Contents of N4/2014

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Contents of N4'2014


Market preferences foundation in ternary innovative structures
Ovchinnikovа T.I., Professor of the Department of Economic Security and Financial Monitoring of FSBEI HPE «Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies»
Bulgakova I.N., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Operational Research FSBEI HPE «Voronezh State University»

A ternary approach to an enterprise restructuring based on market preferences is studied. The authors show a practical example of the relationship between basic functions within the organization: production, innovation and implementation. Advantages of the ternary structure bonds, which allow defining the most important elements and processes in organizations, are identified. Based on expert judgment and the method of pair wise comparison, the most important elements of the implementation function are revealed.
Keywords: Innovation ternary approach, market space, organization structure, market preferences, method of pair wise comparison.

1. Chuhno A. Institucializm: teoriya, metodologiya, znachenie. - «Ekonomika Ukrainy» – № 7, 2008. – s. 4-12. 
2. Sovremennyi filosofskii slovar' (pod obshei redakciei prof. V.E.Kemerova). – M.- Panprint.-1988. 
3. Yang S. Sistemnoe upravlenie organizaciei. – M. - «Sovetskoe radio».-1972.-S.456. 
4. Prigozhin A.I. Sovremennaya sociologiya organizacii. – M. – Interpraks.- 1995. – S. 91. 
5. Komp'yuternye sistemy modelirovaniya upravlencheskih reshenii // Sb. nauchn. trudov. – Kiev.- 1995.- S. 165. 
6. Spirkin A.G. Osnovy filosofii. M. - Politizdat.- 1988. – S.178. 
7. Ovchinnikova T.I., Bulgakova I.N. Opredelenie effektivnogo predpriyatiya v koncepcii social'no-ekonomicheskogo i innovacionnogo razvitiya. - Kadry predpriyatiya.- 2013. – № 1. – S. 55-62.
8. Ovchinnikova T.I., Bulgakova I.N, Seryakov A.V. Sovershenstvovanie organizacionnoi struktury kak innovacionnyi faktor strategicheskogo planirovaniya / / Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. – 2013. – № 4; URL: (data obrasheniya: 26.08.2013).

Methodology development of intracompany management
Konovalova G.I., Ph.D., Professor of Economics, Production Management Bryansk State Technical University

An approach to the development of machine-building enterprise management methodology, which is based on a system of modeling and optimization of process management, resource management, cost. Dynamic planning tools; a model of a single operational management system for heterogeneous production; a unified planning framework; a mechanism of balancing goals and targets; model production executive system on the workshop are proposed.
Keywords: modeling, optimization, model, method, tools, machine-building enterprise.

1. Baldin K.V. Vorob'ev S.N. Upravlencheskie resheniya: teoriya i tehnologiya prinyatiya. – M.: Dashkov i K, 2012. 
2. Volkova V.N., Denisova A.A. Teoriya sistem i sistemnyi analiz. – M.: Yurait, 2010. 
3. Druker P. F. Effektivnoe upravlenie. Ekonomicheskie zadachi i optimal'nye resheniya. – M.: FAIR-PRESS, 2003.
4. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. Sbalansirovannaya sistema pokazatelei: ot strategii k deistviyu. – M.: Olimp-Biznes, 2005. 
5. Konovalova G.I. Razvitie metodologii vnutrifirmennogo upravleniya: monografiya. – Bryansk: BGTU, 2014.
6. Muhin V.I. Issledovanie sistem upravleniya: uchebnik. – M.: Ekzamen, 2003. 
7. Novikov D. A. Struktura teorii upravleniya social'no-ekonomicheskimi sistemami // Upravlenie bol'shimi sistemami. Vypusk 24. – M.:IPU RAN, 2009. – S. 216-258.

Some features of L.J. Savage risk matrices
Vasiliev V.D., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Chair of Economics, Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Vasiliev E.V., Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant Professor of the Management Chair, Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The article presents the development of the L.J. Savage methodology applied to the formation of the risk-regrets matrices for decision making under risk and uncertainty. The two types of matrices obtained by the author are studied with relation to different aspects.
Keywords: decision-making, risk, uncertainty, matrix regrets Savage, compromise, saddle point, transitivity, equivalence decisions.

1. Vasil'ev V.D. Optimizacionnyi podhod k vyboru investicionnyh strategii i proektov v stroitel'stve ob'ektov regiona.  SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGUEF, 2004. 
2. Podinovskii V.V., Nogin V.D. Pareto  optimal'nye resheniya mnogokriterial'nyh zadach.  M.: Nauka, 1982. 
3. Truhaev R.I. Modeli prinyatiya reshenii v usloviyah neopredelennosti.  M.: Nauka, 1981. 
4. Savage L.J.The theory of statistical decision. – J. Amer. Statistical Association, 1951, vol. 46, №1.

