Contents of N5/2014

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Contents of N5'2014


Technique of companies CSR performance assessment
Leshchenko O.A., Phd, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Political Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg
Korchagina E.V., Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Department of Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

The article presents an original technique of CSR performance assessment, approved in the course of research [45 Russian companies]. The offered technique can be used by owners and managers of companies, experts and social policy experts, representatives of authorities and the organized public, engaged in social development at corporate and regional levels.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, business, social investments, social and economic efficiency, CSR assessment technique.

1. Freeman R.E. 1984. Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Boston: Pitman.
2. Donaldson T., Preston L. 1995. The stakeholder theory of the corporation – concepts, evidence, and implications. Academy of Management Review. 20 (1): 65–91.
3. Mitchell R.K., Agle B.R., Wood D.J. 1997. Toward a theory of stakeholder  identification and salience: Defining the principle of who and what really counts. Academy of Management Review. 22 (4): 853 – 886.
4. Holme R., Watts P. 2000. Corporate social responsibility: Making good business sense. World Business Council for Sustainable Development: Geneva.
5. Druker P.F. 2001 Effectivnoe upravlenie. M.: GRAND
6. Mangeim K. 2007. Diagnoz nashego vremeni. M.: EKSMO
7. Saimon G. 1995 Teoria priniatia resheniy v economicheskoi teorii i nauke o povedenii. V sb. Teoria firmi. SPb.: |Economicheskaya shkola. 54 -72. 
8. Ivanov V.N., Gladishev A.G., Patrushev V.I. I dr. 2001. Osnovi sosialnogo upravlenia/ pod red. V.N. Ivanova. – M.: Vishaia shkola. 
9. Ilner M. Otsenka effectivnosti socialnih meropriatiy. Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. 1990. (1): 75-77. 
10. Tulshinskiy G.L., Tulchinskaya L.E., Vecsler A.F., Lestchenko O.A. 2008. Programma “Effectivniye socialnie investisii I socialnoe partnerstvo (ESISP)”: 100+1 prinsip ESISP. Matrisa ESISP. – M., SPb., N.Novgorod: isd. Sentr “Mir dobra”.

To a question of formation of a criteria estimates system and management of the project innovative potential
Bayev L.A., Dr.Econ.Sci., professor FSSFEI HPE “Southern Ural State University” (NRU), Department chair of economy and management of projects, Chelyabinsk
Litkе M.GPhd Econ.Sci. FSSFEI HPE “Southern Ural State University” (NRU), Associate professor of chair of economy and management of projects, Chelyabinsk

On the basis of the category system developed by authors and the carried-out analysis of existing programs of support of innovative projects the generalized hierarchical model of a multicriteria assessment of the innovative potential of the project, allowing, further, to use the formalized methods of a multicriteria assessment and ranging is developed.
Keywords: innovation, innovative potential of the project, system potential, intrasystem potential, all-system potential.

1. Breili R. Principy korporativnyh finansov. / R. Breili, S. Maiers - M.: Olimp-Biznes – 2007. 
2. Litke M.G., Baev L.A. K voprosu o kategoriinoi sisteme ocenki i upravleniya innovacionnym razvitiem. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom № 3/2013. Moskva, 2013 
3. Litke M.G., Baev L.A. Upravlenie innovacionnym razvitiem: regional'nyi celevoi podhod.// Vestnik YuUrGU. Seriya «Ekonomika i menedzhment». – 2009. – Vyp. 4. – № 41 (174). 
4. Saati T. Prinyatie reshenii. Metod analiza ierarhii.- M.: Radio i svyaz', 1989. 
5. Zade L.A. Razmytye mnozhestva i ih primenenie v raspoznavanii obrazov i klaster-analize. – V sb.: Klassifikaciya i klaster - M: Mir, 1980.

Product management of technological innovation: 
Komissarova T.A., Ph.D., Dean Graduate school of marketing and business development, National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Tokarev B.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of centre «Marketing of innovations», National Research University – Higher School of Economics

The article is devoted to the problem of understanding the place of product management in technology companies. The integrated model TechnoMarketing© formed for supporting innovative technological product from concept to market development. The list of product manager organizational actions is made for the stages of innovation product life cycle. The composition of actions is described for understanding the market and consumers in each stage.
Keywords:  innovative product, product management, technology, marketing, market.

