Contents of N2/2017

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Contents of N2'2017


Need of new approaches to strategic planning upon transition to the sixth and seventh technological ways
Khachaturov A.E., the Doctor of Economics, professor, the head of the department of management and marketing of RHTU of D.I. Mendeleyev
Lukutina M.V., the undergraduate of chair of management and marketing of RHTU of D.I. Mendeleyev
Belkovsky A.N., methodologist of MU "Lotoshinsky PKIO"

Risks of modern technical and civilization development of humanity are analysed. The periodization of production ways on the basis of development of chemical technologies is described. Deadlock and perspective scenarios of development in the XXI century are considered. Value of strategic management and chemical technologies in overcoming of global crises is shown. Approaches to change of methods of strategic planning, methods of creation of mission of the organization with use of drivers of development of branches are described.
Keywords: production ways, strategic planning, driver of development of branch, mission.

1. Malthus Th.R.  An Essay on the Principle of Population, as It Affects the Future Improvement of Society, with Remarks on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and Other Writers. London: John Murray, 1798.
2. Malthus Th.R. An Essay on the Principle of Population: A View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness; with an Inquiry into Our Prospects Respecting the Future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils which It Occasions. London: John Murray, 1826.
3. Moiseev N.N. Man, Nature and the Future of Civilization («Nuclea Winter» and the problem of a «Permissible Threshold».) – M.: Novosti Press Agency Publishing Housе, 1987. p. 1–93.
4. Moiseev N.N., Alexandrov V.V., Krapivin V.F., Lotov A.V., Svirezhev Y.M., Tarko A.M. Global models, the biospheric approach: Theory of the Noosphere. II ASA CP-83-33, 1983.
5. Moiseev N.N., AleksandrovV.V., Tarko A.M. Chelovek i biosfera. Opyt sistemnogo analiza i eksperimenty s modelyami. - M.: Nauka. Glavnaya redakciya fiziko-matematicheskoi literatury. 1985.
6. Moiseev N.N. Byt' ili ne byt'... chelovechestvu? – M.: ZAO «KRNTR», 1999.
7. Moiseev N.N. Sovremennyi antropogenez i civilizacionnye razlomy: ekologo-politologicheskii analiz. – M.: MNEPU, 1994.
8. Moiseev N.N. Chelovek i noosfera. – M.: «Molodaya gvardiya», 1990.
9. Vernadskii V.I. Biosfera i noosfera. – M.: «Airis Press», 2004.
10.De Sharden P.T. Fenomen cheloveka. – M.: Nauka, 1987.
11. Toffler A. Future Shock. Random House, 1970.
12. Toffler.E. Shok budushego. – M.: AST, 2008.
13. Toffler A., Toffler H. Revolutionary Wealth. 2006g. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
14. Toffler E. Tret'ya volna. – M.: OOO «Firma «Izdatel'stvo AST», 2004.
15. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
16. Meadows D. et al. The Limits to growth. NY.: Universe Books, 1972.
17. Pechchei A. Chelovecheskie kachestva. M.: Progress, 1985.
18. «Nashe obshee budushee. Doklad mezhdunarodnoi komissii po okruzhayushei srede i razvitiyu (MKOSR)». M.: Progress. 1989.
19. Attali Zh. Na poroge novogo tysyacheletiya. M.: «Mezhdunapodnye otnosheniya», 1993.
20. Moiseev N.H. Sistema «Geya» i problema zapretnoi cherty. // Mir nauki, N 1, 1985.
21. Chelovek i sreda ego obitaniya. // Voprosy filosofii. 1973. №№ 1, 2 3, 4.
22. Reimers N.F., Shuper V.A. Krizis nauki ili beda civilizacii? // Voprosy filosofii. 1991. № 6. S. 68-75.
23. Chaikovskii Yu.V. Poznavatel'nye modeli, plyuralizm i vyzhivanie. // Put', 1992. N 1. s. 62-108.
24. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim
25. Kara-Murza S. Koncepciya «zolotogo milliarda» i Novyi mirovoi poryadok. Materialy
26. Hachaturov A.E., Belkovskii A.N. Sovremennyi integracionnyi menedzhment. M.: ID «Delo i Servis», 2006.
27. Belkovskii A.N., Chernosvitov P.Yu. Chelovecheskaya kul'tura: besperspektivnoe raznoobrazie. // Chelovek, № 6, 1996g.
