Contents of N3/2015

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Contents of N3'2015


Economic clusters like a means of efficient resource using 
Ilinykh L.V., Leading Researcher of the Department of External Economic Integration of Chemical Complex of The Scientific  Research Institute of Technical and Economic Studies (NIITEKHIM)
Khachaturov A.E., Dr., Professor of Economics, Head of the Department of management and marketing of the Russian University of Chemical Technology (Mendeleev University)
Belkovsky A.N., head of the press office of the Lotoshino Moscow region borough administration

The authors consider economic clusters to be an example of the new resource competition model, based on the efficient common use. In the article is offered a new cluster classification system, tacking into account the factors of cluster emergence and the level of market development in the region. A new approach to the problem of cluster efficiency evaluation is also provided, including different resource efficiency indicators.
Keywords: clusters, globalization, market, resources, competition, cluster classification, efficiency evaluation.

1. Porter M.E. Konkurenciya M.: Vil'yams, 2005.
2. The Cluster Policy Whitebook. 6th Global Conference of The Competitiveness Institute (TCI), Gothenburg, Sweden, September 17–19 2003.
3. Dvorcov V.I. Prostranstvennoe razvitie territorii na osnove klasternyh tehnologii // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom №2, 2008
4. About the Project. Cluster mapping.
5.  Delgado M., Porter M.E., Stern S. Defining Clusters of Related Industries NBER Working Paper No. 20375 August 2014.
6. Cluster Mapping Methodology
7. Ward B., Moore T., Tapogna J., Thoma P. / The Traded Sector in Portland’s Regional Economy/ ECONorthwest / April 2012 [Электронный ресурс]. URL.:
8. Shastitko A.E. Klastery kak diskretnaya strukturnaya al'ternativa upravleniya transakciyami // Nauchnye issledovaniya ekonomicheskogo fakul'teta. Elektronnyi zhurnal. 2009. T. 1. № 1. S. 26 - 43.
9. Samostrokova E. S. Klassifikaciya klasterov predpriyatii // Molodoi uchenyi. – 2012. – № 1. T.1. – S. 141-143.
10. Il'inyh L.V. Himicheskie klastery Saudovskoi Aravii / Vestnik himicheskoi promyshlennosti №5 (80) 2014. C. 60-62
11. Balkan Trans-border Bio-clusterforagriculture, stockbreeding and aquacultures (Balkan Bio-food Cluster) / 
12. Saraev V. Zateryannyi klaster // Ekspert № 51 (928) / 15-21 dekabrya 2014 g., S. 68-73
13. Zelinskaya E.Z. Regional'nye transgranichnye klastery kak formy sovremennyh system upravleniya v real'nom sektore ekonomiki.
14. Rugman A.M., Verbeke A. Multinational Enterprises and Clusters: An Organizing Framework. 2002. 
15. Dedkova M.V. Kapitalizaciya kompanii: teoreticheskii aspekt // Vestnik MGUS, Vypusk «Ekonomika», № 1, 2007.
16. Umen'shenie i uvelichenie ustavnogo kapitala
17. Buyanova M.E., Dmitrieva L.V. Ocenka effektivnosti sozdaniya regional'nyh innovacionnyh klasterov // Vestn. Volgogr.gos. un-ta. Ser. 3, Ekon.Ekol. 2012. № 2 (21). – S. 54-62
18. Pokazateli ekonomicheskogo rosta //
19. Elin D.V. Protivorechivost' processa globalizacii: lokalizaciya i glokalizaciya. // Obshestvo: politika, ekonomika, pravo. Vypusk№ 1 / 2010
20. Sendler T. Ekonomicheskie koncepcii dlya obshestvennyh nauk. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Ves' mir», 2009.

The mass aspect in the management of the modern organizations
Gribov P.G., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Foreign Policy Activity of Russia, Faculty of National Security Ranepa

The article is devoted to the study of the interrelations between sociological and managerial concepts in modern management. The main attention is paid to the study of the concept of “mass” from the perspective of organization management in the postindustrial era .It presents a new perspective on the role of the masses in modern organizations, justifying the possibility of more effective management of organizations working in the sphere of high technologies. Attention is paid to the study of the relationship of mass and productivity.
Keywords: mass, individual, collective choice, organizational efficiency, productivity.

1. Jerrou K. Dzh. Kollektivnyj vybor i individual'nye cennosti, M.: ID GU VShJe, 2004.
2. Kanetti Je. Massa i vlast', M.: AST, 2014. 
3. Botton A de. Iskusstvo puteshestvovat', M.: Jeksmo, 2013. 
4. Sart Zh-P. Toshnota, M.: AST, 2011. 
5. Merton R. Social'naja teorija i social'naja struktura, M.: AST, 2006.


Models and methods of strategic management in e-entrepreneurship
Kozhevina O.V., Doctor of Economics, Director of the Research and Education Center for Analysis of the Effectiveness and Performance Governance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University)

The article describes the basic principles of strategic management in e-business. On the basis of the process approach are defined the content and scope of e-business. The relationship between the chosen strategy of the company and the stage of the life cycle is substantiated. The parameters of the forecasting model of electronic business development at a macro-level are proposed.
Keywords: business model, strategic management, electronic business, forecast of the market.

