Contents of N5/2016

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Contents of N5'2016


Organizational culture power as a factor of management model shaping
Dolgaya A.A., PhD, docent of Operational Management Chair, Kaliningrad State Technical University

In the article there are represented the results of research which was conducted in the group of companies for detection of interrelation between organizational culture power and targeted management model implementation level. The culture power is determined by the author as a conformity between leader and employees in organizational culture description. As a management model the Total Quality Management concept was applied. As a result of research the linear dependence between organizational culture power and level of leader’s preferable management model implementation was discovered.
Keywords: organizational culture power, management model, leadership, conformity.

1. Dolgaya, A.A. Sistema upravlenia organizatsiey: poniatie I model' // Sovremennaia ekonomika: problem I reshenia. No 3. 2014. S.98-109.
2. Kulikov M.J., Khachaturov A.E. Sistema upravlenia kak ogranichivaiuschiy factor rosta proizvoditelnosti truda rossiyskikh kompaniy// Menegment v Rossii I za rubezhom. 2016. No 1. S.15-25.
3. Prosvirkina E.J., Prosvirkin N.J. Korporativnye zennosti v bankovskom sektore: rossiyskaya I zarubezhnaya praktika // Menegment v Rossii I za rubezhom. 2016. No 3. S. 91-98.
4. Sidorova V.N., Odegov J.G. Organizazionnaya kultura kak factor effektivnosti kompanii // Upravlenie korporativnoi kulturoi. 2013. No 2. S. 86-94.
5. Thiagarajan, T., Zairi, M. An empirical analysis of critical factors of TQM // Benchmarking for quality management and technology. Vol.5 No. 4, 1998, pp. 291-303.

“Added value” and “exclusiveness” are key factors in the competitiveness of small education agencies in Australia
Chang R.I., professor, faculty of business King’s Own Institute, Sydney, Australia
Petrov À., M.Chem.Eng. M.Eng.Mgmt, M.B.A, Sydney, Australia John R.
Magin J.R., Grad. Dip., M. App. Sci., D.B.A. (candidate), Sydney, Australia
Limarev P.V., PhD economic, associated professor in economics and marketing, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Russia
Belkovsky A.N., cheef of information and organizational department, Lotoshinskiy distrikt of  Moscow region

The article is aiming to underline and explore the possible value and importance of an Australian Education agency for various stakeholders of the education services for international students. The authors of the article have experience of operation in the sector in various positions including those who operate overseas and have close contact with the prospective students in their home countries. We assume that the main important criterion of educational agency efficiency for international students is the ability to add value to the educational process which the institutions do not want to do or simply cannot do themselves. Also, the authors assume that Australian educational agents associated to selected education providers have more chance to become competitive in the market. Taking into account the intense competition between different educational agencies in various national markets we want to share our assumptions with the readers in order to help educational institutions and educational agencies to develop competitive strategies through the “added value” and “exclusiveness” approach for a better outcome for the students’ academic process, economic and educational efficiency of the education providers and better selection of educational agencies who are the most convenient and appropriate for both the international students and the education providers.
Keywords: stakeholders, Australia, international education, education agency.

1. Bolton D., Nie R.  Creating Value in Transnational Higher Education: The Role of  Stakeholder Management // University of Mining and Technology. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2010, Vol. 9, No. 4, 701–714.
2. International Trade in Services, by Country, by State and by Detailed Services Category. Calendar Year, 2014 (ABS Catalogue no. 5368.0.55.004).
3. Education at a Glance 2015: OECD Indicators Australia DOI:10.1787/eag-2015-43-en
4. Szekeres J. Sustaining student numbers in the competitive marketplace. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management // Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Vol. 32, No. 5. Adelaide, Australia.
5. Olsen A. AUIDF benchmarking 2006. Australian Universities International Directors Forum, Canberra, 2007.
6. National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007 (Standard 4) // Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Australian Government.
7. Chow P. U.S. and Australian International Student Data Collection: Key Differences and Practices.Center for Academic Mobility Research Institute of International Education. May 2012.
8. Adams T., Leventhal M., Connelly M. International Student Recruitment in Australia and the United States Approaches and Attitudes // The SAGE Handbook of International Higher Education , Chapter 22. 2012.
9. Future directions for streamlined visa processing. Report and recommendations. June 2015.
10. McDonald G. Does size matter? The impact of student–staff ratios // Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. Vol. 35, No. 6, 652–667, 2013.
11. Gunn A., Mintrom M. Global university alliances and the creation of collaborative advantage // Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 2013 Vol. 35, No. 2, 179–192.
12. Leventhal M. The Legality and Standards of Commission-based Recruiting
13. Ross M. Exploring the international student recruitment industry through the Strategic Orientation Performance Model // Journal of Marketing Management Vol. 28, No. 5–6, 522–545, May 2012.

Enterprise strategic management with the aid artificial intelligence systems
Liubetski P.B., senior lecturer of Marketing Department, the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Belorussia

This paper proposes an approach to using of neural networks in the strategic management of industrial enterprise. A technique for formalization of the enterprise strategy and neural network technology using are characterized. As an example the meat-processing industry by means of neural networks established indicators systems that reflect the content of enterprise strategy.
Keywords: strategic management, marketing environment, business strategy, artificial intelligence systems, neural networks, meat processing industry.