28. Heizen R. Istoriya Zemli: ot zvezdnoi pyli - k zhivoi planete, pervye 4 500 000 000 let. – M.: «Al'pina non-fikshn», 2015.
29. Bell D. Gryadushee postindustrial'noe obshestvo. Opyt social'nogo prognozirovaniya. – M.: Academia, 2004.
30. Malineckii G.G. Proektirovanie budushego i modernizaciya Rossii // Preprinty IPM im. M.V.Keldysha. – 2010. – № 41. – 32 s.: [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrasheniya 01.04.2016).
31. Badalyan L. G., Krivorotov V. F. Istoriya. Krizisy. Perspektivy: Novyi vzglyad na proshloe i budushee. – M.: Knizhnyi dom «LIBROKOM», 2012.
32. Rifkin Dzh. Tret'ya promyshlennaya revolyuciya: Kak gorizontal'nye vzaimodeistviya menyayut energetiku, ekonomiku i mir v celom. – M.: Al'pina non-fikshn, 2014.
33. Delovoi portal «Upravlenie proizvodstvom». «Industriya 4.0: proizvodstvennye processy budushego» (interv'yu s V. Val'sterom): [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa (data obrasheniya 29.03.2016).
34. Juglar C. Des Crises Commercials Et De Leur Retour Periodique En France. Paris, 1862.
35. Grinin L. E., Korotaev A. V.Global'nyi krizis v retrospektive: ot Likurga do Alana Grinspena. M.: URSS, 2010.
36. Kondrat'ev N. Bol'shie cikly kon'yunktury i teoriya predvideniya. Izbrannye trudy. M.: Ekonomika, 2002.
37. SchumpeterJ. Business Cycles: A Theoretical, Historical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process. New York - London: McGraw-Hill, 1939.
38. Nanotehnologii kak klyuchevoi faktor novogo tehnologicheskogo uklada v ekonomike. – M.: «Trovant». 2009.
39. GOST R 55416-2013. «Nanotehnologii. Chast' 1. Osnovnye terminy i opredeleniya».
40. Roginskii Ya.Ya. Problemy antropogeneza. M., «Vysshaya shkola», 1969 g.
41. Tattersal' I. Skelety v shkafu. Dramatichnaya evolyuciya cheloveka. SPb., «Piter», 2016 g.
42. Atlas visual de la ciencia. Evolution. Editoral ol 90, Barselona, Spain, 2010, pp.44-45.
43. Semenov N.N. Gorenie i vzryv. M.-L., «Gosiz -Detgiz», 1945 g.
44. Vishnyackii L.B. Neandertal'cy: istoriya nesostoyavshegosya chelovechestva. SPb, «Nestor-istoriya», 2010 g., str. 132-133.
45. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa
46. Bainbridge W.S., Roco M.C. Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance. [Elektronnyiresurs] // Kluwer Academic Publishers (Springer). – 2003. – URL:
47. Koval'chuk M.V., Naraikin O.S., Yacishina E.B. Konvergenciya nauk i tehnologii – novyi etap nauchno-tehnicheskogo razvitiya. [Elektronnyi resurs] // Voprosy filosofii. – 2013. – URL:
48. Hachaturov A.E. Himicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii v period neoindustrializacii. // Gazovaya promyshlennost', № 3, S. 32 - 33, 2016/
49. Chernova E.N. Koncepciya informacionnogo obshestva v sovremennom social'nom poznanii. // Gumanitarnye i social'nye nauki. – 2010. – № 6. – S. 112 – 121.
50. Vavilov S. Yu., Hachaturov A. E. Strategicheskoe planirovanie kak programma dolgosrochnogo razvitiya i adaptacii klyuchevyh kompetencii kompanii. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. –2013. – № 1. – S. 4 - 17.
51. Oganov A.R., Chen J., Gatti C., MaYanzhang, MaYanming, GlassC/ W., Liu Zh., Yu T., Kurakevych O. O., Solozhenko V. L. Ionic high-pressure form of elemental boron.[Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa
52. Smil V. Global'nye katastrofy i trendy: sleduyushie 50 let. M.: AST-Press, 2012.
53. Cumaraswamy A. Am I My Brother Keeper? NY., 1947.
54. Uotts A. Mif i ritual v hristianstve. K.: «Sofiya», 2003 g., str.19.
55. Hachaturov A.E., Belkovskii A.N. Social'noe upravlenie i evolyuciya chelovechestva. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom, 2003, № 6, c. 136 – 141.
56. Sun'-Czy. Iskusstvo voiny. M., AST, 2012 g.
57. Kat'kalo V. S. Mesto i rol' resursnoi koncepcii v razvitii teorii strategicheskogo upravleniya. // Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 8. 2003. Vyp. 3 (№ 24). str. 3-17.

