Contents of N6/2014

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Contents of N6'2014


Promoting innovation in emerging economies: game theory as a tool for policy and decision making
Dubina Igor N., Professor of Mathematical Economics at the International Institute of  Economics, Management and Information Systems of Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) 
Carayannis Elias G., Professor of the George Washington UniversitySchool of Business and  Director of Research, Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the GWUEuropeanUnion Research Center (Washington, DC, USA)

This paper presents some results of the application of game-theoretic approaches to studies of different regimes of innovation policy and practice interaction. The authors demonstrate the necessity of some kind of systemic compromise in the incentives, strategies, and behaviors of both innovators and policymakers. Game theory can be a useful tool for designing policies that take into account the motivations and incentives of innovators.
Keywords:  innovation, innovation policy, game theory, systemic compromise, uncertainty, risk.
This paper was made possible by a grant from IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board) with funds provided by the U.S. Russia Foundation for Economic Advancement and the Rule of Law (USRF) in the frame of the Yegor Gaidar Fellowship Program in Economics. The statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the authors.

1.  Algazin G.I. Modelisistemnogokompromissa v socialno-ekonomicheskichissledovaniyach. Barnaul: Azbuka. 2009.
2. Carayannis E. and Campbell D. Triple Helix, Quadruple Helix and Quintuple Helix and How Do Knowledge, Innovation, and the Environment Relate to Each Other? A Proposed Framework for a Trans-disciplinary Analysis of Sustainable Development and Social Ecology. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development. 2010, 1 (1): 41–69.
3. Sokolov A. Imitatsiyainnovatsii: Rossiaotstaetdazheotrazvivayuschihsyastran. RBC, 10.10.2013.
4. DubinaI.N. Teoriyaekonomicheskichigr.Moskva: KnoRus. 2010.
5. DubinaI.N. Teoretiko-igroviyemodeliorganizatsiikreativno-innovatsionnoideyatelnostifirm.Barnaul: AltGU. 2013.
6. Rosiello A., Mastroeni M., Teubal M. and Avnimelech G. Evolutionary Policy Targeting: Towards a Conceptual Framework for Effective Policy Intervention. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 2013, 25(7): 753–72.

Application of network analysis to the assessment of mesoeconomic structures strategies
Bykoba E.S.Head of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, State National Research Polytechnical University of Perm, Phd Economics, Associate Professor

Despite that in the last years the activity of network analysis in social and economic system theory and its practical development were a little reduced, the set task in the context of the assessment of the synergic effects from the merger of companies renews the interest for the use of these tools. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of an uncertainty assessment method of the business environment and the application of network analysis of “a near environment” institutional environment.  Practical approbation was carried out at an assessment of the organizational structure transformation and economic institutions in the process of an integration and creation realization strategy of the potential, sufficient for an entrance on the world telecommunication services market. Besides the methodological and theoretical components in the article examples of indicators calculation, allowing to draw conclusions about the integration strategy solvency an organizational structure transformation efficiency are given.
Keywords: strategy solvency, network analysis, institutional environment, indicator organizational structure transformation efficiency.

1.  Miles R.E., Snow C.C.  Causes of failure in network organizations. California Management Review ¹ 34 (4), 1992.
2.  Meller K, Raiala A. Rost strategicheskih setei – novye modeli sozdaniya cennosti // Rossiiskii zhurnal menedzhmenta. Tom 6,  ¹ 4, 2008. 
3. Sutton J. Market structure: Theory and evidence. In: Armstrong M., Porter R. (eds.) Handbook of Industrial Organization. 2007. Vol. 3. North-Holland: 2301–2368.
4.  Avdasheva S.B. Ekonomicheskii analiz dlya celei primeneniya antimonopol'nogo zakonodatel'stva: chto, gde, kogda? // Konkurentnoe pravo, ¹ 1, 2012. 
5.  Suhorukova K.A., Avdasheva S.B. Sliyanie – put' k ispol'zovaniyu rynochnoi vlasti ili povyshenie effektivnosti? Analiz posledstvii treh gorizontal'nyh sliyanii na rossiiskih vysokokoncentrirovannyh rynkah// Rossiiskii zhurnal menedzhmenta. Tom 11, ¹ 2, 2013. 
6.  Huang C-F., Hsueh S-L. A Study on the Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Business Performance in the Engineering Consulting Industry: A Path Analysis // Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2007. Vol. XIII.  ¹  4. 
7. Bontis N., Keow W.C.C., Richardson S. Intellectual capital and business performance in Malaysian industries // Journal of intellectual Capital, 2000. Vol. 1. ¹ 1.
8.  Skripec A.V. Modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya uchastnikov korporativnyh setei: avtoref. dis. … k-ta ekon. nauk. – SPb., 2007. – 19 s. 
9.  Kleiner G.B. Evolyuciya institucional'nyh sistem. – M.: Nauka, 2004. 
10.  Bykova E.S. Metodologicheskie osnovy ocenki institucional'noi sredy predpriyatiya pri formirovanii integracionnyh processov// Vestnik Saratovskogo gos-go soc-no- ekon un-ta. – 2013. –  ¹ 5 (49). 
11. Frolov D.P. Konceptual'nye problemy institucional'nogo menedzhmenta// Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2013. – ¹ 2. 
12. Nohria N., Eccles R.G. Networks and Organizations: Structure, Form and Action. Harvard Business School Press: Boston, MA. 1992.
13. Lebedeva N.Yu. Metodologicheskie osnovy realizacii principov social'nogo partnerstva v organizacii oplaty truda rabotnikov predpriyatiya // Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo – 2013. – ¹ 8. 
14. Gradosel'skaya G.V. Setevoi analiz kak metod issledovaniya sovremennyh transformacii// Sociologicheskie opyty. Sbornik nauchnyh statei. Institut sociologii RAN. Moskva,  2002. 
15. Shimbel A. Structural parameters of communication networks//Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics – 1953. - 15 (4): 501–507. 
16. Perskii Yu.K., Shul'c D.N., Bykova E.S. i dr. Ierarhicheskii analiz social'no-ekonomicheskih sictem: podhody, modeli, prilozheniya: monogr.: v 2 ch. / pod obsh. red. d-ra ekon. nauk, prof. Yu.K. Perskogo. – Perm': Izd-vo Perm. nac. issled. politehn. un-ta, 2011. – Ch. I. – p. 207–233