Risks consideration mechanism for intellectual property portfolio formation
Lukicheva L.I., Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economics and Management Faculty National Research University of Electronic Technology
Volkov A.S., PhD (Economics), Manager of international contacts ZAO “NPF “BIOSS”

The article describes an approach to the formation of intellectual property rights portfolio of high-tech enterprises with risk consideration, as well as the mechanism for risks consideration at portfolio formation.
Keywords: intellectual property, portfolio of Intellectual property, high-tech enterprise, risks.

1. Lukicheva L.I. Upravlenie intellektual'nym kapitalom naukoemkih predpriyatii. Monografiya. – M.: «Omega-L», 2006.
2. Lukicheva L.I., Egorychev D.N. Vnutrifirmennoe upravlenie intellektual'nymi aktivam – M.: «Omega-L», 2004.
3. Egorycheva E. V., Volkov A. S. Ocenka riskov kommercializacii ob'ektov intellektual'noi sobstvennosti: problemy i perspektivy // Obzorno-analiticheskii i nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal «Ekonomika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii» - M.: «Tehnologiya mashinostroeniya». – № 2. – 2013, S. 45 – 48.
4. Lukicheva L.I., Eleneva Yu.A., Egorycheva E.V. Menedzhment intellektual'nogo kapitala: teoriya i praktika: uchebnik dlya magistrov. – M.: «Omega-L», 2014.
5. Lukicheva L.I. Volkov A.S. Klassifikaciya riskov ob'ektov intellektual'noi sobstvennosti, kak osnova mehanizma upravleniya imi v naukoemkih predpriyatiyah // Teoreticheskii i nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal «Organizator proizvodstva» – M.: «Ekonomika i finansy». – № 2, 2012, S. 70-74
6. Volkov A. S. Formirovanie portfelya ob'ektov intellektual'noi sobstvennosti naukoemkih predpriyatii s uchetom riska // «Intellektual'naya sobstvennost'. Promyshlennaya sobstvennost'». – M.: Izdatel'skii dom «Intellektual'naya sobstvennost'». – №10. – 2013, S. 64-68.

Relationship between financial policy and investment decisions
Cherkasova V.А., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Economics and Finance Department, member of corporate finance center

The paper provides an analysis of the financial policy impact on the company`s investments using such method that takes into account the problem of endogenity of the studied parameters. The factors that influence on the key aspects of the financial policy are analyzed and evaluated. A comparative analysis of the existing methodologies of relationships between corporate policies and investments is performed.
Keywords: debt maturity, leverage, debt overhang, liquidity risk, agency costs.

1. Stenbacka R., Tomback M. (2002) Investment, Capital Structure, and Complementarities between Debt and New Equity, Management Science, Vol. 48, № 2, pp. 257–272.
2. Johnson S.A. (2003) Debt Maturity and the Effects of Growth Opportunities and Liquidity Risk on Leverage, Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 16, pp. 209–36.
3. Dang Viet A. (2011) Leverage, Debt Maturity and Firm Investment: An Empirical Analysis, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 38, pp. 225–258.
4. Diamond D.W. (1993) Seniority and Maturity of Debt Contracts, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 33, pp. 341–68.
5. Childs P.D., Mauer D.C., Ott S.H. (2005) Interactions of Corporate Financing and Investment Decisions: The Effects of Agency Conflicts, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 76, pp. 667–90.
6. Wang David Han-Min (2012) Corporate Investment, Financing, and Dividend Policies in the High-Tech Industry, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 63, pp. 486–489.
7. Lang L.E., Ofek E., Stulz R. (1996), Leverage, Investment and Firm Growth, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 40, pp. 3–29.
8. Aivazian V.A., Ge Y., Qiu J. (2005) The Impact of Leverage on Firm Investment: Canadian Evidence,Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 11, pp. 277–291.
9. Billett M.T., TH.D. King and D.C. Mauer (2007) Growth Opportunities and the Choice of Leverage, Debt Maturity, and Covenants, Journal of Finance, Vol. 62, pp. 697–730.