1. Kozhevina O.V. Problemy strategicheskogo upravlenija razvitiem «jelektronnogo» biznesa v bankovskom sektore // Materialy Tret'ej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Jekonomicheskie i social'nye nauki: proshloe, nastojashhee i budushhee». M: Izdatel'skij dom «Jekonomicheskaja gazeta», 2014. – S. 434-442.
2. Trachuk A.V., Linder N.V., Antonov D.A. Vlijanie informacionno-kommunikacionnyh tehnologij na biznes - modeli sovremennyh kompanij // Jeffektivnoe antikrizisnoe upravlenie. – 2014. – № 5. –  S. 60-69.
3. Amit R., Zott Chr., Massa L. The Business Model: Recent Developments and Future Research //   Journal of Management. - Vol. 37. - No. 4. - July 2011. – R. 1019-1042
4. Mahadevan B. Business-models for Internet-based e-commerce: (data obrashhenija 06.05.2015 g.)
5. Kozhevina O.V. Dinamika razvitija i segmenty rosta «jelektronnogo» biznesa v Rossii // Jeffektivnoe antikrizisnoe upravlenie. – 2014. – № 3 (84). – S. 44-51
6. Amit R., Zott Chr. Value creation in E-Business // Strategic Management Journal. – 2001. - No 22. – R. 493-520
7. Kat'kalo V.S. Ishodnye koncepcii strategicheskogo upravlenija i ih sovremennaja ocenka // Rossijskij zhurnal menedzhmenta.- 2003. – S. 7-30 
8. Shumpeter J.A. Teorija jekonomicheskogo razvitija. Izd-vo: Direktmedia Pablishing. - 2008.
9.  Hamel G., Prahalad K. Kljuchevaja kompetencija korporacii // Vestnik SPbGU. Serija 8. – 2003. –  Vyp . 3. – № 24. – S. 18–41
10. RAJeK. Glavnye sobytija 2014 goda i prognozy na 2015 god. (data obrashhenija 05.05.2015 g.)
11. Jekonomika Runeta. Issledovanie jekonomiki rynkov internet-servisov i kontenta v Rossii. Moskva, 2014.  http://jekonomikaruneta.rf/upload/2014/research-economics-2013-2014.pdf (data obrashhenija 05.05.2015 g.)
12. Trifonov P.V. Analiz vlijanija faktorov okruzhajushhej sredy na razvitie jelektronnogo biznesa v Rossii // Jekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. - 2014.- № 11-3.- S. 413-421

The theoretical foundations of effectuation and its place in the strategic management theory
Laskovaia A.K., Graduate student, Saint-Petersburg State University, Graduate School of Management

The purpose of this article is the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the effectuation theory and definition of the place of this concept in the strategic management theory. Effectuation is the process of entrepreneurial thinking when an entrepreneur based on an existing set of means chooses from possible effects that can be created with that set of means. As an alternative to rational thinking effectuation seems a more effective approach to new venture creation under conditions of uncertainty and unpredictability of future events. The analysis of the theoretical foundations of the effectuation theory has revealed the theoretical antecedents of this concept in K. Weick, F. Knight and J. March’s works, as well as introduced the effectuation theory as one of the possible answers to the fundamental questions of strategic management.
Keywords: strategic management, entrepreneurship, effectuation, decision-making.