The model of îpen innovation in the knowledge economy
Shinkevich A.I.Department Chair of Logistics and Management, Kazan National Research Technological University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.
Kudryavtseva S.S.Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics and Management Kazan National Research Technological University, Phd Economics

The article contains a comparative description of open and close innovation. The cooperation of innovation entities in a model of open innovation are presented. The development of national innovation systems is analyzed using The Knowledge Economy Index and Global Talent Index.
Keywords: innovation, open innovation, close innovation, knowledge economy, innovation cooperation, national innovation system, The Knowledge Economy Index, Global Talent Index.

1. Kingston V. Politicheskaya ekonomika i innovacii / V. Kingston. – Springe, 1984.
2. Svon Dzh. Nevel S., Skarbrou G., Hislop D. Upravlenie znaniyami i innovaciya: seti i setevoe vzaimodeistvie / // Upravlenie znaniyami. – Vyp.3. – ¹ 4 – 1999. – s. 262-275.
3. Vol'f R. Organizacionnye innovacii: obzor, kritika i predlozheniya napravlenii issledovaniya // Upravlenie issledovaniyami. – Vyp. 31. – ¹ 3. – 1994. – s. 405-431.
4. Gamidov G.S. Kolosov V.G., Osmanov N.O. Osnovy innovatiki i innovacionnoi deyatel'nosti. SPb.: Politehnika, 2000.
5. Yakovec Yu.V.Epohal'nye innovacii XXI veka. – M.: Ekonomika, 2004.
6. Chesboro G.Otkrytye innovacii: sozdanie pribyl'nyh tehnologii. – M.: Pokolenie, 2007.
7. Indeks ekonomiki znanii. – [Elektronnyi resurs]:
8. Mezhdunarodnyi talant-indeks. – [Elektronnyi resurs]:

Convergence of management decisions in integrated organizations
Bondarenko V.A.department of marketing and advertising, Rostov state economics University (RINKH), assistant professor, doctor of economics

The article analyses the processes of convergence in management decisions in the creation process of integrated companies in client oriented businesses and not oriented at individual consumers, including natural monopolies. The author specifies the root similarity of companies’structures indifferent from the competitive environment.
Keywords: convergence, integrative association, vertical integration, the company.

1. Bondarenko V.A., Semernikova E.A. Aktualizaciya marketinga partnerskih otnoshenii v sektore okazaniya bankovskih uslug // Prakticheskii marketing. 2013. ¹ 8. S.10. 
2. Korolev V.I. Integraciya kompanii kak faktor razvitiya ih innovacionnoi deyatel'nosti // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2014. ¹ 1. 
3. Evans F. Ch., Bishop D.M. Ocenka kompanii pri sliyaniyah i poglosheniyah. – M.: Al'pina biznes buks, 2007. 
4. Traut Dzh., Rivkin S. Differenciruisya ili umirai! Vyzhivanie v epohu ubiistvennoi konkurencii. SPb. Piter. 2007. 
5. Staki Dzh. Uait D. Kogda nuzhna i ne nuzhna vertikal'naya integraciya // Vestnik McKinsey, 2004, ¹ 3(8).
6. Kotler F., Amstrong G., Sanders Dzh., Vong V. Osnovy marketinga. M. – SPb., 1998. 
7. Shiv Ch.D., Haiem A.U. Kurs MVA po marketingu. M.: Al'pinaPablisher, 2003. 
8. Webster F. The changing role of marketing in the corporation. Journal of Marketing. 1992. ¹  56(4). S.1–17. 
9. Alekperov V. Vertikal'naya integraciya i konkurenciya na rynke nefti i nefteproduktov // Neft' i biznes. 1997. ¹ 2. 
10. Naumov A., Yahudina N. Strategicheskoe planirovanie v vertikal'no-integrirovannyh kompaniyah // Rossiiskoe predprinimatel'stvo. 2012. ¹ 4(202). S.56-64.