1. Yansen F. Epokha inniovatsiy / Per. s angl. — М.: INFRA-М, 2002.
2. Blank S., Dorf B. The startup owner’s manual. – K&S Ranch Inc., 2012.
5. Williams L. Disrupt: Think unthinkable to spark transformation in your business. – FT Press, 2011. 
6. Tokarev B.E. 37 voprosov, kotorye dolzhen zadat proizvoditel innovatsionnogo producta // Practicheski marketing, №11, 2013. – Pp.16 - 19.



National characteristics in the distribution  of transnational corporations
Kuznetsova N.V., Doctor of Economics, professor, Department of World Economy, School of Economics and Management Far Eastern Federal University
The results were achieved within the frameworks of the governmental assignment of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in the sphere of scientific research during the researching assignment № 26.1478.2014/K “The structural transformation of Russian Economy through the integration installation in the industrial markets of Asia-Pacific Region”

The article examines the statistical data on Transnational Corporations (TNC) in order to reveal the national affiliation of some of the world largest TNC. The article examines various ratings, for example, foreign assets rating, profit rating, and aggregate market capitalization rating, thus revealing principal countries - leaders stationing TNC. The article defines priority countries according to the allocation of production power in the transnational economy – developing countries are the most transnational of all countries, principal leaders among the largest international corporations.
Keywords: TNC, index of transnationalization, geographic structure, subsidiary companies, TNC ratings, USA, Japan, China, nonfinancial TNC, foreign assets, holding companies, profit, market capitalization.

1. UNCTAD World Investment Report. – 2009.
2. UNCTAD. Disclosure of the Impact of Corporations on Society: Current Trends and Issues. – New York, Geneva: UNCTAD, 2004. – S.43.
3. World Investment Report 2003: Trends and determinants // UNCTAD. – 2003. – Pp. 88–89. 
4. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [Electronic resource]. URL:
5. World Investment Report 2001-2011 [Electronic resource]. URL:
6. World Bank [Electronic resource]. URL: NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?order=wbapi_data_value_2010+wbapi_data_value+wbapi_data_value-last&sort=asc
7. World Investment Report: Transnational Corporations and the Infrastructure Challenge. UNCTAD, UN, New York, Geneva. – 2010.
8.  Balazkii, E.V. Globalization of World Economy and «Corporate Model» of Governmental Sector Formation // Society and Economics. – 2003. – № 9.
9. Shetinin, V.V. Role of Transnational Corporations in World Economy and its Influence on International Competition. – M: Infra-M, 2009. – 235 s.
10. Derbilova, E. «This is a Real Tragedy» - Piter Vozer, chief executive Royal Dutch Shell // Vedomosti, № 128 (2646), July 14, 2010.

The concept of proposals intelligent network monitoring for updating the priority directions of science, technology  and engineering, and the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation on the basis of information  and communication technologies
Novikova S.V., Ph.D., Professor of Kazan State Technical University AN Tupolev – KAII
Tumbinskaya M.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Kazan State Technical University AN Tupolev – KAI

We consider the creation of an electronic information system of interaction and cooperation of scientific schools and high technology manufacturing companies for the actual monitoring and identification of priority areas of science, technology and engineering and the list of critical RF technologies to develop proposals for the development of their implementation mechanism, to improve interaction between scientific communities through the implementation of information communication technologies based on modern methods of mathematical modeling and control.
Keywords: public authorities, development priorities of science, technology and engineering in Russia, Information intelligent decision support, information and engineering cluster network monitoring.

1. Novikovа SV, Emaletdinova LY , Maksyutin SA The method of analysis of functioning of housing and communal services sector in the region on the basis of data banks and the clustering method. // Bulletin of the Kazan State Technical University. Kazan Univ KSTU . Tupolev. – 2008. – № 1.
2. Novikovа SV, Tunakova YA, Ismailov ES GAREEV R.H Monitoring atmosphere through the use of neural networks // Bulletin of the Kazan State Technical University. Kazan Univ KSTU . Tupolev. – 2009. – № 2.
3. Novikovа SV, Tunakova YA, Ismailov ES Creating technology settlement monitoring of the environment in the territory of the metropolis. // Bulletin of the Kazan State Technical University. Kazan: KSTU in im.A.N. Tupolev. – 2010. – № 3.
4. Novikovа SV Distributed fuzzy decision support system for environmental security  // Nonlinear world . Moscow Univ Technol. – 2011. – № 12.
5. Tumbinskaya MV, Aleksandrova LA Model and algorithms for interactive evaluation of knowledge // Software and systems. – 2009. – № 3.
6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2011 № 899 “On approval of the priority directions of science, technologies and technics in the Russian Federation and list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation”.