The mechanism of regulation of the legislation directed on support and development of innovative activity of the Russian Federation enterprises
Shturmin F.S., Senior Teacher of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Copyright Law of MUCTR them. D.I.Mendeleev
Khachaturov A.E., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Chair of Management and Marketing of MUCTR them. D.I.Mendeleev

The article is devoted to the review of economic and legal instruments affecting the innovation activity of industrial enterprises. The necessity of the development of complex economic-legal mechanism aimed at supporting the development and management of innovation in industrial enterprises is proven. Approaches to regulate the legislation in order to mitigate risks and reduce the degree of their influence on innovation activities of industrial enterprises in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: innovation process, factors of influence, juridical fact, economic-legal mechanism, support of innovation activities, modernization, innovation, the life cycle of an innovative product, the life cycle of the innovative project.

1. Postanovlenie Sovmina RSFSR ot 27.03.1991 N 171 (red. ot 13.04.1993) "Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o Gosudarstvennoj innovacionnoj programme i Tipovogo polozheniya o Direkcii Gosudarstvennoj innovacionnoj programmy".
2. Proekt Federal'nogo zakona N 495392-5 "O gosudarstvennoj podderzhke innovacionnoj deyatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii" (red., vnesennaya v GD FS RF) ot 02.02.2011.
3. Poyasnitel'naya zapiska "K proektu Federal'nogo zakona "O gosudarstvennoj podderzhke innovacionnoj deyatel'nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii" ot 02.02.2011.
4. SHturmin F.S., Hachaturov A.E. Formirovanie strategii innovacionnogo razvitiya promyshlennyh predpriyatij. Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom, 2013. № 6. S. 32 – 38. 
5. Shturmin F.S., Hachaturov A.E. Metodika opredeleniya faktorov vliyaniya na innovacionnuyu deyatel'nost' predpriyatiya. Vestnik Rossijskogo Himiko-Tekhnologicheskogo Universiteta imeni D.I.Mendeleeva. Tom 2. Social'no-ehkonomicheskie issledovaniya. Moskva, 2013. Vypusk IV. S. 224-233.
6. Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition, National Information Standards Organization, 2013. 590 p.
7. Popov E.V., Vlasov M.V. Institucional'nye cikly invencij. Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom, 2014. № 3. S. 37 – 44.
8. Polterovich V.M. EHlementy teorii reform. – M.: EHkonomika, 2007.
9. Gricenko G. Faktory valyutnoj nestabil'nosti [EHlektronnyj resurs]., 10 iyunya 2014.

Finding ways to improve the comfort of living during housing rebuilding while preserving the structure of the central part of the town
Shestakova A.P., Assistant of the Department of Management Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Filimonova L.A., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Economy Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

This article describes the problem of the first mass series housing, discusses possible solutions. By way of reasoning and research a set of actions and measures is defined aimed at preserving the structure of the central part of the city and to prevent the obsolescence of the housing stock by its reconstruction and modernization.
Keywords: reconstruction, modernization, housing the first mass series, sociological survey.

1. GOST R 54257-2010. Natsional'nyy standart Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Nadezhnost' stroitel'nykh konstruktsiy i osnovaniy. Osnovnye polozheniya i trebovaniya (utv. i vveden v deystvie Prikazom Rosstandarta ot 23.12.2010 N 1059-st)
2. Golub L.A. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskaya statistika: Ucheb. posobie dlya stud. vyssh. ucheb. zavedeniy. – M.: Gumanit. izd. tsentr VLADOS, 2009. 
3. Ekonomicheskaya statistika. 2-e izd., dop.: Uchebnik. / Pod red. Yu.N.Ivanova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. – 480 s.

The opportunities of tourism development in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of Eurasian economic union
Tleuberdinova A.T., Doctor in Economics, Professor, Academician E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University
Askeyev A.G., MSc in Economics and Business, Expert Tourism Industry Committee of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies

This article discusses the possibility of the development of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of the integration process within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.
The methodology of the research is a comparative analysis of the processes’ positive and negative aspects for the tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors summarize that the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union will require a large amount of work to address the legal, institutional, technical, organizational and procedural issues in a number of interrelated areas. In this regard, the key is the correct sequence of steps, especially given the short timeframe.
Keywords: Customs Union, Common Economic Space, regional integration, tourism potential.

