State and municipal management in knowledge economy
Vorobyov A.D., PhD, docent, Associate Professor “State and municipal management” FEDERAL “Vyatka State University»
A strategic management methodology should reflect the fractal nature of strategic elements, characteristic of creative processes. The latter is characterized by synergetic regularities and specific tools, described chaos theory. Such conditions meet the author’s unified model of strategic management and appropriate policy tools and techniques. The methodology allows you to create a system of strategic models, the apex of which is the model of knowledge management and its organizational and management option (humanist). Unlike distributed information option humanistic approach allows us to fully realize the ideology of the knowledge economy.
Keywords: strategic planning, unified model of strategic management, fractal approach, methodology, knowledge economy.
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12. ShkarupetaE.V., SmyshlyaevV.A. Fraktal'nye organizatsii v usloviyakh ekonomiki znanii // Vestnik Voronezhskogo gos.tekhn.un-ta. – 2012. – № 7-1/tom8/. S.14-17.
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System of branding small cities
Sheresheva M.Y., PhD, Professor, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Director of the Research Center for Network Economy, Head of the Laboratory for institutional analysis
Oborin M.S., PhD, associate Professor of economic analysis and statistics FSBEI Perm Institute (branch) of the Federal state institution of higher education “Russian economic University G.V. Plekhanov”, Professor, Department of world and regional economy, the economic theory of the Perm state national research University
Berezka S.M., Marketing Director, Research Center for Network Economy, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
The article is devoted to the study of theoretical approaches and practical experience in place branding. A conceptual model of the place branding system is proposed. Potentially significant factors and relationships are identified, as well as directions of place branding, corresponding to the relationship marketing concept. The purpose of the study is to identify the prospects of using a systematic approach to small cities’ branding in three Russian regions – Vladimir Oblast, Tula Oblast, and Perm Krai. Systematic approach applied to branding of small cities contributes to the regional sustainable development.
Keywords: place marketing, towns, town`s brand, sustainable development.
The article was prepared within the framework of the research carried out with the financial support of grant of Russian scientific Foundation (project No. 17-18-01324) “Sustainable development of territories on the basis of network interaction of small towns and district centers”.
1. Ber`ezka S. M. City branding: podhody k ponimanijy i aktualnie problemi // Novaya ekonomika i regionalnaja nauka. – 2016. – № 3. – S. 331-332.
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4. Murav'eva K. Yu. Proektirovanie granits servisnogo soprovozhdenija v formirovanii reputatsionnih harakteristik territorialnogo brenda// Sovremennie tehnologii marketinga territorii. – 2015. – № 4(3). – S. 276-278.
5. Oborin M. S. Sotsialno-ekonomicheskie uslovija i funktsii sanatorno-kurortnoi sistemy regiona kak factor sozdanija marketingovoi strategii razvitija rinka sanatorno-kurortnih uslug // Vestnik Astrahanskogo tehnicheskogo universiteta. Serija: Economika. – 2015. – № 2. – S. 49-56.
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7. Sheresheva M. Y. Sobitiiniy turizm i nematerialnoe kulturnoe nasledie (na primere Vladimirskoy oblasti) // Sovremennie problemy servisa i turizma. – 2016. – №. 3 (10). – S. 41-49.
8. Sheresheva M. Y., Oborin M. S., Kostanyan, A. A. Osobennosti otsenki kachestva zhizni nasekenija malih gorodov // Ars administrandi. Iskusstvo upravlenija. – 2017. – №. 2 (9). – S. 289-311.
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27. Kalendar sobitiy // Ofitsialniy turisticheskiy portal Permskogo kraiya [Electronniy resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 12.06.2017).
28. Kalendar sobitiynih meropriyatiy Tulskoy oblasti na 2017 god // Sait Obedineniya tsentrov razvitija iskusstva, narodnoi kulturi i turizma Tulskoi oblasti [Electronniy resurs]. URL: (data obrasheniya: 12.06.2017).
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Transformation of the organizational microsphere: the effect of mobile applications
Skavitin A.V., PhD, assistant professor, Dean of Human Resources Management Faculty, Baikal State University, Irkutsk
The article notes the tendency of the transfer of public institutions’ web services to mobile platforms. Data on the growing prevalence of mobile phones and smartphones and their advantages in comparison with desktop computers in the context of interaction between organizations and consumers are analyzed. An overview of mobile applications of federal executive bodies developed in Russia over the past three years is given. The functional capabilities of mobile applications and the direction of their influence on various types of organizations and groups of citizens are described.
Keywords: Mobile application, public service, executive authorities, microsphere, claim.
1. Vozmozhnosti primeneniya mobil'nyh prilozhenii // Finansovaya analitika: problemy i resheniya. – 2013. – № 39. – S. 52-68.
2. Skavitin A.V. Upravlenie kommunikaciyami v krizisnyh situaciyah: rabota s personalom // Upravlenie personalom. – 2004. – № 1–2. – S. 36-38.