Major challenges of lean-system implementation at Russian enterprises
Kondratev E.V.,  Doctor of Economics, Professor of Chair “Management” of Institute of Economy and Management of the Penza State University of Architecture and Building
Milovanov M.G, Student 5 courses, the Penza State University of Architecture and Building

In the context of Russia’s active integration into the international economy the need to improve the production efficience of Russian enterprises increases. The solution to this problem is the introduction of lean principles in manufacturing interentreprise system. The authors explore the typology of the problems faced by the leading Russian enterprises in the implementation of production systems for the last 5 years and provide recommendations for their prevention.
Keywords:  lean manufacturing, production systems, effectiveness, management.

1. Proizvodstvennyi menedzhment [Electronic resource]. URL: and russian mentality/
2. On SHAAZ successfully weathered storming breakthrough // Rational management of the enterprise. – 2011. – № 4. – Pp. 6–8.
3. Soobshestvo proizvodstvennyh menedzherov [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.up kamaz.html
4. Korporativnyi sait OAO «Baltika» [Electronic resource]. URL: rostow_podelilisy_opytom_ realizatsii_.html
5. Berezhlivoe proizvodstvo v OAO «RZhD»: Kratkii spravochnik [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.up
6. Filippov, S., S. Turusov, Volyansky V., M. Ehrenburg. Slomai stereotip. Proizvodstvennaya sistema Bratskogo alyuminievogo zavoda / Institut kompleksnyh strategicheskih issledovanii, 2010. – 208 s.
7.  RoterM. Toiota Kata. Liderstvo, menedzhment i razvitie sotrudnikov dlya dostizheniya vydayushihsya rezul'tatov.  – SPb.: Piter Press, 2014. – S. 139.
8. Liker J., Mayer Praktika Dао Toiota. – SPb.: Piter, 2013. – 336 s.
9.  Kondrat'evE.V., GolyaevE.V. Praktika vovlecheniya personala v deyatel'nost' predpriyatiya: ekran proizvodstvennoi sistemy // Metody menedzhmenta kachestva.  – 2013. – № 10. – S. 40–46.
10. Kaizen "in Russian" [Electronic resource]. URL: po russki
11. Korporativnyi sait OAO «Baltika» [El.resurs]. URL:
12. Russian Lean Forum [Electronic resource]. URL:
13. Roter M. Toiota Kata. – «Piter». – 2013. – 336 s.
14. Miller L. Lean Culture – The Leader’s Guide book. Annapolis, Maryland, 2011.



Conceptual basis of the mechanism formation to manage the regional industrial policy
Vorobeva N.A., Phd Economics, Assistant Professor, Department of World Economy, School of Economics and management, Far Eastern Federal University
The results were achieved within the frameworks of the governmental assignment of Russian Ministry of Education and Science in the sphere of scientific research during the researching assignment № 26.1478.2014/K “The structural transformation of Russian Economy through the integration installation in the industrial markets of Asia-Pacific Region”

The article presents the results of the comprehensive research of formation and implementation of industrial policy in the region. It establishes also the necessity for constructing the industrial profile of regions in the implementation of industrial policy in long-term planning. It also presents some proposals for the improvement of industrial policy management mechanisms in the regions of Russian Federation.
Keywords:  regional industrial policy, industrial profile of region, level of industrial development, long-term planning, regional competitiveness, planning of the economy.

1. Rybakov, F.F. Stages of Russian industrial policy: a retrospective analysis // Problems of the modern economy, 2011. – №1 (37). – pp: 56 – 68. 
2. Seleznev, F. Industrial policy: Russian historical experience // Economic Issues. M .: 2011. – № 4. – pp: 149 – 154. 
3. Safiullin, A.R. Management, competitive advantage during the industrial policy of the meso level: Author. disssirtation / A.R. Safiullin - Kazan: Kazan Publisher gos.finansovo-ekonom. institute, 2010. 
4. Primorsky Krai: socio-economic indicators. Vladivostok: Rosstat, the territorial body of the Federal Service gos. statistics in the Primorsky Territory, 2010. 
5. Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators in 2010: stat. Sb. M .: Rosstat, 2010. 
6. Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the Russian Federation. 2010: The stat. Sb. M .: Rosstat, 2010.