1. Kuzmenko Yu. G., Hateev I. V., Levina A. B. Rol' i mesto malyh predpriyatii v sovremennyh ekonomicheskih usloviyah RF // Vestnik YuUrGU. Seriya: Ekonomika i menedzhmen. 2013.  Tom 7. № 1. S. 115-121.
2. Rid S., Sarasvati S., D'yu N., Uiltbenk R., Olson E.-V. Kak? Poshagovoe rukovodstvo po sozdaniyu biznesa M.: Al'pina-Pablisher, 2013.
3. Shirokova G.V., Bogatyreva K.A., Galkina T.A. 2014. Effektuaciya i kauzaciya: vzaimosvyaz' mezhdu universitetskoi infrastrukturoi i vyborom tipa povedeniya v processe sozdaniya biznesa studentami-predprinimatelyami // Rossiiskii zhurnal menedzhmenta. 2014. Vyp. 12. № 3. S. 59-86.
4. Dew N., Read S., Sarasvathy S.D., Wiltbank R. Effectual versus Predictive Logic in Entrepreneurial Decision-Making: Differences between Experts and Novices // Journal of Business Venturing. 2009. Vol. 24. № 4. P. 287–309.
5. Ireland R.D., Hitt M.A., Sirmon D.G. A model of strategic entrepreneurship: The construct and its dimensions // Journal of management. – 2003. – Vol. 29. – № 6. – P. 963–989.
6. Knight F.H. Risk, Uncertainty and Profit. New York: Hart, Schaffner and Marx, 1921.
7. March J.G. The Technology of Foolishness. J.G. March & J.P. Olsen (Eds.), Ambiguity and Choice in Organizations. Bergen: Universitetsforlaget, 1982.
8. Read S., Dew N., Sarasvathy S.D., Song M., Wiltbank R. Marketing under Uncertainty: The Logic of an Effectual Approach // Journal of Marketing. 2009. Vol. 73. № 3. P. 1–18.
9. Read S., Sarasvathy S.D. Knowing What to Do and Doing What You Know: Effectuation as a Form of Entrepreneurial Expertise // Journal of Private Equity. 2005. Vol. 9. № 1. P. 45–62.
10. Rumelt R., Schendel D., Teece D.  Fundamental Issues in Strategy. R. Rumelt, D. Schendel and D. Teece (Eds.), Fundamental Issues in Strategy: A Research Agenda: 9–47. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1994.
11. Sarasvathy S.D. Effectuation: Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 2008.
12. Sarasvathy S.D. Entrepreneurship as a Science of the Artificial // Journal of Economic Psychology. 2003. Vol. 24. № 2. P. 203–220.
13. Sarasvathy S.D. Making it Happens: Beyond Theories of the Firm to Theories of Firm Design // Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 2004. Vol. 28. № 6. P. 519–531.
14. Sarasvathy S.D., Simon H.A. Effectuation, Near Decomposability, and the Growth of Entrepreneurial Firms. Paper Presented at The First Annual Technology Entrepreneurship Research Policy Conference. University of Maryland, 2000.
15. Sarasvathy S.D. Causation and effectuation: Toward a theoretical shift from economic inevitability to entrepreneurial contingency // Academy of Management Review. 2001. Vol. 26. P. 243–263.
16. Shane S. Prior Knowledge and the Discovery of Entrepreneurial Opportunities // Organization Science. 2000. Vol. 11. № 4. P. 448–469.
17. Simon H.A. The Architecture of Complexity. The Sciences of the Artificial. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.
18. Venkataraman S., Sarasvathy S.D.  Strategy and entrepreneurship: Outlines of an untold story. Darden Business School Working Paper No. 01–06. 2001.
19. Weick K.E.  Enacted Sensemaking in Crisis Situations // Journal of management studies. 1988. Vol. 25 № 4. P. 305–317.
20. Weick K.E. The Social Psychology of Organizing. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1979.

What kind of marketing and the marketers regions need?
Semerkova L.N., PhD, Professor, Head of Dep. «Marketing, commerce and service», Penza State University
Belyakova V.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor, Dep. «Marketing, commerce and service», Penza State University
Sherstobitova T.I., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dep. «Marketing, commerce and service», Penza State University

The article examines how marketing and marketers are perceived in the regional enterprises. The authors carried out an assessment of marketing functions depending on the regional business characteristics. Based on these observations and expert interviews the specifics of marketing services regional demand and employer behavior in the labor market are provided. They causes of mismatch between the requirements and qualifications demanded on the regional markets from marketers and the ones offered are explained. Recommendations concerning the organization of the marketing functions for regional SME are offered.
Keywords: marketers, regional SME, strategic and operational marketing, labor market.

1. Belyakova V.A. The strategic marketing concept in the post-industrial period of society development. European Social Science Journal (European Journal of Social Sciences) - 2012 - T2, №9 - pp.390-397
2. Maslov T., Trushnikova I. Strategic Planning Marketing. SPb .: Publisher SPSUEF, 2012.
3. Semerkova L. Theory and Methodology of marketing workforce: monograph. - SPb .: Publishing House SPSUEF, 1998.
4. Semerkova L., Tomilov V., Belyakova V. Marketing diagnosis of enterprise labor potential: monograph – Penza, PSU, 2001.
5. Russian regions: the economic crisis and the problems of modernization / Ed. Grigoriev L., Zubarevich N., Khasaev G. - M .: TEIS, 2011.



The modern stage of development of the system of strategic management of territories in the Russian Federation
Ulitskaya N.Yu., Phd of Economics, Associate Professor of the Penza State University of Architecture and construction
The article presents the result of the analysis of strategic territory management, document classification of strategic management, are proposed approaches and an integration model of strategic and spatial planning development of territories, are examined the relationships between government, business and the population in the management of the land.
Keywords: strategic management, territorial planning, development, government, business, population.