3. Rossiiskii rynok smartfonov i mobil'nyh telefonov. Itogi 2016 goda. Analiticheskii obzor kompanii J’son&Partners [Elektronnyi resurs] // Rezhim dostupa:
4. Miroshnichenko D. Obzor rynka mobil'nyh prilozhenii [Elektronnyi resurs] // Rezhim dostupa:
5. Kulikov V. Ishut po nomeram // Rossiiskaya gazeta - Federal'nyi vypusk № 6937 (69), 31 marta 2016 g.
6. Kush I. V Rossii zarabotalo prilozhenie dlya opredeleniya kontrafaktnogo alkogolya [Elektronnyi resurs] // Rezhim dostupa:
7. Skavitin A.V. Novaya forma obrasheniya v GIT - mobil'noe prilozhenie // Kadrovik. – 2017. – № 3. – S. 43-48.
8. Skavitin A.V. Proizvodstvennyi travmatizm i ohrana truda v stroitel'stve: ispol'zovanie mobil'nyh prilozhenii // Problemy ekonomiki i upravlenie stroitel'stvom v usloviyah ekologicheski orientirovannogo razvitiya: materialy IVon-lineMezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii, vklyuchaya konkurs rabot studentov, 6-7 aprelya 2017 g. pod nauch. red. S.A. Astaf'eva, I.P. Nuzhinoi, L.A. Kaverzinoi – Irkutsk: Izd-vo BGU, 2017.
9. Gor A. V Rossii zarabotaet mobil'noe prilozhenie dlya kontrolya kachestva produktov [Elektronnyi resurs] // Rezhim dostupa:
10. Skavitin A.V. Mobil'nye prilozheniya na gosudarstvennoi sluzhbe // Strategicheskie aspekty publichnogo upravleniya i territorial'nogo razvitiya: materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii (27-28 aprelya 2017 g.) – Irkutsk: Izd-vo BGU, 2017.
Methodological aspects of the formation of personnelpotential of the region in the conditions of transformation of the regional economy
Belova T.U., candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor, FGBOU VO Altai State Technical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, Lenina ave 46
Lyubitskaya V.A., candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor, FGBOU VO Altai State Technical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, Lenina ave 46
Rodina G.E., candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor, FGBOU VO Altai State Technical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, Lenina ave 46
The article deals with the formation of the personnel potential of the region, taking into account the need to provide qualified personnel with sectors of the economy with high growth potential and innovation. The estimation of the current state of the personnel potential of Altai Krai is presented, the ways of its improvement aimed at implementing the development strategy of the region are determined.
Keywords: labor resources, personnel potential, professional standard.
1. Tkachenko A.A., Ginoyan A.B. Mezhdunarodnyj opyt prognozirovaniya kachestvennykh kharakteristik rabochej sily. // Vestnik finansovogo universiteta. – 2017. – № 1. – S. 106-116.
2. Ekonomika truda: uchebnoe posobie. / Sost. T.G. Ozernikova, I.G.Nosireva. – Irkytsk.: Izd-vo BGUEP. – 2009. – 443 S.
3. Magomedov M.M. Regionalnie osobennosti vosproizvodstva i ispolzovanija trudovogo ponenciala. – М. 2001. – S. 7.
4. Bolko V.K. Socialno-ekologiteskie aspekti vosproizvodstva trudovogo potenciala. – Novosibirsk, 1999. – S. 135.
5. Ratek S.V. Sistemnoe upravlenie trydovim potencialom sovremennogo predprijatja. – Ekaterinburg. – 2001. – S. 81.
6. Egorov V.D. Trudovoi potencial Rossii. // Narodonaselenie. – 2001. – № 4. – S. 111.
7. T.V. Razvitie trudovogo potenciala i konkurentosposobnost rabotnikov v sovremennix uslovijax. Metodologija i praktika issledovanija. – Irkytsk.: Izd-vo BGUEP. – 2004. – S. 26-42.
9. Boldireva R. Ju., Mosin F.A. Analiz syshestvyjushix podxodov k ponjatiju kadrovi potencial. // Izvestja tylskogo gosydarstvennogo yniversiteta. – 2011. – № 1–2.
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12. Belova T.Ju., Rodina G.E. Osobennosti i tendencii rynka truda Altaiskogo kraja v sfere trudoustroistva vipusknikov vuzov. // - Vestnik Altaiskoi nauki. – 2013. – № 3. – S. 135-143.
Management of the official reserve assets of the Republic of Moldova
Perciun R.I., PhD in economics, Associate prof., head of department, National Institute for Economic Research Republic of Moldova
Petrova T.A., Scientific researcher, National Institute for Economic Research Republic of Moldova
The most important condition for an effective management of international reserves is to determine the optimal volume of required reserves in the National Bank. It is examined the existing international practice and the IMF suggestions for the new methods of calculation of the adequate level of international reserves for countries with forming economies. It is proposed a special approach in the application of IMF methods in the Republic of Moldova, taking into account the dependence of the economy on labor exporting. The Conducted calculations show a significant reduction of the level of foreign-exchange reserves in National Bank of Moldova (NBM) over the last 2 years and the proximity to the critical value. The management of foreign-exchange reserves, in order to overcome internal imbalances, implies the accumulation of a larger amount of foreign-exchange reserves comparing its average values, which may partially make up for the shortcomings in the conduct of economic transformation of the Republic of Moldova, increase its efficiency and improve the quality of domestic policies.
