Risk analysis and choice of the best alternative
Negomedzyanov Y.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Management department, Tver State University
Negomedzyanov G.Y., PhD, Doctoral student of the Management department, Tver State University
In this article for the selection of adequate criteria optimization of alternatives in terms of stochastic risk proposed comprehensive description of return of risky alternatives, based on a set of indicators: objective criteria traditionally used in probably theory, and a new additional criterion – rick measure, CF – correlation function, the real measure of volatility.
Keywords: evaluation of alternatives, full machining, characteristics traditionally applied criteria, additional criteria, a new measure of rick, CF – correlation function, the real measure of volatility.
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Performance efficiency valuation of vertically integrated companies
Cherkasova E.S., MSc Finance, Head of the Financial planning department, LUKOIL Lubricants Company International
In the paper major factors and reasons affecting the efficiency of company’s performance are highlighted and analyzed, which are directly connected with vertical integration. A set of general recommendations is provided to the management of companies, decision makers about either integration or disintegration. The difference of the performance effectiveness between the integrated and non-integrated companies is considered, which is the key issue of the best way of large companies development.
Keywords: Lerner index, transaction costs, added value, profitability, synergetic effect, company’s strategy, financial reporting.
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Calculation of the indifference point for financing options in the profitability format
Vasiliev V.D., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Chair of Economics Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Vasiliev E.V., Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant Professor of the Management Chair Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
The article describes the authors’ approaches for calculating indifference point for company’s financing options not in the context of the classical EPS model, but in the formats of profitability (rate of return-ROE and ROD) of share capital and loans. The presented analytical calculation methods allow not only to determine indifference points for various options, but also to demonstrate a system of restrictions for their positive values. The main difference between the proposed approaches and traditional methods is that these approaches are more versatile, expanded, methodically algorithmic, multi factorial with a clear pragmatic orientation, and applicable to different scenarios.
Keywords: financing options, profitability schemes, indifference points, conditions of positive values.
1. Vasiliev V.D. Optimization approach to the selection of investment strategies and projects in the regional construction industry. –SPb. Publishinghouse of PBSUEF, 2004. – 287 p.
2. Cheng F.Lee, Joseph E. Finnerty Corporate Finance: Theory, Methods, and Applications. Translated from English. – M .: INFRA-M, 2000. – 686 p.
The concept of system management and its practical use
Shekhovtseva L.S., Professor of Institute of Economy and Management of the I. Kant Baltic federal university, Doctor of Economic Sciences
The necessity of perfecting management under modern conditions is proven. It is offered to use the system approach to the modernization of firm management and preparation of managers to the top echelon. The conceptual device is revealed. The methodology of formation of system management in educational programs is considered.
Keywords: system management, firm, educational program, a modular principle.
1. Shehovceva L. S. O nekotoryh ponyatiyah strategicheskogo upravleniya // Menedgment v Rossii i za rubezhom. - 2002. - ¹ 6.- s. 34-40.
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6. Korel L., Kombarov V. Rossiiskie promyshlennye predpriyatiya v zerkale mnogovektornoi koncepcii modernizacii: sociologicheskii rakurs // Region: economika i sociologiya. - 2010. - ¹ 4. - S. 167-186.
Strategy of perspective development of Russian municipalities: theory and practice of realization
Abramov R.À., Head of the Department “Public and Municipal Administration, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the chair of «National and regional economy» Russian Economic University of G.V. Plehanov
Lukyanova M.N., Phd of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate of Chair of the Public and Municipal Administration REU of G.V. Plekhanov
The publication is prepared within the framework of the scientific project supported by the RGNF.
Grant number 15-02-00025a from 05.14.2015 g.
The article describes the aspects of the development of local government within municipalities under the conditions of the need for socio-economic planning. It is revealed that in overcoming the crisis conditions the greatest attention should be given to strategic planning. It is determined that as a measure of evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed solutions is to specify the degree of financial autonomy of the region and the municipality. The hypothesis about the need to develop common state criteria for the strategic programs with the introduction of a methodical basis is proposed. The legislation about the development of municipalities is analyzed for the first time. It is shown that currently is provided only the very process itself of program approbation for the strategic development of municipalities without a common economic assessment and the local programs linking to governmental ones.