1. Volovikov B. P. Modelirovanie situacionnyh strategii s primeneniem neironnyh setei na primere promyshlennogo predpriyatiya. // Vestnik Sibirskogo gos. aerokosmich. un-ta im. akad. M. F. Reshetneva. – 2012. – ¹ 3. – S. 159-163.
2. Gorban' A. Rossiev D. Neironnye seti na personal'nom komp'yutere. – Novosibirsk : Nauka, 1996.
3. Lutkovskii, V. M. Neironnye seti. – Minsk : BGU, 2003.
4. Lyubeckii P. B. Neirosetevoe modelirovanie marketingovoi strategii. // Torgovo-ekonomicheskie problemy regional'nogo biznes-prostranstva : materialy IX mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., Chelyabinsk, 22 apr. 2011 g. – Chelyabinsk, 2011. – S. 74–78.
5. Lyubeckii P. B. Ispol'zovanie neironnoi seti pri formirovanii marketingovoi strategii predpriyatiya. // Aktual'nye problemy informacionnyh tehnologii, elektroniki i radiotehniki - 2015: materialy Vserossiiskoi molodezhn. shkoly seminara, Taganrog, 25-29 dekabrya 2015 g. – Taganrog, 2015. – S. 378–381.
6. Mirkes E. M. Neiroinformatika / E. M. Mirkes. – Krasnoyarsk : KGTU, 2002.
7. Neironnye seti. Statistica Neural Networks. – M. : Goryachaya liniya – Telekom, 2000.
8. Nikitenko P. G., Platonova L.A., Leonov A.V. Neirosetevoe modelirovanie konkurentosposobnosti predpriyatiya. – Minsk : Pravo i ekonomika, 2004.
9. Fashiev A. A. Sud'ba strategicheskogo menedzhmenta i risk-menedzhment. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2009. – ¹1. – S. 33-40.
10. Filippovich Yu. N., Filippovich A.Yu. Sistemy iskusstvennogo intellekta. – M. : Izd-vo MGUP, 2009.
11. Hlystova O. V. Strategicheskoe upravlenie na osnove neirosetevogo modelirovaniya. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2011. – ¹ 3. – S. 18-24.
12. Sharstnev V. L., Vardomackaya E.Yu. Analiz vozmozhnostei neironnyh setei dlya prognozirovaniya zadach legkoi promyshlennosti [Elektronnyi resurs] // Upravlenie ekonomicheskimi sistemami. – 2011. – ¹ 3. – Rezhim dostupa: – Data obrasheniya 25.02.2016.



Integral assessment of social responsibility of regional business
Bikeeva M.V., Ph. D. in Economics (Candidate of economic sciences), assistant professor of the “Chair of Statistics, Econometrics and Information Technologies in Management”, Mordovia N. P. Ogarev State University
Ivanova I.A., Ph. D. in Economics (Candidate of economic sciences), assistant professor of the “Chair of Statistics, Econometrics and Information Technologies in Management”, Mordovia N. P. Ogarev State University

The study materials are a continuation of series of articles devoted to methodological problems of quantitative evaluation of the degree of social responsibility of business. The results of the research are comparative analysis of the scope and specifics of social programmes implemented by companies in the region, as well as their ranking according to the degree of social responsibility.
Keywords: integral evaluation, indexes the degree of social responsibility, Mordovia.

1. Bikeeva M.V. Analiz praktiki realizacii koncepcii korporativnoi social'noi otvetstvennosti v Rossii // Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenii. Povolzhskii region. Obshestvennye nauki. 2011. ¹3 (19). S. 139-150.
2. Bikeeva M.V. Analiz social'nyh investicii na sovremennom predpriyatii // Ekonomicheskie i social'nye peremeny: fakty, tendencii, prognoz. 2013. ¹2 (26). S.180-184.
3. Bikeeva M.V. Problemy metodologii ocenki social'noi otvetstvennosti otechestvennogo biznesa. Materialy Mezhdunar. konf. «Obrazovanie cherez vsyu zhizn' dlya ustoichivogo razvitiya. Saransk. Izd-vo Mordov. un-ta, 2014. s. 365.
4. Blagov Yu.E., Litovchenko S.E., Ivanova E.A. Doklad o social'nyh investiciyah v Rossii. 2008 M. Associaciya menedzherov, 2008.
5. Blagov Yu.E. Doklad o social'nyh investiciyah v Rossii - 2014: k sozdaniyu cennosti dlya biznesa i obshestva. SPb. Avtorskaya tvorcheskaya masterskaya (ATM Kniga), 2014.
6. Ivanova I.A. Integral'naya ocenka i prognozirovanie innovacionnogo potenciala regionov Privolzhskogo federal'nogo okruga // Ekonomicheskii analiz: teoriya i praktika. 2014. ¹36 (387). S. 20-29.
7. Ivanova I.A. Modelirovanie regional'noi innovacionnoi deyatel'nosti v Rossii // Regionologiya. 2014. ¹ 4 (89). S. 32-39
8. Ivanova I.A., Bikeeva M.V. Ocenka effektivnosti restrukturizacii biznesa i ego social'noi otvetstvennosti: sovremennyi metodologicheskii podhod // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2015. ¹1. S. 89-96.
9. Litovchenko S.E. Doklad o social'nyh investiciyah v Rossii za 2004 god. Rol' biznesa v obshestvennom razvitii. M. Associaciya menedzherov Rossii, 2004.
10. Oficial'nyi sait Associacii menedzherov Rossii URL:
11. Realizaciya social'noi politiki: regional'nyi aspekt. Saransk. YurEksPraktik, 2015. s. 203.
12. Respublikanskaya celevaya programma razvitiya Respubliki Mordoviya na 2013-2018 gody. Saransk. Izd-vo Mordov. un-ta, 2013.
13. Savina T.N. Social'naya otvetstvennost' kak klyuchevaya strategiya biznesa: podhody k ocenke // Kontentus. 2015. ¹11. S. 1-8.
14. Savina T.N. Konceptual'nye osnovy metodologii issledovaniya social'no otvetstvennogo investirovaniya // Ekonomicheskii analiz: teoriya i praktika. 2015. ¹ 9 (408). S. 52-62.

