Contents of N1/2017

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Contents of N1'2017


The organizational imperatives of forming a model of management of production system
Mezhov I.S., Doctor of economic Sciences, ðrofessor, Altai state technical University, Barnaul Head of the Department of Economics and production management
Mezhova L.N., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Altai state University, Barnaul, associate Professor, Department of management, business organization and innovation

Management decisions in the context of Russia, as a rule, carried out in violation of the system principles. The organization or project actions do not rely on the methods of organizational design: not given suption of attention to the conceptual model, the resources and powers of entities and tov solutions. The article proposes the General principles of organizational actions, is a General model and procedures for organizational design. Discusses some typical examples of methodological errors when designing management decisions and programmes of transformation of production systems.
Keywords: conceptual model, production system, organizational design, systems methodology, organizational action.

1. Mezhov S.I. Ekonomika innovatsionnoy korporatsii: teoriya i problemyi ef-fektivnosti / Barnaul : Izd-vo AAEP, 2012.
2. Ivanter V. Myi ravnyi samim sebe. //Ekspert, 2010, ¹ 29, S.36-39
3. Obolenskiy V. Rossiya na puti k innovatsionnomu razvitiyu // Mirovaya eko-nomika i mezhdunarodnyie otnosheniya, 2008, ¹ 9, s. 31-39.
4. Omae K. Myishlenie stratega: Iskusstvo biznesa po-yaponski. – M.: Alpina Biznes Buks, 2008.
5. Mezhov I.S. Mezhov S.I. Kto stanet lokomotivom innovatsiy – gosudarstvo ili korporatsii? // EKO ¹1 (439) 2011. – S. 72-82.
6. Kondratev V.B. Korporativnyiy sektor i gosudarstvo v strategii globalnoy konkurentosposobnosti // Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnyie otnosheniya, 2009, ¹ 3, s. 24-31.
7. Assessment of Administrative Labor Organization in Electrical Engineering Mezhov Igor 1,a,Kiseleva Margarita 1,b and Chuvaev Alexey Assessment of Administrative Labor Organization in Electrical Engineering / Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 792 (2015) pp 439-445 Submitted:2015-04-26 © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Accepted:2015-05-08 doi:10.4028/
8.  Innovatsionnoe razvitie - osnova modernizatsii ekonomiki Rossii. Natsio-nalnyiy doklad.
9. Mezhova L.N. Strategicheskie aspektyi proektirovaniya protsessnoy strukturyi integrirovannogo predpriyatiya: Sektsiya 1. / Materialyi Vosmogo vserossiyskogo simpoziuma. Moskva, 10-11 aprelya 2007 g. Pod red. Chl-korr. G.B. Kleynera. – M.:TsEMI RAN. - 2007. - S.106-107.
10. Mezhov I.S., Mezhov S.I. Metodologiya issledovaniya innovatsionnyih protsessov korporatsii // Vestnik Altayskoy akademii ekonomiki i prava. 2015. ¹ 1 (39). S. 25-34.
11. Chesboro G. Otkryityie innovatsii. – M. : Pokolenie, 2007.
12. Hamel G., Prohalad K.K. Sozdanie ryinkov zavtrashnego dnya. – M.: ZAO «Olimp–Biznes», 2002.
13. Jaruzelski Â., Dehoff Ê. Profits Down, Spending Steady: The Global Innovation 1000 // strategy + business, October 27, 2009, Issue 57 [Ýëåêòðîííûé ðåñóðñ]. URL: (

Information product with zero value: definition and classification
Limarev P., PhD economic, associated professor àccounting and economic analysis, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Zinovjeva E., PhD, associated professor àccounting and economic analysis, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Vasiljeva A., PhD economic, associated professor state municipal administration and personnel management, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

In the article the definition of economic unit of information with a zero value, discusses the principles of its occurrence, classification of information product with a zero value and the value of the product specified in the information markets.
Keywords:  information product, economic unit of information, information market.

