Evolution and variants of enterprise management systems
Tyapukhin A.P., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Organization Management Department, Orenburg branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
The article contains the elaboration of the contents of the enterprise management systems in implementing various management concepts and the sequence of transformation targets, tasks, principles, approaches, means, functions and methods of management in the process of evolution of these systems.
Keywords: system, management, flow, purpose, task, principle, approach, mean, function.
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Risks and the effective number of advertising placements
Shmatov G.A., Phd of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor,
Ural Federal University, Liberal Arts University
In this paper an economic-mathematical theory of media planning is discussed. The methods of risk calculation of advertisement placement in the media are developed; the concept of the effective and optimal number of advertisement placement in the media is introduced. The dependence of the effective number of advertisement placement on the magnitude of risks and the magnitude of the efficient frequency is calculated.
Keywords: advertising, risk, media planning, optimization, efficiency.
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The development of the core competencies of the company
Lukutina M.V., undergraduate student at MUCTR them. D.I. Mendeleev
Khachaturov A.E., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair of Management and marketing of MUCTR them. D.I. Mendeleev
The article is devoted to the development of methods and approaches to the strategic management of companies based on advance the creation and development of core competences. Stages of the enterprise strategic development based on the development of the system of core competencies are defined. The mechanisms of self-organization processes of core competencies in the company are described.
Keywords: core competencies, development of core competences, strategic management, strategy of enterprise, self-organization.
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Managing the industrial development of the countries with transitional economy
Aubakirova G.M., Karaganda State Technical University (Kazakhstan), Doctor of Economics, Professor
The generalizing results of implementing industrial policy in Kazakhstan in 2010-2013 are presented. The main obstacles on the way of its industrial development are revealed. The prospects of country development till 2030 are shown. The role of government regulation of the industrial innovative development is shown.
Keywords: Kazakhstan, industrial policy, governmental regulation.
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Innovativness of nonprofit organizations: management context
Minnigaleeva G.A., Research fellow, Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector and Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Economics in Nongovernmental Nonprofit Organizations, National Research University «Higher School Of Economics», Ph.D.
With quite a lot of attention paid to management innovations in business and governmental organizations, it is almost impossible to find in the Russian scientific literature such research published on the nonprofit organizations. In this paper we present the analysis of the foreign research of management features influencing the innovation process in nonprofit organizations. Factors determining the innovation process are analyzed within the framework of the five areas: relations with the external environment, relations with the internal stakeholders, organization’s culture, leadership, management of processes and resources.
Keywords: innovations, NGO management, nongovernmental nonprofit organizations.
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Crowdsourcing as an innovative technology of management
Tretjakovа L.A., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, corresponding member RAEN, Professor of the chair of human resource management, FGAOU VPO “Belgorod State National Research University”
Relevance of the article is caused by the high extent of integration of social technologies, including crowdsourcing in a control system of enterprise structures that assumes need of systematization of the directions of use and kinds of crowdsourcing. Updating of the advantages and shortcomings of realization of the methods of crowdsourcing, specification of specifics of use of instruments of crowdsourcing will allow an increase in the competitiveness of enterprise structures optimizing the solution of production functions. As an object of research the organizational and economic relations defining processes of use of information technologies by optimization of business processes act. Treat results of the conducted research: the main kinds of crowdsourcing are allocated, advantages and shortcomings of realization of a method of crowdsourcing are proved, the optimized option of use of crowdsourcing for the solution of production functions with use of the theory of the system of mass service is offered.
Keywords: crowdsourcing, competitiveness, business process, enterprise structures.
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Managing costs of production and consumption-based functional cost analysis
Chernov V.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, the chair of the Accounting and audit Department, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
With the modern requirements of the market to achieve product competitiveness, industrial organizations need to achieve the most economical and effective approach not only in the production but also consumption functions of products. To solve this problem a functional and cost analysis is required, which is considered in this article.
Keywords: the cost of production and consumption, value analysis, useful and useless features.
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Using some of the institutional factor’s coefficients in determining the cost of the information product
Limarev P.V., PhD Economics, Associate Professor of Economics and Marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University,
The article substantiates the need for some of the coefficients corresponding to the presence of institutional factors in the information market when determining the cost of economic units of information and proposes methods for determining these coefficients.
Keywords: institutional factors, the economic unit of information (EUI), cost information product, information market.
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Industrial tourism: review of the German experience and perspectives for Russian regions
Volkov S.K., Ph.D. in Economics, Dean of the Faculty of “Economics and Management”, Volgograd State Technical University
Research is devoted to the review of the German experience in the application of industrial tourism to territorial development. The experience of the German cities of Cologne and Wolfsburg is studied. On the basis of the study performed are highlited the benefits, which could be received by private businesses and territories from the development of industrial tourism. In conclusion, the author gives practical recommendations for stakeholders in Russian regions.
Keywords: industrial tourism, regional development, marketing in tourism, destination marketing, tourist attractions.
1. KleimenovaE.O., ChulakovaA.O. Diversifikaciya ekonomiki monogorodov za schet razvitiya promyshlennogo turizma // Infrastrukturnye otrasli ekonomiki: problemy i perspektivy razvitiya. 2014. № 7. S. 20-26.
