Application of new marketing principles for contemporary management building
Zerkaliy N.G., Candidate of economic sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing and Advertising, Omsk F.M. Dostoevsky State University
Modern management trends are considered in the article, the challenge to traditional management was detemined, lines of it’s development were revealed. The principles of the contemporary management were determined based on analysis of the future-day organizations features. Directions of current management instrumentarium development by using of procedual framework of the new marketing concepts were suggested.
Keywords: contemporary management, present-day organization, future-day organization, management development trend, principles of the contempopary management, new marketing concepts.
1. Adizes I.K. Kak preodolet' krizisy menedzhmenta. Diagnostika i reshenie upravlencheskih problem. – M.: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2014.
2. Drucker P. Menedzhment. Vyzovy XXI veka. - M.: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2012.
3. Krishtal' V. V. Sovremennye problemy menedzhmenta. – M.: Evrazijskij otkrytyj institut, 2011.
4. Mintzberg H. Dejstvuj ehffektivno! Luchshaya praktika menedzhmenta - SPb.: Izdatel'stvo «Piter», 2011.
5. Uitli M. Liderstvo i novaya nauka. Otkryvaya poryadok v haotichnom mire. – SPb.: Izdatel'stvo «Best Biznes Buks», 2011.
6. Hamel G. Budushchee menedzhmenta. - SPb.: Izdatel'stvo «Best Biznes Buks», 2007.
7. Gaponenko A.L. Savel'eva M.V. Novye tendencii v razvitii sovremennogo menedzhmenta// Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. № 5. 2014. – pp. 110-116.
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Impact on social investment company's investment attractiveness
Bikeeva M.V., Ph. D. in Economics (Candidate of economic sciences), assistant professor of the “Chair of Statistics, Econometrics and Information Technologies in Management”, Mordovia N.P. Ogarev State University
Ivanova I.A., Ph. D. in Economics (Candidate of economic sciences), assistant professor of the “Chair of Statistics, Econometrics and Information Technologies in Management”, Mordovia N.P. Ogarev State University
The above article correlation analysis confirmed the existence of the relationship between social investments and the investment attractiveness of Russian corporations. As an indicator of investment attractiveness of the chosen measure of the ratio of market to book value of the company. The results showed that a balanced decision-making mechanism, ensuring that the interests of stakeholders helps to improve financial and economic conditions, as well as the level of investment attractiveness of the company. As the degree of social responsibility of business is an increase in performance of its activities.
Keywords: investment attraction, social investments, business restructuring, corporate social responsibility, multi-factor correlation analysis, regression equation.
1. Biblioteka nefinansovoi otchetnosti. Rossiiskii soyuz promyshlennikov i predprinimatelei [Elektronnyi resurs].Rezhim dostupa: rspp.rf/simplepage/157
2. Bikeeva M.V. Sistematizaciya nauchnyh vzglyadov na restrukturizaciyu predpriyatiya // Problemy sovremennoi ekonomiki. – 2011. – №2 (38). – S.139-142.
3. Bikeeva M.V. Social'naya otvetstvennost' i investicionnaya privlekatel'nost' kompanii // Materialy 2-i Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii «Shumpeterovskie chteniya». – Perm': Izdatel'stvo Permskogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politehnicheskogo universiteta, 2012. – S. 280-283.
4. Ivanova I.A., Bikeeva M.V. Ocenka effektivnosti restrukturizacii biznesa i ego social'noi otvetstvennosti: sovremennyi metodologicheskii podhod // Menedzhment v Rossii i zarubezhom. – 2015. – № 1. – S. 89-96
5. Ivanova I.A. Integral'naya ocenka i prognozirovanie innovacionnogo potenciala regionov Privolzhskogo federal'nogo okruga // Ekonomicheskii analiz: teoriya i praktika. – 2014. – № 36. – S. 20 – 29.
6. Ivanova I.A. Modelirovanie i prognozirovanie osnovnyh indikatorov innovacionnoi deyatel'nosti regionov Rossiiskoi Federacii // Regional'naya ekonomika: teoriya i praktika. – 2014. – № 27. – S. 9 – 13.
7. Realizaciya social'noi politiki: regional'nyi aspekt: monogr. / nauch. red. prof. Yu.V.Sazhin. – Saransk: YurEksPraktik, 2015.
