevich I.R. Velikij put'. Vidy Sibiri i ee zheleznyh dorog (Vidy Sibiri i Velikoj Sibirskoj zheleznoj dorogi ot reki Obi do reki Eniseja i Tomskaja vetv'). Vypusk 1. Krasnojarsk: Izd-vo M.B. Askel'rod i K?, 1899.
10. Kolganov A.I. Kollektivnaja sobstvennost' i kollektivnoe predprinimatel'stvo. Opyt razvityh kapitalisticheskih gosudarstv. (Serija Tretij put'). M.: Jekonomicheskaja demokratija, 1993.
11. Pass A.A. Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i promyslovaja kooperacija: jevoljucija otnoshenij (konec 1930-h – nachalo 1940-h godov) // Mobilizacionnaja model' jekonomiki: istoricheskij opyt Rossii XX veka: sbornik materialov II Vserossijskoj nauchnoj konferencii / pod red. G.A. Goncharova, S.A. Bakanova. – Cheljabinsk: Jenciklopedija, 2012.
12. Marks K. Kapital. Kritika politicheskoj jekonomii. T. 3. Kn. 3. Process kapitalisticheskogo proizvodstva, vzjatyj v celom. Ch. 1 / Izdan pod red. F. Jengel'sa.  M.: Politizdat, 1989.
13. Kljuchko V.N. Motivacija menedzherov: vozvrashhajas' k Marksu // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2013, №1.
14. Kas'janova K. Eshhe raz k voprosu o Magomete i gore // Znanie-sila. 1992. №1.

Innovation policy as a tool for the transition to sustainable development in the region
Kutsenko E.I.Phd Economics, Associate Professor of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management of Orenburg State University

The peculiarities of sustainable regional development through the development of innovation policy are considered in this article; author's definitions of the concept of «regional innovation process» and «regional innovation policy» are considered in this article; the analysis of innovative activity of the Orenburg region is performed; a fragment of the structural scheme of developing a regional innovation policy; obstacles to the implementation of innovation at the regional level are presented; actions to be taken within the framework of the regional innovation policy are formulated.
Keywords: sustainable development, regional policy, innovation.

1. Young scientists Orenburg - the science of the XXI century : proceedings of the annual regional scientific-practical conference / Scientific . Ed. E.V. Godovova; Ministry of Education of the Orenburg region; Council of young scientists and specialists of the Orenburg region . - Orenburg LLC «Agency «PRESS», 2013. - 2008 p.
2. Kutsenko, E.I. Major trends of sustainable development of the regional socio-ecological- economic system / E.I. Kutsenko // Proceedings of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. - № 1 (33 ).2012 . - P.157 -161
3. Kutsenko, E.I. Sustainable development of regional systems / E.I. Kutsenko, A.U. Dvinskikh / / Int . Innovation. Investments in 2011. Special issue based on the international forum «Russian as a transforming society : economy, culture, management». - Orenburg OGIM 2011. - p.36 - 40
4. Orenburg region development strategy up to 2020 and for the period up to 2030 [electronic resource]. Developer - Government of Orenburg region. Mode of access:
5. Regions of Russia. Socioeconomic pokazateli.2013 city - Mode of access :

Conceptual model and strategy of transformation of the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela to the innovation way of reproduction
Filobokova L.Y.Dr. Sc. (Econ), Professor of Innovative Business chair, MSTU n.a. N.E. Bauman
Sanchez Moreno Reni AlexanderGraduate student of the Department of Innovative entrepreneurship (IBM-7) MGTU them. AD Bauman

The challenges of the external and internal environment define the imperative transformation of Venezuela to the innovative type of reproduction and objectively leads to the necessity of a conceptual basis of the transformation model and the formation of a development strategy for the medium and long term, the development of an adequate system of management, which is presented in this article in the author’s justification.
Keywords: Venezuela, the transformation to an innovative type of reproduction.