Features of the socio-economic development of the metropolis
Valetov A.I., Phd Economics, Deputy Head of the Department for Foreign Economic Activity and International Relations of Moscow

Megacities begin to play a key role in the development of the world community in the context of globalization and inter-regional competition. They become sources of contemporary social, economic, political and cultural trends. This article reveals the role of the Moscow metropolis in the development of other regions, shows how the cooperation of the metropolis with other regions is implemented and evaluated.
Keywords: metropolis, globalization, socio-economic development, interregional cooperation.

1. Bortnik I.M., Lindholm P., Nikonov V.A. Reports. XIII Tomsk Forum May 20-21, 2010 «Innovative Leadership of the Region: Competing for the Future» P. 27, 53, 71. Access mode: http://innovus. biz/media/uploads/resources/panel-discuss1-day1-presentation.pdf
2. BraudelF. Material civilization, economics and capitalism, XV-XVIII centuries. V. 1. M.: Progress, 1986.
3. Castells M. The Power of Identity, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture/ Translated from English. M.: Higher School of Economics, 2000.
4. Lasuen H.R.  Urbanization and economic development: the interaction time between the geographical and sectoral clusters // Spatial Economics. 2010. № 1. P. 68-104.
5. Nefedova T.G., TreyvishA.I. Moscowskaya region border region // Geography.2008.  № 6. Access mode: http://geo.1
6. Regions of  Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2013: Statistical Compendium/ Rosstat. – M., 2013. 
7. Savelyeva M.V. The Development Managing of the Competitive Advantages of Regions – «Engines of Growth». – M.: MAKSPress, 2013. P. 194-195.
8. Sassen S. Global city: introduction of the concept // Global city: Theory and Reality / Edited by NA Sluka. M.: OOO "Avanglion", 2007. P. 14-16.
9. Fedyakin I.V. Metropolis as an object of political science research (to the problem) // Trends and Management. – 2013. –  № 3. – P. 116-127.
10. Friedmann J. The World City Hypothesis // Development and Change. – 1986. – № 4. – P. 12–50.
11. Geddes P. Cities in evolution. – L., 1915.
12. Hall P. The World Cities. – L., 1966.
13. Reed H. The Preeminence of International Financial Centers. – N.Y., 1981.



Performance evaluation of changes in health care organization
Krivenko N.V., MBU “Central City Clinical Hospital № 23”, chief CHI Ural State Medical University, assistant professor of public health and health care, Ph.D., Ekaterinburg, Russia
Kozlova O.A., Institute of Economics RAS, head of the center doctor of Economics, Professor, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Kuznetsova N.L., Head Outpatient Center Traumatology and Surgery, Deputy Director OOO «Medinvest» Ekaterinburg, Russia MD, Professor, member corrain RAEN

The article defines the notions of health, social, economic efficiency and of, economic impact in health care. The methodical tools to assess the effectiveness of the changes implementation in health care are proposed. An assessment of the changes effectiveness in Ekaterinburg healthcare organizations is given
Keywords:  the effect of the performance indicators in health, methodological tools to assess the effectiveness.

1. Mishina O.S., Starodubov V.I. Tendencii v upravlenii zdravoohraneniem v Rossii i za rubezhom. / Ekaterinburg.- Nauchnyi vestnik UrAGS- vyp. – 2011 – № 2 (15). – S. 34.
2. Modernizaciya zdravoohraneniya: otvety na aktual'nye voprosy / pod red. Kadyrova F.N., – М., 2007. – S.271.
3. Borisenko O.V. Zdravoohranenie / Kak organizovat' deyatel'nost' po ocenke medicinskih tehnologii na urovne sub'ekta RF, medicinskoi organizacii / Zhurnal rabochih situacii glavnogo vracha.- M: MCFER №6. – 2013. -S.73.,S.82-83.
4. Ekonomicheskaya ocenka tehnologii zdravoohraneniya. Rezolyuciya kruglogo stola Komissii po kontrolyu za reformoi i modernizaciei sistemy zdravoohraneniya i demografii.//Menedzher zdravoohraneniya.- Moskva. – 2012. – № 11. – S.66 - 67.
5. Innovacionnyi menedzhment: Uchebnoe posobie / Pod red.d.e.n., prof.A.V.Baryshevoi.-3-e izd. M: Izd.»Dashkov i K», 2009. – S.55.
6. Kadyrov F.N. Ekonomicheskie metody ocenki effektivnosti deyatel'nosti medicinskih uchrezhdenii.- M: ID «Menedzher zdravoohraneniya», 2007. – S.362.
7. Krivenko N.V., Kuznecova N.L. Ekonomiko-matematicheskaya model' resursosberegayushih tehnologii s ispol'zovaniem teorii massovogo obsluzhivaniya, pozvolyayushaya povysit' dostupnost' medicinskoi pomoshi i obespechit' sohranenie ee kachestva dlya naseleniya. Intellektual'nyiprodukt. Svidetel'stvonaintellektual'nyiprodukt №73200400022 ot 12.02.2004 g. – S.1.
8. Osnovnye pokazateli  zdorov'ya naseleniya i deyatel'nosti lechebno-profilakticheskih uchrezhdenii g.Ekaterinburga za 2013g. /Sbornik Upravleniya zdravoohraneniya administracii g.Ekaterinburga. – Ekaterinburg . – 2014 – S.6 – 7.