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9. Sazhin Yu.V., Ivanova I.A. Ekonometrika. – Saransk: Izd-vo Mordov.un-ta, 2014.
Problems for implementing public private partnerships in Russia
Holodkova V.V., St. Petersburg State University, Senior Lecturer, PhD
The article deals with problems of management of state property in the form of public-private partnership. An important aspect of the article is to analyze the prospects and the problems for Russian projects in the field of public-private partnership.
Keywords: Public Private Partnerships, сoncession, Мanagement of State Property.
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2. Kholodkova V.V. Perspektivu realizacii gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva v Rossii // Menedgment v Rossii i za rubeom, №6, 2010, str. 27-34.
3. Ayraoetian M.S. Zarubegnuy oput ispolzovania gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva.
4. Fedealnuy zakon «О koncessionnuh soglasheniah» N 115-ФЗ ot 21 iulia 2005 г.
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Problems of management and control underuncertainty
Mullakhmetov Khanif Sharifzуanovich, candidate of economic sciences, MBA, associate professor of department of industrial management, Kazan Federal University, Branch in Naberezhnye Chelny
Management problems in modern conditions are determined primarily by the characteristics of the environment, the main factors that decided to present three groups: the complexity (number of factors affecting the activity of the organizations, multifactor), dynamism (fast and interconnected factors change, the close relationship factors It represents a major problem for the prediction), and, as a consequence of the previous two groups, the uncertainty of the results of the implementation of individual administrative decisions, projects and activities of the organization as a whole. With the development of socio-economic relations uncertainty is only growing.
Traditional management systems focused on the evolutionary type of socio-economic relations in today’s revolutionary development processes in several areas are ineffective. The emergence of new approaches, systems and technology management, the development of information technology capabilities is lagging behind the growth of uncertainty in management. Uncertainty – a scourge of modern management.
Keywords: management, uncertainty, risk, control, information management software.
1. Mullahmetov Kh.Sh. Process approach to the organization of control in Russian companies // Russian scientific journal "Economics and Management". - 2011. - № 8.- p. 53-57.
2. Pierce II. J., R. Robinson Strategic Management. - 12 Vol. - SPb .: Peter, 2013.
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4. E. Campbell, K. Summers Lachs strategic synergies. - 2 ed. - SPb .: Peter, 2004.
5. Mullakhmetov Kh.Sh., Aminova R.M., Akhmetshin E.M. Control in a management system in modern conditions // Asian Social Science. - 2014. - № 24. - Vol. 10. - p. 237-247. - ISSN 1911-2017
6. Mullahmetov Kh.Sh. Control management. - M.: Economics, 2013.
7. Mullahmetov Kh.Sh. Research School of Management and their influence on the evolution of the control functions // Management in Russia and abroad. - 2012. - № 6.- p. 129-133.
Benchmarking as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of Russian cities
Gaponenko A.L., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of Russia, Head of the Department of General and Strategic Management, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Savelyeva M.V., Doctor of Economics, Docent, Professor of the Department of General and Strategic Management, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Increased international competition between cities forces them to pay special attention to the best practices of formation of competitiveness. Now these trends of urban competitiveness are gaining momentum as talent management, the creating an enabling environment for residents, the using innovations in urban governance, organization of networking between companies. Using benchmarking, learning the experience of the implementation of these directions and taking into account it in the practice of urban management allow to find effective solutions in the formation of the sustainable competitive advantages of cities.
Keywords: benchmarking, competitiveness, cities, talent management.
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3. Dzhekobs Dzh. Goroda i bogatstvo nacii. Novosibirsk, 2009.
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7. Polterovich V.M. Elementy teorii reform. M.: ZAO «Izdatel'stvo «Ekonomika», 2007.
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The weys of developing small businesses supporting state sistem on the basis of interaction whith the big ones
Alhimovich Igor, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), associate Professor, Department of management, the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov branch in the town of Koryazhma, Russia, Arkhangelsk region
The article discusses aspects and suggestions for improving the small businesses supporting system on the basis of interaction between the major participants of social-economic processes. These participants are the government and big enterprises. An accent is placed on encouraging and developing favorable conditions for promotion of small enterprising as the major factor of economic development.