Transformation management of Russia’s economic system  (to the issue of a new stage of Russia’s development)
Sidorovich A.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Distinguished Professor of Moscow State University, Director of the Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Universities Association

The article deals with the necessity of transition to a new stage of Russian economy development, improving the management of the transformation process. Particular attention is paid to the creation of national innovation system.
Keywords: management of system transformation, national innovation system, national economy.

1. Akindinova N., Kuz'minov Ya., Yasin E. Rossiiskaya ekonomika na povorote// Voprosy ekonomiki, 2014 – ¹ 6. 
2. Arhangel'skii Yu. Neoindustrializaciya: nekotorye polemicheskie soobrazheniya // Ekonomist. – 2014. – ¹ 5. 
3. Auzan A., Kelimbetov K. Sociokul'turnaya formula ekonomicheskoi modernizacii // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2012. – ¹ 5. 
4. Glaz'ev S.Yu. O celyah, problemah i merah gosudarstvennoi politiki razvitiya i integracii: nauchnyi doklad v RAN. – M., 2013. – Rezhim dostupa: 
5. Glaz'ev S.Yu. Snova k al'ternativnoi sisteme mer gosudarstvennoi politiki modernizacii razvitiya otechestvennoi ekonomiki (predlozheniya na 2013-2014 gg.) // Rossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal. – 2013. – ¹ 3. 
6. Grinberg R., Sorokin D. Kak perelomit' skladyvayushiesya negativnye makrotrendy? // Rossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal. – 2014. – ¹ 1. 
7. Gubanov S. Neoindustrializaciya Rossii i nisheta ee sabotazhnoi kritiki // Ekonomist. – 2014. – ¹ 4.
8. Delyagin M. Krah optimisticheskih illyuzii i otpravnoi punkt ekonomicheskogo ozdorovleniya // Rossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal. – 2014. – ¹ 1. 
9. Dmitrieva O. Ekonomicheskie krugooboroty i finansovye «pylesosy» // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2013. –  ¹ 7. 
10. Ershov M. Pyat' let posle masshtabnoi fazy krizisa: naskol'ko stabil'na situaciya? // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2013 – ¹ 12. 
11. Ivanter V. Novaya ekonomicheskaya politika. Politika ekonomicheskogo rosta: doklad Instituta narodnohozyaistvennogo prognozirovaniya RAN. – M. 2013. 
12. Kleiner G. Kakaya ekonomika nuzhna Rossii i dlya chego? (opyt sistemnogo issledovaniya) // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2013. – ¹ 10. 
13. Kudrin A., Sergienko O. Posledstviya krizisa i perspektivy social'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossii // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2011. – ¹ 3. 
14. Mau V. Mezhdu modernizaciei i zastoem: ekonomicheskaya politika 2012 goda // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2013. – ¹ 2. 
15. Mau V. V ozhidanii novoi modeli rosta: social'no-ekonomicheskoe razvitie Rossii v 2013 godu // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2014 – ¹ 2. 
16. Mironov V., Kanof'ev V. Grozyashaya recessiya i kak s nei borot'sya: empiricheskii analiz rossiiskih realii i mirovogo opyta // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2014. – ¹ 1. 
17. Polterovich V. M. Strategiya 2020: perspektivna li «novaya model' rosta»? // Pryamye investicii. – 2012. – ¹ 5. 
18. Primakov E., Savost'yanov S. 2013: tyazhelye problemy Rossii. Pochemu segodnya nel'zya soglasit'sya s politikoi neoliberalov // Rossiiskaya gazeta. – 2014. – 14 yanvarya. 
19. Ryazanov V. Vremya dlya novoi industrializacii: perspektivy Rossii // Ekonomist. – 2013. – ¹ 8. 
20. Strategiya – 2020: Novaya model' rosta – novaya social'naya politika (2012). – Rezhim dostupa: 
21. Yudaeva K. O vozmozhnostyah, celyah i mehanizmah denezhno-kreditnoi politiki v tekushei situacii // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2014 – ¹ 9. 
22. Yasin E., Akindinova N., Yakobson A., Yakovlev A. Sostoitsya li novaya model' ekonomicheskogo rosta v Rossii? // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2013. – ¹ 5. 
23. Stiglic Dzh. Kuda vedut reformy? // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 1999. – ¹ 7. 
24. Kulkov V.  Space and Substance of Nationally-Oriented Approach in Economic Theory// Russian Economic Journal. – 2013. – ¹ 2.
25. Oslo Manual. GUIDELINES FOR COLLECTING AND INTERPRETING INNOVATION DATA / OECD, Statistical Office of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 2005.
26. Freeman C. Technology Policy and Economic Performance: Lessons from Japan / London, 1987
27. Lundvall B. National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning. – L., 1992.
28. Nelson R. National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis. Oxford University Press. New York. USA. 1993.
29. Golichenko O.G. Rossiiskaya innovacionnaya sistema: problemy razvitiya / Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2004. – ¹ 12. 
30. Golichenko O.G. Nacional'naya innovacionnaya sistema Rossii: sostoyanie i puti razvitiya – M., 2006.
31. Ivanov V.V. Nacional'nye innovacionnye sistemy v Rossii i ES // Innovacionnoe razvitie i kommercializaciya tehnologii v Rossii i stranah ES: opyt, problemy, perspektivy – M., 2006.