1. Speech by Nicolas Maduro at the memorial evening Hugo Chavez 02.06.2013 in Moscow
2. Westphalia of President Hugo Chavez from the rostrum of the UN on the 64 session of the General Assembly (25.09.2009)
3. [Electronic resource] // Center of humanitarian technologies. URL:

State management of energy efficient projects as a basic of effective implementation of «best practies»
Frank Т.Head of Envidatec GmbH, CEO, Hamburg, Germany, auditor and expert of the European Union on ISO 50001
Kychkin A.VPh.D., Associate Professor, Department of microprocessor automation Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
Musikhina K.G.student , Department of microprocessor automation Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia

This article discusses the main foreign legislative projects aimed at improving the efficiency of organization processes and implementation of best practices, as key elements of energy management systems in accordance with the international standard ISO 50001:2011. A model of the implementing organization and certification of the energy management system based on the foreign partnerships with German consulting companies is proposed.
Keywords: energy management system, the international standard ISO 50001:2011, certification, energy, energy efficiency, best practice.

1. Pauli V. KTul'chinskaja Ja. I. Postroenie otraslevoj sistemy jenergeticheskogo menedzhmenta - odno iz napravlenij povyshenija nadezhnosti i jenergojeffektivnosti jelektrojenergetiki Rossii // Vestnik Moskovskogo jenergeticheskogo instituta. – 2012. – № 5. – S. 36–41.
2. ISO 50001:2011 «Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use» [Electronic resource] / International Organization for Standartization. – Geneva, Switzerland, 2011. – 22 p. – Mode of access:
3. Frank T. Praktika jenergeticheskogo menedzhmenta // Jenergosberezhenie. – 2006. – №3. – S. 32–35.
4. Kychkin A.V., Horoshev N.I., Eltyshev D.K. Koncepcija avtomatizirovannoj informacionnoj sistemy podderzhki jenergeticheskogo menedzhmenta // Jenergobezopasnost' i jenergosberezhenie. – 2013. – № 5. – S. 12–17.
5. Zakon ob jenergosberezhenii EnEG. Jelektronnyj resurs.
6. Federal'nyj zakon ob ogranichenii vybrosov v okruzhajushhuju sredu BImSchG. Jelektronnyj resurs bimschg/gesamt.pdf.
7. Zakon ob jenergojeffektivnosti EnEfG. Jelektronnyj resurs.,%2008.02.09.pdf
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11. EnMS. Jelektronnyj resurs. manufacturing/pdfs/webcast_2009-122_energy_mngmnt_stnds.pdf.
12. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 4 ijunja 2008 g. № 889 «O nekotoryh merah po povysheniju jenergeticheskoj i jekologicheskoj jeffektivnosti rossijskoj jekonomiki».
13. FZ «Ob jenergosberezhenii i povyshenii jenergeticheskoj jeffektivnosti»
14. Gosudarstvennaja programma Rossijskoj Federacii «Jenergosberezhenie i povyshenie jenergeticheskoj jeffektivnosti na period do 2020 goda» (utverzhdena rasporjazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 27 dekabrja 2010 g. № 2446-r).
15. GIZ. Jelektronnyj resurs.



Factors identifying the gender aspects of management in improving the management efficiency of the Kazakhstan economy
Romanko E.B., Phd Economics, Associate Professor of the Maпаgеment Department in the E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University
Akhmetova A.S.teacher, of the maпаgеment department in the E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University

This article shows the gender aspects of management and the role and place of women in the management system. Particular attention is given by the author to the participation of women to the management of the Kazakhstan economy. The article also revealed the need for women’s participation in governance to ensure effective management. The authors show that in many ways women have distinct advantages for the successful execution of management functions.
Keywords: gender dimension, management, female component female executive, female manager, management style and gender equality.

1. Knoranng V.I. Teoriya, praktika i iskusstva. M.: NORMA-INFRA-M, 1999.
2. Chernyshev V.N., Dvinesh A.L. Chelovek i personal v upravlenii. – SPb.: Energoatomizdat, 1997.
3. Obolenskii S. Gde zhivut schastlivye zhenshiny. Gazeta «Kazahstanskaya pravda». – 2013. - №338.