Keywords: supporting system, small enterprising, government, big enterprises, interaction.
1. Kaz I. O makroekonomicheskom planirovanii I sisteme upravleniya ekonomikoy. // Ekonomist. 2013 g., № 12, s. 28-32.
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6. Karanatova L. Ispolzovanie gos. Zakaza v kachestve mehanizma innovacionnogo razvitiya Rosii. // Ekonomika i upravlenie. 2011 г., №5 (67), s. 64-70.
7. Hrustalev E.U., Botasheva A.S. Setevoe planirovanie i upravlenie regionalnim razvitiem kak najneishii factor obespecheniya nacionalnoi bezopasnosti Rossii. // Nacionalnie interesi prioriteti i bezopasnost. 2012, № 4, s.2-9.
Formation of the BRICS unified payment system
Ivanov V.V., D.Sc. Economics, Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Subdepartment of finance and credit-currency relations – professor, Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology – professor
Kondyrev V.A., Russian Foreign Trade Academy, full-time fourth-grade student, faculty of international economics
This article provides the analysis of world payment services, foundation issues of the New Development Bank (BRICS) and propositions for creation of the Unified Payment System (UPS) by interested states. It is defined the need for own national payment systems unification and modernization, based on a compensatory mechanism under the conditions of high volatility of the international financial markets, and also design & implementation of a synchronization strategy with the competitive SWIFT.
Keywords: Unified Payment System, financial flows, BRICS, New Development Bank, International Financial Center, payments, clearing house, transactions, volatility, investment projects.
1. GladyshevD.A. Integraciya platezhnyh sistem na mirovom finansovom rynke». // – M.: Federal'noe gosu-darstvennoe obrazovatel'noe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya «Finansovyi universitet pri Pravitel'stve Rossiiskoi Federacii», – 2014. C. 165.
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Can there be innovation in automation control for industrial enterprises?
Gutgarts R.D., Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Automated Systems, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Automation of administrative processes on industrial enterprises of Russia is carried out for half a century. The paper paid much attention to three fundamental aspects of the automation: the actual production activities, management and information technology. The changes that can be evolutionary or revolutionary are briefly reviewed, as well as how these changes affect the automation of management tasks. The directions in the field of automation control which are still problematic are examined. It is shown that the decisions in these areas can have an innovative character.
Keywords: automation of management, re-engineering, information technology, innovation.
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Comparison of the financing of higher education шn Ukraine and in Australia
Insik Richard Chang, professor, faculty of business King’s Own Institute, Sydney, Australia
Khomyn T., faculty of international legal relations, Odessa Law Academy, Ukraine
Kopynets Iryna, second year student, faculty of business, King’s Own Institute, Sydney, Australia
Three parts of the article: first is about Ukrainian educational system which also currently is affected by difficult political situation. The second is about Australia and its educational politician. Third part about comparison of the financing of higher education in Ukraine and in Australia
Keywords: higher education, financial aid, student support programs, education for foreigners, analysis of the financing of universities.
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Improving the management of fixed assets in reindeer herding
Suprunova E.A., candidate of economic science, docentof department Finance, credit, accounting and auditof the Omsk state university of means of communication
Shljomin I.Ju., specialist of MIFNS in the YANAO
The article contains the composition, structure, and technical condition of the plant and equipment used in agriculture YaNAO with industry-specific reindeer. The analysis of the sources of financing of reproduction of fixed assets in reindeer herding, in which it was concluded that the economic importance of reindeer husbandry in the modern economy slightly, so it is necessary to actively continue work on the development and implementation of high-tech processing facilities.
Keywords: fixed assets, breeding deer, YaNAO.
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Functioning of customs representatives in conditions of export and import flows changes
Pogarskaya A.S., PhD., associate professor of Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University Russia. Novorossiysk
Filatova E.V., PhD., senior lecturer of Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University Russia. Novorossiysk
A participant of foreign trade activity, a representative of Customs is considered.
Requirements, which performance is necessary to get a “representative of Customs” status are distinguished.
It is stipulated that functioning and development of a representative of Customs is directly depends on statistics of foreign trade, characterizing by volume of export and import of goods, heir dynamic, geographical distribution, goods composition and participation of state in the world trade.