1. Arman G. Edinaya konkurentnaya politika: odna iz osnov uspeshnogo funkcionirovaniya EEP // Rynok i konkurenciya. – 2012. №2. – S.14.
2. Ushbaeva B.D., Smagulova D.K. Osnovnye podhody k provedeniyu soglasovannoi makroekonomicheskoi politiki v gosudarstvah – chlenah Edinogo ekonomicheskogo prostranstva // Evraziiskaya ekonomicheskaya integraciya. 2011. №4 (13). S. 41-42.
3. Al'bert Yu. Osobennosti perehoda ot Tamozhennogo soyuza k Edinomu ekonomicheskomu prostranstvu // Mezhdunarodnaya ekonomika. – 2014. №2. – S. 69.
4. Krotov M.I. SNG: opyt dvadcatiletiya // Evraziiskaya ekonomicheskaya integraciya. – 2011. №4. – S. 5-8.
5. Mansurov T. Stanovlenie i razvitie evraziiskoi integracii // Mezhdunarodnaya ekonomika. – 2013. №2. – S. 6-12.
6. Koshanov A. Integracionnye mehanizmy Tamozhennogo soyuza i problema konkurentosposobnosti stran-uchastnic // Mysl'. – 2012. №10. –S.31-40.
8. Evraziya v poiskah identichnosti. Otv. red. S.P. Glinkina, L.Z. Zevin. – M., SPb, 2011. S. 3.
9. Hronologiya 20 let postsovetskoi (dez)integracii: 1991-2010 // Evraziiskaya ekonomicheskaya integraciya. –2011. №1 (10). – S. 8-23.
10. Pokrovskii V.A. Sostoyanie ekonomiki i potencial vzaimnogo sotrudnichestva uchastnikov SNG // Obshestvo i ekonomika. 2004. №5 – 6. –S. 145.
11. Muzaparova L. Perspektivy razvitiya kazahstanskogo biznesa v novyh ekonomicheskih usloviyah // Analitik, – 2012. №1/(65). S. 64 – 68.
12. Nazarbaev N.A. Evraziiskii soyuz: ot idei k istorii budushego//
13. The Tourism Labour Market in the Asia-Pacific Region. Produced by the World Tourism Organization, Madrid, Spain. www. unwto, e-library.
14. Public-Private Sector Cooperation: Enhancing Tourism Competitiveness / WTO Business Council. Madrid. – 2000.
15. Tourism Highlights 2009 Edition, http: //www. unwto.
16. The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2009 // World Economic Forum.



Peculiarities of mergers and acquisitions in the Russian Federation – evidence from the energy market
Fedorova E.A., Associate Professor of Financial Management chair, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Izotova E.I., OAO Alfa-Bank, Risk Management Division

The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the evaluation of mergers and acquisitions effectiveness. The article contains an overview of the M&A market. The practical part of the research estimates the effect of 121 deals in the energy sector from 1999 to 2013. Based on the 46 deals selected, it is analyzed, how the effectiveness of the deals, calculated as cumulative abnormal returns, depends on various indicators of the buyer and target’s financial situation and features of the deal.
Keywords: mergers, acquisitions, classification, synergy, synergetic effect, efficiency, cumulative abnormal return, CAR, energy.

1. URL:
2. URL:
3. Chang S. (1998). Takeovers of privately held targets, methods of payment, and bidder returns. Journal of Finance, 53, 773–784.
4. Hansen R.G., Lott J. (1996). Externalities and corporate objectives in a world with diversified shareholders/consumers. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 31, 43–68.
5. Fuller K., Netter J. and Stegemoller M. 2002, What Do Returns from Acquiring Firms Tell US? Evidence from Firms That Make Many Acquisitions // Journal of Finance, 57(4), pp. 1763–1793.
6. Sudarsanam S., Holl P., Salami A. Shareholder wealth gains in mergers^ effect of synergy and ownership structure // Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 1996, Vol. 23, No. 5-6, pp. 673–698.
7. Tuch C., O’Sullivan N. The impact of acquisitions on firm performance: A review of the evidence // International Journal of Management Reviews, 2007, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 141–170.
8. Rau P.R., Vermalen Th. Glamour, value and the post-acquisition performance of acquiring firms //Journal of Financial Economics, 1998, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 223–253.
9. Donker H. Purchasing reserves and commodity market timing as takeover motives in the oil and gas industry// Energy Economics. 2013. 37, 167–181.
10. Changqi W., Ningling X. Determinants of Cross-Border Merger & Acquisition Performance of Chinese Enterprises // Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2010) 6896–6905.
11. Хусаинов З.И. Оценка эффективности сделок слияний и поглощений: интегрированная методика // Корпоративные финансы. – 2008. – Выпуск № 1 (5). – С. 12–33.
12. Nagano M., Yuan Y. Cross-border acquisitions in a transition economy: The recent experiences of China and India // Journal of Asian Economics 24 (2013) 66–79.

The econophysical indicators of the competitiveness of food retail
Golikov Yu.A., Siberian State Academy of Geodesy, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of business process management
Sulgina L.Yu., Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Lecturer, Department of Finance and Statistics

Inherent nature of the daily human need for food is the basis of the “physiological” model of the mutual attraction between the seller and buyer. Derived from this model econophysical indicators allow for a comparative analysis of the competitiveness of retail grocery stores located in the settlement or in the district of the city.
Keywords: econophysical indicators, attractiveness, capacity, competitiveness, stepping accessibility, consumer path.