Factors of employer brand attractiveness for young employees
Bykova M.V.Post-graduate student in Human Resources of Management faculty National Research University “Higher School of Economics”

In conditions of a lack of talented young specialists companies have to implement nonstandard practices to attract and keep employees. Today the employer’s brand has become the main competitive advantage and reputational asset on the labour market. By understanding which factors influence the most the positive perception of the employer, companies will be able without additional recruitment, hiring and training costs to get the best employees. The survey conducted has succeed in creating a hierarchy of employer brand attractiveness’ factors according to their importance for young employees in the company and identifying key factors influenced on employer brand attractiveness.
Keywords: employer brand, factors of attractiveness, young employees, demographic crisis, lack of young specialists, “war for talents”.

1. Simon Barrow and Richard Mosley. Bringing the Best of Brand Management to People at Work. – John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2005.
2. Zelenova O.I., Latyshova L.S., Panteleeva E.K. Internal marketing influence (IM) for company’s market objectives achievement. // Development of cooperation between firms: networks and relationship: reports of participants of Mastership network. – Moscow: Publishing house of State University “Higher School of Economics”, 2008.
3.Kucherov D.G. Employer brand in human resources system. Dissertation abstract for candidate degree in economic science. - Saint-Petersburg, 2010.
4. 13th Annual Global CEO Survey. URL: en/ceo-survey/index.jhtml
5. «TargetT: TOP-20 Annual Rating of Graduate Employers»:

The enterprise's intellectual capital development: methods and instruments
Gileva Т.А.Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Professor of Entrepreneurship Economics Chair, Doctor of economics science, Docent

The expediency of using an intellectual capital navigator method as a theoretical and methodical base for instruments of enterprise’s intellectual capital development is substantiated. The modification of this method, which is supposed to raise the validity of the chosen solution and based on using quantitative marks instead of subjective expert ratings was offered. The method of forming an intellectual capital development program, that offers a possibility to determine the priority investment directions and specific events of highlighted non-material resources development (based on a maximization of enterprise’s cost growth criteria) is worked out.
Keywords: intellectual capital (non-material resources), enterprise’s cost, intellectual capital navigator, modeling, development programs.

1. Makarov V.L., Klejner G.B. Mikrojekonomika znanij. – M.: Jekonomika, 2007. 
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3. Ermolenko V.V., Popova E.D. Intellektual'nyj kapital korporacii: sushhnost', struktura, strategii razvitija i model' upravlenija // Chelovek. Soobshhestvo. Upravlenie. – 2012. – № 2. 
4. Ismagilova L. A., Gileva T.A., Sitnikova L.V. Upravlenie razvitiem proizvodstvenno-jekonomicheskih sistem: integrativnyj i intellektual'nyj aspekty. – M.: Izd-vo «Jekonomika», 2010.
5. Upravlenie znanijami: Hrestomatija. 2-e izd. – SPB.: Izd-vo «Vysshaja shkola menedzhmenta», Izdat. dom S.-Peterb. gos. un-ta, 2010.
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7. Gileva T.A., Teregulova K.R. Indeksno-rejtingovyj podhod k ocenke nematerial'nyh resursov predprijatija / // Vestnik Ufimskogo gosudarstvennogo aviacionnogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. – 2010. – Tom 14, № 4 (39). 
8. Lukicheva L.I. Upravlenie intellektual'nym kapitalom. – M.: Omega-L, 2007. 
9. Bykova A.A.,. Molodchik M.A. Vlijanie intellektual'nogo kapitala na rezul'taty dejatel'nosti kompanii // Vestnik S.-Peterb. un-ta. Ser. Menedzhment. – 2011. – Vyp.1. 
10. Ismagilova L.A., Gileva T.A., Teregulova K.R. Vlijanie razvitija nematerial'nyh resursov na stoimost' mashinostroitel'nogo predprijatija // Vestnik Ufimskogo gosudarst-vennogo aviacionnogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. – 2012. – Tom 16, № 8 (53).
11. Kaplan R., Norton D. Strategicheskie karty. Transformacija nematerial'nyh aktivov v material'nye rezul'taty. – M.: Olimp-Biznes, 2007. 
12. Bogatyrev S.Ju. Vlijanie chelovecheskogo i intellektual'nogo kapitala na rost innovacionnyh kompanij v Rossii // NB: Jekonomika, trendy i upravlenie. – 2013. – № 12.
13. Upravlenie znanijami v innovacionnoj jekonomike / Pod red. B. Z. Mil'nera. – M.: Jekonomika, 2009.
14. Dresvjannikov V.A. Koncepcija intellektual'nogo menedzhmenta // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2014. – № 1.
15. Gileva T.A. Tehnologija razrabotki programmy strategicheskogo razvitija perso-nala // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2008. – № 5.
16. Tuguskina G.N. Intellektual'nyj kapital kak konkurentnoe preimushhestvo naukoemkih predprijatij // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2013. – № 4.
17. Baranov V.V., Zajcev A.V. Strategicheskoe upravlenie intellektual'nym kapita-lom vysokotehnologichnogo predprijatija // Kreativnaja jekonomika. – 2009. – № 12.
18. Nonaka I., Takeuchi H. Kompanija – sozdatel' znanija. – M.: Olimp-Biznes, 2003. 
19. Ruus J., Pajk S., Fernstrem L. Intellektual'nyj kapital. Praktika upravle-nija. – SPB.: Izd-vo «Vysshaja shkola menedzhmenta», Izdat. dom S.-Peterb. gos. un-ta, 2008.