Keywords: strategy, public administration, local governance, organizational design, municipality.
1. Ovakimjan M.A., Burov A.V. Strategija social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija sovremennogo municipal'nogo obrazovanija // Nauka i obrazovanie: hozjajstvo i jekonomika; predprinimatel'stvo; pravo i upravlenie. – 2015. – ¹ 4 (59). – s. 21-24.
2. Abramov R. Razvitie mestnoj jekonomiki v Rossii i modeli municipal'nogo upravlenija // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravlenija. – 2013. – ¹ 4. – s. 70-73.
3. Abros'kina Ju.N. Investicionnaja strategija municipal'nogo obrazovanija // Sovremennaja nauka: aktual'nye problemy teorii i praktiki. Serija: Jekonomika i pravo. – 2014. – ¹ 7-8. – s. 11-15.
4. Struk A.Ju., Abramov R.A. Stimulirovanie innovacionnogo razvitija real'nogo sektora jekonomiki kak sostavnaja chast' promyshlennoj politiki RF // V sbornike: Aktual'nye problemy realizacii gosudarstvennoj promyshlennoj politiki v Rossii i za rubezhom sbornik tezisov, dokladov i statej. – 2015. – s. 152-156.
5. Hal'zova V.V. Osnovnye problemy sovershenstvovanija ocenki i realizacii konkurentnyh preimushhestv gosudarstvennyh (municipal'nyh) predprijatij // Vestnik Povolzhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta servisa. Serija: Jekonomika. – 2014. – ¹ 2 (34). – s. 45-48.
6. Luk'janova M.N. Proektirovanie mestnogo samoupravlenija na osnove institucializma // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravlenija. – 2013 – ¹ 4 – s. 74-82.
7. Ledeneva G.L., Popova D.L. Ustojchivoe razvitie territorij (iz gradostroitel'nogo opyta evropejskih stran) // Voprosy sovremennoj nauki i praktiki. Universitet im. V.I. Vernadskogo. – 2014. – ¹ 1 (50). – s. 119-124.
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17. Leonov S.N., Barabash E.S., Primachenko L.S. Ocenka rezul'tativnosti gosudarstvennoj regional'noj politiki v otnoshenii municipal'nyh obrazovanij // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta. Serija: Jekonomika. – 2014. – ¹ 2. – s. 128-136.
18. Abramov R.A., Morozov I.V. Napravlenija povyshenija jeffektivnosti formirovanija regional'nyh setevyh struktur // Upravlenie jekonomicheskimi sistemami: jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal. – 2014. – ¹ 1 (61). – s. 3.
19. Bezpalov V.V. Osobennosti i problemy planirovanija restrukturizacii regional'noj sistemy upravlenija v RF na sovremennom jetape // Biznes v zakone. Jekonomiko-juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – ¹ 5. – s. 214-218.
20. Abramov R.A. Formirovanie ustojchivoj sredy funkcionirovanija gorodskoj territorii // Municipalitet: jekonomika i upravlenie. – 2015. – ¹ 1 (10). – s. 30-36.
Strategic configurator
Lapygin D.Y.,Phd Economics, Associate Professor Vladimir Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Currently, not enough tools to develop regional strategies are available, which hinders the dynamic development of the country, so the purpose of this paper is to systematically introduce these instruments. The article discusses approaches to the formation of the regional development strategy and tools for implementation of such approaches. The study is based on a methodology of systems theory and methods of strategic management. The most important results should include tools to build the configurator, which is a combination of tools for constructing three dimensional plane analysis, the plane of development and the plane of content strategy. The universality of the results of research can be used for constructing the configurator tools when developing a strategy of regional development, as well as socio-economic systems of various types and forms.
Keywords: region, strategy, development tools, system analysis, development, content strategy.
1. Dzhenster P., Hassi D. Analiz sil'nyh i slabyh storon kompanii: opredelenie strategicheskih vozmozhnostei. – M.: Izdatel'skii dom «Vil'yams», 2003.
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3. Lapygin D.Yu., Lapygin Yu.N. Biznes-plan: strategiya i taktika / 2-e izdanie. – M.: Omega-L, 2008. – S. 93.