1. Zakon RF ot 27 dekabrja 1991 g. «O sredstvah massovoj informacii», ¹ 2124-1, st. 35.
2. Keba, V., Zavojskaja I. Upravlenie oborotom informacionnoj produkcii v ramkah dejatelnosti predprijatija // Upravlencheskij uchet. – 2015. ¹ 11. S. 89-96
3. Limarev P. Ocenka informacionnogo produkta na regional'nom rynke televizionnoj informacii // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2014. – ¹ 6. S. 72-79.
4. Limarev P.V., Zinovjeva E.G. Issledovanie potrebnosti predprijatija – uchastnika informacionnogo rynka v informacionnom produkte aktivnogo sprosa // Upravlencheskij uchet. – 2016. ¹ 2. S. 52-58.
5. Limarev P., Limareva Ju. Upravlenie oborotom informacii v uslovijah institucionalnyh ogranichenij v ekonomike // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2015. – ¹2. S. 71-76.



Application of standard strategies of development in activity of modern organizations of small business of Russian Federation
Kondratyev E.V., Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor of Management in Penza State University of Architecture and Construction
Gurina D.O., postgraduate student of Management in Penza State University of Architecture and Construction

Òhe review of basic standard strategies of development of enterprises is conducted; the analysis of application of these strategies is given in activity of small enterprises.
Keywords: small business, strategic management, development.

2. Efimov O.N., Yanahmetova R.R. Problemy malogo biznesa v RF. // Ekonomicheskie nauki  ¹ 28-1, 2014.
4. Fursov S. V. Koncepciya strategicheskogo upravleniya promyshlennym predpriyatiem. // Osnovy ekonomiki, upravleniyai prava. Vypusk ¹ 4 (10) / 2013.
5. Mashevskaya O.V. Metodologicheskie osnovy razrabotki strategii. // Ekonomicheskienauki. Vypusk ¹ 6 (13) Chast' 2, 2013.
6. Gurzhii N.N. Prakticheskie aspekty strategicheskoi modeli M. Portera. // Voprosy strukturizacii ekonomiki, ¹ 2, 2012.
7. Tompson A.A., Striklend A.Dzh. Strategicheskii menedzhment. Iskusstvo razrabotki i realizacii strategii. M.: ID «Vil'yams», 2006.
8. MilovaN.S. Sozdanie konkurentnyh preimushestv rossiiskih gostinichnyh predpriyatii na osnove strategii centrirovannoi diversifikacii.// Upravlenie ekonomicheskimi sistemami, 02.11.11.
10. Vihanskii O.S., Naumov A.I. Menedzhment: uchebnik. M.: Magistr: INFRA-M, 2014.
12. Kondrat'ev E. V. Chemezov I.S. Poteryannaya model': sravnitel'nyi analiz osnovnyh koncepcii razvitiya predpriyatiya. // Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenii. Povolzhskii region. Ekonomicheskie  nauki. – 2013. – ¹ 1. – S. 65–79.

Methodical approach to strategy development, ensuring rapid development of the university as a business system
Bosenko I.V., Postgraduate of Economy and Management Department, Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service, Vladivostok
Terentyeva T.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economy and Management Department, Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service, Vladivostok

The article shows approaches management to the intensive development of the university. Obtained system of the cybernetic approach to achieve the objectives for intensive development of the university. Built concept of restructuring management processes to ensure that the principles of intensive development of business systems as a strategic control loop. Studied information base “MICC”, the results of the analysis revealed the problem of strategic management. As a result, defined the conceptual definition of the strategic development of the university, the university imperatives formulated strategy.
Keywords: ìanagement approach, intensive development, the balanced scorecard.