1. Elementary physics  of 3 volumes/ G.S. Landsberg, Volume II. Electricity and Magnetism. - Moscow: Fizmatlit. 2011. 
2. Book store manager / under the editorship S.V. Sysoevoy. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2005. 
3. Golikov Yu. A., Sulgina L.Yu. Model of attractiveness and seller force of attraction / Risk: The Resources, Information, Supply, Competition. – I – 2014, р.46-51.



The assessment of the efficiency of resource organization on the basis of parameters of scattering and dynamism
Kulikov Y.A., PhD of Economics, Associate Professor of the chair Management and Marketing, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Khokhlova A.A., Student of the Institute of Economics and Management, D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia

The article offers a way to assess the effectiveness of the companies resource-saving system, characterized by variable states of the system at different values of the indicators of its effectiveness.
Keywords: efficiency, resourcesystem, dynamic methods, static methods, a measure of dispersion, dynamism parameter.

1. VumekDzh., Dzhons D. Berezhlivoe proizvodstvo: kak izbavit'sya ot poter' I dobit'sya procvetaniya vashei kompanii. – M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005.
2. Dzhordzh L. Maikl. Berezhlivoe proizvodstvo + shest' sigm. Kombiniruya kachestvo shesti sigm so skorost'yu berezhlivogo proizvodstva. – M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005.
3. Chainikova L.N., Chainikov V.N. Konkurentosposobnost' predpriyatiya. Tambov: Izd-vo Tamb. gos. tehn. un-ta, 2007.
4. Liker K. Jeffrey. The Toyota way. 14 management principles from the world’s greatest manufacturer. McGraw–Hill, 2004.
5. Zaharov A. N. Razrabotka modelei upravleniya resursosberezheniem. / Voprosy ekonomiki perehodnogo perioda. M.: Ros. ekon. akad., 1996. 
6. Sigeo Singo. Izuchenie proizvodstvennoi sistemy Toioty. – M.: Institut kompleksnyh strategicheskih issledovanii, 2006. 
7. Ohno, Taiichi. Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-ScaleProduction, Productivity Press. – 1988.

Theoretic aspects of marketing price formation
Polyakova T.N., Phd Economics, Dean of the Chemistry Department of Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Theoretical aspects of marketing pricing are considered. The elements of marketing-pricing system and its interconnections are described and analyzed. Systemic approach to the study of economic agents’ contribution to pricing is used.
Keywords: marketing, pricing, marketing pricing, system of marketing-pricing, relationship marketing, market of resources, market of production, system of internal solvable contradictions, block diagram, cruciform configuration.

1. Golubkov E.P. Marketing kak koncepciya rynochnogo upravleniya// Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2000. № 2. 
2. Abramov V.L. Marketingovoe upravlenie konkurentosposobnost'yu ekonomicheskih sistem// Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2005. № 5. 
3. Razumov V.ISizikov V.P. Osnovy teorii dinamicheskih informacionnyh sistem. Omsk, 2005. S. 43.

Management of the marketing mix for the internet
Danchenok L.А., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Institute of Management Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
Deynekin T.V., Phd  Economics, Associate Professor of Marketing and Commerce Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)

E-commerce market in Russia continues to grow. Against this background, improved management models online promotion of goods and services. One of the most important concept is the concept of an integrated online marketing, which is studied in the present study. 
Keywords: Internet, Internet marketing, integrated marketing, advertising, management of marketing