The organization of public-private partnership in the field of internet business in Russia and abroad
Popkova E.G.Doctor of Economics, Professor of the «World economy and economic theory» faculty, Volgograd State Technical University
Morozova I.A.Doctor of Economics, Professor of the «World economy and economic theory» faculty, Volgograd State Technical University
Barinov V.M.PhD of Economics., docent, docent of the «Management of projects and innovations» faculty, North-Caucasus Federal University
Kuzlaeva I.M.student of the «World economy and economic theory» faculty, Volgograd State Technical University

Modern subject of dynamic modification of the global economic space unwittingly raises a question for the society, concerning the generation of innovative ways of effective interaction among the main actors of the market environment. Certainly, from the point of view of social and commercial expediency, the subject – object relations, in tandem with the public and business entities, are a matter of the greatest importance nowadays. Thus, an increasing degree of urgency is peculiar to a problem of implementation of public-private partnership as a new phenomenon both in foreign and domestic practice.
Keywords: public-private partnership, Internet business, modern economy.

1. Burovceva S.N., Popova N.B. Gosudarstvennoe i chastnoe partnerstvo v usloviyah krizisa. // Interekspo Geo-Sibir'. – 2009. – T. 3, ¹ 1. – C. 3-5. 
2. Rotar', F. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo kak forma vzaimodeistviya gosudarstvennogo i chastnogo sektora ekonomiki. // Social'naya politika i social'noe partnerstvo. – 2011. – ¹ 7. – C. 16-23. 
3. Hachaturyan N.S. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo kak al'ternativa gosudarstvennomu predprinimatel'stvu. // Nauka i obrazovanie: hozyaistvo i ekonomika; predprinimatel'stvo; pravo i upravlenie. – 2013. – ¹ 7 (38). – C. 5-9. 
4. Teoreticheskie aspekty formirovaniya dinamiki razvitiya innovacionnoi aktivnosti rossiiskogo predprinimatel'stva.GOU VPO "Volgogr. gos. tehn. un-t", GOU VPO "Voronezh. gos. lesotehn. akademiya". – Preprint. – M.: ITD "KnoRus", 2010.



Consumer behavior in tourism: current research issues
Zobnina M.R.PhD, Associate Professor, NRU HSE
Rozhkov A.G.PhD, Assistant Professor, NRU HSE

The  purpose of this paper is to discuss the prospective opportunities for the research of tourists’ consumer behavior. The article analyzes the different areas of scientific research in the field of consumer behavior in the tourism and hospitality industry: modeling the decision-making process, factors influencing tourists’ decision-making, cross-cultural differences, satisfaction and its determinants, loyalty, the impact of new technologies on consumer behavior in the tourism industry. The main research in these areas and their conclusions is presented, which gives an idea of   the degree of scrutiny and possible further work to increase knowledge in the field of tourists’ consumer behavior. Current research trends in the field of consumer behavior of tourists are identified and on the basis of these analyzed sources authors suggest issues that have a high potential for further study.
Keywords: hospitality, tourism, consumer behavior, research dimensions.

1. Ajzen I. (2002). Perceived behavioral control, self-efficacy, locus of control, and the theory of planned behavior, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 665–683.
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The formation of common cultural and professional competences in the process of preparing undergraduates the profile of «innovation management»
Erohin D.V.Phd Economics, Professor, Head of the Department “Economy and management” Bryansk State Technical University
Spasennikov V.V.Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Bryansk State Technical University

A competency model of a university graduate is proposed, associated with the success of professional learning and activity. Assignments for independent work aimed at the formation of common cultural and professional competencies in the process of a master’s training are shown
Keywords: competency model, competency, competence, undergraduate, graduate, independent work, innovation management.