1. Volodin V.M., Surovickaya G.V., Safonova O.N. Processnoe i proektnoe planirovanie na sovremennom etape // Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenii. Povolzhskii region. Obshestvennye nauki. 2013. № 4 (28). S. 331-340.
2. Semerkova L.N., Belyakova V.A. Mehanizm planirovaniya pokazatelei strategicheskoi konkurentosposobnosti s uchetom osobennostei postindustrial'nogo perioda razvitiya // Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ekonomicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki. 2013.№ 2-1. S. 244-252.
3. Federal'nyi zakon ot 28.06.2014 N 172-FZ «O strategicheskom planirovanii v Rossiiskoi Federacii» // Rossiiskaya gazeta, N 146, 03.07.2014.
4. Velihov L.A. Osnovy gorodskogo hozyaistva, - M.: Nauka, 1996.
5. Popkov Yu. S., Posohin M. V., Gutnov A. E., Shmul'yan B. L. Sistemnyi analiz i problemy razvitiya gorodov. - M.: Nauka, 1983.
6. Filippov Yu.V., Avdeeva T.T. Osnovy razvitiya mestnogo hozyaistva: uch. posob. 2-e izd. pererab. i dop. M.: Logos, 2011.
7. Dorofeev V.D., Belyakova V.A. K voprosu o dolgosrochnom marketingovom prognozirovanii rynka // Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenii. Povolzhskii region. Obshestvennye nauki. 2012. № 1. S. 209-216.
8. HrustalevB.B., GorbunovV.N., Os'kinaI.V., Han'zhovI.S. Osobennosti strategii razvitiya i upravleniya predpriyatiem kak ekonomicheskoi sistemoi // Ekonomika i menedzhment innovacionnyh tehnologii. 2014. № 8 (35). S. 70-73.
9. Vasin S.M., Pleshakova N.A. Disbalans social'nogo i ekonomicheskogo razvitiya regiona: voprosy izmereniya i problema protivorechiya // Regional'naya ekonomika: teoriya i praktika. 2013. № 19. S. 38-45.
10. Vasin S.M. Problemy strategicheskogo planirovaniya razvitiya territorii // Upravlencheskie nauki. 2013. № 2 (7). S. 84-89.
11. Reznik G.A., Volokushin D.V. Evolyuciya social'noi otvetstvennosti v teoriyah strategicheskogo upravleniya // Ekonomicheskoe vozrozhdenie Rossii. 2012. № 3 (33). S. 58-66.
12. Menedzhment: opyt, problemy, perspektivy: kollektivnaya monografiya / [Baronin S. A., Bondarenko V. V., Vasin S. M. i dr.] ; pod obsh. red. prof. S. D. Reznika.- Penza, 2011.

The development of a balanced scorecard to evaluate the strategy for socio-economic development of a municipality
Zaloznaya D.V., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Economics, Novoshakhtinsk branch of the South Federal University
The paper describes the balanced scorecard as a tool to assess the strategic development of a municipality. A balanced scorecard is developed for the evaluation of the socio-economic development of the city of Novoshakhtinsk. Recommendations are made for the optimization of a  future city development program.
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, strategy of municipal and education, monitoring strategy, management of the municipal formation.

1. Musin Ural Ramazanovich. Ispol'zovanie sbalansirovannoj sistemy poka-zatelej dlja razrabotki i realizacii programm razvitija municipal'nyh obrazovanij [Using the Balanced Scorecard to develop and implement programs for the development of municipalities]: dissertacija ... kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk : 08.00.05 / Ural Ramazanovich Musin. - Ufa, 2007. -  160 p., RGB OD, 61:07-8/5194
2. Federal'nyj zakon ot 06.10.2003 N 131-FZ (red. ot 30.03.2015) "Ob obshhih principah organizacii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossijskoj Federacii" [On general principles of local self-government in the Russian Federation] URL:
3. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. Using the Balanced Scorecard as Strategic Management System. Harvard Business Review, Jаnuary–February 1996, р. 25.
4. Kaplan R.S., Norton D.R. The balanced scorecard: translating strategy into action, Boston: HBS Press, 1996, p. 76.
5. Sinjavskij F.A. Sistema pokazatelej jeffektivnosti upravlenija social'no-jekonomicheskim razvitiem municipal'nogo obrazovanija [The system of performance indicators of socio - economic development of the municipality]: dissertacija ... kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk : 08.00.05 / Sinjavskij Fedor Alekseevich; [Mesto zashhity: Vladimir. gos. un-t].- Vladimir, 2010.- 225 p.: il. RGB OD, 61 11-8/344
6. Strategija social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija goroda Novoshahtinska na period do 2020 goda [Strategy of socio-economic development of Novoshakhtinsk to 2020]. URL:
7. Programma kompleksnogo social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija goroda Novoshahtinska na 2012-2014 gody [The program is an integrated socio -economic development of Novoshakhtinsk 2012-2014] URL:
8. Zhiharevich B.S. Lebedeva, N.A. Gumanitarnye nauki. – 1997. – 2’97 (8). – pp.40-47
9. Razrabotka strategicheskogo vybora municipal'nogo obrazovanija [Develop a strategic choice of the municipality]: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. − M.: FGNU «Rossijskij nauchnyj centr gosudarstvennogo i municipal'nogo upravlenija», 2004. - 184 p.
10. Gajnanov D. A. Formirovanie strategii razvitija municipal'nyh obrazovanij [Formation of strategy of development of municipalities] / D. A. Gajnanov, I. V. Degtjareva, I. A. Tazhitdinov i dr. - Ufa: Gilem, 2007. - 163 p.
11. Zakirov I.D. Formirovanie strategii razvitija municipal'nogo obrazovanija kak social'no-jekonomicheskoj podsistemy regiona [Formation of strategy of development of the municipality as a socio-economic sub region]: dissertacija ... kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk : 08.00.05 / Il'nur Dil'fatovich Zakirov; [Mesto zashhity: Bashkir. akad. gos. sluzhby i upr. pri Prezidente Respubliki Bashkortostan].- Ufa, 2010.- 181 s.: il. RGB OD, 61 10-8/2459

Evaluation of cross-border cooperation development as a tool for managing development of border territory
Mikhailova E.V., graduate student, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

The multi-phase spiral-like model of cross-border cooperation development is put forward. The proposed stages of cross-border cooperation development include initiation, institualization, extensification, intensification, stabilization, modernization (or degradation), agglomeration and post-agglomeration development. The author names economic, social and information criteria for evaluating cross-border cooperation development and suggests formulas for calculating them.
Keywords: management of territorial development, evaluation of territorial development, cross-border cooperation, transborder territorial units, border municipalities.