1. Zub A.T., Loktionov M.V. (2011). Strategicheskij menedgment. Systemnjy’ podhod. - M: Genezis, 2011.
2. Semenov A.I.(2011). Razvitie metodologicheskih podhodov issledovaniya nacional’noj innovacionnoj systemy’ Rossii (sistemno-kiberneticheskij i sinergeticheskij aspekty’) // Vestnik Saratovckogo gocudarstvennjogo social’no-e’konomicheskogo universiteta. (2011). ¹ 2. S.40-43.
3. Terenteva T.V., Lazarev I.G., Arnaut M.N. (2014). Upravlenie ustojchivy’m razvitiem universiteta kak social’no-e’konomicheskoj sistemoj. Vladivistokskij gosudarstvenny’j universitet e’konomiki i servisa.
4. Shumik E.G. (2015). Osobennosti strategii dinamicheskogo razvitiya. // E’konomika i predprinimatel’stvo. ¹ 9 ch. 1, 2015. S. 973-976.
5. Levov A. A.Morozova L. S. Obzor metodologij modelirovaniya biznes-processov predostavleniya gosudarstvenny’h uslug v oblasti kadastrovogo ucheta b registracii ob’’ektov nedvizhimosti. // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstennogo universiteta. (2011). ¹ 346. S.119-122.
6. ISO 9004:2009. Managing for the Sustained Success of an Organization. -A Quality Management Approach.
7. Peter F. Drucker. (1966). The Effective Executive.
8. Stroeva Î. À. Upravlenie innovacionny’m razvitiem regional’ny’h e’konomicheskih system: modelirovanie processa. // Problemy’ teorii I praktiki upravleniya. 2011. ¹ 5. S.63-71.
9. Sudakov I.A. Innovacii v sisteme menedzhmenta kachestva klassicheskogo universiteta. // Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika I analiz 2011. ¹3. S. 62-68.
10. Bogomolova L.L. Metodicheskie podhody’ k ocenke finansoboj ustojchivosti deyatel’nosti prepriyatiya. // E’konomika i socium, ¹ 4(13).  2014. S. 636-644.
11. Kaplan R.D., Norton D. The Balanced Scorecard. Translating Strategy into Action. – 1996. 

Management of processes of the clustering in agrarian and industrial complex of the region
Pronyaeva L.I., Doctor of Economics, professor, the manager of «Management and Public Administration» department, the Russian academy of national economy and public service in case of the Russian President, the Oryol branch, Oryol, the Russian Federation
Fedotenkova O.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor «Economy and an economic safety», the Russian academy of national economy and public service in case of the Russian President, the Oryol branch, Oryol, the Russian Federation

The group is made and an assessment is given to basic distinctive signs of agro-industrial clusters and other forms of integration forming in agrarian and industrial complex. In article the step-by-step scheme of identification of potential clusters which is approved on the example of an industry for grain production of the Oryol region is offered. Within holding a procedure of identification of clusters the system of indicators for complex assessment of potential of an agro-industrial cluster allowing to develop the directions of its current and strategic development is developed.
Keywords: management, clustering of the economy, integration, clusters, agro-industrial complex, potential assessment.

1. Lapkin R.M. Effektivnost formirovaniya integrirovannyih struktur v zernovom komplekse APK Tambovskoy oblasti // Sotsialno-ekonomicheskie yavleniya i protsessyi. – 2010. – ¹ 4 (20). – S. 48-51.
2. Pronyaeva L.I., Pavlova A.V. Sovremennyie problemyi formirovaniya uchetno-analiticheskogo obespecheniya innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti organizatsiy APK // Izvestiya Mezhdunarodnoy akademii agrarnogo obrazovaniya. – 2013. – ¹ 7. – S. 253-257.
3. Pronyaeva L.I., Fedotenkova O.A. Upravlenie mezhorganizatsionnyimi otnosheniyami v klasterah i ego uchetno-informatsionnoe obespechenie. – Orel: Izd-vo OFRANHiGS, 2016.
4. Romanov A.E., Arashukov V.P. Agropromyishlennyie klasteryi: teoriya i praktika: monografiya.– Tula: Izdatelstvo: Grif i K. – 2009.
5. Porter M. The economic performance of regions // Regional Studies. Aug.-Oct. – 2003. – Vol. 37. No. 6–7. – P. 559. – URL:



Management processes of formation of cluster structures in the region
Pavlova A.V., postgraduate student of the department “Management and public administration”, Òhe Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration of the Orel branch

The article deals with the current state of the cluster structures in Russia. This paper analyzes the existing domestic and foreign approaches to identify clusters. The author suggests a multistep method of identification of cluster associations organizations, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The method developed can be applied in practice management structures to support the areas of formation of the integrated structures.
Keywords: cluster, identification method, types of economic activity.