1.  Andreichikov A.V.,  Andreichikova O.N. Strategicheskii menedzhment v innovacionnyh organizaciyah. – M.: Vuzovskii uchebnik, 2013. 
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3.  Glotochkin A.D., Lozhkin G.V., Spasennikov V.V. Metodika formirovaniya malyh grupp s uchetom mezhlichnostnyh i operacionnyh aspektov vzaimodeistviya operatorov // Psihologicheskii zhurnal, 1986. – T. 7. –  ¹ 1. – S. 22 – 29. 
4.  Gorlenko O.A., Miroshnikov V.V., Chistokletov N.Yu. Kompetentnostnye  modeli specialistov v oblasti kachestva osvoeniya obrazovatel'nyh standartov. V sb.: Ekonomicheskaya psihologiya innovacionnogo menedzhmenta / pod red. V. I. Averchenkova, V. V. Spasennikova. –  Bryansk: BGTU, 2009. – S.58 – 63.
5.  Deryagin A.V., Spasennikov V.V.  Reformirovanie rossiiskogo obrazovaniya: problema perehoda na dvuhurovnevuyu sistemu podgotovki kadrov v vysshei shkole. // Psihologiya truda, ekonomicheskaya psihologiya, ergonomika. – M.: PerSe, 2007. – S. 98 – 122. 
6.  Druzhinin V.N., Nikitin A.V., Spasennikov V.V. Konstruirovanie testov. – Bryansk: Ladomir, 2002. 
7.  Erohin D.V., Spasennikov V.V. Ekonomiko-psihologicheskie principy i metody marketingovyh issledovanii // Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta, 2013. – ¹ 1 (37). – S.102–110. 
8.  Zeer E.F. Kompetentnostnyi podhod k obrazovaniyu. Obrazovanie i nauka. // Izvestiya Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiiskoi akademii obrazovaniya: zhurnal teoreticheskih i prikladnyh issledovanii, 2005. - ¹ 3 (33). – S. 27–39. 
9.  Zimnyaya I.A. Klyuchevye kompetencii: novaya paradigma rezul'tata sovremennogo obrazovaniya // Internet-zhurnal «Eidos». – 5 maya 2006 g. 
10.  Innovacionnoe razvitie: ekonomika, intellektual'nye resursy, upravlenie znaniyami/ pod red. B.Z.Mil'nera. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. 
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12.  L'vov V.M. Upravlenie chelovecheskimi resursami na predpriyatiyah // Ekonomicheskaya psihologiya kak teoretiko-metodologicheskaya osnova biznes-menedzhmenta: tr. Mezhvuz. nauch.-prakt. konf. / pod red. v.d.Simonenko, V.V.spasennikova. – Bryansk: Ladomir, 2005. – S. 50 – 57. 
13.  Medvedev G.M., Nikol'skaya N.I., Sedin V.I. Metodika diagnostiki funkcional'noi nadezhnosti professional'noi deyatel'nosti operatorov // Teoreticheskie i prikladnye voprosy eksperimental'no-psihologicheskih issledovanii / pod red. V.N.Druzhinina, V.V.Spasennikova. – M.: Institut psihologii RAN, 1997. – S. 138 – 149. 
14.  Noskova O.G. O sootnoshenii ponyatii «professional'no vazhnoe kachestvo», «kompetenciya» i «kompetentnost'» // Aktual'nye problemy psihologii truda, inzhenernoi psihologii i ergonomiki. Vyp. 1 / pod red. V.A.Bodrova, A.L.Zhuravleva. – M.: Institut psihologii RAN, 2009. – S. 141–151. 
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19.  Spasennikov, V.V. Analiz i proektirovanie gruppovoi deyatel'nosti v prikladnyh psihologicheskih issledovaniyah. – M.: Institut psihologii RAN, 1999. – 202 s. 
20.  Spasennikov V.V. Regional'naya obrazovatel'naya sistema i mestnye rynki truda: poisk balansa sprosa i predlozheniya kvalificirovannyh kadrov // Sociologiya obrazovaniya, 2008. – ¹ 10. – S. 43–50. 
21.  Spasennikov V.V., Lozhkin G.V.  Ekonomicheskaya psihologiya. – Kiev: VD «Professional», 2011. 
22.  Chanova M.V. Kompetentnostnyi podhod v ramkah realizacii innovacionnyh obrazovatel'nyh tehnologii v hode social'no-politicheskoi praktiki studentov vuza. // Vestnik pedagogicheskih innovacii, 2010. – ¹ 3 (23). – S. 110 – 123.



Indicators system of efficiency assessment in lean implementation at the industrial production
Omel’chenko I.N.Dr.Sci.Tech., Dr.Econ.Sci., Dean of faculty «Engineering business and management”, Bauman University
Komarova S.G.Dr. Phd., Associate professor, RHTU named D.I. Mendeleev
Lazarev student, Bauman University Article describes a technique of an efficiency assessment in lean implementation at the industrial production.

The assessment is developed on the basis of a production quality management system. 
The implementation of lean methods is at the initial stage of the development at the industrial production in our country. Higher education institutions have no engineering specialty to prepare the lean management experts. Therefore the productions which have defined the lean management direction need to seek or prepare experts in this area independently. There is the list of criteria for an assessment expanded in the article. The weights of criteria, i.e. their importance, are specified in table 1.6 as recommended. The real weights of criteria are determined by the working group experts-staff from the production staff themselves.
This technique allows assessing the stage of introduction of lean at the industrial enterprise. It could be applied to a wide spectrum of industry sectors.
Keywords: production quality management system, lean, assessment criteria of lean implementation.