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Assessment of the imbalance of regional development in the context of economic and social efficiency
Kochegarova L.G., Senior lecturer of Economics and Project Management Department, South Ural State University (National Research)
The article deals with the problem of goals imbalance between participants of the regional investment process. The imbalance is determined by the requirements of economic efficiency on the basis of profitability and social efficiency through the human development index. The differentiation of Russian regions according to their degree of imbalance are held from the perspective of these indicators and nine rating groups are allocated. Problematic groups of regions that require a special approach in the implementation of regional management are defined. The results can be taken into account in the development of measures aimed at attracting foreign investment at the regional level.
Keywords: regional investment process, economic efficiency, social efficiency, human development index, imbalance goals.
1. Popov R.A. Sistemologiya regional’nogo hoziaystva: monografia. Rostov na Donu: YUFU, 2009 g.
2. Korotkova T.L. Vzaimovliyanie sotsial’nyh i economicheskih effectov pri restruktorizatsii biznesa na osnove sotsial’no-eticheskogo marketinga. // Prakticheskiy marketing. – 2007. – s. 45-53.
3. Alekseenko V.B., Strel’nikova I.A. Iinvestitsionnyy protsess: sotsial’niy i economicheskiy effecty. // Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya inzhenernye issledovaniya. – 2007 g. – ¹ 1. – s. 114-117.
4. Vlasenko S. Effektivnost’ v APK – ekonomicheskaya, sotsial’naya i ekologicheskaya. // Rossiyskoe predprinimatel’stvo. – 2009. – ¹ 4-2. – S. 124-128.
5. Alabugin A.A., Kochegarova L.G. Funktsional’naya model’ metoda upravleniya regional’nymi investitsiyami // Upravlenie ekonomicheskimi sistemami. Elektronnyy zhurnal. – 2013 g. – ¹ 6 (54).
The study of the regional intellectual capital dynamics based on a life-cycle model
Makarov P.Yu., PhD Economics, Assistant Professor, Chair of Management The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Vladimir branch
This paper argues the necessity of a dynamic approach to the study of intellectual capital management issues. The internal and external intellectual capital dynamics are analyzed from the perspective of a system approach. Interaction of the intellectual capital elements, its dependence on situational factors and impact on the economy are considered. Based on this analysis, a model of the regional intellectual capital life cycle is proposed as a tool to increase the efficiency of intellectual capital management.
Keywords: intellectual capital, dynamics, region, life cycle, model.
1. Grebenkin A.V., Permyakova A.M. Experimental’naya ocenka dinamiki IC innovacionnyh companyi [Experimental estimation of innovative companies’ IC] // Ekonomika regiona [Regional economy]. – 2008. – ¹ 1. – P. 224-228.
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3. Serdjukova L.O. Ocenka roli intellectual’nogo kapitala v ekonomicheskomrazvitii regional’nyh innovacionnyh system [Estimation of the intellectual capital impact on the regional innovation systems economic development] // Ekonomicheskie nauki [Economic science]. – 2011. – ¹ 5(78). – P. 279-282.
4. Filonovich S.R. Ispol’zovanie modele zhiznennogo cykla v organizcionnoi diagnostike [The Life-cycle models in organizational diagnostic] // Sociologicheskie issledovania [Sociologic studies]. – 2005. – ¹ 4. – P. 53-66.
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6. Andriessen D., Stam C. The Intellectual Capital of the European Union 2008: Measuring the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs // Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. – 2008. – Vol. 7. – ¹ 4. – P. 489–500.
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8. Chang W.S., Hsieh J. The Dynamics of Intellectual Capital: Taking Organizational Lifecycle into Consideration / International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS), 24-26 august 2010, Wuhan, China.
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13. Fallahi S. et al. An investigation of IC changes during Company's Life Cycle: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange // Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business. – 2013. – Vol. 5. – ¹ 3. – P. 15–24.
14. Lopez Ruiz V.R., Alfaro Navarro J.L., Nevado Pena D. Relationship between Gross Domestic 1. Product (GDP) and Hidden Wealth Over the period 2000-2008: An International Study // The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. – 2011. – Vol. 9. – ¹ 3. – P. 259–270.
15. Malik K.P., Malik S. Value Creation Role of Knowledge Management: a Developing Country Perspective // Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. – 2008. – Vol. 6. – ¹ 1. – P. 41–48.