The structural model of system of the regional intellectual capital reproduction
Makarov P.Yu., Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Assistant Professor, Chair of Management The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Vladimir branch

The paper considers the structure and content of system of the regional intellectual capital reproduction. The current state of research in this field is analyzed to show their focus on the process of reproduction rather than its system. A methodological base to the study of intellectual capital reproduction is justified. On the basis of this approach is carried analysis of subject, object, process and environmental components of system of the intellectual capital reproduction and its structural model is elaborated. Based on carried analysis the necessity of purposeful managerial impact on the system of intellectual capital reproduction for the economic development of the country is proved.
Keywords: intellectual capital, reproduction, region, system, model.

1. Bauchenkov V.A. Formirovanie intellektual'no-informatsionnogo kapitala v sovremennoy ekonomike [Formation of intellectual and information capital in the modern economy] / avtoref. diss. na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni k.e.n.. – Orel, 2015. – 23 p.
2. Bondarenko T.G. i dr. Faktory vosproizvodstva intellektual'nogo kapitala [Factors reproduction of intellectual capital] // Teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty sovremennoy nauki. [Theoretical and applied aspects of modern science] – 2015. – ¹ 9-6. – pp. 20-23.
3. Garafieva G.I. Osobennosti vosproizvodstva intellektual'nogo kapitala predpriyatiy [Features of reproduction of intellectual capital enterprises] // Sovremennye tendentsii v ekonomike i upravlenii: novyy vzglyad. [Modern trends in economy and management: a new look] – 2011. – ¹ 12-2. – pp. 160-165.
4. Grechko M.V. Adaptivnyy mekhanizm vosproizvodstva intellektual'nogo kapitala v sektore uslug vysshego obrazovaniya ekonomiki Rossii [The adaptive mechanism of reproduction of intellectual capital in the sector of higher education services of the Russian economy] / diss. na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni d.e.n.. – Rostov-na-Donu, 2015.
5. Dondokova E.B., Slepneva Yu.V. Mekhanizm intellektual'nogo obespecheniya razvitiya regional'noy innovatsionnoy sistemy [The mechanism of ensuring intellectual development of the regional innovation system] // Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. [Bulletin of the Buryat State University] – 2015. – ¹ S2. – pp. 152-157.
6. Ivanyuk I.A., Vorotilova O.A. Mezhdunarodnaya model' vosproizvodstva intellektual'nogo kapitala v usloviyakh globalizatsii ekonomik [International Model reproduction of intellectual capital in a globalized economy] // Finansy i kredit. [Finances and Credit] – 2005. – ¹ 35(203). – pp. 44-49.
7. Izychev A.M. Osobennosti modelirovaniya protsessa upravleniya vosproizvodstvom intellektual'nogo kapitala [Features of modeling of process management reproduction of intellectual capital] // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. [Modern problems of science and education] – 2012. –  ¹ 4. – pp. 163.
8. Kleyner G.B. Gosudarstvo – region – otrasl' – predpriyatie: karkas sistemnoy ustoychivosti ekonomiki Rossii. Chast' 1 [State - region - industry - enterprise: frame system stability of the Russian economy. Part 1] // Ekonomika regiona. [The economy of the region] – 2015. – ¹ 2(42). – pp. 50-58.
9. Kleyner G.B. Sistemnaya ekonomika kak platforma razvitiya sovremennoy ekonomicheskoy teorii [System economics as the platform for development of modern economic theory] // Voprosy ekonomiki. [Economic issues] – 2013. – ¹ 6. – pp. 4-28.
10. Kozyrev A.N. Ekonomika intellektual'nogo kapitala [Economy of intellectual capital] // Nauchnye doklady [Scientific Reports] ¹ 7(R)-2006. – SPb.: NII menedzhmenta SPbGU, 2006. – 30 p.
11. Kuz'mina O.Yu., Konovalova M.E. Osobennosti vosproizvodstva intellektual'nogo kapitala [Features of reproduction of intellectual capital] // Ekonomicheskaya teoriya. [Economic Theory] – 2015. – ¹ 10(132). – pp. 6-14.
12. Plis K.S. Kharakteristika sub"ektov natsional'noy ekonomiki, formiruyushchikh ee intellektual'nyy capital [Characteristics of the subjects of the national economy, forming its intellectual capital] // Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Seriya: Ekonomika, finansy i upravlenie proizvodstvom. [Proceedings of the higher educational institutions. Series: Economics, finance, and operations management] – 2015. – ¹ 2(24). – pp. 111-120.
13. Roos G., Pike S., Fernstroem L. Intellektual'nyj kapital: praktika upravlenija [Managing intellectual capital in practice]. – SPb.: Vysshaja shkola menedzhmenta [High School of Management], 2010.
14. Semenov V.P. Institutsional'nye osobennosti strategicheskogo upravleniya vosproizvodstvom intellektual'nogo kapitala [Institutional features of strategic management of the reproduction of intellectual capital] // Planirovanie i obespechenie podgotovki kadrov dlya promyshlenno-ekonomicheskogo kompleksa regiona [Planning and provision of training for the industrial-economic complex of the region]. – 2015. – ¹ 1. – pp. 159-165.
15. Serdyukova L.O. Formirovanie, razvitie i ispol'zovanie intellektual'nogo kapitala v innovatsionnoy sisteme [Formation, development and use of intellectual capital in innovation system] / avtoref. diss. na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni d.e.n.. – Saratov, 2013.
16. Tatarkin A.I. Intellektual’nyy resurs obshchestva i ego rol’ v vosproizvodstvennom protsesse [Intellectual capital of the society and its function in the reproduction process] // Ekonomika Regiona [Economy of Region]. – 2010. – ¹. 3. – pp. 20–32.
17. Chub A.A. Regiony Rossii: faktory ustoychivosti i institutsional'nye predposylki razvitiya v usloviyakh globalizatsii [The Russian Regions: The Stable Economic Development in the Global Economy]. – M: Nauchno-izdatel'skiy tsentr INFRA-M, 2015.
18. Andriessen D., Stam C. The Intellectual Capital of the European Union 2008: Measuring the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs // Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. – 2008. – Vol. 7., ¹ 4. – pp. 489-500.
19. Bontis N. National Intellectual Capital Index: à United Nations initiative for the Arab region // Journal of Intellectual Capital. – 2004. – ¹ 1. – pp. 13-39.
20. Edvinsson L., Yeh-Yun Lin C. National intellectual capital: comparison of 40 countries. – New-York: Springer.
21. Pulic A. Efficiency on national and company level. – Zagreb, Croatia: Croatian Chamber of Commerce, 2003.
22. Weziak D. Measurement of National Intellectual Capital: Application to EU Countries // IRISS Working Paper. – 2007. – ¹ 13. – URL:

Management of human potential:  international and Russian experience
Tetushkin V.À., PhD, Tambov state technical University

The choice of the topic of the article due to the necessity of developing a global partnership for development. The purpose of the article is the analysis of human development and potential in the economic crisis. In the article the analysis of human development of modern society in Russia and the world. The paper discusses various aspects of human development. The article shows that the current generation has made significant progress in the implementation of the Millennium development goals (MDGs). However, in crisis conditions these successes are exposed to serious threats. It is concluded that sustainable development goals are a useful tool that allows you to focus on achieving concrete development results within the framework of overall development concept. Of the Russian Federation it is expedient to adopt its own system of sustainable development Goals, to structure it, define a set of indicators in order to have the tools to measure socio-ecological – economic processes in the country.
Keywords: management, human potential development, the international aspect.

1. Durov R.A. Rol' programmno-celevogo metoda v upravlenii chelovecheskim razvitiem v Rossii. // "Jekonomicheskie nauki". 2007. ¹ 35. S. 249-252.
2. Nadtochij Ju.E. Razlichnye podhody k jekonomicheskomu razvitiju chelovecheskogo obshhestva. // "Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Serija: Gumanitarnye nauki". 2007. ¹ 5 (49). S. 139-142.
3. Gerasimov V.V., Kruglova Je.V. Proektnoe upravlenie razvitiem chelovecheskogo kapitala. //" Uspehi sovremennogo estestvoznanija". 2007. ¹ 8. S. 93.
4. Jakovleva T.V. Vlozhenija v razvitie chelovecheskogo potenciala cherez partnerstvo gosudarstva i biznesa – vazhnoe uslovie sovremennogo razvitija Rossii. // "Predstavitel'naja vlast' - XXI vek: zakonodatel'stvo, kommentarii, problemy." 2008. ¹ 5-6. S. 1-3.
5. Ginieva S.B., Fedorova A.Je. Jeffektivnoe upravlenie chelovecheskimi resursami – put' k innovacionnomu razvitiju regiona. // "Upravlenec". 2010. ¹ 9-10. S. 44-54.
6. Tolstyh A.V. Ocenka stoimosti chelovecheskogo kapitala kak faktor povyshenija jeffektivnosti upravlenija ego formirovaniem i razvitiem. // "Social'no-gumanitarnye znanija." 2010. ¹ 6. S. 324-330.
7. Eremina T.A. Upravlenie chelovecheskim razvitiem kak vysshej fazoj chelovecheskogo kapitala v innovacionnom obshhestve. // "FJeS: Finansy. Jekonomika. Strategija." 2011. ¹ 4. S. 45-48.
8. Doklad o chelovecheskom razvitii v Rossijskoj Federacii za 2015 god / pod red. L.M. Grigor'eva i S.N. Bobyleva. - M.: Analiticheskij centr pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii, 2015. 260 s.



Multimedia product as a complex of copyright object:  management in real and virtual space
Gumerova G.I., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Educational Projects, The Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs Department of Educational Projects and Programs, (RUSNANO), Moscow, Russian Federation
Shaimieva E.Sh., Doctor of Economics, Professor of Management Chair, “Kazan Innovative University named after V.G.Timiryasov (IEML)”, Kazan

In this paper we study the research problem in theoretical, legal and economic aspects of the multimedia product as a complex subject of copyrightin the real and virtual spaces. The novelty are the following results: clarification of the concept of “multimedia production as a complex object of copyright”; development of the concept of “virtual property” in a narrow and a broad sense of the word; the definition dominant in the Russian practice legal regimes for the protection and use of the multimedia product; offer author’s approach to the analysis of the Russian market of multimedia products. The empirical base of the research consists of statistical data of Federal service of government statistics “Rosstat”, legal framework “Consultant plus”, analytical materials of “J’son & Partners Consulting”, information material “the Agency for strategic initiatives”.
Keywords: multimedia product, real and virtual space, complex subject of copyright.