The mathematical formulation of the economic optimization problems of gastransportation networks
Doví M-S., Yenching Academy, University of Peking, Beijing, China
Meshalkin V.P., academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the department logistics and economic to an informatikirkht of D.I. Mendeleyev, chief research scientist IONH Russian Academy of Sciences of N.S. Kurnakov
Kantiukov R.R., Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

While the economic optimization problem of the structure design and operation management of natural gastransportation networks (NGTN) has been the object of a large amount of research work in economics, manegement organization, logistics and supply chain managementthe large computational costs presently available makes it possible to include additional issues capable of effectively formulating and implementing increasingly complex and robust mathematical models and algorithms.
In this article, the possible delivery of natural gas (NG) and liquid natural gas (LNG) at multiple feed-in points is added to the most general mathematical models, with use of mixed integer linear programming (MILP), whereas the further inclusion of financial and environmental constraints.
The goal of this article is double: classification and System analysis of the most general mathematical models and algorithms, capable of providing a complete decision support tool, and to show how simplified mathematicalmodels can be obtained from them if the complexity of the gas transportation network makes it necessary to reduce the computational load.
Keywords:  natural gas, supply chain management, energy efficiency, mathematical modeling and optimization, mixed linear integer programming.

1. Van Dam J. Planning of optimum production from a natural gas field // Journal of the Institute of Petroleum. 1968. Vol. 54. pp. 55–67.
2. Furey B.P. A sequential quadratic programming-based algorithm for optimization of gas networks // Automatica. 1993, Vol. 29. pp. 1439–1450.
3. De Wolf D., Smeers Y. Optimal dimensioning of pipe networks with application to gas transmission networks // Operations Research. 1996. Vol. 44, pp. 596–608.
4. De Wolf D., Smeers Y. The gas transmission problem solved by an extension of the simplex algorithm // Management Science. 2000. 46. 1454–1465.
5. Van den Heever S.A., Grossmann I.E., Vasantharajan S., Edwards K. A Lagrangean decomposition heuristic for the design and planning of offshore hydrocarbon field infrastructures // Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2001. Vol. 40. pp. 2857–2875.
6.  Ortíz-Gómez A., Rico-Ramirez V., Hernández-Castro S. Mixed-integer multiperiod model for the planning of oilfield production // Computers and Chemical Engineering. 2002.  Vol. 26, pp. 703–714.
7. Möller M. Mixed Integer Models for the Optimisation of Gas Networks in the Stationary Case. PhD thesis. 2004, TU Darmstadt. URL:
8. Martin A., Möller M., Moritz S. Mixed integer models for the stationary case of gas network optimization // Mathematical Programming. 2006. Vol. 105. pp. 563–582.
9. Nimmanonda P., Uraikul V., Chan C.W.  and Tontiwachwuthikul P. Computer-aided simulation model for natural gas pipeline network system operations // Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2004. Vol. 43. pp. 990–1002.
10. Barragán-Hernández V., Vázquez-Román R., Rosales-Marines L., García-Sánchez F. A strategy for simulation and optimization of gas and oil production // Computers and Chemical Engineering. 2005. Vol. 30. pp. 215–227.
11.  Goel V., Grossmann I.E., El-Bakry A.S., Mulkay E.L. A novel branch and bound algorithm for optimal development of gas fields under uncertainty in reserves // Computers and Chemical Engineering. 2006. Vol. 30. pp. 1076–1092.
12. Kabirian A., Reza Hemmati M. A strategic planning model for natural gas transmission networks // Energy Policy. 2007. Vol. 35. pp. 5656–5670.
13. WuY., Lai K.K., LiuY. Deterministic global optimization approach to steady-state distribution gas pipeline networks // Optimization and Engineering. 2007. Vol. 8. pp. 259–275.
14. Floudas C.A., Aggarwal A., Ciric A.R. Global optimum search for nonconvex NLP and MINLP problems // Computers and Chemical Engineering. 1989. Vol. 13. pp. 1117–1132.
15. Osiadacz A.J. Steady State Optimisation of Gas Networks // Arch. Min. Sci. 2011. Vol. 56. pp. 335–352.
16. Osiadacz A.J., Chaczykowski M. Dynamic Control for Gas Pipeline Systems // Arch. Min. Sci. 2016. Vol. 61. pp. 69–82.
17.  Jonsbråten T.W. Oil field optimization under price uncertainty // Journal of the Operational Research Society. 1998. Vol. 49. pp. 811–818.
18. Chermak J.M., Crafton J., Norquist S.M., Patrick R.H. A hybrid economic-engineering model for natural gas production // Energy Economics. 1999. Vol. 21. pp. 67–94.
19. Tomasgard A., Rømo F., Fodstad M., Midthun K.T. Optimization models for the natural gas value chain. 2007. Technical report, Norwegian University of Science.
20. Alfaki M., Haugland D. Strong formulations for the pooling problem.// Journal of Global Optimization. 2013. Vol. 56. pp. 897–916.
21. Kolodziej S., Castro P.M., Grossmann I.E. Global optimization of bilinear programs with a multiparametric disaggregation technique // Journal of Global Optimization. 2013, Vol. 57, pp. 1039–1063.
22. Midthun K.T., Mette B., Tomasgard A. Modeling Optimal Economic Dispatch and System Effects in Natural Gas Networks // The Energy Journal. 2009. Vol. 30. pp. 155-180.
23. McCarl B.A., Meeraus A., van der Eijk P., Bussieck M., Dirkse S., Nelissen F. McCarl Expanded GAMS User Guide. Version 24.6. 2016. GAMS Development Corporation, Washington, DC, USA.
24. Makhorin A. GUSEK (GLPK Under Scite Extended Kit) 2012. Retrievable from:
25. Ferris M.C., Dirkse S.P., Jaglac J.H., Meeraus A. An extended mathematical programming framework // Computers and Chemical Engineering. 2009. Vol. 33. pp. 1973–1982.
26. Funaki K. 2009. State of the Art Survey of Commercial Software for Supply Chain Design. Georgia Institute of Technology. Retrievable from survey.pdf
27.  Kantjukov R.A., Popov A.G., Ryzhenkov I.V., Gimranov R.K., Mustafin F.M., Modin V.K., Meshalkin V.P., Butusov O.B., Panarin V.M.  Opyt razrabotki jenergoresursojeffektivnyh konstrukcij gazoprovodnyh sistem Respubliki Tatarstan s ispol'zovaniem polijetilenovyh trub // Sovremennye naukojomkie tehnologii. Regional'noe prilozhenie. – 2015. – № 1. – S. 112–119.