16. Pucar S. The influence of intellectual capital on export performance // Journal of Intellectual Capital. – 2012. – Vol. 13(2). – P. 248–261.
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Opportunities and experience of economic development of small towns in Europe
Sitolik N.A., Postgraduate student of the Department of System Analysis and Modeling of Economic Processes Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
The article analyzes the existing potential of using the economic base of European small towns. There are described examples of the successfully implemented projects to modernize the core enterprises, small businesses and service companies. The article also presents the results of research carried out by order of ECOVAST (European Council for the Village and Small Town).
Keywords: towns, international experience, modernization, companies, projects, tourism.
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2. Avery C., Zabel D. The flexible workplace. A sourcebook of information and research. Westport: Quorum books, 2001. – Pp. 87–88.
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Improving the governance of industrial enterprises: organizational aspects formation services deal with the crisis
Voronina V.M., Doctor of Economics, professor of the Department of economic management of the organization of the Orenburg State University
Fedorischeva O.V., Candidate in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of economic management of the organization of the Orenburg State University
The article presents the organization of preventive services en-crisis diagnostics in industry, providing early detection of crisis tendencies and crisis response, justified its organizational structure options. The implementation of preventive crisis diagnosis is considered in conjunction with the functions of management.
Keywords: service preventive crisis diagnosis, management cycle, tool maintenance preventive crisis diagnosis.
1. Glazov, M. M. Analiz and diagnostics of financial and economic activity of the enterprise: studies. for higher education institutions. - SPb. : Andreevsky publishing house, 2006.
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6. Fedorischeva O.V. Preventive anti-crisis tool maintenance diagnostics in industry : Ph.D. dissertation abstract : 08.00.05. - St. Petersburg, 2013. - 23 p.
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A study of the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty in the hotel industry
Oyner O.K., Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Company Marketing National Research University – Higher School of Economics Moscow
Korelina A.S., Postgraduate student, Assistant of the Department of Company Marketing National Research University – Higher School of Economics Moscow
The study was conducted with the support of the Faculty of Management of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics."
The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty in the hotel industry. This relationship is considered through the prism of key behavioral characteristics of clients (willingness to recommend/willingness to return). Based on this research the customer loyalty coefficient is calculated. The data collection method that was used is a survey.
Keywords: customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, hotel industry, hotel, survey.
1. Oiner O.K. Sovremennye potrebitel'skie trendy i udovletvorennost' potrebitelya. INFRA-M, 2013.
2. Anderson E.W., Fornell C., Lehmann D.R. (1994). Customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability: findings from Sweden. Journal of Marketing 58, 53–66.
3. Bolton R.N. (1998). A Dynamic Model of the Duration of the Customer's Relationship with a Continuous Service Provider: The role of Satisfaction. Marketing science, 17 (1), 15-24.
4. Fornell C., Mithas S., Morgesson F. (2006). Customer Satisfaction and Stock Prices: High Returns, Low Risk, 70, 3-14.
5. J.D. Power Studies (2014). North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index Study /
6. Pingitore G., Seldin D., Walker A. (2010). Making Customer Satisfaction Pay: Connecting Survey Data to Financial Outcomes in the Hotel Industry. Cornell Hospitality Industry Perspectives, 5, 4–13.
The mechanism of management of economic security in the foreign trade of a region
Vorobyeva N.V., Associate Professor, PhD of Economics, Chair of Business and World Economy, Stavropol State Agricultural University
Kozel I.V., Associate Professor, PhD of Economics, Chair of Business and World Economy, Stavropol State Agricultural University
Maslennikova N.V., Associate Professor, PhD of Economic, Chair of Business and World Economy, Stavropol State Agricultural University
The paper considers internal and external factors that influence the economic security in foreign trade. The analysis of threats to economic security in foreign trade activity in the Stavropol territory is performed. Arguments put forward by opponents of protectionism are disclosed and is presented a positive argument in favor of free trade policy. Steps for creating an effective mechanism of countering the threats to economic security are proposed.
Keywords: foreign trade sphere, threats of economic security, export, import, control mechanism, protectionism and free trade.