Strategy and tactics of health management: the nature and prospects of application at the Russian companies
Lepikhina T.L.Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Economic theory PNRPU
Karpovich Yu.V.Senior Teacher of the Department of Economic theory PNRPU

The article justifies the use of modern technologies of health management to solve problems of human capital effective management. The basic principles of wellness management are outlined and the necessity of health programs implementation in modern enterprise is proven.
Keywords: Health capital, health management, strategy and tactics of health management.

1.Kaiser/HRET Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits. The Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research & Educational Trust, 2012. 214 pp.
2. Il'inskii I.V. Investicii v budushee: obrazovanie v investicionnom vosproizvodstve. - St-Pb, 1996
3. Mokir Dzh. Dary Afiny. Istoricheskie istoki ekonomicheskih znanii.. – M.: Izd. Instituta Gaidara, 2012. – 480 s.
4. Moseiko E.E., Usloviya institualizacii kapitala zdorov'ya// Terra Economicus. – 2012. Tom 10, № 4 (chast'3). – S.29-33

Model of effective selection of managerial employees in the personnel reserve
Letyagin M.A., Teacher of Nizhny Novgorod Institute of management – branch of RANHiGS

This article discusses a new way of selecting managers in the personnel reserve. The model developed by the author is based on a qualimetric method of quantitative personnel assessment. The pros and cons of the model are assessed as well as the integrity of selected criteria. The main part of the article focuses on the analysis of personal and aggregated characteristics. A rating is calculated, measured within the range of 0 to 100 points. The strategic importance of the final ranking and advanced features using a model not only for the selection of the personnel reserve or extensions thereof, but also when changing organizational structure, distribution of the bonus fund (correlation between bonus and ranking), while reducing staff (the company rightly gets rid of ineffective workers, and the leaders have an extra incentive), etc. In conclusion the significance of the qualimetric method of valuation in terms of motivation is noted. We need to use the qualimetry method for assessing the managerial personnel, first of all, to identify training needs, establishing staff reserve, that is, the development and accumulation of human capital, both in Russian and foreign enterprises.
Keywords: qualimetry, talent pool, wood properties, personal characteristics, rating, rank, human potential.

1. Varzhapetjan, A.G. Kvalimetrija / A.G. Varzhapetjan: Uchebnoe posobie. – SPb.: GUAP, 2005.
2. Morozova, G.A. Upravlenie sluzhebnoj kar'eroj. / G.A. Morozova:  Trudy Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. «Razvitie chelovecheskogo potenciala kak faktor modernizacii jekonomiki i social'nyh otnoshenij».– N.Novgorod, Iz-vo  IP Maslennikov, 26 maja 2009, s. 64-66.
3. Anastazi A., Urbina S. Psihologicheskoe testirovanie. - SPb.: Piter, 2002. - 688 e.: ill. - (Serija «Mastera psihologii»).

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