1. Baranov A.V. «Upravlenie ustoichivym razvitiem biznes-sistem, Matrica Orgproma». Materialy konferencii «Rossiiskaya Lin-shkola "Berezhlivaya Rossiya: Razvitie proizvodstvennyh sistem"», Moskva, 2013.
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3. T. Ohno, Toyotaproductionsystem, M:: Complexstrategicseachinginstitut, 2008.
4. KNITU-KAI im.A.N.Tupoleva, «Berezhlivoe proizvodstvo» v RT» 2011. [Data obrasheniya: 23 10 2013].
5. Omel'chenko I. H., Lazarev S. V., «Model' sistemy upravleniya kachestvom proizvodstva na osnove principov proizvodstvennoi sistemy Toiota i ucheniya Deminga,» // «Vestnik mashinostroeniya», 2013 ¹ 9 S.79-84.
6. Maslov D.V., Funkcional'naya samoocenka menedzhmenta: praktika sovershenstvovaniya sistemy upravleniya // «Vestnik mashinostroeniya», 2007. ?10. S.73-76.
7. Dennis Hobbs, Vnedrenie berezhlivogo proizvodstva. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po optimizacii biznesa, Minsk: Grevcov Pablisher, 2007.
8. Laiker D., Dao Toyota: 14 principov vedushei kompanii mira. M: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005.
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10. Kanban i «tochno vovremya» na Toyota: Menedzhment nachinaetsya na rabochem meste. M: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2008.

The competence model of a program projects’ manager
Prokhorova M.V.Phd Psychological science, Msc Psychology, Assistant Professor of the Managerial Psychology chair of the Social Sciences Department of FSBEI HPE Lobachevsy Nizhny Novgorod State University
Yakovenko A.V.Msc Psychology, Manager of the Marketing and Advertising Department of Nizhny Novgorod branch of «1C-Rarus»

The article describes the procedure and results of the research aimed at designing an integral competence model of a program projects’ manager. The authors analyze the Federal State educational standards for undergraduate students in «computing for business» and «informational systems and technologies» specialties. 40 program projects implemented in Russian IT-company in 2010-2012 were assessed by experts. 6 program projects’ managers took part in the standardized interview. At the data acquisition stage authors used the methods of analyzing documents, interviews and expert assessment. The data processing was carried out by means of cross tables 2x2 using Pirson’s criteria corrected for Yates’s consistency. In the result the integral competences model was elaborated that included personal and professional competences. The personal competences, in their turn, comprise three modules: cognitive, motivational and regulatory, communicative ones.
Keywords: integral model of competences, personal competences, professional competences, differentiating competences, liminal competences, cognitive competences, motivational and regulatory competences, communicative competences, program project.

1. Zasedanie Pravitelstva ot 15 iulia 2013 goda. O proekte “dorozhnoj karty” po razvitiu informatsionnykh tekhnologij i eshche 8 voprosov. Novosti [Elektronnij resurs]. — URL: (data obrashcheniia 01.03.2014).
2. Raskhody na IT v Rossii budut rasti ezhegodno v srednem na 11.6% i v 2015 g. sostaviat 41.1 mlrd. Doll./ Issledovania rynkov. [Elektronnij resurs]. — URL: (data obrashcheniia 01.03.2014).
3. CHAOS Manifesto 2013: The Big, Act Small [Elektronnij resurs]. — URL: (data obrashcheniia 01.03.2014).
4. Prokhorova M.V., Ezhova A.S. Sravnitelnyj analis metodov razrabotki modelej kompetensiy //Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. Seriia Socialnyie nauki. — 2012, ¹2 (26). — S.63–71.
5. Federalnyj obrazovatelnyj standart vysshego professionalnogo obrazovaniia po napravleniiy podgotovki 080500 Bisness-informatika (kvalifikatsiia (stepen’) “magistr”). Utverzhden Prikazom Ministerstva obrazovaniia I nauki Rossijskoj Federatsia ot 21 dekabria 2009 goda ¹742. 
6. Federalnyj obrazovatelnyj standart vysshego professionalnogo obrazovaniia po napravleniiy podgotovki 230400 Informationnyie sistemy i tekhologii (kvalifikatsiia (stepen’) “magistr”). Utverzhden Prikazom Ministerstva obrazovaniia I nauki Rossijskoj Federatsia ot 14 dekabria 2009 goda ¹725. 
7. Prokhorova M.V., Iakovenko A.V. Psikhicheskiie determinanty effektivnogo upravleniia programmnymi proektami//Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. 2013, ¹6 (1). — S.440-444.
8. Zhuravlev A.L. Psikhologiia sovmestnoj deiatelnosti. — M.: IP RAN, 2005. 640 s.
9. Lomov B.F. Teoreticheskiie I metodologicheskiie problemy psichologii. — M.: Nauka, 1984. 444 s.
10. Baksanskiy O.E. Rukovodstvo protsessom poznaniia: Knowledge Management //Filosophiia I kultura, 2013, ¹3. S.366–381.