1. KaliuzhnovaN. J. Konkurentosposobnost' regionov: teoriia i metodologiia analiza v kon-tekste sovremennogo ekonomicheskogo razvitiia: avtoref. diss. … dokt. ekon. nauk: 08.00.01/08.00.05. Tomsk: 2004. 51 p.
2. Nikul'chenkov K.E. Povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti prigranichnogo regiona (na primere Respubliki Kareliia): avtoref. diss. … kand. ekon. nauk: 08.00.05. Sankt-Peterburg: 2009. 23 p.
 3. Bozhko L.L. Perspektivy razvitiia prigranichnyh regionov v kontekste karty industrializacii Kazakhstana. // Vestnik Cheliabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2010. №26. P. 81-86.
4. Badarchi H.B., Dabiev D.F. Tipologicheskii analiz prigranichnyh regionov Rossii po urovn'u social'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiia (na primere Respubliki Tyva). // Problemy prognozirovania. 2012. №2. C. 89-100. URL:
5. Babina V.A. Upravlenie integracionnymi processami prigranichnyh ekonomicheskh si-stem (na primere Amurskoj oblasti): avtoref. diss. … kand. ekon. nauk: 08.00.05. Vladivostok: 2011. 21 p.
6. Druzhinin P.V. Razvitie ekonomiki prigranichnyh regionov: metodologicheskie i metodi-cheskie osnovy: avtoref. diss. … dokt. ekon. nauk: 08.00.05. Sankt-Peterburg: 2006. 41 p.
7. Sokolova G.V. Upravlenie processami razvitiia vneshneekonomicheskogo potenciala organizacii biznesa prigranichnyh territorii: avtoref. diss. … kand. ekon. nauk: 08.00.05. Khabarovsk: 2011. 21 p.
8. Perkmann M. Cross-border regions in Europe: significance and drivers of cross-border cooperation. // European Urban and Regional Studies. 2003. Vol. 10(2). P. 153-171.
 9. Ch`ernaia I.P. Konkurentnyi potencial v sisteme upravleniia ustoichivym razvitiem pri-granichnogo regiona: avtoref. diss. … dokt. ekon. nauk: 08.00.05. Vladivostok: 2007. 43 p.
 10. Semakina J. A. Prigranichnoe sotrudnichestvo municipal'nyh obrazovanii (municipal'no-pravovoe issledovanie): avtoref. diss. … kand. iurid. nauk: 12.00.02. Moskva: 2014. 29 p.
11. Blatter J., Clement N. Transborder collaboration in Europe and North America: explaining similari-ties and differences. // Borders, regions and People. M. van der Velde, H. van Houtum (eds). London: Pion. 2000. P. 85-103.
12. Kushhenko V. V. Osobye rezhimy vneshneekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti: pravo i praktika. Moskva: 2004. P. 61-66.
13. Pastarnakova O.A. Stanovlenie prigranichnogo sotrudnichestva kak social'nogo instituta: avtoref. diss. … kand. soc. nauk: 22.00.04. Sankt-Peterburg: 2008. URL:
14. Bolotov D.A., Mezhevich N.M. i Shuraev V.V. Prigranichnoe (mezhdunarodnoe) sotrudnichestvo v sisteme mezhmunicipal'nogo vzaimodejstviia. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Politehnicheskogo un-ta, 2005. 118 p.
15. Ob ocenke effektivnosti deiatel'nosti organov mestnogo samoupravleniia gorodskih okrugov i municipal'nyh raionov. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiiskoii Federacii ot 28 aprel'a 2008 g. № 607. URL:



Inventive activity in Kazakhstan: current state and problems
Mamrayeva D.G., Phd Economics, Associate Professor of the Marketing Department in the E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University
Tashenova L.V., Senior Teacher of the Marketing Department in the E.A. Buketov  Karaganda State University

In the article the current state of inventive activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan is discussed. In particular, the analysis of the dynamics of the issued patents number, the distribution between domestic and foreign applicants, as well as the ratio of the number of registered license agreements and the number of patents in Kazakhstan are shown. Also in the article the results of the expert survey of patent attorneys, aimed at identifying the main problems of inventive activity, are shown.
Keywords: invention, patenting activity, the license agreement, an expert survey, the problems of the commercialization.

1. Annual report “National Institute of Intellectual Property” of the Committee of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Edited by S.T. Merkibai. – Astana, 2012. – P. 40, 43.
2. Mamrayeva D.G., Tashenova L.V. Market of intellectual industrial property in the Republic of Kazakhstan: current state and development trends // Actual Problems of Economics. – 2012. – № 7 (133). – P. 592.
3. Mamrayeva D.G., Tashenova L.V. Patent activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan: regional differences and the main problems // Innovations. – 2012. - № 6 (164). – P. 102-106.