Development of the methodology of lean production management
Feraru G.S., doctor of economic Sciences, Professor, Department of management and marketing, Belgorod state national research University (NRU «BelSU»)

The article describes the methodological aspects of the features of management in manufacturing sector in the implementation process of Lean technologies. According to the author, the overcoming of the typical problems of the majority of domestic companies can be reached, first of all, by optimizing the management of the organization by means of development of production systems which are based on the principles of Lean manufacturing. The author considers that the improvement of management should be based on enhancement of the performance of mechanism of Lean manufacturing, on the formation of the efficient production structure of creating of consumer’s value (“House of Gemba”) and also on selection and implementation of the fundamental principles of Lean technology management by use of methods and tools, corresponding to the stage of administrative activity.
Keywords: management, lean technologies, methods and tools of lean manufacturing.

1. Monden Ya. Sistema menedzhmenta Toioty.  M.: Institut kompleksnyh strategicheskih issledovanii, 2007.
2. Porter M., Takeuti H., Sakakibara M. Yaponskaya ekonomicheskaya model'. Mozhet li Yaponiya konkurirovat'?  – M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005.
3. Feraru G.S. Sovremennaya model' effektivnogo razvitiya i povysheniya konkurentosposobnosti predpriyatii // Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2016. № 1 (123). – S. 38-43
4. Turovec O.G., Rodionova V.N. Genezis berezhlivogo proizvodstva: rossiiskie istoki. // Organizator proizvodstva. 2015. № 2 (65). S. 5-12
5. Feraru G.S. Razvitie lean-tehnologii na promyshlennyh predpriyatiyah RF kak odno iz napravlenii povysheniya ih konkurentosposobnosti. // Konkurentosposobnost' v global'nom mire: ekonomika, nauka, tehnologii. 2017, № 2 (ch. 3). S. 168-176
6. Stepchenko T.S. Lean-tehnologii v upravlenii predpriyatiem. // Sovremennye tehnologii upravleniya. 2015. №7 (55). S. 38-41
7. Masaaki I. Gemba kaidzen. Put' k snizheniyu zatrat i povysheniyu kachestva. – Elektronnyi resurs. – Rezhim dostupa:   
8. Laiker Dzh. Dao Toyota: 14 principov menedzhmenta vedushei kompanii mira. – M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005.
9. Zykov A. Principy sovremennyh guru biznesa «Dao Toyota» // Upravlenie personalom, 2012. № 8: – Elektronnyi resurs. – Rezhim dostupa:
10. Celi sinergeticheskogo metoda upravleniya po Adizesu: – Elektronnyi resurs. –  Rezhim dostupa:

The methodological issues and tendencies of internal control
Dontsova L.V., Prof. department of the financial control, analysis and audit Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Sharamko M.M., Doctoral department of the financial control, analysis and audit Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

The subject of the research is the problems and prospects of internal control in organizations at the present stage of its development. As the conclusions the article states that internal control issues solution needs the development of the integrated synergistic approach, which has a high heuristic potential and the ability to combine the efficient use and various theories, concepts and approaches. In addition, internal controls requires the further development of methods of mining, machine learning and neural network modeling, which could potentially allow the internal controls to decide how the quality, speed and cost of the analysis of information and objectivity of the internal control problems.
Keywords: internal control, audit, internal control standard.

1. Limskaya deklaraciya rukovodyashchih principov kontrolya: prinyata v g.Lime (Peru), prinyataya 17 oktyabrya 1977 goda na  IX Kongresse Mezhdunarodnoj organizacii vysshih organov finansovogo kontrolya (INTOSAI) // SPS «Konsul'tant Plyus».
2. O rekomendaciyah Bazel'skogo komiteta po bankovskomu nadzoru «Principy sovershenstvovaniya korporativnogo upravleniya»:pis'mo Banka Rossii ot 6 fevralya 2012 goda № 14-T // Vestnik Banka Rossii. – 2012. – № 17. – 15 fevralya.
3. Sharamko M.M.Vnutrennii kontrol' metodologiya, sistema i processy: monografiya. – M.: RUSA'NS, 2016.
4. Sharamko M.M.Metodologiya ocenki effektivnosti vnutrennego kontrolya i audita. Auditorskie vedomosti. 2016. № 2. S. 3-11.
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7. Mel'nik M. V. Evolyuciya kontrol'noi funkcii v usloviyah innovacionnoi ekonomiki / kontrol' i audit v innovacionnoi ekonomike 2011. № 6 str. 5-9.
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9. Serebryakova T.Yu. K voprosu ob ocenke effektivnosti vnutrennego kontrolya potrebitel'skogo obshestva // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. – 2013, № 5.
10. Zueva I.A. Puti vnedreniya gosudarstvennogo audita // Finansy. 2005, № 6.
11. Ryabuhin S.N. Audit effektivnosti: ucheb. – M.: ATISO Ekonomika, 2009.
12. Sineva E. Audit effektivnosti i audit celesoobraznosti // Prezidentskii kontrol'. 2004, № 5.
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15. Doncova L.V.Metodologicheskie problemy vnutrennego kontrolya v sisteme mezhdunarodnyh standartov / Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2015, № 3. S. 285-290.
16. Burcev V.V.Vnutrennii kontrol': osnovnye ponyatiya i organizaciya provedeniya. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom, № 4, 2002.
17. Kanarakus K.Mashina Bol'shih Dannyh (rus.).Seti, № 04, 2011.
18. Mel'nik M.V. Innovacii v uchetno-kontrol'nyh processah sovremennyh kommercheskih organizacii /  Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemy, resheniya. 2013, №5(17), str. 2-8
19. Kerimov V.E. Organizaciya vnutrihozyaistvennogo kontrolya riskov v ekonomicheskih sub'ektah // Vestnik Rossiiskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta imeni G. V. Plehanova. – 2014. – № 4. – S.44-51.
20. Garipov I.R. Analiz faktorov razvitiya komplaensa v Rossii i za rubezhom. // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. 2015, № 2. S. 13-19.
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22. Doncova L.V. Audit effektivnosti: informacionnoe obespechenie i neirosetevye modeli. Upravlencheskii uchet, № 4. Str. 96-103. M.: Finpress. 2014.