Applying value based management approach for football club
Solntsev I.V.Director of Center for Strategic Research in Sports Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Associate Professor of “Valuation and property management” Chair Finance University under the Government of Russian Federation

Even in the context of an unstable economy, football industry continues to grow – according to Deloitte, in the season 2012/2013 revenues of 20 biggest clubs in Europe amounted to  5,4 billion, which is 12,5% higher than previous year and 4,5 times (!) higher than in season 1996/1997, when such a research was conducted for the first time. These figures indicate the establishment of football as a business industry, and require new approaches to the management of clubs. One of such approaches could be Value Based Management (VBM), which focuses primarily on a set of value indicators characterizing the performance of the company from the perspective of all stakeholders.
Keywords:  finance in sport, sports economics, valuation of sports club, management of sport club, value based management.

1. Pravila UEFA po litsenzirovaniyu klubov i finansovomu « fair -play ». Izdaniye 2012 goda.
2. Rukovodstvo Rossiyskogo futbol'nogo soyuza po litsenzirovaniyu futbol'nykh klubov v Rossiyskoy Federatsii, utverzhdeno Postanovleniyem Byuro Ispolkoma Obshcherossiyskoy obshchestvennoy organizatsii «Rossiyskiy futbol'nyy soyuz » ¹ 96/1 December 27, 2012.
3. Solntsev I.V., « Primeneniye dokhodnogo podkhoda k otsenke futbol'nogo kluba», «Imushchestvennyye otnosheniya v RF » ¹ 7 str. 18-29, ¹8, str. 59-71, 2013
4. Solntsev I.V., «Raschet stavki diskontirovaniya v otsenke futbol'nogo kluba» , Finansy i biznes ¹ 1 2013, str. 92-99
5. Solntsev I.V., Finansovyy i operatsionnyy analiz deyatel'nosti futbol'nogo kluba , Finansovyy vestnik ¹ 1, 2013, str. 3-8
6. Solntsev I.V., Stoimostnoy podkhod k upravleniyu futbol'nym klubom , Sovremennaya ekonomika: kontseptsii i modeli innovatsionnogo razvitiya. Materialy VI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno - prakticheskoy konferentsii , 21–22 fevralya 2014 goda , tom 2 , Moskva , REU im . G.V. Plekhanova , s. 201–204.
7. Annual Review of Football Finance 2013, Deloitte,
8. All to play for Football Money League, Deloitte, 2014.
9. Eva ® and value-based management, S. David Young, Stephen F. O’Byrne, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
10. Outperform with Expactations-Based Managementtm, Tom Copeland, Aaron Dolgoff, Wiley, 2005.



Trajectories integration of organization social development through hr policy
Gulei I.A.Senior Lecturer, department of personnel management Belgorod state national research university

Òhe results of the analysis of social development indicators of the JSC VTB bank Belgorod branch through the prism of human resources policy are provided. A HR policy problem field of the leading Russian economic objects is defined with the target jf human potential risk refraction
Keywords:  labor, technology, organization, personnel policies, social development.

1. Arakelov G.P. New standards of social policy enterprises // Russian Entrepreneurship. – 2009. – ¹ 10 (145). – 
p. 21–26. 
2. Evstratov A.Y Analytical evaluation of methods to assess the value of human resource capacity of the individual employee and the company as a whole // Management personalom. – 2008. – ¹ 21. – p. 52–55.

Improvement of creativity management in design organizations
Konovalov Y.V., Head of Feasibility Studies Department of JSC «Giprogaztñentr»

This article discusses existing problems of management of employers’ hidden competencies of design organizations and methods to solve those problems. Suggested ways of establishing management relations extend managers’ opportunities in design organizations. Determining a potential of unmanaged areas of responsibility along with the change of management methods allows to reveal and to use internal resources of the enterprise.
Keywords: management system, unmanaged areas of responsibility, concentration point of personnel’s competencies.

1. Vihansky O.S., A.I. Naumov Management: textbook. - 5th ed., Rev. and add. – Moscow: Infra-M; Masters Degree, 2010. – 576 p.
2. Savitskaya G.V. Economic analysis: textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. – 649 p.
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4. Enterprise Economics: a textbook for students enrolled on economic specialties / ed. prof. V.Y. Gorfinkel. - 6th ed., Rev. and add. – M:.UNITY-DANA, 2013. – 663 p.
5. Meskon M., Albert M., Hedouri F. Management Bases. - M.: "Williams", 2006. – 672 p.
6. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Production management: textbook for high schools / - 4th ed. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2003. – 491 p.
7. McClelland, D. Human Motivation / D. McClelland. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2007. - 672 p.
8. Drucker P.F. Management Practice: Per. from English. – Moscow: Publishing House "Williams", 2003. – 398 p.
9. Mintzberg H. Structure in his fist. Creating Effective Organizations / Per. from English.ed. YN Kapturevskogo. – 
St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2004. – 398 p.
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11. A. Fayolle, Emerson G. Taylor, F., G. Ford Management is both science and art. – M.: The Republic, 1992.;Ackoff R. Planning for the future of the corporation. - Ln. from English. – Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1985. – 351 p.
12. Vilensky P.L. Livshits V.N., S.A. Smolyak Cost-benefit analyses of investment projects: Theory and Practice: Textbook / - 4th ed., Rev. and add. – Moscow: Publishing House "Delo" ANE 2008. – 1104 p.