1. Sirotinina M.A. Klassifikazia ugroz economicheskoi bezopasnosti Rossii vo vneshnetorgovoi sfere: avtoreferat diss. … kand. econ,. nauk: 08.00.05. Moskovskaya academia econimiki I prava. Moskva. 2011.
Effective training technology and personal development in the system of corporate education: choice questions
Malichenko I.P., Ph.D. Economics, Department of Human Resource, Management Faculty of Economics Southern Federal University, Head of the editorial and publishing department of the publishing house “Phoenix”
Sidorova A.M., Leading specialist student Laboratory analysis and monitoring of the labor market Faculty of Economics, Bachelor of direction “Personnel Management” Southern Federal University
One of the key problems for companies of all areas of business in the emerging “knowledge economy” is the formation and development of personnel. The article deals with modern technologies and methods of training and development in corporate education with regard to their advantages and disadvantages, which will allow making the most effective decisions regarding the organization of the educational process. Particular attention is paid to the possibilities of interaction between the participants of professional and corporate education.
Keywords: technology, methods, development, objectives, target audience, advantages, disadvantages, corporate department.
1. Portal «Tendencii v HR - 2013» // Servis dostupa:
2. Bortnik E.M., Malichenko I.P., Nazykov E.V. Korporativnoe obrazovanie kak instrument razvitiya i sohraneniya chelovecheskogo kapitala // Ekonomicheskoe razvitie v usloviyah mirovogo krizisa. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. – Rostov n/D.: Izdatel'stvo AkademLit. – 2009. – S. 63 – 66.
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5. Malichenko I.P. Modernizaciya professional'nogo obrazovaniya v usloviyah gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. – N10. - 2014. – S. 134 – 142.
6. Gibner Ya.M. Kouching kak instrument effektivnogo obucheniya i razvitiya personala // Molodoi uchenyi. – 2011. – N 8. T.1. – S. 121–124.
7. Deineka A.V. Upravlenie chelovecheskimi resursami: Uchebnik dlya bakalavrov/ A.V. Deineka, V.A. Bespal'ko. - M.: Izdatel'sko-torgovaya korporaciya «Dashkov i K°», 2013.
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Welcome ritual as a marker intra-interaction: calculation
Lazarenko V.A., MD, Professor, Rector of the Kursk State Medical University
Nikishina V.B., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. Department of Psychology of health and correctional psychology Kursk State Medical University, Dean of the FPC
Zapesotskaya I.V., doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor, professor of health psychology and correctional psychology
Petrash E.A., Ph.D., assistant professor of health psychology and correctional psychology Kursk State Medical University
This paper describes the procedures and methodology for calculating the coefficient of consistency greetings, as a marker of intra interaction. The ritual of greeting serves as the enterprise standard of conduct and is considered in conjunction with the index of integration and inclusion in organizational communication.
Keywords: an in-house collaboration, organizational rituals, the ritual greeting, method of calculation.
1. Lazarenko V.A., Nikishina V.B., Zapesotskaya I.V., M.V. Medvedeva. Tekhnologiya otsenki effektivnosti vzaimodeystviya strukturnykh podrazdeleniy vuza // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom – ¹ 3–2014 – S. 60-68
2. Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. Human ethology. – Chicago: Aldine, 1989.
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Innovation requirements of the quality management system
Sazhin Yu.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the faculty of statistics, Mordovian State University
Pletneva N.P., Ph D in Engineering Sciences, Assistant Professor, Mordovian State University
Discussed main issues of innovatory essence of quality management system. It is pointed out that system approach is an innovatory base of quality management system. It is stressed that PDCA cycle is a very important instrument for implementation of innovations. It is pointed out that risk management increases confidence of customers in products and services and makes it possible to do continuous improvement as an integral part of a quality management system.
Keywords: quality management system, innovations, risks, customer, products, services.
1. The ISO Survey of Management System Standard Certifications – 2013.
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3. ISO/DIS 9001 – 2015. Quality Management Systems – Requirements.