1. Bendikov M.A., Hrustaljov E.Ju. Intellektual'naja sobstvennost' v Rossii: problemy ispol'zovanija i pravovoj zashhity // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom, 3. 2001. S. 3-20.
2. Godra F. Kratkie zametki o pravovom rezhime proizvedenij mul'timedia // Sovremennoe pravo. - M.:  Novyj Indeks, 2001, ¹ 4.  S. 24-28.
3. Belov A. Biznes-igry kak sovremennye tehnologii professional'nogo razvitija top-menedzherov. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
4. Kotenko E. S. Mul'timedijnyj produkt kak ob#ekt avtorskih prav : avtoref. diss. … kand. jurid. nauk. - M., 2012. -  26 s.
5. Moskalevich D.N. Pravovaja ohrana mul'timedijnyh produktov // Jekologija. Jekonomika i pravo. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
6. Dobrjakova N.I. Grazhdansko-pravovaja ohrana i ispol'zovanie ob#ektov avtorskogo prava vuzov : monografija. RPA Minjusta Rossii. — M. : RPA Minjusta Rossii, 2010. 88 s.
7. Kravchenko A.A. Pravovoj rezhim internet-sajta kak kompleksnogo ob#ekta prava intellektual'noj sobstvennosti : diss. …kand. jurid. nauk. M. 2015. 214 s.
8. Zavidov B.D. «Piratstvo» v Rossii: sostojanie, prichiny i uslovija. Menedzhment v Rossii i  za rubezhom. 2002. ¹ 2. [Jelektronnyj resurs] URL
9. Kancipa A. Kak zapatentovat' igru? “ [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
10. Rynok cifrovogo  kontenta v Rossii i v mire v 2010-2016 g.  [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
11. Analiz rynka igr v Rossii i mire, 2014-2016 gg. Tekushhaja situacija, prognozy, igroki, proekty i tendencii. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:

Tendencies of system of management in agro industrial complex Of penza region
Reznik G.A., doctor of Economics, Professor, head of Department «Marketing and economic theory», Penza state University of architecture and construction
Mol’kin A.N., graduate student, Department «Marketing and economic theory» Penza state University of architecture and construction

The article reveals the functional structure of agriculture ñomplex of Penza district. The system of training management personnel for the agribusiness sector, basis on the conducted interviews with regional agricultural producers, was analyzed.
Keywords: agriculture, program development, food security.

1. Mol'kin A.N., Akif'ev I.V. Primenenie delovogo obsheniya v sel'skohozyaistvennyh organizaciyah // Ekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye nauki. – 2014. ¹ 8 (271). S.6-11.
2. Menedzhment v agropromyshlennom komplekse. (data obrasheniya 15.12.2015).
3. Reznik G.A, Spirina S.G. Motivy formirovaniya sberezhenii v reformiruemom obshestve // Sociologicheskie issledovaniya. - 2006. -¹ 9 - C.120.
4. Reznik G.A. O roli marketinga v sisteme strategicheskogo upravleniya predpriyatiya.// Rossiiskii zhurnal menedzhmenta. - 2016, ¹ 4. – S. 17-21.
5. Reznik G.A, Chuvakova S.G. Evolyuciya teoreticheskih podhodov k analizu ekonomicheskogo blagosostoyaniya // Zhurnal ekonomicheskoi teorii. - 2011.- ¹ 3.- C.87-99.
6. Struktura APK i ee harakteristiki [Elektronnyi resurs /]/ / (data obrasheniya 15.12.2016).
7. Strategicheskie podhody k upravleniyu predpriyatiyami APK. (data obrasheniya 27.12.2015).

The risk management system in the energy service company
Ulyankin O.V., postgraduate student of management Department of Ogarev Mordovia State University

In the article, the author touched upon the problem of forming a risk management system in the energy service company. Risk management system is modified depending on the sphere, which uses and thereby the author presented an adapted version of such system for energy companies. In the articlewere described: the purpose of the proposed risk management system, its principles and elements. The elements of risk management system includes: an algorithm for risk management in the ESCO, methods of risk assessment and risk management, risk management department, top management of the ESCO, and staff, that manage risks in the workplace.
Keywords: energy service companies, system of risk management.

1. Makarova N.N. Risk menedzhment metodologiya upravleniya riskami v organizacii: uchebnoe posobie. – Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2009.
2. Performance Contracting Program. Division of Public Works. Department of Administration Idaho State. // URL:
3. Yurlova N.S. Skachok I.V. Upravlenie riskami // Vestnik NGIEHI, – 2014. – ¹ 3 (34). – s.95-98.
4. Averina O.I., Sarantseva E.G., Merkulova I.F. Ekonomicheskiy analiz: uchebnoe posobie – Saransk: Izd-voMordov. un-ta, 2009.
5. Sergeev V.A. Kipcharskaya E.V. Podymalo D.K. Osnovy innovacionnogo proektirovaniya: uchebnoe posobie. – Ulyanovsk: UlGTU-2010, 2010.
6. Odincova M. A. Metodika upravleniya riskami dlya malogo i srednego biznesa // Ehkonomicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – ¹ 3. – s.38-47.
7. Pokrovskij A.K. Risk menedzhment na predpriyatiyakh promyshlennosti i transporta: uchebnoe posobie. - M: Knorus, 2014.
8. Chura N.N. Tekhnogennyj risk: uchebnoeposobie. - M: Knorus, 2011.
9. Bojchenko N.V. Realizaciya sistemnykh metodov upravleniya professionalnymi riskami // TARP. – 2014. – ¹ 3 (17). – s.20-22.
10. Poskochinova O. Organizacionno metodicheskie podkhody k vyyavleniyu operacionnykh riskov proizvodstvennoj kompanii. / RISK: resursy, informaciya, snabzhenie, konkurenciya. – 2014. – ¹2. – s.255-259
11. Mezhdunarodnyj standart ISO 31000:2009 «Risk Menedzhment –  Principy i rukovodstva» [Ehlektronnyj resurs]// Url: (data obrashheniya 05.03.2015).
12. Makarova V. A. Formirovanie sistemy risk menedzhmenta na predpriyatii//Vestnik Pskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Ehkonomicheskie i tekhnicheskie nauki. – 2014. – ¹ 4. – s.98-108.