1. Forum «Internet-predprinimatel'stvo v Rossii» [Elektronnyj resurs], 2014. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Kim Beasley. Affiliate Marketing: Shopping for the Right Affiliate Program. – USA: JTW Publishing LLC, 2007.
3. Virin F. Internet-marketing: polnyj sbornik prakticheskih instrumentov / Fedor Virin .- M.: Jeksmo, 2010. – 16 s.
4. Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-Chadwick, Richard Mayer, Kevin Johnston. Internet Marketing Strategy, Implementation and Practice. – Italy: Printed and bound by Rotolito Lombarda, 2009.
5. Nik Tehrani. Contemporary Marketing Mix for the Digital Era.-USA: AuthorHouse. 2009. – Pp. 27–29.
6. Bruce C. Brown. The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing on the Web. – USA: Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc. 2009.
7. Marketing po notam: prakticheskij kurs na rossijskih primerah / [Danchenok L.A., Dejnekin T.V., Zotov V.V., Kuchugin, N.L. Shmelev N.A.] ; pod red. L. A. Danchenok. – M.: OOO «Market DS Korporejshn» . – 698 s.
8. Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M.P. Svjazi s obshhestvennost'ju: teorija i praktika: uchebnik / A.N. Chumikov, M.P. Bocharov – 6-e izd. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Delo» ANH, 2010. – 23-30 s.
9. Danchenok L.A., Denisova E.S., Nevostruev P.Ju. Innovacionnye metody marketinga v uslovijah transformacii povedenija potrebitelej [tekst] / Danchenok L.A., Denisova E.S., Nevostruev P.Ju. // Jekonomicheskie nauki. - 2008. - №46. - S. 216-218
10. Marketing v social'nyh media. Internet marketingovye kommunikacii: Uchebnoe posobie / [Tihomirov V.P., Tihomirova N.V., Danchenok L.A., Nevostruev P.Ju., Laskovec L.V., Mhitarjan S.V., Netesova A.V., Evdokimchik A.I., Dejnekin T.V., Moskave A.V.] ; Pod red. L.A. Danchenok. – SPb.: Piter, 2013. – 23-25 s.
11. Katalog programm [Elektronnyj resurs] / Admitad. – GmbH., 2013. – Rezhim dostupa:
12. The ROI from Marketing to Existing Online Customers / Adobe Systems Incorporated. – USA., 2012. – Rezhim dostupa:



Emotional and motivational factors of efficiency of business process management
Khlevnaya Е.А., Ph.D. in Economics and Psychology, Head of the Laboratory of Behavioral Economic and Analytical Consulting of the Russian Economic University of G.V. Plekhanov, Associated Professor of the Business Analysis and Audit Department

The article considers the problem of improving the management efficiency of business processes. Emotional and motivational factors of management decisions are presented, which primary purpose is to regulate the activity of other members of the organization, and through this to improve coordination, mobility and manageability of the entire system of business process management. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of business processes are presented. The content of concepts is discussed: information base activities, emotional involvement in the activities, objective and subjective criteria of leadership effectiveness, use of emotions for management tasks.
Keywords: management effectiveness, business processes of organization, emotional involvement, emotional and motivational factors.

1. Pankova T.A. Rol emocionalnogo intellekta v effektivnosti deatelnosti rukovoditela [Elektronniy resurs] // Psihologicheskie issledovania: elektron. nauch. shurn. 2010. N 2(10). URL: 
2. Khlevnaya E.A., Shtroo B.A. Vzaimosvyaz emocionalnogo intellekta rukovoditeley I ekonomichescoi effektivnosti organizacii// Ekonomicheskaya psihologiya: materialy Dvenadcatoy Meshdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii «Ekonomicheskaya psihologiya: actualnye teoreticheskie i prikladnye problemy», BGYEP, Irkutsk, 2011 г. P.213-221.
3. Shadrikov B.D. The role of reflection and reflexivity in students’ ability development // Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. – 2013. – Vol. 6. – № 2. – P. 55–64.
4. Kaplan, Robert S., David P. Norton, and Bjarne Rugelsjoen. Managing Alliances with the Balanced Scorecard. Harvard Business Review 88, №. 1 (January–February 2010): 114–120.
5. Plutchik R. Emotions and Life: Perspectives From Psychology, Biology, and Evolution. – 2002.

Determining the directions of improvement of the training and staff development system by using crowdsourcing
Dolzhenko R.A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics, Sociology, Labor and Personnel Management, Altai State University

This paper deals with the possibilities of using crowdsourcing to determine the directions to improve the system of training and staff development by the employees. The essence of crowdsourcing is determined the types of crowdsourcing are highlighted. The relevance of the distance learning introduction in the organization is described. The paper describes the experience of Sberbank of Russia in this area, which  first among Russian companies attracted a community of interested employees to work on the formation of the Bank’s development strategy for the period up to 2018, to determine the direction of working with staff which will be implemented in the coming years, and to identify areas of improvement of the system of training and staff development of the Bank (in particular the development of the educational portal).
Keywords: сrowdsourcing, promising directions of working with staff, personnel training, corporate training system, e-learning, portal of learning.