Fundraising as a function of management in nonprofit organizations: definition and performance factors
Mersiyanova I.V., National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia). Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Not-For-Profit Sector. Director
Korneeva I.E., National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia). Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Not-For-Profit Sector. Research Fellow
Ivanova N.V., National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia). Center for Studies of Civil Society and the Not-For-Profit Sector. Senior Research Fellow

The article focuses on the role of fundraising as a function of management in non-profit organizations (NPOs). It describes the main approaches to determining the performance of fundraising in NGOs, using regression analysis the main factors affecting this indicator are identified.
Keywords: nongovernmental nonprofit institutions, third sector, fundraising, impact factors, the professionalization of fundraising.

1. DaushevD., KljocinaA., Men'sheninaI., Tul'chinskajaT.Fandrajzing: istoriiizrossijskojpraktiki / Sbornikkejsov — SPb.: CRNO, 2012
2. EfremovS.V.Ob"edineniesredstvgosudarstva i chastnyhdonorovdljapodderzhkinekommercheskihorganizacij // Voprosygosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogoupravlenija. – 2004. – № 2. – S. 195 - 222.
3. LozovanuV., ManoleO.Fandrajzing: Rukovodstvodljanepravitel'stvennyhorganizacij / Asoc. Promo-LEX; K.: B. i., 2011.
4.MersijanovaI.V.Vlijaniefinansirovanijarossijskih NKO naocenkuihraboty i jekonomicheskogopolozhenija // Grazhdanskoeobshhestvo v Rossii i zarubezhom. – 2013. – № 3. – S. 25 - 31.
5. OjnerO.K.Upravlenierezul'tativnost'jumarketinga: uchebnikdljamagistrov. M.: Izdatel'stvoJurajt, 2012.
6. Al-allak B. Evaluating the adoption and use of internet-based marketing information systems to improve marketing intelligence (the case of tourism SMEs in Jordan). International Journal of Marketing Studies. 2010. V. 2 (2). P. 87–101.
7.  Andreasen A.R., Kotler P.  Strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. 2008.
8. Andreoni J., Payne A. Do Government Grants to Private Charities Crowd Out Giving or Fund-raising? American Economic Review. 2003. V. 93 (3). P. 792–812.
9. Baum J., Oliver C. Institutional linkages and organizational mortality. Administrative Science Quarterly. 1991. V. 36 (2). P. 187–218.
10. Borgonovi F. Do public grants to American theaters crowd-out private donations? // Public Choice. 2006. V. 126. P. 429–451.
11. Buckmaster N., Lyons M., Bridges A. Financial Ratio Analysis and Nonprofit Organisations: A Review and an Exploration of the Financial Vulnerability of Ninety Large Nonprofit Organisations in NSW, CACOM Paper 26, CACOM, UTS, Lindfield. 1994.
12. Clifford D., Geyne Rajme F., Mohan J. How Dependent is The Third Sector on Public Funding? Evidence from the National Survey of Third Sector Organizations//Third Sector Research Centre. Working Paper 45. 2010.
13. Greenlee J., Trussel J.M. Estimating the Financial Vulnerability of Charitable Organizations, Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 2000. V. 11 (2). P. 199–210.
14.  Forman C.  The corporate digital divide: Determinants of internet adoption. Management Science. 2005. V. 51 (4). P. 641–654.
15. Fundraising Effectiveness Survey Report. URL: FinalReport.pdf 2013.
16.  Herzer D., Nunnenkamp P.  Private Donations, Government Grants, Commercial Activities, and Fundraising: Cointegration and Causality for NGOs in International Development Cooperation// Kiel Working Papers. 2012. V. 1769.
17.  Holloway R.  Sustainability//International Encyclopedia of Civil Society /Ed. by H. Anheier, S. Toepler. Springer. 2010. P. 1498–1503.
18.  Lyons M., Zappala G., Nivison-Smith I.  Revenue raising strategies among the community sector in Australia. 2006.
19. Nonprofit Fundraising Study//Nonprofit Research Collaborative. 2012. URL:
20. Nonprofit Fundraising Study//Nonprofit Research Collaborative. 2013. URL:
21.  Reinhardt G. Matching Donors and Nonprofits. The Importance of Signaling in Funding Awards // Journal of Theoretical Politics. 2009. Vol. 21, N 3. P. 283–309.