Information-analytical designer of cost industrial sector
Ivanova O.E., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, head of the department of accounting, analysis and audit FSBEI HE Kostroma GAA
Kozlova M.A., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of economic cybernetics FSBEI HE Kostroma GAA
Shvakova E.I., 1 year undergraduate study program of preparation 38.04.02 «Management» profile «Small Business Management» FSBEI HE Kostroma GAA

The paper developed a set of interrelated information support costs control units of the industrial sector of the economy, allows to distinguish the cause – effect relationships on the basis of the cognitive approach. With the help of the presented model of information – analytical system selected a set of control actions to determine the acceptable change in the objective development of the situation in a particular economic activity, ascribed to the appropriate group for the selected block. Studies have proved the possibility of structuring the information space of the proposed method to avoid errors in the subsequent analysis in areas of control actions. The obtained results of the study will serve as a basis for methodological guidance in the practice of the industrial sector of the economy with the scenario approach of cost management.
Keywords:  information system, unit, management, cost, industrial sector.

1.  Bortnik I.M., Zinov V.G., Kocjubinskij A.V., Sorokina A.V. Indikatory innovacionnogo razvitija regionov Rossii dlja celej monitoringa i upravlenija // Innovacii. – 2013. – ¹ 11. –S. 21–32.
2.  Golichenko O.G. Osnovnye faktory razvitija nacional'noj innovacionnoj sistemy: uroki dlja Rossii. M.: Nauka. –  2011. –  634 s.
3.  Ivanova O.E. Koncepcija postroenija integral'noj ocenki finansovogo sostojanija promyshlennogo sektora jekonomiki // Internet – zhurnal «Naukovedenie». – 2014. – ¹ 5 (24). URL: PDF/92EVN514.pdf.
4.  Ivanova O.E. Upravlenie zatratami jekonomiki promyshlennosti kak slabostrukturivannoj sistemoj: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno – prakticheskoj konferencii «Zakonomernosti i tendencii razvitija nauki v sovremennom obshhestve». Ufa: Iz-vo OOO «Ajeterna». – 2016. – S. 67–70.
5.  Ivanova O.E., Kozlova M.A. Korreljacionno – regressionnyj analiz zatratnogo mehanizma organizacij promyshlennosti Rossii na osnove klasternogo podhoda // Gumanitarnye, social'no – jekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki. – 2013. –  ¹ 4. – S. 343–346.
6.  Ivanova O.E., Kozlova M.A. Ocenka razvitija promyshlennogo proizvodstva na osnove klasternogo podhoda // Mezhdunarodnyj nauchno – issledovatel'skij zhurnal.  – 2014. – ¹ 4-3 (23). – S 19–22.
7.  Lenchuk E.B., Vlaskin G.A. Klasternyj podhod v strategii innovacionnogo razvitija Rossii // Problemy prognozirovanija. – 2010. – ¹ 6. – S. 45–57.

The formation of synergistic effects in horizontal integration gold mining companies
Kradenyh I.A., ãesearcher, Federal state budgetary institution of science Mining Institute of Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Barchukov A.V., Dr. Sc. (Econ), Prof. Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education Far East state university of means of communication

The article is devoted to issues relating to the methods for optimal control of horizontal integration in the Russian gold mining sector. The authors suggest that the effective functioning of small and medium mining business is possible on the basis of horizontal integration due to a more rational use of resources, reduced costs and flexible adaptation to new market trends. Undertaken to develop an appropriate approach to study the effectiveness of horizontal integration and synergy effects that accompany this process.
Keywords: gold mines, placer deposits of gold, horizontal integration, synergistic effect, transaction M&A, net cash flows.

1. Azriliyan A. N. Bol'shoj ehkonomicheskij slovar'. – M.: Institut novoj ehkonomiki. – 2004.
2. Valyuhov S. G., CHasov E. M., Gadzhimetov B. EH. Sinergeticheskij ehffekt integ-rirovannyh struktur // Vestnik VGU: ehkonomika i upravlenie. – 2007. – ¹ 2. – S. 56 – 59.
3. Damodaran A. Investicionnaya ocenka: instrumenty i metody ocenki lyubyh aktivov. – M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks. – 2008.
4. Kradenyh I.A., Barchukov A.V. Zolotodobyvayushchie predpriyatiya: sliyaniya i pogloshcheniya // Regional'naya ehkonomika: teoriya i praktika. – 2014. – ¹ 30 (357). – S. 2-9.
5. Peshkova M. H.  Ekonomicheskaya ocenka gornyh proektov. – M.: MGGU. – 2003.
6. Rudyk N. B., Semenkova E. V. Rynok korporativnogo kontrolya: sliyaniya, zhestkie pogloshcheniya i vykupy dolgovym finansirovaniem. – M.: Finansy i statistika. – 2000.
7. Savchuk S. V. Analiz motivov sliyanij i pogloshchenij // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2002. – ¹ 5. [Elektronnyj resurs]:
8. Tihomirov D. V. Ocenka stoimosti kompanij pri sliyaniyah i pogloshcheniyah. – SPb.: SPbGUEHF. – 2009.

Methodology of universal an operational management system of different types of dynamic production
Konovalova G.I., Ph.D., professor of economics, organization of production, management Bryansk State Technical University

The methodology of control engineering company providing system integration of production management, resources and costs. Proposed system integration components: a set of standard management tools; a universal system of operational management polytypic dynamic manufacturtion; a single planning framework across the enterprise.
Keywords: enterprise, system, management, integration, model.

1. Konovalova G.I. Razvitiye metodologii vnutrifirmennogo upravleniya: monografiya / G.I. Konovalova. – Bryansk: BGTU, 2014. – 340 s.
 2. Konovalova G.I. Metodologiya vnutrifirmennogo upravleniya na osnove sistemnoy ontegratsii / G.I. Konovalova // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – M., 2016. – ¹ 2. – S.109-118.
 3. Konovalova G.I. Model edinoy sistemy operativnogo upravleniya proizvodstvom razlichnykh tipov/ G.I. Konovalova // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – M., 2013. – ¹ 5. – S. 95-99.