Lending to the real sector of the economy of the republic of Moldova under crisis conditions
Clichici D.V., PhD in Economics, Coordinating Scientific Researcher, National Institute for Economic Research, Republic of Moldova
Petrova T.A., Scientific Researcher National Institute for Economic Research, Republic of Moldova

In the context of the economic and financial instability in Moldova of particular interest is the problem of lending to the real sector of the economy to ensure economic growth. In the article are addressed the factors affecting the banks’ lending capacity. The dependence of credit demand on the situation in the real economy is shown. An analysis of the lending activity in Moldova in comparison with countries in the region is provided. Trends in interest rates during the (2006-2015) period and the main problems associated with crediting the real sector under crisis conditions are provided.
Keywords: financing the real economy of Moldova, banks’ crediting capacity, supply and demand factors of loans, interest rate dynamics, profitability, crisis.

1. Demirguc-Kunt A., Detragiache E.  Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility. IMF Working Paper WP/98/83, 1998.
2. Ostry J.D., Prati А., Spilimbergo А. Structural Reforms and Economic Performance in Advanced and Developing Countries, IMF, 2008.
3. Levine R., Loayza N., Beck T. Financial Intermediation and Growth: Causality and Causes. Journal of Monetary Economics 46 (2000) 31–77, 1998.
4. Stiglitz J.E. Monetary and exchange rate policy in small open economies: the case of Iceland. Working Papers No. 15, Central Bank Of Iceland, Economics Department, 15 November 2001.
5. Beck T., Demirguc-Kunt A., Levine R. A New Database on Financial Development and Structure. World Bank Economic Review, № 14. – P. 597–605, 2000.
6. World Bank. Enterprise Access to Finance Background Note. Vol. 2 of Moldova – Policy priorities for private sector development. WashingtonDC: WorldBank, 2013.

World patent practice in the area of energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies
Sadriev A.R., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Innovation and Investment Department, Kazan Federal University
Marufi M., Assistant of Innovation and Investment Department, Kazan Federal University

This work was funded by the subsidy allocated to Kazan Federal University for the project part of the state assignment in the sphere of scientific activities.

The matter of the world economy’s transition to an innovative way of development was recently put in the central position in the life of our society. The major place in these ongoing discussions is given to the choice of priorities, which could set a powerful impetus for the innovative development of economies of the single countries. One of these priority courses is energy efficiency enhancement, which is able to become a uniting principle with respect to other priorities of the innovative activities. The world patent practice in the sphere of energy-efficient technologies is being analyzed in the present article. Patterns in the activity of applicants for patent receiving in different countries worldwide are being detected. Special attention is paid to the tendencies of patent registration in the field of energy-efficient technologies in Russia. The specialization of various countries’ elaboration of energy technologies of a particular target setting is being studied.
Keywords: energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies, patents for inventions, comparative patent analysis, patent specialization of the countries.

1. Sadriev A.R., Pratchenko O.V.  2014. Idea management in the system of innovative management // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Volume 5 (12), pp. 155–158.
2. Wang Q., Zheng Y., Wu S., Li T. 2011. Mechanism of energy efficiency response to industrial restructuring and energy consumption structure change // Acta Geographica Sinica. Volume 66 (6), pp. 741–749.
3. Bing J., Rui L. 2011. Economic analysis of energy efficiency in China's economy // Actual Problems of Economics. Volume 124 (10), pp. 367–372.
4.  Hu J.-L., Wang S.-C., Yeh F.-Y.  2006. Total-factor water efficiency of regions in China // Resources Policy. Volume 31 (4), pp. 217–230.
5. Honma S., Hu J.-L. 2013. Total-factor energy efficiency for sectors in Japan // Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy. Volume 8 (2), pp. 130–136.
6. Laitner J.A.  2013. An overview of the energy efficiency potential // Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Volume 9, pp. 38–42.
7.  Grigorova V. 2013. Effective energy consumption of the Bulgarian economy // Ikonomicheski Izsledvania. Volume 22 (2), pp. 74–108.
8. Bojnec S., Papler D.  2011. Efficient energy use and renewable sources of energy in Slovenia: A survey of public perception // Agricultural Economics. Volume 57 (10), pp. 484–492.
9.  Filippini M., Hunt L.C. 2011. Energy demand and energy efficiency in the OECD countries: A stochastic demand frontier approach // Energy Journal. Volume 32 (2), pp. 59–80.
10. Chang C.-P., Berdiev A.N., Lee, C.-C. 2013. Energy exports, globalization and economic growth: The case of south Caucasus // Economic Modelling. Volume 33, pp. 333–346.
11. Voigt S., De Cian E., Schymura M., Verdolini E. 2014. Energy intensity developments in 40 major economies: Structural change or technology improvement // Energy Economics. Volume 41, pp. 47–62.
12. Mulder P., de Groot H.L.F., Pfeiffer B. 2014. Dynamics and determinants of energy intensity in the service sector: A cross-country analysis, 1980-2005 // Ecological Economics. Volume 100, pp. 1–15.
13. Trianni A., Cagno E., Thollander P., Backlund S. 2013. Barriers to industrial energy efficiency in foundries: A European comparison // Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 40, pp. 161–176.
14. Melnik A.N., Mustafina O.N. 2014. The liberalization of electricity market in Russia // Asian Social Science. Volume 10 (13), pp. 280–286.
15. World Intellectual Property Indicators – 2013 Edition. (Accessed on July 1, 2014).