Some peculiarities of human resources management in highly competitive trade organizations
Efremova M.V.Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of chair «Management in service and tourism», Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
Lunev V.V.Post-graduate student, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

The article studies some human resources management issues in highly competitive trade organizations. The author shows the role of personnel in the service industry. Several principles of human resources management are also established and proved. The study of experience of Russian and foreign trade organizations allows the author to reveal the most effective directions in personnel management systems. Some results showing service personnel requirements ranging in Nizhny Novgorod trade firms are given in the article. The author formulates a few recommendations how to improve the human resources management system.
Keywords: trade organizations, trade service, management, service, human resources management (personnel management), management principles, quality of service.

1. Kibanov A. Kadrovik. Kadrovyy menedzhment, no. 9 (2013): pp. 62–69
2. Alferov T.V., Tret'yakova E.A. Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom [Management in Rassian and Abroud journal], no. 4. (2010): pp. 118 – 125.
3. Fukulova Yu. Sekret Firmy, no.18 (2008): pp. 57–59. 
4. Saubanova L. Kadrovik. Kadrovyy menedzhmen, no. 7 (2008): ðð. 36 – 38. 
5. Kotler F., Bouen Dzh., Meukenz Dzh. Marketing. Gostepriimstvo. Turizm: Uchebnik dlya vuzov 2-e izd., pererab i dop. [Marketing for Hospitality and Toyrism]. Moscow.: YuNITI, 2005. –1063 p.

Employers’ brand: expectations of young employees vs management’s offer
Bykova M.V.Post-graduate student in Human Resources of Management faculty National Research University «Higher School of Economics»

Lack of skilled personnel on the labour market leads to a situation, where employees more frequently dictate requirements. Under the conditions of equal salary and compensation package, the decision on the choice of a future job is influenced by the specialist’s individual emotional attitude towards a potential employer – compliance of his job expectations with the offer which an employer’s brand is carrying. That’s why one of the business goals is becoming the creation of an employer brand corresponding to the expectations of the target audience. During the practical investigation young specialists’ expectations from an employer were obtained, then they were compared to the current employer offer and attractive work conditions according to the management’s opinion. Conducted analysis gave the opportunity to reveal differences between employees’ and managers’ expectations and determine areas for further development of employer brand for a young target audience.
Keywords: employees’ expectations, employer brand proposition, factors of attractiveness, skilled personnel shortage, “war for talents”, young specialists, social changes, attitude to potential employer, «initiative workers», «loyal performers».

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3. Graeme Martin and Susan Hetrick. Corporate Reputations, Branding and People Management. A strategic Approach to HR. – Elsevier, 2006. 
4. Simon Barrow and Richard Mosley. Bringing the Best of Brand Management to People at Work. – John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2005. 
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Establishing a competencó center in the strategy of a high-tech company
Panarina E.N., Ph.D Economics, Associate Professor of the “Management and Marketing” Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Akatov N.B.Doctor of Economic Science, Professor of the Management and Marketing Department in Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), Russia
Kustova M.M.Associate Professor of the Management and Marketing Department in Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), Russia
Molodchik M.A.National Research University Higher School of Economics, PhD in Economics

Òhe key factors of competitiveness that drive companies in modern times, undoubtedly, are becoming innovations, science and human potential, which form the basis of creation of an organizational unit – the Competency Center – acting as a tool for knowledge and information environment integration into a flexible analytical system of project and competency management. Establishing a competency center is becoming the main task in ensuring the competitiveness and implementation of innovative strategies for high-tech companies.
Keywords: competency, integrated competency center, the core of communications, educational cluster, attractor of innovative subculture, talent management system, the center of excellence.

This work was funded by the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation (project ¹ 02. G 25.31.0068 from the 23.05.2013 in the activities to implement the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 218).

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Concept of marketing management in education
Dmytriyev V. Yu.Pryazovskyi State Technical University, Mariupol, Ukraine, Vice-Rector for Economics and Perspective Development

This paper describes the main strategies of managing educational institutions by marketing principles and defines the structure and the content of marketing management concept for education. Education quality is defined as a term and put forward as the main criteria of success in this model.
Modern educational institutions face marketing conditions, affecting their operating algorithm. This algorithm is analyzed along with the application of specific management market-oriented models.
Keywords:  marketing management, marketing of educational services, quality of education, quality criteria of educational services.

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Âñå ïðàâà ïðèíàäëåæàò Èçäàòåëüñòâó «Ôèíïðåññ» Ïîëíîå èëè ÷àñòè÷íîå âîñïðîèçâåäåíèå èëè ðàçìíîæåíèå êàêèì-ëèáî ñïîñîáîì ìàòåðèàëîâ äîïóñêàåòñÿ òîëüêî ñ ïèñüìåííîãî ðàçðåøåíèÿ Èçäàòåëüñòâà «Ôèíïðåññ».