1. Karta klasterov Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. - URL: (data obrashcheniia 20.10.16)
2. Proniaeva L.I., Pavlova A. V. Razvitie integratsionnykh protsessov v sovremennoi ekonomike na osnove sozdaniia klasterov // Srednerusskii vestnik obshchestvennykh nauk. – 2016. – T11. - ¹ 3. – s.137-149.
3. Kiselev A. N., Kutsenko E. S., Karnaukh A. P. Opredelenie prioritetnykh napravlenii dlia formirovaniia klasterov malykh i srednikh predpriiatii na primere g. Moskvy [Elektronnyi resurs]. – URL:
4. Titova N.Iu. Identifikatsiia promyshlennykh faktorov, sreda i faktory ikh formirovaniia // Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. – 2015. – 2(55). – S. 58-66.
5. Polozhentseva Iu. S. Upravlenie klasterizatsiei regional'nogo prostranstva. - International Scientific and Practical Congress of Economists and Lawyers «THE UNIFICATION OF ECONOMISTS AND LAWYERS-IS A KEY TO THE NEW STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT». – Zheneva:  ISAE «Consilium», 2013. - S. 154-158.
6. Garmider A. A. Sistematizatsiia podkhodov k otsenke potentsiala klasterizatsii v turisticheskoi sfere // Vestnik AGTU Seriia: Ekonomika. – 2014. - ¹ 4. – S. 114-119
7. Federal'naia sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki [Elektronnyi resurs]. - URL: (data obrashcheniia 20.10.16)
8.Kolchinskaia E. E. Universal'nyi algoritm vyiavleniia napravlenii povysheniia effektivnosti mezhotraslevykh regional'nykh vzaimodeistvii v Rossii (na primere Belgorodskoi oblasti) // Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriia: Istoriia. Politologiia. Ekonomika. Informatika. – 2012. – T. 13(132). – ¹ 23/1. – C. 53–59.
9. Pechatkin V. V. Formirovanie i razvitie klasterov v regionakh Rossii: kliuchevye problemy i puti ikh resheniia (na primere Respubliki Bashkortostan) // Ekonomicheskie i sotsial'nye peremeny: fakty, tendentsii, prognoz. – 2012. – 1(19). – S. 68-76.
10. Uskova T. V. Proizvodstvennye klastery i konkurentosposobnost' regiona. – Vologda: In-t sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiia territorii RAN, 2010.

State regulation of investment policy: Kazakhstan experience
Aubakirova G.M., Karaganda State Technical University (Kazakhstan), doctor of economical science, professor

Within the years of industrialization in Kazakhstan there was developed a new investment climate. In the article there are presented generalizing results of implementing investment policy and its significance for the economy diversification. There is shown the role of state regulation of investment policy in the medium-term period.
Keywords: Kazakhstan, industrialization, investmentpolicy, stateregulation.

1. Vystuplenie ministra po investiciyam i razvitiyu Respubliki Kazahstan na kruglom stole «Sovershenstvovanie institucional'nyh mekhanizmov zashchity investicij. Novelly zakonodatel'stva RK ob investicionnyh sporah i arbitrazhe». Astana, iyun' 2016.
2. Kompleksnyj plan meropriyatij po privlecheniyu pryamyh inostrannyh i otechestvennyh investicij. Utverzhden Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 28 maya 2014g. ¹ 570.
3. O vnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij v nekotorye zakonodatel'nye akty Respubliki Kazahstan po voprosam sovershenstvovaniya investicionnogo klimata. Zakon Respubliki Kazahstan ot 12 iyunya 2014 goda ¹ 209-V ZRK.
4. Programma po privlecheniyu investicij, razvitiyu special'nyh ehkonomicheskih zon i stimulirovaniyu ehksporta v Respublike Kazahstan na 2010 – 2014 gody. Utverzhdena postanovleniem Pravitel'stva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 30 oktyabrya 2010 goda ¹ 1145.
5. Ocenka politicheskih riskov dlya inostrannyh investorov v stranah Central'noj Azii: sravnitel'nyj analiz. - M.: Kommunikacionnyj holding «Minchenko consulting», 2015. – 35s.
6. Obshchenacional'nyj plan meropriyatij po realizacii Poslaniya Glavy gosudarstva narodu Kazahstana ot 11 noyabrya 2014 g. «N?rly zhol - put' v budushchee». Utverzhden ukazom Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan ot 17 noyabrya 2014 g. ¹ 955.
7. Oficial'nyj sajt Vsemirnogo ehkonomicheskogo foruma (data obrashcheniya 3 sentyabrya 2016g.).
8. Gosudarstvennaya programma industrial'no-innovacionnogo razvitiya na 2015 – 2019 gody. Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan 1 avgusta 2014 g. ¹ 874.
9. Prilozhenie k statisticheskomu byulletenyu «Pokazateli Gosudarstvennoj programmy po forsirovannomu industrial'no-innovacionnomu razvitiyu Respubliki Kazahstan na 2015-2019 gody». YAnvar'-iyun' 2016 g. – Astana, 2016.
10. Plan razvitiya razrabotki redkih i redkozemel'nyh metallov v Respublike Kazahstan na 2015 – 2019 gody. Utverzhden postanovleniem Pravitel'stva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 26 noyabrya 2014 goda ¹ 1237.
11. O respublikanskoj karte industrializacii na 2015 - 2019 gody. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 31 dekabrya 2014 goda ¹ 1418.
12. Koncepciya industrial'no-innovacionnogo razvitiya Respubliki Kazahstan na 2015 – 2019 gg. Utverzhdena Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 31.12.2013 ¹ 1497.
13. Koncepciya regulirovaniya predprinimatel'skoj deyatel'nosti do 2020 goda. Utverzhdena Postanovleniem Pravitel'stva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 18 aprelya 2014 goda ¹ 380.
14. International Finance Corporation, World Bank. Ocenka biznes regulirovaniya Doing business. Godovoj otchet, profil' strany: Kazahstan, 2015 g./ /rankings.