Improvement of the modes of work in service of passenger traffic
Tretjakovà L.A., Doctor of Economics, associate professor, corresponding member RAEN, professor of chair human resource management, FGAOU VPO “Belgorod State National Research University

Technologies and instruments of job management play a crucial role in increase of its performance as most important factor of decrease in cost value of products and forming of competitive advantages of the entity. Enhancement of system of the modes of work promotes optimization of use of labor power and decrease in specific costs for it. The analysis of a current state of the modes of work in service of passenger traffic shows availability of a number of problems and allows us to offer an optimal variant of the solution of this major personnel procedure of job management. The evidence-based recommendations and offers offered by authors can be applied by the Russian private and state enterprises in case of project development of enhancement of system of the modes of work in service of passenger traffic.
Keywords: personnel management, organization of work, work-rest schedules.

1. Esaulova I.A. Innovatsionnyi potentsial personala kak istochnik dinamicheskikh vozmozhnostei organizatsii. // Vestnik NGUEU. 2015. ¹ 2.  S. 262 -271.
2. Weihrich H., Cannice M.V., Koontz H. Management: A Global, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial Perspective. 14th Edition.  NY: McGraw Hill, 2013.
3. Tyulin A.E., Rozhkova E.V. Problematika ponyatiinogo apparata kompetentnostnogo podkhoda v upravlenii: organizatsiya kak tsentr kompetentsii. // Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo.  2013.  ¹ 4 (33).  S. 436 -438
4. Fast N.J., Burris E.R., Bartel C.A. Managing to stay in the dark: managerial self-efficacy, ego defensiveness, and the aversion to employee voice. // Academy of Management Journal. 2014.  Vol. 57. No. 4. ð. 1013–1034.
5. Takeuchi R., Lepak D.P., Wang H., Takeuchi K. An empirical examination of the mechanisms mediating between high-performance work systems and the performance of Japanese organizations. // Journal of Applied Psychology.  2007.  No. 92. ð. 1069 - 1083
6. Shingarov G.Kh. Chelovecheskii kapital, chelovecheskii potentsial i sotsial'nyi kapital. // Vestnik Moskovskoi gosudarstvennoi akademii delovogo administrirovaniya. 2012. ¹ 4 (16).  S. 49- 58.
7. Maitlis S., Sonenshein S. Sensemaking in crisis and change: inspiration and insights from Weick (1988). // Journal of Management Studies. 2010. Vol. 47. ð. 551-580
8. Mollick E.R. People and Process, Suits and Innovators: The Role of Individuals in Firm Performancå. // Strategic Management Journal.  2012.  Vol. 33. No. 9. ð. 1001-1015.
9. Noskova K.A. Vliyanie chelovecheskogo kapitala na innovatsionnoe razvitie organizatsii. // Ekonomika i menedzhment innovatsionnykh tekhnologii. 2013.  ¹ 12. S. 10-14.
10. Gableta M., Bodak A. Employee interests in the light of human resource management concepts. // Management. 2014.  Vol. 18. No. 1. ð. 9-20
11. Romanova K. S. Chelovecheskii potentsial v kontekste sotsial'nykh transformatsii: problemy i tendentsii. // Nauchnyi ezhegodnik Instituta filosofii i prava Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. 2012.  ¹ 12. S. 166 - 177.

Projecting managerial labour performance assessment system: consulting experience
Katunina I.V., Omsk State University n.a. F.M. Dostoevskiy, professor at Innovation and Project Management Department, doctor of economic science, docent
Konoreva T.V., Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Omsk branch, dean of faculty “Management and business technology”, candidate of economic science, docent

In article features of labour performance assessment project preparing are revealed, interactive algorithm of projecting based on action research methodology is offered. Authors present results of algorithm’s approval in certain consulting project, including management system diagnosis, definition of projecting system objectives, allocation of duties between consultants and customer team, preparation of requirements specification.
Keywords: labour performance, assessment, project, consulting.

1. Odegov Yu. G.,  Rudenko G. G. Ekonomika truda: uchebnik. M.: Volters Kluver, 2011.
2. Parmenter D. Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
3. Parmenter D. The Leading-Edge Manager's Guide to Success: Strategies and Better Practices. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
4. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). 5th ed. Project Management Institute, 2013.
5. Kerzner H. Project Management Metrics, KPIs, and Dashboards: A Guide to Measuring and Monitoring Project Performance. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
6. Katunina I. V. Upravlenie izmeneniyami. Omsk: Izd-vo Omskogo gos. un-ta im. F. M. Dostoevskogo, 2012.

Young talent management programs in the russian and multinational companies
Kabalina V.I., NIU HSE, Professor, Department of Human Resource Management, Chair, Candidate in History
Ìuratbekova-Touron Ì., ESCP – Paris, Associate Professor

The article highlights the main tools that are used in practice by the Russian and international companies in the management of young promising employees, which the companies name the young talents. Article is based on empirical studies of 12 large companies from the different sectors of the economy (metallurgy, energy, food and household goods, banking, information technology sector, professional services). It total 45 in-depth interviews were conducted, including 16 interviews with HR managers and 29 – with young talents. As a result of analyzing the content of the young talent management programs have been identified many common characteristics in attracting, selection, development and retention of young talent.
Keywords: young talents, management programs, Russia.