The management of the restructuring process in non-commercial organizations
Chernikov M.V., Senior Teacher, Ph.D. Penza state University of Architecture and Construction
Molkin A.N., Student of the 5th course Penza state University of Architecture and Construction

Problems of management of the restructuring process in a non-profit organization is actual under the conditions of the modern transformation. Today restructuring is one of the most important and characteristic of the activities of almost any organization, aimed at successful functioning.
Keywords:  non-profit organization, restructuring, management, changes, employees, diagnostics, development of the organization.

 1. Dobren'kov V.I., Kravchenko A.I. Metody sociologicheskogo issledovaniya: Uchebnik. — M.: INFRA-M.2004. – 768 p.
 2. Mol'kin A. N., Chernikov M. V. Financial management in nonprofit organizations/ Social and human Sciences. Domestic and foreign literature. Series 3: Philosophy. Abstract journal. 2014. p. 186.
 3. Nacional'nyi chelovecheskii kapital. V 5 t. Tom 1. Rol' ideologii v modernizacii Rossii. M.: MGIMO–Universitet, 2012. — p. 449
 4. Noskova K. A. Ocenka chelovecheskogo kapitala i-go sotrudnika organizacii // Aktual'nye voprosy ekonomicheskih nauk: materialy II mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Ufa, aprel' 2013 g.). — Ufa: Leto, 2013. — p. 4-8.
 5. The management of change. Tutorial./ Moscow -2013.(Second edition) p. 383
 6. Reznik G. A., Mol'kin A. N. Market innovation: formation and occurrence conditions/ Economics and entrepreneurship- 2015 .- №1. (54). -p. 911-915
 7. Reznik G. A., Mol'kin A. N. Features of integrated marketing communications in non-profit organizations/ Economic Sciences and Humanities– 2015.- №2 (277). - p.107-112
 8. Strategii restrukturizacii [Elektronnyi resurs] / Portal «Obrazovatel'nyi sait Barmashova K.S.» [adres v seti Internet:]
 9. Upravlenie restrukturizaciei predpriyatiya: osnovnye podhody [Elektronnyi resurs] / Portal «Ekonomika i razvitie predpriyatiya» [adres v seti Internet:].
 10. Chernikovskaya M.V., Mol'kin A.N. Monitoring praktiki vnedreniya izmenenii v vysshem uchebnom zavedenii // Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo, № 4-1 (45-1), 2014 g., p601-605.
11. Chernikov M. V., Mol'kin A. N. Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of personnel in the non-profit organization / In book: Current issues of Economics, management and Finance in modern conditions. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. Saint-Petersburg - 2015. -p. 281-284. 
12. Chernikovskaya M.V. Migliorare l'efficienza delle variazioni in istituti educative//Italian Science Review, № 4 (13), S. 4–7.



The problems of time management in the work of health care institutions executives
Kalashnikov K.N., Phd Economics, Research Officer (Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories (ISEDT) Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS))

The article analyzes the main aspects and problems in time management of executives in health care institutions. The results of a sociological survey conducted among executives of medical organizations in the Vologda region in 2015 are used in the quality of a research base. It proves, how the executives in-formed about the importance of using basic principles and techniques of time management in practice, and to what extent they use them in their daily work.
Keywords:  executive, working hours, time management, discretionary time, medical facility.

1. Druker P.F. Zadachi menedzhmenta v XXI veke.: Per. s angl.: – M.: Izdatel'skii dom «Vil'yams», 2004. 
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3. Rep'ev A.P. Marketingovoe myshlenie – M.: «BYBLOS», 2014 g. 
4. Chirillo F. The Pomodoro Technique, San Francisco, 2006.

Balanced motivation of personnel in a competitive market
Kabanov V.N., Doctor of Economics, Professor of Finance and Accounting Cheboksary branch of St. Petersburg State University of Economic, Professor of General and General Professionall Disciplines of the Vyksa branch of the R.E.Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University
Yakovlev S.P., Phd Law, Director of the Cheboksary branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics
Volkova N.V., Phd Economics, Head the Department of Finance of and Accounting Cheboksary branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics

The article presents a balanced mechanism of personnel motivation, based on the use of economic methods of determining an individual’s labor potential. We review the method of calculating the coefficient of the labor contribution of each individual employee to the overall integration process of production, as well as the weight of the achievements and shortcomings in the work of the personnel. This enables the employer to determine the “filtering effect” of information and the absolute and cumulative losses from disadvantages perpetrators and count the economic effect of the work done by each link in the overall system of personnel management.
Keywords: intensive development of the economy, innovative approaches, personnel management, balanced methods of motivation, coefficient of labor input, list of achievements of labor, economic approach motivation, filtering effect of information, cumulative distribution losses.