22. Rooney P. A Better Method for Analyzing the Costs and Benefits of Fundraising at Universities // Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 1999. V. 10 (1). P. 39–56.
23. Sargeant A. Using Donor Lifetime Value to Inform Fundraising Strategy, Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 2001. V. 12 (1). P. 25–38.
24. Sargeant A., Shang J. Growing Philanthropy in the United States. Blacbaud Inc. 2011. URL:
25.  Scaife W.  Fundraising. //International Encyclopedia of Civil Society/ H. Anheier, S. Toepler. Springer. 2010. P. 742–746.
26. Sokolowski W. Effects of Government Support of Nonprofit Institutions on Aggregate Private Philanthropy: Evidence from 40 Countries//Voluntas, 2013. 24, pp. 359-381.
27.  Twombly E.R. What factors affect the entry and exit of nonprofit human services organizations in metropolitan areas?  Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 2003. V. 32 (2). P. 211 – 235.
28. Tuchman H., Chang C. Methodology for measuring the Financial Vulnerability of Charitable Nonprofit Organizations, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 1991. V. 20 (4). P. 445–460.
29. Viravaidya M., Hayssen J. (2001). Strategies To Strengthen NGO Capacity in Resource Mobilization Through Business Activities//UNAIDS Best Practice Collection. URL:
30. Wollebaek D.  Survival in local voluntary associations. Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 2009. V. 19 (3). P. 267–284.
31. Woodward S., Marshall S. A Better Framework – Reforming Nonprofit Regulation, University of Melbourne: Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation. 2004.
32. Zappala G., Lyons M. Factors associated with fundraising dependency among nonprofit organizations in Australia. 2010.

Development of modern forms of integration and diversification in the furniture industry
Sukhorukov A.V., c.e.s., associate professor «Applied economy and innovative management» Saratov state technical university of a name Yu. A.Gagarin

In this article the author investigates the modern forms of integrated and diversified growth of the furniture industry companies. The dominant corporate strategies of market leaders are identified.
Keywords: furniture industry, integration, diversification.

1. Zub A.T. Strategicheskii menedgment: teoriya i praktika. – M.: Aspekt Press, 2004.
2. Porter M. Konkurentsiya. - M.: Izdat. dom «Viliams»,2005.
3.  Kollis D., Montgomeri S. Korporativnaya strategiya. Resursnii podhod. – M. : ZAO «Olimp-Biznes», 2007.
4. Indikatori innovatsionnoi deyatelnosti: 2013: ststisticheskii sbornik. – M.: Natsionalniy issledovatelskii universitet «Vysshaya shkola ekonomiki», 2013.

Statistical measurements in tourism: problems and solutions
Smirnov S.N., Dr.Econ.Sci., Director of Institute of Social Policy & Social and Economic Programs, National Research University «Higher School of Economics» (HSE)

The paper describes the main results of the study of the methods in the field of the tourism statistics which are being held since 2002 in the Institute for Social Policy and Social and Economic Programs of the National Research University «Higher School of Economics». The two sources of information concerning tourism are being analyzed including regular statistical observations and tourist surveys in the context of their facilities and limitations. Russia lags behind a lot of countries which held tourist surveys and obtain data concerning the expenditures of tourists which makes possible the evaluation of the tourism industry in GDP. Though instruments of such surveys already exist Rosstat and its regional bodies do not have money to held tourist surveys on a regular mode. The surveys in the collective means of accommodation (2008), in the tourist objects (2009) and on the state borders of Russian Federation (2010) were only pilot surveys and had no continuation. As a result there are lacunas in the statistical provision of the state tourist policy in this country.
Keywords: tourism statistics, regular statistical observation, tourism surveys, activity of visitors.