Emotional capital: concept, evaluation and application
Strizhakova E.N., Ph.D., associate professor of Bryansk State Technical University

The article deals with the concept of «emotional intelligence» and «emotional capital», the evolution of the main approaches to the investigation of these concepts are shown. The author raising the question of the need for the emotional capital valuation. Part of emotional intelligence are given, the possibility of the increasing the value of each of its constituent elements are shown. The article presents the methodology for assessing the human emotional intelligence, a detailed analysis of the major of them is done. The existing group of intellectual capital valuation methodologies are in this work, also as the possibility of their use in determining the amount of emotional capital in companies.
Keywords: emotions, capital, capacity, intelligence.

1. Goulman D. Emocional'nyi intellekt. Pochemu on mozhet znachit' bol'she, chem IQ — M.: «Mann, Ivanov i Ferber», 2013.
2. Strizhakova E.N. Intellekt rabotnika organizacii: evolyuciya podhodov k opredeleniyu ego sostavnyh chastei i sposoby izmereniya. // Gosudarstvennyi sovetnik. – 2013. – № 1. – S. 74-86.
3. Strizhakova E.N. Intellektual'nye resursy predpriyatiya i intellekt rabotnika- problemy teorii, struktury i izmereniya. // Materialy V Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Innovacionnye metody i modeli v ekonomicheskoi psihologii, ergonomike, proizvodstvennom menedzhmente», Bryansk, BGTU, 2013.
4. Strizhakova E.N., Strizhakov D.V. Chelovecheskii potencial ekonomicheskogo rosta Rossiiskoi Federacii. – Bryansk: BGTU, 2015.
5. Strizhakova E.N. Podhody i metody ocenki intellektual'nogo kapitala. // Ekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye nauki. – 2015. – № 2. – S. 54–64.



The features of management of digital economy’s development2
Popov E.V., the Doctor of Economics, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics, The Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg
Semyachkov K.A., candidate of economic science, junior researcher, Institute of Economics, The Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg

Research is executed with financial support of the Project UrO 15-14-7-5.

The article is devoted to urgent aspects of forming and development of the national digital economy which is characterized by increased role of information and digital means in public and economic life. The main subjects of the economic relations in digital economy are identified, the matrix of the digital relations is provided, major factors of development of digital economy are considered in this work. Some conclusions about the need of forming of favorable conditions for development of digital economy including creation of necessary infrastructure, the institutional environment, development of digital culture, personnel potential are drawn.
Keywords: digital economy, ICTs, informational support, digital culture.

1. Kuncman A.A. Transformaciya vnutrenney i vneshney sredi biznesa v usloviyah cifrovoi ekonomiki // Upravlenie ekonomicheskimi sistemami: elektronniy nauchniy jurnal. 2016. № 11 (93). p. 1.
2. Bell D. Gryaduschee postindustrialnoe obschestvo. Opit socialnogo prognozirovaniya / D. Bell / Per. s angl. M.: Akademiya, 2004. 788 p.
3. Beketov N.V. Informacionnoe raznoobrazie i cifrovoe neravenstvo v razvitii Rossii / N. Beketov // Informacionnie resursi Rossii. 2009. № 5. p. 27-31.
4. Kupriyanova L.M., Efimova O.N. Informacionnoe obschestvo: sovremenniy etap razvitiya novoy ekonomiki // Ekonomika. Biznes. Banki. 2014. № 3 (8). p. 27-51.
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12. Osipenko N.D., Belousova D.A., Morozova S.A. Sravnitelniy analiz pokazatelei razvitiya elektronnogo pravitelstva v evropeiskom i aziatskom regionah na osnove issledovaniya OON // Science Time. 2014. № 11. p. 272-280.
13. Bahtairova E.A. Elektronnoe pravitelstvo i innovacionnie tehnologii gosudarstvennogo upravleniya // V sbornike: Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie i ustoichivoe razvitie municipalnih obrazovaniy Irkutsk, 2012. S. 15-23.
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State and municipal governance in the knowledge economy
Vorobyov A.D., k. e. n. docent, Associate Professor «State and municipal management» FEDERAL «Vyatka State University»

This article contains a foreign approach to the development of a system of State and municipal management as tools of the network system construction and the use of meta-control. The possibility of
transforming this approach is grounded in a more progressive and methodologically elaborated model of knowledge management and its humanist option. Autopsies done widely used information option. Its main features are briefly described. Attention is drawn to the identity tools network system construction of State and municipal management and methods of meta-management with content-instrumental basis for knowledge management model. It is recommended that an evolutionary approach to the process of introducing knowledge management model: from the rationalization of internal organization habitat for rational interaction with external habitat (using strategic planning) and going directly to the nomanagement. Briefly describes the author’s approaches to strategic planning (management).
Keywords: the system of State and municipal management, network management, Metamanagement, knowledge management, strategic planning (management).