Confidence in a competitive economy
Vazhenina I.S., Doctor of Economics, associate professor, leading researcher of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science
Vazhenin S.G., PhD in Economics, senior research associate, the head of the Center of competitive policy of region of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science

This article was prepared within the framework of research conducted with the financial support of the Grant of the Russian State Science Foundation (Project ¹ 16-02-00016 «a») «Essence, features and effects of competition for the confidence».

Trust is represented as the most important intangible asset of existing market players, together with the image and reputation. Copyright definition of competition for the trust was given. The dialectical relationship of processes of formation of the image, reputation and confidence in the competition's process for this trust shown. With using the results of opinion polls conducted by the authors, assessment of the level of confidence in the Russian economy was given, the reasons for its decline are shown. The negative effects of the decline of trust defined. The set of measures to increase the level of confidence in the economy was offered. Recommendations for effective competition for the trust were given.
Keywords: trust, image, reputation, competition for trust.

1. Vazhenina I.S. Imidzh i reputacija territorii kak osnova prodvizhenija v konkurentnoj srede // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2006. – ¹ 6.
2. Vazhenina I.S. Imidzh i reputacija organizacii: jekonomicheskoe soderzhanie i ocenka // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2010. – ¹ 2.
3. Hodzhson Dzhi. Jekonomicheskaja teorija i instituty: Manifest sovremennoj institucional'noj jekonomicheskoj teorii. – M.: – Delo, 2003.
4. Mil'ner B.Z. Teorija organizacii. – M.: INFRA-M, 2004.
5. Granovetter M. Jekonomicheskie instituty kak social'nye konstrukty: ramki analiza // Zhurnal sociologii i social'noj antropologii. – 2004. – Tom VII. ¹ 1.
6. Gaponenko A. Savel'eva M. Tradicionnye i novye faktory konkurentosposobnosti organizacij // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravlenija. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
7. Li Kuan Ju. Singapurskaja istorija. 1965-2000gg. Iz tret'ego mira v pervyj. – M.: MGIMO – Universitet, 2010.
8. Balackij E. Rynok doverija i nacional'nye modeli korporativnogo sektora jekonomiki // Obshhestvo i jekonomika. 2009. ¹ 2.
9. Vazhenin S.G., Suhih V.V. Specifika doverija kak konkurentnoj celi v jekonomiki // Vestnik UrFU. Serija jekonomika i upravlenie. – 2015. ¹ 2.
10. Veselov Ju.V. Problema doverija // Jekonomika i sociologija doverija. SPb.: Sociol. ob-vo im. M.M. Kovalevskogo, 2004.
11. Dement'ev V.E. Institucional'noe doverie i transplantacija institutov // Modernizacija rossijskoj jekonomiki i gosudarstvennoe upravlenie. M.: KomKniga, 2006.
12. Nikolaev I., Efimov S., Marushkina E. Doverie kak jekonomicheskaja kategorija // Obshhestvo i jekonomika. – 2006. – ¹ 1.
13. Seligmen A. Problema doverija. M.: Ideja-Press, 2002.
14. Sorokin D.E. Faktor doverija // Zhurnal jekonomicheskoj teorii. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
15. Taranuha Ju.V. Strategija povedenija v sovremennoj jekonomike // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2014. – ¹ 2.
16. Fukujama F. Doverie. Social'nye dobrodeteli i put' k procvetaniju. M.: AST; Ermak, 2004.
17. Sho Robert B. Kljuchi k doveriju v organizacii: Rezul'tativnost', porjadochnost', projavlenie zaboty. – Delo, 2000.
18. Vazhenina I., Vazhenin S., Suhih V. Konkurencija za doverie v jekonomike: sushhnost' i perspektivy razvitija // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravlenija. – 2015. – ¹ 7.
19. Evgenij Jasin: Ne izmeniv politiku, zadachu ne reshim. – URL:
20. URL:

Rapid assessment of units intragroup interaction in organizational settings
Nikishina V.B., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. Department of Psychology of health and correctional psychology Kursk State Medical University, Dean of the FPC
Petrash E.A., Ph.D., assistant professor of health psychology and correctional psychology Kursk State Medical University
Nikishin I.I., Master of Physics Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University

The article presents a methodology for rapid assessment of the within-plant interactions in the organizational environment, including the individual (leading installation; installation of distancing, structural installations, demonstrative installation) and Intra-Group (co installation; installation of rivalry) parameters. The presented method allows for a limited time to formulate diagnostic hypotheses for systematic diagnosis of the structural divisions of the organization.
Keywords: organizational environment, the installation of intragroup interactions, methods of rapid assessment, leadership installations, installations cooperation demonstrative installation rivalry installation, installation of distancing.

1. Voylokova E.E., Gavrilova M.L. Kontseptsii professional'nykh roley sovremennogo HR-menedzhera // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom – ¹ 2 – 2016 – S. 120-126.
2. Klepneva K.V. Voznagrazhdenie klientoorientirovannogo personala // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom – ¹ 1–2015 – S. 120-125.
3. Lazarenko V.A., Nikishina V.B., Zapesotskaya I.V., M.V. Medvedeva. Tekhnologiya otsenki effektivnosti vzaimodeystviya strukturnykh podrazdeleniy vuza // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom – ¹ 3. – 2014. – S. 60-68.
4. Lyu Ch., Parfent'eva O.V. Upravlenie organizatsionnoy sredoy: ISO 9001:2015 // Aktual'nye problemy prava, ekonomiki i upravleniya. – 2015. – ¹ 11.– S. 42-47.
5. Prigozhin A.I. Metody razvitiya organizatsiy. M.: MTsFER, - 2003. – s. 863.

Assessment of food security based on the method of fuzzy logic
Svyatokho N.V., Candidate of economical sciences, Associate Professor of the Management Department Institute of economics and management FSAEI HE «V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University»

The article describes the algorithm for estimating regional food security based on the method of fuzzy logic, which consists of ten stages. A fuzzy-logicalmodel of assessment of food security in the regionis proposed. The advantages of using the matrix schemes of aggregation for this assessment are defined.
Keywords: assessment, food security, region, method of fuzzy logic, criteria and indicators for assessing food security in the region, double convolution.

1. Barinov V. A., Bolotova L. S., Volkova V. N. Teorija sistem i sistemnyj analiz v upravlenii organizacijami. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 2006.
2.  Jarushkina N. G. Osnovy teorii nechetkih mnozhestv i gibridnyh system. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 2004.
3. Ptuskin A.S. Nechetkie modeli i metody v menedzhmente. – M.: Izdatel'stvo MGTU im. N.E. Baumana, 2008.
4.  Jachmen'ova V.M., Svyatokho N.V. Oc³nka efektivnost³ vitrat na prirodoohoronnu d³jal'n³st' promislovogo p³dpriemstva. S³mferopol: VD «AR²AL», 2011.
5.  Svyatokho N.V. Obosnovanie ispol'zovanija sbalansirovannoj sistemy pokazatelej dlja ocenki prodovol'stvennoj bezopasnosti regiona // Novaja nauka: Sovremennoe sostojanie i puti razvitija. – 2016. – ¹ 8 (98). – S. 273-276.