1. Gel'man V.Ya. «Statistika turizma». M., Izdatel'skii centr «Akademiya», 2010.
2. Karmanova T.E., Kachurova O.V., Maloletko A.N. «Statistika turizma». M., OOO «KioRus», 2012.
3.  Federal'nyi zakon ot 24 noyabrya 1996 g. N 132-FZ «Ob osnovah turistskoi deyatel'nosti v Rossiiskoi Federacii» (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami).
4. International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008 
(IRTS 2008).
5. Federal'nyi zakon ot 24 iyulya 2007 g. № 209-FZ «O razvitii malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva v Rossiiskoi Federacii» 
6. «Regiony Rossii. Social'no-ekonomicheskie pokazateli. 2012 g.»).



Return on investment in human capital as a tool for evaluation of human resources effectiveness in banking industry
Prosvirkina E.Y., Postgraduate student, Nationa lResearch University “Higher School of Economics

In this article human resources effectiveness in the Russian banking industry is studied. The calculation of return on investment in human capital (HC ROI) is selected as a tool for the analysis of human resources effectiveness. The sample of the research consists of two hundred banks operating Russia. The key source of information needed for HC ROI the calculation is the handbook of credit organizations, published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Analysis of the calculated indicator demonstrates that HC ROI is less than one, which means that these banks are not effective in human resources management. The results of the research have also confirmed that an average value of HC ROI in the Russian banking industry is less than the average indicator for other Russian sectors as well as in Europe.
Keywords: effectiveness, human resources, return on investment in human capital, banking industry.

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New trends in the development of modern management
Gaponenko A.L., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honorary Scientist of Russia, Head of the Department of General and Strategic Management, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Savelyeva M.V., Doctor of Economics, Docent, Professor of the Department of General and Strategic Management, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Under the conditions of an increased rate of diffusion of innovation standard management models do not work. In this situation, the rapid transformation of the production and management process gives the ability to adapt to the ever-changing processes. New trends in the development of modern management include the need for constant innovation, for continuous staff training, the transition from mainly individual instruction to group teaching, allocation of knowledge management in a separate direction, the widespread use of benchmarking, a shift in management action to the side of enhancing properties of employees such as initiative, creativity and a passion for business.
Keywords: management, organization, innovation, competitiveness, globalization.

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Problems of evaluation of intellectual potential and еhe intellectual capital of engineering and technical workers
Yevenko V.V., Phd, Technical sciences, Associate Professor, Bryansk State Technological University
Novikov M.M., Phd, Agricultural sciences, Associate Professor Bryansk branch of the Russian University of Cooperation
Spasennikov V.V., Doctor of Psychological sciences, Professor of Bryansk State Technological University

An approach to the assessment of the intellectual potential of engineers and technical workers of industrial enterprises, based on a hierarchy of indicators reflecting the professional and personal qualities of the employee is considered. A classification of the indicators is given and a methodology of assessment for the indicators of different classes is given The possibility of using this system of indicators for the professional selection of specialists related to production needs.
Keywords: intellectual capital intellectual capital, multi-criteria analysis, hierarchical model.

1. Bruking E. Intellektual'nyi kapital: klyuch k uspehu v novom tysyacheletii. —SPb: Piter. 2001.
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The comparative analysis of the popularity and demand  of the leading business Russian economic journals in the Russian scientific community
Vasilenko E.A., Associate Professor, Ph.D., Director of the Innovation Center of the Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russian, Moscow

A comparative analysis of the  popularity and demand in the Russian scientific circles of the leading economic publications in Russia. The ranks of the magazines «Management in Russia and abroad» and «Marketing in Russia and abroad» among 331 professional economic publication of the Russian-speaking segment are given. The growth dynamics of the citation of articles published in journal for, the five-year and two-year periods are determined. 
The options to improve the performance of citation magazines in the English segment is proposed.
Keywords: Sciense electron library, impact-facktor, Science Index, bibliometry.

1. Scientific Electronic Library. URL:
2. Web of Science. URL: http://www.webofknowledge.comю 
3. Scopus. URL:

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