The analysis of foreign trade of Russia for period of 2011-2014 has been made. The structure of Export of Russia is considered.
The arrangements, which performance will allow representatives function successfully in conditions of export and import flows changes.
Keywords: a representative of Customs, export and import flows, structure of export, foreign trade, trade and economic interrelations, making of managerial decision.
1. Informacionnoe agentstvo RZhD Partner.RU [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
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4. Federal'nyi zakon № 311-FZ «O tamozhennom regulirovanii v Rossiiskoi Federacii» [Elektronnyj resurs] URL:
Internal control organizational structure
Sharamko M.M., candidate of economics, Department of economic performance analysis and audit Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Moscow, Russian Federation
This article analyzes the problems existing in the Russian internal control practice.
The international experience of the internal control architecture creating is analyzed. The internal control organizational structure on the basis of objectives, functions, resources, entities, objects and subjects of internal control is analyzed. The set of standard internal control organization strategies is proposed. The expert analysis basedmethod of the internal control strategies combination evaluation is also proposed.
Keywords: internal control entity, internal control organization strategy.
1. Doncova L.V., SHaramko M.M. Audit ehffektivnosti: informacionnoe obespe-chenie i nejrosetevye modeli. Upravlencheskij uchet. 2014. № 4. S. 96-103.
2. Doncova L.V., SHaramko M.M. Sovershenstvovanie instrumentov i metodov au-dita ehffektivnosti intellektual'noj sobstvennosti. EHkonomicheskie i gumanitarnye nauki. 2014. № 10 (273). S. 35-45.
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6. Aktual'nye napravleniya sovershenstvovaniya gosudarstvennogo kontrolya [Tekst]. / Kazakova N.A., Fedchenko E.A., Belyakova EH.I. / Finansy i kredit: №19 (499), 2012. C. 35-41.
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The specifics of functions for management in the archival institutions of the Russian Federation
Tarasova M.V., PhD in sociology, a senior researcher, Department of economic and technological support of archives management, the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Archives and Records Management, Moscow
The article is devoted to management in state (municipal) archives. It presented basic results of the analysis for management’s activities from research report “The Organization of state (municipal) archive (planning, reporting, regulation and organization of labor, organization of Advisory bodies). Methodical ecommendations”.
Keywords: аrchives management, functions of management, planning, organization, motivation, control.
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5. Pravila organizacii hranenija, komplektovanija, ucheta i ispol'zovanija dokumentov Arhivnogo fonda Rossijskoj Federacii i drugih arhivnyh dokumentov v gosudarstvennyh i municipal'nyh arhivah, muzejah i bibliotekah, organizacijah Rossijskoj akademii nauk (utverzhdeny prikazom Ministerstva kul'tury i massovyh kommunikacij Rossijskoj Federacij ot 18.01.2007 №19, zaregistrirovan v Minjuste Rossii 06.03.2007, registracionnyj №9059; s izmenenijami (utverzhdeny prikazom Ministerstva kul'tury Rossijskoj Federacij ot 16.02.2009 №68, zaregistrirovan v Minjuste Rossii 05.05.2009, registracionnyj №13893)). URL:
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7. Koncepcija informatizacii (avtomatizacii) gosudarstvennogo arhiva. URL:
Market methods of the assessment of loss of intellectual property cost in the republic of Uzbekistan
Makhkamova M.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Chair «Economy and Marketing» Tashkent State Technical University of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Questions of an assessment of loss of cost of intellectual property in the conditions of the market are researched. The method of expensive approach the assuming accounting of costs of reproduction of the estimated intellectual property in the current prices minus wear, as the most effective method of an assessment of intellectual property is opened. In article author’s approach of gradation of an assessment of the lost usefulness of intellectual property is offered.
Keywords: intellectual property, industrial objects, assessment of loss of cost, expensive method, wear, usefulness, gradation, life cycle, innovation.
1. Mamadjanov H.A. Development of scientific researches and innovative processes in the Republic of Uzbekistan.//Materials of Int. conference on cooperation of science and equipment between the governments of the People's Republic of China and five Central Asian republics. People's Republic of China, Urumqi, 1998.
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3. Mamadjanov H.A., Abbasova N. B., Makhkamova M. A. Life cycle of an innovation and assessment of loss of cost intellectual property.//Questions of an assessment, No. 2, 2002, M., 2002.