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Line of process quality based on the Toyota production system
Omel'chenko I.N., Dr.Sci.Tech., Dr.Econ.Sci., Dean of faculty «Engineering business and management”, Bauman University
Komarova S.G.,Phd Sci.Tech., Associate Professor, RHTU named D.I. Mendeleev
Lazarev S.V., Phd student, Bauman University
There is proposal of the consistent principles chain in this article. This principles lead to the quality production and have been analyzed by Isikava diagram. Then the principles draw up in logical propose of implementation. Logic of principles drawing up builds up by principles of extension. Drawing up starts from the end point (quality) to the first point (initial condition) step by step. This method allows tracking succession of action in the lean implementation.
Keywords: production quality management system, lean, assessment criteria of lean implementation, principles of extension.
1. O. Ukhanova, «Problema "ottsov i detei" v menedzhmente znanii,» Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya, № 4, pp. 134-140 s, 2015.
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The Financial statements as elements of disclosure public companies: Russian reality
Grechenyuk A.V., Phd Economics, Head of the Department of organization of scientific and international activity, Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service,
Grechenyuk O.N., Phd Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Regional Economics and Management, Southwestern state university,
The article presents the legal requirements for public companies concerning the disclosure of financial statements. Based on the analysis of two main websites disclosures revealed the degree of their compliance by the Russian companies. The article identifies trends and problems of the disclosure of financial statements by the public companies today.
Keywords: public companies, disclosure, financial statements.
1. LyalinV.A., Vorob'evP.V. Rynok cennyh bumag: uchebnik. – M.: Izdatel'stvo: Prospekt, 2015.
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Socio-cultural model of development of the organizational culture of the university under the conditions of high competition of graduates
Gulei I.A., Senior Lecturer, Department of Personnel Management Belgorod State National Research University
Shavyrina I.V., Associate Professor of Sociology and Management Belgorod State Technological University. V.G. Shukhov,
The article analyzes the socio-cultural approach to the development of university organizational culture as a factor of competitiveness of graduates in the labour market. The authors propose a sociocultural model of university organizational culture development ensuring the competitivness increase of the higher education graduate. The expediency of integration of the organizational culture of the university in a system of client-oriented relationships is grounded.
Keywords: socio-cultural environment, university, organizational culture, student, competitiveness, customer focus.
1. Filatova M.N. Monitoring sociokul'turnoi sredy vuza: ponyatie i problemy // Diskussiya. – 2012. – № 10. – s. 90-97.
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Concept of the increase of the logistical efficiency of passenger transport in municipalities Kravchenko E.А., Branch of the Rostov State University of Railway Transport in Krasnodar, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor,
Kravchenko A.E., The Kuban State Technological University (KubGTU), Department of “Transportation facilities”, Ph.D., Associate Professor
The impact of structural reorganizations on the management of transport systems and the quality of services to the population in the municipalities and regional entities is reflected.
Keywords: passenger transport, efficiency, management, quality of service, holding.
1. Kravchenko E.A., Kravchenko A.E. Organizaciya dvizheniya massovogo passazhirskogo transporta.Uchebnoe posobie. Krasnodar: Izd-vo OOO « Izdatel'skii Dom-Yug» , 2011 g.
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Determinants of business career, or professionals aren't born
Sotnikova S.I., Chairholder, Chair of Labour Economics and Personnel Management, Doctor of Economics, Рrofessor Novosibirsk State University of Economy and Management
Development of market relations in Russia forces managers to change the existing methods and forms of managing in all spheres of modern management, and first of all at management of the career of the personnel. These changes need to be based on the existing needs of workers which, despite a difficult economic situation, aren’t limited only to a material component. In the article an attempt to create from a heap of phenomena causing career movements, a system of determinat of career to designate points of their interaction for achievement of their synergetic effect, to increase knowledge of opportunities of achievement of competitiveness of human resources by means of impact on the career.
Keywords: career, value, determinants, conditions, reasons, factors, classification of career.
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Conceptual basis of the assessment of management effectiveness, competitiveness of labor resources at various levels management
Sirbu A.N., Ph.D. Economics, Assistant Professor of Management, Marketing and Production Organization Volgograd State Technical University
The article is devoted to the distinction between “assessment of competitiveness of labor” and “evaluation of the effectiveness of management of competitiveness of labor.” Considered foreign and domestic experience in assessing management systems competitiveness of human capital at different levels of management. An approach is systematized to identifying and assessing the effectiveness of human resource management at the micro level. The main differences of the assessment of the effectiveness of human resource management at the micro, meso and macro levels. A general scheme for evaluating the effectiveness of human resource management at the territorial (regional) level is developed.
Keywords: human resources, human resource management efficiency, competitiveness, human resources, evaluation of the effectiveness of human capital management.
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Corporate university as an internal expert and strategic partner of the organization (based on the materials of OJSC «Sberbank of Russia»)
Dolzhenko R.A., Ph.D. Economics, Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic Marketing, National Research University Higher School of Economics,
In the article is shown that corporate training of the personnel is a major factor of competitiveness for an organization in the labor market. The essence of the corporate training system under modern conditions is considered. The role of the corporate university in the corporate training system of the personnel is proved. Variants of using the corporate universities on an example of the largest Russian companies are analyzed. The experience of the Sberbank in the construction of a unique system of corporate training on the basis of the corporate university is considered. Strategic targets of Sberbank corporate university for 2014–2018 are described.
Keywords: personnel training, corporate training, corporate university, strategy of corporate university development.
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