Organizational development and personnel policy  as a factor of increasing the efficiency of rosreestr
Ulitskaya N.Y., Ph.D., associate professor of Penza state university of architecture and construction
Akimova M.S., Ph.D., associate professor of Penza state university of architecture and construction
Kondrateva L.A., Student of the magistracy Penza state university of architecture and construction

The article is structured management model and types of organization personnel policy, which allowed to analyze the organizational structure and staffing policy of Federal service for state registration, cadastre and cartography, prove their influence on improving the efficiency of the organization.
Keywords: organizational structure, personnel policy, human resources, strategy Rosreestra.

1. Dolgaya A.A. Sistema upravleniya organizaciej: ponyatie i model' // Sovremennaya ehkonomika: problemy i resheniya. – 2014. – ¹ 3. – S. 98–109.
2. Ulickaya N.YU., Akimova M.S. Osnovy menedzhmenta i predprinimatel'stva: uchebnoe posobie. – Penza: PGUAS, 2015.
3. Kulikov M.YU., Hachaturov A.E. Sistema upravleniya kak ogranichivayushchij faktor rosta proizvoditel'nosti truda rossijskih kompanij // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2016. – ¹ 1. – S. 15–25.
4. Lyubshina D.S. Kadrovaya politika organizacii: opredelenie i ee vidy // Vestnik nauki i obrazovaniya. 2016. ¹ 8(20). S. 56-57.
5. Pozdnyakova T.V. Kadrovaya politika organizacii: analiz osnovnyh teoretiko-metodologicheskih podhodov // Severo-Vostochnyj gumanitarnyj vestnik. 2014. ¹ 1 (8). S. 43-50.
6. Vyrodova YU.V. Kadrovaya politika kak ehlement sistemy upravleniya trudovymi resursami predpriyatiya // Uchenye zapiski Instituta upravleniya, biznesa i prava. Seriya: EHkonomika. 2014. T. 1. ¹ 4. S. 229-234.
7. Oficial'nyj sajt Rosreestra. – URL:


Data management competences: russian and western approaches
Gadasina L.V., ñandidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of Department of Information Systems of Saint Petersburg State University
Ivanova V.V., ñandidate of economical sciences, associate professor of Department of Information Systems of Saint Petersburg State University
Lesina T.A., ñandidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor of Department of Information Systems of Saint Petersburg State University

At the present time the data are one of the ba sic companyassets. Many companies adopt cumbersome expensive-systems to provide analytical reports, revealing the causes of success and failure. The observed gap between business expectations and the obtained results is not associated with software quality, but with data management. Based on the analysis of world practices and Russian professional standards the principle of forming required competences in data management for companies’s top-management is proposed.
Keywords: data management, DMBOK, competences of management, professional competences.