1. Grant R.M. Sovremennyi strategicheskii analiz, 5-e izd. SPb.: Piter, 2008.
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4. Nonaka I., Takeuchi H. The Knowledge-Creating Company. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
5. Vorob'evA. D. Strategicheskoeupravlenie. Monografiya. – Kirov: FGBOU VyatGU, 2012.
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7. Vorob'ev A. D. Upravlenie znaniyami: konceptual'nye osnovy // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. – № 12, 2015, s. 81-88.
8.  Kat'kalo V.S. EHvolyuciya teorii strategicheskogo upravleniya / V.S. Kat'kalo; Vysshaya shkola menedzhmenta SPbGU. – 2-e izd. – SPb.: Vysshaya shkola menedzhmenta, 2008.



The features of forming client-oriented company on the basis of project approach
Popodko G.I., Doctor of Economics, leading scientist, Krasnoyarsk department of Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Nagaeva O.S., Candidate of Economics, senior scientist, Krasnoyarsk department of Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS

In the article the problem of forming client-oriented company in conditions of rising competition in struggle for consumeris considered. The authors suggest to estimateclient orientationfrom client (external estimation) and from organization of business (internal estimation). The system of estimation of companyclient orientation is presented in the article. Taking into accountthe complexity of process of forming client oriented company, authors suggest to use the project approach that allow to ensurethe most effectiverealization of this goal.
Keywords: client orientation, company, client, project approach, product.

1. Shapiro B.P. What the Hell is «Market-Oriented»? // Harvard Business Review. 1988 Vol. 66, 119–125.
2. Loshkov V. Klientoorientirovannost', v chem sut'? [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
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4. Slater S.F., Narver J.C. Market Orientation, Customer Value and Superior Performance // Business Horisons. – 1994. – Vol. 37. – P. 1–8.
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6. Ryzhkovskii B. Kogda klient golosuet den'gami? // Upravlenie kompaniei. – 2005. – № 7.
7. Lamben Zh.-Zh. Menedzhment, orientirovannyi na rynok. Strategicheskii i operacionnyi marketing. – SPb.: Piter, 2007.
8. Braun M. G. Sbalansirovannaya sistema pokazatelei: na marshrute vnedreniya. – M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005.

Estimation of concentration of market players in the food industry novosibirsk region and identifying price collusion
Geniberg T.V., сandidate of economic Sciences, associate professor of Department of corporate management and finance, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management «NINH»

In article tendencies of development of the food industry in the Russian Federation in the conditions of the embargo. The aim of the study was the assessment of the existence of price collusion between food producers in Novosibirsk oblast in terms of foreign economic sanctions. Methodological basis were as follows: statistical methods and comparison methods. Evaluation criteria: consistency in the character of changes in the financial performance of market participants, consistency in setting prices for products between the key players of the market, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index and index of market concentration. The results of the study showed that the market of bread and bakery products, the likelihood of Kartel low, on the market of milk and dairy products – high, in the poultry market – the market is in the early stages of the formation of the cartel.
Keywords: price collusion, cartel, Novosibirsk oblast, market of bread and bakery products, dairy products market, the market of poultry meat.

1. Strategiya razvitiya pishchevoj I pererabatyvayushchej promyshlennosti rossijskoj federacii na period do 2020 goda. [Ehlektronnyj resurs],
2. Shugaeva I.V. Strategii prisposobleniya rossiyan k usloviyam uhudshayushchejsya ehko-nomicheskoj situacii. // Vestnik TOGU. – 2016. – № 1 (40). – P. 183-192.
3. Oficialnyj sajt ministerstva selskogo hozyajstva Novosibirskoj oblasti [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL:
4. Bondarenko N.A., Syupova M.S. Organizaciya provedeniya monitoring realizacii strategii socialno-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya municipalnogo obrazovaniya. // Vestnik TOGU – 2016. – № 4 (43). – S. 153-160.
5. «Skrin» - sistema raskrytiya informacii [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL:

Cost control of engineering products at the design stage
Kochenkova N.I., Professor Assistant, Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia
Sorokina E.I., Professor Assistant, Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia

This article features mathematical and methodological specifics of engineering products cost control at their design stage. Solutions for more effective distribution of metal in carcasses can provide application of methods based on the principle of optimal design for structures , which would lead to cost saving in manufacturing. Development of optimization approaches for schematics and following definition of the best cross-section parameters of bearing elements (from the perspective of the lowest manufacturing costing) has allowed to generate carcass with balanced schematic and minimum working cost as early as the design stage.
Keywords:  engineering products, finite-element method, parametric and structural optimization of carcasses.