1. Patarakin E.D. Kul'tura 2.0 – sovmestnoe tvorchestvo i sovmestnoe issledovanie. // Obrazovatel'nye tehnologii i obshestvo, 2010, № 2. – C. 302 – 315 
2. Howe J. Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the Future of Business. Crown Publishing Group, 2009.
3. Shurov'eski D. Mudrost' tolpy. M.: Vil'yams, 2007.
4. Bradley A., McDonald M. The Social Organization: How to Use Social Media to Tap the Collective Genius of Your Customers and Employee. – Harvard Business Review Press, 2011.
5. Patarakin E. D., Yarmahov B. B., Burov V. V. Prodvizhenie social'nyh innovacii cherez obshestvennoe konstruirovanie dokumentov // Obrazovatel'nye tehnologii i obshestvo . 2012. T. 15. № 2. S. 517-535.
6. Novek, B. Wiki-pravitel'stvo. Kak tehnologii mogut sdelat' vlast' luchshe, demokratiyu - sil'nee, a grazhdan – vliyatel'nee - M.: Al'pina Pablisher, 2012.
7. Ponomarev S.V. Kraudsorsing – tehnologiya sozdaniya virtual'nyh soobshestv // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Seriya «Politologiya». Perm', № 3 (15), 2011.
8. Shapiro S. A. Motivaciya i stimulirovanie personala. M.: GrossMedia, 2005. 
9. Azua M. The Social Factor – Innovate, Ignite, and Win through Mass Collaboration and Social Networking. – IBM Press. 200.
10. Gordeeva O., Il'in V., Anisina M. Otchet po kraudsorsing-proektu «Koncepciya Uchebnogo portala». – M. OAO «Sberbank Rossii», 2013.

The problems of modern development of production specialists’ technical creativity and training to make decisions at every workplace
Cherepovskiy A.P., Associate Professor of APGS ISI OrelGAU, Ph.D., Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Science

The problems of the modern development of technical creativity of experts are considered, gaps in this activity are noticed, both in the production and education areas. The author directs the main focus of the reader to the existing reserves and ways to use them at each site, in different areas of the economy. The main factor in the implementation of an innovative modernization program of the economy is defined – an increase of the efficiency of the scientific and technical activity of each employee, the author cites a number of recommendations to managers of different levels of government.
Keywords: guaranteed the use of professional knowledge, boom west of questionable role models, overestimation of competence, humanistic paradigm of governance, bureaucratic containment building development of creativity, tactical and strategic plans of creativity.

1. Innovacionnyi menedzhment: Uchebnoe posobie / Pod red. d.e.n., prof. L.N. Ogolevoi. – M.: INFA-M, 2008. 
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3. Upravlenie kachestvom obrazovaniya v regionah Rossii: Monografiya. Izd.2-e, pererab., dop. –M.: OAO Izdatel'skaya gruppa «Progress», 2007.
4. Zhbanov P.A. Imperativ innovacionnyh upravlencheskih kompetencii v sfere razvitiya ekonomicheskih znanii.// Ekonomika stroitel'stva – 2011. – № 1. – s.43-49.
5. Kibanov A.Ya. Osnovy upravleniya personalom: Uchebnik.-2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.:INFA-M,2007.
6. Bobkov K.I. Sapozhnikov V.N. Nauchnye problemy ekonomiki stroitel'stva: Uchebnoe posobie.- M.: Izdatel'stvo Associacii stroitel'nyh vuzov, 2006. 
7. Serov V.M. Investicionno-stroitel'naya sfera Rossii: istochniki i napravleniya povysheniya effektivnosti.// Ekonomika stroitel'stva. – 2001. – № 1.
8. Chetverik N.P., Grunin I.Yu., Hanuhov H.M., Pirockaya L.M., Shlyapnikov A.A., Derevyanko A.A. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po ocenke effektivnosti innovacii v stroitel'stve.-M.: Komitet innovacionnyh tehnologii v stroitel'stve NOSTRO', 2011 ( 
9. Zinovkina M.M., Gareev R.G., Andreev S.P. Psihologiya tvorchestva: razvitiya tvorcheskogo voobrazheniya i fantazii v metodologii TRIZ (RTViF-TRIZ): Uchebnoe posobie.-M.:MGIU, 2004. 
10. Kvintessenciya: Filos. Al'manah / Sost.: V.I. Mudragei, V.I. Usanov. M.: Politpizdat, 1990. 
11. Nikiforov M.D. «Upravlenie kachestvom»: Ucheb. Dlya VUZov. M.: Student, 2011. 
12. Cherepovskii A.P. Strategicheskoe razvitie upravleniya personalom v stroitel'stve: monografiya.- Orel: izd-vo Orel GAU, 2007. 
13. Cherepovskii A.P. Narashivanie rezul'tatov tvorchestva i sinergeticheskogo effekta – glavnaya strategiya uskoreniya modernizacii stroitel'stva. Kadrovik. Kadrovyi menedzhent. – 2013. – № 3. S.81-86.