1. Mosley M., Brackett M., Earley S., Henderson D. The DAMA guide to the data management body of knowledge (DAMA-DMBOK Guide). New Jersey: Technics Publications. – 2010.
2. Data Management Maturity Model V1.0, CMMI Institute. – 2014.
3. Newman D., Logan D. Gartner Introduces the EIM Maturity Model. Gartner Research, ID Number: G00160425. – 2008.
4. The IBM Data Governance Council Maturity Model: Building a Roadmap for Effective Data Governance, IBM Corporation. – 2009.
5. Lee Y., Madnick S., Wang R., Wang F., Zhang H. A Cubic Framework for the Chief Data Officer: Succeeding in a World of Big Data, Working Paper CISL# 2014-01, March 2014.
6. Mecca M. 5 Steps to Jump-start Your Data Management Program. Brochure Submitted by: CMMI Institute. – 2015.
7. Ritzert R., Rikards R.S. Obyazatel'naya i proizvol'naya programma v rabote kontrollera: trebovaniya v oblasti upravleniya dannymi (DATA GOVERNANCE), 2011. Kontrolling, ¹ 41, str. 70 – 78.
8. Dahlberg T., Nokkala T. A Framevork for the Corporate Governance of Data – Theoretical Background and Empirical Evidence. Business, Management and Education, 2015, 13(1): 25–45.
9. Otto B. A Morphology of the organisation of data governance. – 2011. ECIS 2011 Proceedings. Paper 272.
10. Data Governance: Streamlining and Enriching Data Across the Organisation. Qlikview report. – 2013.
11.  Olama M.M., McNair A.W., Sukumar S.R., Nutaro J.J. A Qualitative Readiness-Requirements Assessment Model for Enterprise Big-Data Infrastructure Investment, 2014. SPIE Proceedings Vol. 9122: Next-Generation Analyst II.
12. Aiken P. Leveraging Data as an Enterprise Asset: Emergence of the Chief Data Officer. A Data Driven Business Report. – 2014.
13. Great expectations: The evolution of the chief data officer. PwC, February 2015,
14. Longenecker H.E., Yarbrough D.M., and Feinstein D.L. A Recommendation for A Professional Focus Area in Data Management for the IS2002 Information Systems Model Curriculum. Information Systems Education Journal, 2010, 8 (68).
15. Professional'nyy standart «Sistemnyy analitik»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'-noy zashchity RF ot 28 oktyabrya 2014 g. N 809n. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
16. Professional'nyy standart «Arkhitektor programmnogo obespecheniya»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 11.04.2014 N 228n – (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
17. Professional'nyy standart «Spetsialist po informatsionnym sistemam»: prikaz mini-sterstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 18.11.2014 N 896n. – rezhim dostupa: / (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
18. Professional'nyy standart «Administrator baz dannykh»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 17.09.2014 N 647n. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
19. Professional'nyy standart «Spetsialist po bol'shim dannym»: proekt. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
20. Professional'nyy standart «Rukovoditel' razrabotki programmnogo obespecheniya»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 17.09.2014 N 645n. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
21. Professional'nyy standart Menedzher po informatsionnym tekhnologiyam: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 13.10.2014 N 716n. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
22. Professional'nyy standart «Spetsialist po avtomatizirovannym sistemam upravleniya»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 13.10.2014 N 713n – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
23. Professional'nyy standart «Rukovoditel' proektov v oblasti informatsionnykh tekhnologiy»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 18.11.2014 N 893n. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
24. Professional'nyy standart «Rukovoditel' organizatsii»: proekt. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
25. Professional'nyy standart «Spetsialist po upravleniyu riskami»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsi-al'noy zashchity RF ot 7.09.2015 N 591n. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
26. Professional'nyy standart Spetsialist po upravleniyu personalom: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 6.10.2015 N 691n. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
27. Professional'nyy standart «Statistik»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 8.09.2015 g. N 605n. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
28. Professional'nyy standart «Spetsialist po finansovomu konsul'tirovaniyu»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 19.03.2015 N 167n. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
29. Professional'nyy standart «Spetsialist po kachestvu produktsii»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 31.10.2014 g. N 856n. – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).
30. Professional'nyy standart «Spetsialist po organizatsionnomu obespecheniyu upravleniya organizatsiey»: prikaz ministerstva truda i sotsial'noy zashchity RF ot 6.05.2015 N 276n – rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 1.11.2016).

The assessment of the enterprise staff competence level
Klevets N.I., Candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor of System analysis and information technology department Academy of Life and Environmental Sciences FSAEI HE «V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University»
Osmanova Z.O., Senior teacher of the Management Department Institute of economics and management FSAEI HE «V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University»

In the paper, the matter of assessment of enterprise staff competence is researched. The main point of the concept «staff competence» is discovered. The choice of fundamental competencies for employee middle management is proved. The enterprise staff competence estimation method, which based on the use of similarity measure with standard, is offered.
Keywords: competence of staff, estimation, similarity measure.

1. Adova I.B., Simonova M.V. Ocenka kompetentnosti kak instrument upravleniya voznagrazhdeniem personala organizacii // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2010. – ¹ 336. – S. 119-124.
2. Spenser L., Spenser S. Kompetencii na rabote. Modeli maksimal'noi effektivnosti raboty. – M.: HIPPO, 2008. – 201 s.
3. Uidett S., Holliford S. Rukovodstvo po kompetenciyam. – M.: ÍIÐÐÎ, 2008. – 240 s.
4. Chulanova O.L. Metodologiya issledovaniya kompetencii personala organizacii. – INFRA-M, 2015. – 120 s.
5. Osmanova Z.O. Sushchnost' ponyatiya «kompetencii personala» // Nauchnyi vestnik: finansy, banki, investicii. – 2016. – ¹1 (34). – S. 133-137.
6.  Klevets N.I. Reiting v analize finansovo-hozyaistvennoi deyatel'nosti predpriyatiya // Izvestiya sel'skohozyajstvennoi nauki Tavridy. – 2015. – ¹ 3 (166). – S.115-125.

The list of articles published in magazine
«Management in russia and abroad» in 2016

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