4. ISO 19011 – 2011. Guidelines For Auditing Management Systems.
5. ISO 31000 – 2009. Risk Management – Principles And Guidelines.
6. Wise thoughts. - St. Petersburg .: "Leningrad Publishing House", 2008. - 320 p.
Quality management and safety culture in the nuclear industry
Smetnik A., Doctor Sci. (Biology), Head of scientific and technical support department, FSUE VO «Safety», Moscow
Murlis D., Deputy Head of scientific and technical support department, FSUE VO «Safety», Moscow
The article shows the approach of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to development of the management systems for nuclear facilities. The approach is presented in the IAEA standard GS-R-3 «The management system for facilities and activities». GS-R-3 is based on the principles of an integrated management system, risk management and safety culture. The application of these principles together with ISO 9000 quality management principles gives assurance of the effective and safe operation of nuclear facilities.
Keywords: integrated management system, management principles, nuclear facilities, quality, risk management, safety, safety culture.
1. V.Ya. Potapov, A.A. Smetnik, D.V. Murlis, E.Yu. Kapralov. «Novye trebovaniya k kul'ture bezopasnosti». Sb. dokladov konferencii MNTK «Poluvekovoe obespechenie bezopasnosti AES s VVER v Rossii i za rubezhom». NV AES. 24-26 sentyabrya 2014 g. S.46-49.
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The quality and effectiveness of management: differences and relationship
Lyuhanova S.V., Associate Professor of the Department «The economy of transport, logistics and quality control»of Omsk State Transport University, Ph.D. Econ.sci.
Morozov N.M., Postgraduate student of the Department «The economy of transport, logistics and quality control» of Omsk State Transport University
The article develops the concepts of quality and management effectiveness, examining their differences and the relationship, the characteristics of the quality and effectiveness of governance, in particular: perfection, transformation, exclusivity, discusses scenarios of economic development of Russia.
Keywords: quality control, efficiency control, quality and management efficiency.
1. Green D. What is Quality in Higher Education? -London: SRHE / OPEN University Press, 1994.
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11. Pritchi, 21 glava, 5 stih. Kniga Pritchei Solomonovyh. Kanonicheskie knigi svyashennogo pisaniya vethogo i novogo zaveta: Rossiiskoe bibleiskoe obshestvo M., 2009.
Social organization of enterprise: forward to past
Limarev P., PhD economic, associated professor in economics and marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Subach I., PhD pedagogic, associated professor in economics and marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Today many researchers present done attempts to reconstruct management an enterprise in accordance with social principle of the organizations of the labor, motivating change principle management change established economic situation, in particular, change motivation’s factors. The New methods of management is accepted name «team work», however often this does not correspond to the reality.
Keywords: the post-industrial society, social organization, management, team work.
1. Gribov P. Massovyj aspekt upravlenija sovremennymi organizatsijami // Management in Russia and Abroad – ¹ 3, 2015
2. Kaganov Sh. Montazh vnutrennih sanitarno-tekhnicheskih sistem. 3rd edition. – Moscow: Strojizdat. – 1979. – 224 p.
3. Maxwell John C. The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork: Embrace Them and Empower Your Team. – Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2013. – 279 p.
Historical and contemporary aspects of the charity activities of the russian empresses and the spouses of the presidents of Russia
Geniberg T.V., Phd Economics, Associate Professor of Management, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
The research is based on a comparison of charitable activities empresses in pre-revolutionary Russia and the spouses of the presidents of the Russian Federation. The methodology is geografiske method, biographical method, the method of analogy and comparison. The author came to the conclusion, that àctivity empresses lead to the fulfillment of the social functions of the state and formed the system of private donations in the country. The Empress donated large sums and conducted a great job. For modern operations, «first lady» of the state is characterized by: the absence of an organized system of private charity, small size of the donation. In this regard, the spouses of the leading statesmens and politicians need to form and strengthen the system of private charity and take the lead from private donors.
Keywords: guardianship, charitable society, charity of Russian empresses, charity of the spouses of the presidents of Russia.
1. Godunskii Yu. Otkuda est' poshla blagotvoritel'nost' na Rusi. M. // Nauka i zhizn'. 2006. ¹10. S.34 - 39.
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3. Vozniknovenie social'nyh uchrezhdenii imperatricy Marii Fedorovny / Biofail / Nauchno-informacionnyi zhurnal//
4. Blagotvoritel'nost' v Rossii: istoriya i sovremennost' / Fond imeni D.S. Lihacheva.