1. Kochenkova N.I., Sorokina E.I. Metodologiya upravleniya ekonomikoi kachestva // «Ekonomicheskie i organizacionnye problemy upravleniya v sovremennyh usloviyah»: materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava, 2014, s.303-307.
2. Kochenkova N.I. Ekonomika kachestva – vazhnaya chast' berezhlivogo proizvodstva. // «Ekonomicheskie i organizacionnye problemy v upravleniya v sovremennyh usloviyah»: Materialy IV vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava, Bryansk, BGTU 2012, s.138-144.
3. Erohin D.V., Kochenkova N.I., Sorokina E.I. Obosnovanie metodov ucheta zatrat na stadii proektirovaniya izdelii. // Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. – Bryansk, 2006, – s. 48-53.
4. Belkin V.N., Belkina N.A., Vladykina L.B. Teoreticheskie osnovy ocenki konkurentosposobnosti predpriyatii. // Ekonomika regiona – 2015 g. – № 1, s. 144-155.
5. Botkin O.I., Grebenkin I.V. Formirovanie konkurentnogo potenciala mashinostroitel'nogo kompleksa regiona. // Ekonomika regiona – 2014 g. – № 1, s. 125-132.
6. Kochenkova N.I., Sorokina E.I. Osobennosti planirovaniya zatrat na izgotovlenie izdeliya na predproektnoi stadii. // Ekonomicheskie i organizacionnye problemy upravleniya v sovremennyh usloviyah: sb. nauch. tr. – Bryansk, 2006, 
s. 185-188.
7. Rasulov N.M. Upravlenie kachestvom izdeliya v processe ego izgotovleniya // Vestnik mashinostroeniya. – Moskva, 2013.



University management system as a complex multilevel control system
Lyuhanova S.V., Associate professor of the department «The economy of transport, logistics and quality control», Ph.D. in еconomics

This article describes and discusses system of University Management subsystem taking into account implemented today changes to the content and direction of education and new requirements for educational services. There is a need to harmonize the existing hierarchical control systems for modern universities market needs and create partnerships and client-centeredness. The variant structure of University management systems, recommendations for improving management in conditions of transformation objectives. Celebrated its multilevel structure of educational management and the real presence of him on performing level, learning management at the microlevel in groups. Highlighted the role of multiple high school organizational culture and its deepest component-spiritual values in modern transformations.
Keywords: university management system, the effectiveness of the University, information and communication education environment.

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The role of stakeholder groups in the activities of modern enterprises
Bikeeva M.V., Ph.D. in Economics (Candidate of economic sciences), assistant professor of the «Chair of Statistics, Econometrics and Information Technologies in Management», Mordovia N.P. Ogarev State University

The study continues the series of articles on the problems of the stakeholder approach to business restructuring. An important direction of modern economic development – focus on a wide range of interested groups involved in active and passive forms of participation in the operations of the business. The hierarchy of objectives of a business is directly related to the number of interest groups. The aim of the study is the classification of stakeholder groups for the subsequent building of “tree of objectives” and develop engagement strategies with them. The reform is a long-term development of the enterprise on the basis of mutually beneficial relations with stakeholders in the framework of a long-term partnership.
Keywords: stakeholders, the typology of stakeholders, the balance of interests, corporate social responsibility.

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3. Bikeeva M.V. Tipologiya zainteresovannyh grupp biznesa Sistemnoe upravlenie. 2016. № 1(30). S.6
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Forming of the effective incentive system of work of personnel in system of transport logistics
Tretjakovа L.A., Doctor of Economics, associate professor, professor of chair human resource management, FGAOU VO “Belgorod State National Research University”

The problem of creation of a rational incentive system of work is urgent for all entities specializing in transport logistics. The analysis of the current state of work incentives in system of transport logistics shows availability of a number of the problems connected with complexity of creation of a rational incentive system of work in practice as attempts to adapt classical theories of stimulation for real conditions of activities of employees of the organizations are in many respects not systematized that complicates use of technologies and methods of stimulation. It allows us to offer the priority directions of development of this major personnel procedure.
Keywords: work incentives, system of transport logistics, personnel, motivation.

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