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5. Makhkamova M.A. Formation of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of innovative activity at the enterprises of mechanical engineering of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Dissertation work, Tashkent, TGTU, 2004.
Development of information systems to support management decisions in the service of small hotel business of Kostroma region
Shvakova E.I., undergraduate of FSBEI of HE «Kostroma State Agricultural Academy»
Kozlova M.A, candidate of technical sciences., assistant professor of FSBEI of HE «Kostroma State Agricultural Academy»
The article is devoted to the development of information systems to support management decision-making, which is a system, the most adapted to the challenges of management activity in the service sector of small hotel business. The information system is a tool to help enterprise managers to make informed and effective management decisions. It also allows real-time automatically analyze large amounts of data.
Keywords: information system, management decisions, marketing research, hotel services, simulation, modeling, economic and mathematical model, demand, image.
1. Belyaevsky, I.K. Market research: information, analysis, forecast: Proc. Allowance. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2012. - 414 p.
2. Shvakova, E.I. Statistical information as a basis for administrative activity in the service sector of small hotel business Kostroma Region / E.I. Shvakova, M.A. Kozlovа // "The role of statistics in the development of society . Historical experience . Achievements. Perspectives ": Materials of inter-regional scientific - practical conference . Sat. / Kostromastat, KSTU . - K., 2015. - 224 p .
3. Kozlova, M.A. Estimation of demand for hotel services in Kostroma based on market segmentation services and individual preferences of visitors / M.A. Kozlova, L.V. Klimkina, E.I. Shvakova // Internet magazine "Science of Science" - 2014 - Issue 5 (24), September - October. Electronic data. - Access:
4. Kuznetsov, S. G. Modeling social-economic systems: teaching aid for practical lessons and independent work of students of directions of training 38.03.01 Economics 38.03.02 and "Management" full-time and correspondence forms of training / S. G. Kuznetsov. – Karavaevo: Kostroma State Agricultural Academy, 2015.- 78 C.
5. Shvakova, E.I. Assessing the level of the educational potential of the region / E.I. Shvakova, M.A. Kozlovа, E.S. Kozina // "Tendencies and prospects of development of economic science" anniversary collection of articles dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics / ed. S.G. Kuznetsov, L.V. Klimkinа - Karavaevo. Kostroma State Agricultural Academy, in 2013. - 130.
Management of theindustrial assets of enterprises with continuous cycle of production on the basis of standard PAS-55 and PMBOK
Eskin N.V., expert of Software Engineering Company “Smart Solutions”
The complexity and importance of the tasks of production asset management (PA) of major industrial enterprises need to improve the quality of decisions; improve the business model and management tools designed to increase equipment productivity while reducing service costs; shortening service. It also requires integration of repair, commercial and financial staff in the common information platform. Using modern standards PAS-55 and PMBOK allows you to organize management processes in accordance with the holisticalapproach.
Keywords: management of the industrialassets, maintenanceandrepair, PAS-55, PMBOK, Purchase Management, Inventory Management, Multi-agent systems.
1. PAS 55 -1:2008 Part 1: Specification for the optimized management of physical assets.
2. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition – An American National Standard ANSI/PMI 99-001-2012.
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5. Skobelev P.O. Mul'tiagentnye tehnologii v promyshlennyh primeneniyah: k 20-letiyu osnovaniya Samarskoi nauchnoi shkoly mul'tiagentnyh sistem // Mehatronika, avtomatizaciya, upravlenie. 2011. № 12
6. Wireman T. Benchmarking Best Practicesin Maintenance Management. – Industrial Press, Inc.989 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10018, 2012.
7. Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki. – Osnovnye fondy, koefficienty obnovleniya i vybytiya osnovnyh fondov. – URL:
The Chinese model of personnel management
Stepashkina A.Y., the information agency «Interfax», the specialist marketing services
This article discusses the principles and methods of personnel management in China.
We describe the history of the formation of human resources management (HRM). The advantages and disadvantages of the Chinese system of HRM. We describe the actions used to solve problems in HRM. The possibility of using these methods in domestic companies.
Keywords: human resource management, management, management principles, domestic companies, Chinese companies.
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