Factors determining the career formation and development of a young specialist
Chrnikovskai M.V., Senior Teacher, Ph.D. Penza State University of Architecture and Construction
Molekin A.N., Student of the 4th course Penza State University of Architecture and Construction

The problem of building a career is relevant in the changing socio-economic environment. The article presents the results of the process study of the career building and development of young specialists.
Keywords: career, employment, professional qualities, young specialists.

1. Afanasenko I.V. Strategii postroeniya kar'ery kak komponent professional'noi Ya-KONCEPCII [Tekst] // Sbornik materialov III vserossiiskogo s'ezda psihologov. – SPb., izd-vo LGU, 2011.
2. Ivanov V.Yu. Kar'era menedzhera kak ob'ekt issledovaniya i upravleniya. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom . – 2010. – № 3.
3. Mol'kin A.N., Chernikovskaya M.V.Faktory uspeshnogo postroeniya  kar'ery molodogo specialista //Elektronnyi sbornik statei po materialam XVIII studencheskoi mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi  konferencii. – Novosibirsk: Izd. «SibAK». – 2014. – № 3 (18).
4. Reznik S.D., Chernikovskaya M.V., Sochilova A.A. Konkurentoorientirovannost' i konkurentosposobnost' vypusknika vuza: opyt, perspektivy nauchnogo poiska // Problemy sovremennoi ekonomiki, № 3(47), 2013, s. 399.
5. Reznik S.D., Chernikovskaya M.V. Formirovanie organizacionnoi kul'tury v studencheskoi srede. Penza: PGUAS, 2012.
6. Yadov V.A. Strategiya sociologicheskogo issledovaniya. Opisanie, ob'yasnenie, ponimanie social'noi real'nosti. Izd-vo: Akademkniga, Dobrosvet, 2003. S. 73



History, state and development of management accounting in Russia
Suprunova E.A., Phd Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Credit, Accounting and Audit of the Omsk State University of Means of Communication

The article attempts to summarize and categorize the stages of development of management accounting in foreign countries and in Russia proposed by various economists.
An analysis of the accumulated problems of development of management accounting at various levels of the economic system is presented.
Keywords: managerial accounting, stages of development, the theoretical basis of management accounting, design problems.

1. Averina O.I., Bezrukov N.V. Upravlencheskii uchet: etapy stanovleniya, sovremennoe sostoyanie i napravleniya razvitiya // Mezhdunarodnyi buhgalterskii uchet, 2012. – № 39. [Elektronnyi resurs] // URL: (Data obrasheniya: 23.10.2013).
2. Zonova A.V. Sushnost' buhgalterskih kategorii i terminov Mezhdunarodnyi buhgalterskii uchet, 2010 – № 17 i, 2011 - № 1 [Elektronnyi resurs] // URL: (Data obrasheniya: 23.10.2013).
3. Krylova A. N. Istoriya razvitiya upravlencheskogo ucheta v Rossii // Mir sovremennoi nauki, 2012. [Elektronnyi resurs] // URL: (Data obrasheniya: 25.11.2013).
4. Rzhavina Yu.B. Osobennosti i etapy razvitiya upravlencheskogo ucheta // Buhgalterskii uchet, statistika, 2010 – № 10 (71) – S. 247-250
5. Sokolov Ya.V. Russkaya uchetnaya mysl' XX veka: nashi dostizheniya / Ya.V. Sokolov, S.M. Bychkova // Buhgalterskii uchet, 2004 – № 16 (avgust)  [Elektronnyi resurs] // URL: (Data obrasheniya: 29.10.2013).
6. Sungatulina R.N, Zagarskih V.V.Mezhdunarodnyi opyt organizacii upravlencheskogo ucheta // Mezhdunarodnyi buhgalterskii uchet, 2012 – №12. [Elektronnyi resurs] // URL: (Data obrasheniya: 29.10.2013).
7. Suprunova E.A. Problemy razvitiya upravlencheskogo ucheta v Rossii na raznyh urovnyah ekonomicheskoi sistemy // Problemy ekonomiki, organizacii i upravleniya v Rossii i mire: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii (28 dekabrya 2012 goda). – Otv. redaktor Naumov A.V. – Praga, Cheshskaya Respublika: Izd-vo  WORLDPRESSsr.o., 2013. – 577 s. – S. 457-461
8. Suprunova E.A. Upravlencheskii uchet na sovremennom etape razvitiya ekonomiki Rossii: problemy i perspektivy: Monografiya. -LAPLAMBERTAcademicPublishing, 2012.
9. Suprunova E.A. Innovacionnyi podhod pri prepodavanii discipliny «Buhgalterskii upravlencheskii uchet» // Sibirskii torgovo-ekonomicheskii zhurnal,  2011. – № 14. – S.91-99
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