1. Vesnin V.R. Management: the textbook. – 4 th ed., rev. and add. - M.: Prospect, 2012. - 404 p.
2. Vihansky O.S. Management: the textbook. – 5 th ed. Stereotype. - M.: Masters, INFRA-M, 2011. - 384 p.
3. Egorshin A.P. Work motivation: a tutorial. – 3 rd ed., rev. and add. – M.: INFRA-M, 2011. - 356 p.
4. Egorshin A.P. Labour Organization staff: textbook / A.P. Egorshin, A.K. Hares. – M.: INFRA-M, 2011. - 434 p.
5. Kabanov V.N. Balanced mechanism staff motivation / V.N. Kabanov, N.G. Sterhova, N.V. Kirillova // Scientific Journal: Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. - Tomsk: Tomsk State University (TSU), 2010. - № 341 (December 2010g.). - p. 144-150.
6. Kabanov V.N. Balanced effect employee motivation in the unstable market conditions / V.N. Kabanov, N.G. Sterhova, N.V. Volkova // Journal "Audit and financial analysis" – M.: OOO "DSM Press", 2011. - № 2, 2011. - p. 273-284.
7. Kabanov V.N. Reliability of business in the risk factors of the market environment. Business. Reliability. Economic strategies: Monograph / Kabanov V.N. - Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishhing, 2012. - 253 p.
8. Kabanov V.N. Personnel management based on the balanced scorecard. Theory and practice of personnel motivation systems. Personnel management in the enterprise: Monograph / V.N. Kabanov. - Germany : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishhing, 2013. - 205 p.
9. Minin V.M. Key members of the organization: approaches to identification and control problems // Personnel. - 2011. - № 1. - p. 86 -98.
10. Jesters I.S. Case method as one of the methods of personnel evaluation // Personnel Management. - 2011. - № 9. - p. 34 -39.
11. Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation:

Assessment as a basis of development of high quality human capital in modern economy
Tuguskina G.N., Penza state University, Professor of the Department of management, doctor of economic Sciences, associate Professor

Is discussed in this article the need for the assessment of human capital as the basis of an innovative economy, the author’s methodology of evaluation of the value of human capital of the enterprises is proposed; are analyzed the peculiarities of the assessment of human capital, taking into account industry specifics, the necessity of an evaluation of human capital taking into account qualitative indicators.
Keywords: high-quality human capital, the assessment of the value of human capital, the method estimates the value of human capital of the enterprises, industry specifics, qualitative indicators for assessing human capital.

1. Alaverdyan In. Assessment of the value of the «human capacity» of the enterprise [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: 14.05.2003. 
2. Tuguskina G.N. Development of methods of assessment of human capital in the value of a company// Vestnik of goo, 2011, №6, C. 174-177.
3. Kostina G.D., Khotsimsk YU. Ways of strengthening the personnel potential of//the Frames of the enterprise, 2003, №12 - Mode of access:
4. Nikolaev O.V. The personnel potential of science-intensive industries: a way out of the crisis. - M.: Economy, 2005.
5. Nikolaev O.V. The development of personnel potential of the military-industrial complex of Russia: methodology and practice: dis... d-RA economy. Sciences, 08.00.05, M., 2005.
6. Statistics: textbook/Kharchenko L.P., Dolzhenkova V.G., Jonas V. and etc.; Edited by candidate of economic Sciences V. Ionin. - Ed. 2-e, pererab. I DOP. - M.: 2003.

Personal potential and time perspectives as predictors of personnel management
Bolotova A.K., Ph.D. (Psychology), Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Zakharova A.K., Ph.D. (Psychology), Senior Lecturer, National Research University Higher School of Economics

The article is devoted to the study of human potential in career achievements and the prospects of selection indicators and training of specialists in personnel management. In the present study it is shown that the combination of personal qualities and the specificities of the construction of a time perspective activities acts as a predictor and the basis of professional selection in personnel management.
Keywords: personal potential, career goals, time perspective, goal setting, human resource management.

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Analysis of expenses on employees in different types of banks in Russia
Prosvirkina E.Y., Teacher of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics
Prosvirkin N.Y., PhD Economics, Associate Professor of the National Research University “Samara State Aerospace University

This article is devoted to the analysis of expenses on employees in the Russian banking industry. The total expenses on employees per employee, the share of salary expenses, and the share of employee mobility costs and the share of other expenses in total expenses on employees are calculated. The key source of information are the financial reports of banks published on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Statistical analysis demonstrated that expenses on employees differ for international and local banks, and also for banks with different types of business.
Keywords: employee expenses, structure of employee expenses, banking sector, Russia.

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Post contract opportunism employees of state enterprises
Popov E.V., Doctor of Sciences (Econ.), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Ersh E.V., Head of Department of Human Resource Management Joint Stock Company «Scientific-industrial automation union named Academician N.A. Semikhatov»

The study was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project N 15-18-00049.

The article describes forms of opportunistic behavior by employees of state industrial enterprises. Based on the empirical study carried out are identified factors and organizational institutions that influence the level of unfair behavior by employees of scientific and production business units
Keywords: opportunistic behavior, forms of opportunism, management opportunism.

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