1. Dymarskaya O.Y. Obyekt upravleniya talantami v rossiyskikh organizaciyakh : sravnitelnyi analiz predstavleniy zainteresovannykh storon // Organizatsionnaya psikhologiya. – 2014. – No.4 (2). – pp. 6–28.
2. Cappelli P., Keller J. (2014). Talent Management: Conceptual Approaches and Practical Challenges. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, No. 1, pp. 305–31.
3. Gallardo-Gallardo E., Dries N., González-Cruz T. (2013) What is the meaning of «talent» in the world of work? Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 290–300.
4. Groysberg B., Lee L-E., Nanda A. (2008) Can they take it with them? The portability of star knowledge workers’ performance, Management Science, Vol. 54, No. 7, pp. 1213–30.
5. Huckman R., Pisano G. (2006) The firm specificity of individual performance: evidence from cardiac surgery, Management Science, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 473–88.
6. Martin J., Schmidt C. (2010) How to keep your top talent, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 88, No. 5, pp. 54–61.
7. Silzer R., Church A.  (2009) The pearls and perils of identifying potential, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 2. No. 4, pp. 377–412.
8. Ulrich D., Smallwood N. (2011) What is talent? Lead. Lead, Vol. 12, No. 63, pp. 5–61.

Wage as a factor of investment in human capital in Russia
Buldashev E.S., assistant chair of Labor economics and personnel management Novosibirsk State University Economics and Management

This article analyzes the impact of wages on the development of human capital in Russia. The investment component in the stimulating function of wages, which assumes investment of part of earnings in human capital, is revealed. The analysis of statistical data on the education system and incomes of the population revealed that in Russia stimulating function of wage and its investment component are practically not implemented currently. The calculations of payback period of human’s investments in education are presented. Availability of ‘selfinvesting’ in human capital in current economic conditions is assessed.
Keywords: human capital, wage, income, education, investment.

1. Elektronnyj byudzhet. Edinyj portal byudzhetnoj sistemy rossijskoj federacii.!%40%40%3F_afrLoop%3D30063079870403779%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dsfn6jrj0a_267  (data obrashheniya: 19.06.2016).
2. Ob"em i struktura denezhnyh dohodov naseleniya po istochnikam postupleniya. Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki. (data obrashheniya: 19.06.2016).
3. Abakumova N.N. Podovalova R.YA. Politika dohodov i zarabotnoj platy. Uchebnoe posobie. M.: Infra-M, 1999.
4. Modorskij A.V.  Stimuliruyushchaya funkciya zarabotnoj platy v sisteme funkcij zarabotnoj platy. URL:  (data obrashheniya: 18.06.2016).
5. Zatraty na rabochuyu silu i zarabotnaya plata. Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki. URL: (data obrashheniya: 19.06.2016).

The peculiarities of the emotional motivation in the framework of organizational culture of the emotional management of an organization
Groshev I.V., Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Psychology, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Professor Deputy Director Institute for Education and Science
Krasnoslobodtsev A.A., Candidate of Economics, Lead Research Institute for Education and Science

The article examines the motivation as the function of management, which is closely connected with the emotional processes, as emotions constitute the dynamic aspect of motivation. Positive emotions increase the motivation of the subjects of management while negative emotions act as demotivators and as factors of the mobilization of staff resources in difficult situations. The article presents the results of the research of emotional aspects in management that showed the connection of emotions with the professional motivation.
Keywords: organizational culture, emotional involvement; emotional motivation.

1. Gaga V.A., Tyutyushev A.P.  Emotsii v orgsistemakh motivatsii i ekonomiki truda //  Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ekonomika . – 2011. – ¹ 1 (13). – S. 64-66.
2. Groshev I.V.  Gendernye aspekty emotsional'noy arkhitektury, interpretatsii i opoznaniya landshafta emotsiy i emotsional'nykh otnosheniy v organizatsii // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2012. – ¹ 4. – S. 14-19.
3. Groshev I.V., Krasnoslobodtsev A.A.  Emotsional'nyy komponent kak nadstroechnaya struktura organizatsionnoy kul'tury // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal. – 2015. – ¹ 4. – S. 96-102.
4. Groshev I.V., Mishchenko A.A.  Kul'turnoe prostranstvo organizatsii: emotsional'naya sreda // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. Mezhdunarodnyy zhurnal. – 2012. – ¹ 9-10. – S. 100-107.
5. Efremova D.N.  Psikhologicheskie mekhanizmy emotsional'noy regulyatsii tselenapravlennogo povedeniya // Chelovecheskiy faktor: problemy psikhologii i ergonomiki. – 2009. – ¹ 4. – S. 74-76.
6. Lidin K.L.  Emotsional'naya ekonomika // Modernizatsiya ekonomiki i obshchestvennoe razvitie: v 3 kn. / otv. red. E.G. Yasin. – M.: GU VShE, 2007. – S. 127-211.
7. Chumakov M.V.  Emotsional'no-volevaya regulyatsiya deyatel'nosti v sotsial'nom vzaimodeystvii: dis. … d-ra psikhol. nauk. – Yaroslavl', 2007. – 315 s.
8. Keltner D., Haidt J. Social functions of emotions at four levels of analysis // Cognition and Emotion. – 1999. – ¹ 13. – Ð. 27-46.



Optimization of the cost of environmental management in the Russian federation in the conditions of realization of socio-economic alternative scenarios development
Kruchinina N.V., Ph.D., the senior lecturer of chair Accounting, analysis and audit, The Moscow state university of means of communication

To date, the Russian Federation formed the legal framework for economic development, environmental protection and improvement of social standards, in particular and due to import substitution. During the implementation of these goals, it becomes obvious that the level of spending on environmental management has an impact on the effectiveness of their achievements, because it allows you to evaluate the response measures taken by the organizations and the public authorities to prevent or compensate for negative impacts on the environment, as well as to improve it. The article deals with the optimization of the costs of environmental management, not only in the context of targets of environmental policy, but also the priorities of socio-economic development of the country.
Keywords: environmental costs, sustainable development, environmental management.

1. Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativnyh pravonarusheniyah. Federal'nyj zakon ot 30.12.2001, ¹ 195-FZ (v redakcii ot 06.07.2016). Rezhim dostupa:
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