Keywords: the Republic of Moldova, National Bank, the official reserve assets, crisis.
1. Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Reserve Management. IMF. 2001, 20 september. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. – URL: (Accessed 11.05.2016)
2. Revised Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Reserve Management. IMF. Washington, 2014. 27 p. ISBN: 978-1-48431-061-8 [Elektronnyiy resurs]. – URL: (Accessed 11.05.2016).
3. International Monetary Fund Annual Reроrt: Tackling Challenges Together. Washington, 2015. P.40 ISBN: 978-1-47554-488-6 [Elektronnyiy resurs]. – URL: (Accessed 11.05.2016).
4. Canuto, O. Whither Emerging Markets Foreign Exchange Reserves. 2015, 15 december. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. – URL: (Accessed 11.05.2016).
5. Assessing Reserve Adequacy. IMF. 2011, 14 february. 44 p. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. – URL: (Accessed 11.05.2016).
6. Debt - and Reserve - Related Indicators of External Vulnerability. IMF. 2000, 23 march. 54 p. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. – URL: 11.05.2016).
7. Godovoj otchet MVF, 2011 «Obespechenie spravedlivogo i sbalansirovannogo rosta». [Annual report 2011 “Pursuing equitable and balanced growth”].IMF. Vashington, 2011. Pp. 19-41. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: 12.06.2016) (rus)
8. Assessing Reserve Adequacy Specific Proposals. IMF. 2015, april. 52 p. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (Accessed 11.05.2016).
9. Dautin, A. Issledovanie: iz Belarusi ezhegodno uezzhaet okolo 3% jekonomicheski aktivnogo naselenija. [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: (Accessed 12.06.2016).
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Development of a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the territorial development strategy
Volkov S.K., Ph.D. in Economics, Dean of the Faculty of «Economics and Management», Volgograd State Technical University
Koroteev M.V., Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor of the department «Information Systems in Economics», Volgograd State Technical University
This paper is the author’s attempt to develop a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the proactive model of socio-economic place development.
Keywords: place marketing, performance evaluation, proactive development, mathematical methods, fuzzy logic, integral indicator.
The research was supported by Russian State Scientific Foundation and administration of the Volgograd region, project 16-12-34004.
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4. Novak V., Perfil'eva I., Mochkrozh I. Matematicheskie printsipy nechjotkoj logikic. – Fizmatlit, 2006.
7. Koroteev M.V. Formy funktsij prinadlezhnosti lingvisticheskih peremennyh `ekonomicheskih pokazatelej. // Audit i finansovyj analiz. M., 2012 -№2.
8. Koroteev M.V., Tereljanskij P.V. Nechjotko-mnozhestvennaja model' otsenki riskov investitsionnyh proektov // Izvestija VolgGTU. Vyp. 12: mezhvuz. sb. nauch. st. VolgGTU. – Volgograd, 2011. – № 14. – р. 189-193.
Influence of the market-based economy on the agricultural production location and territorial specialization in Smolenskaya district
Semchenkova S.V., Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of Department of Economics and Production Organization at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Smolensk State Agricultural Academy
Lazko O.V., Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant Professor, Acting head of Department production Мanagement at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Smolensk State Agricultural Academy
Chulkova G.V., Ph.D. in Economics, Assistant Professor of Department of Economics and Production Organization The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Smolensk State Agricultural Academy
Improving the placement of agriculture on natural and economic zones of the region, establishing the optimal mix of industries and the economically justified level of concentration of production create the most favourable conditions for the full utilization of labor, material and other resources. The deepening of specialization, due to a natural necessity of production development in the conditions of intensification, will have a positive impact on the increase of agricultural production. The authors have developed a forecast of the development of the Smolensk region on natural and economic zones based on load optimization of the processing enterprises and the self-reliance of the region on the main product groups for a more rational use of the potential of the region based of the zone-based specialization.
Keywords: agricultural production location, concentration of production, territorial specialization, natural and economic zones.
1. Territorial'nyj organ Federal'noj sluzhby gosudarstvennoj statistiki po Smolenskoj oblasti // URL: (data obrashcheniya 27.12.2016).
2. Semchenkova S.V., CHulkova G.V. EHffektivnost' organizacionno-pravovyh form hozyajstvovaniya v formirovanii prodovol'stvennyh resursov sel'skogo hozyajstva. // Stanovlenie i razvitie predprinimatel'stva v Rossii: istoriya, sovremennost' i perspektivy: sb. nauch. tr. – Smolensk: Smolenskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 2016. S. 234-240.
3. Semchenkova S.V., Meshcheryakova V.A., Grishin A.V. Opredelenie napravlenij razvitiya sel'skoj ehkonomiki na osnove principov territorial'nogo planirovaniya. // Social'no-ehkonomicheskie i gumanitarnye issledovaniya: problemy, tendencii i perspektivy razvitiya: sb. nauch. tr. – Bryansk: BGAU, 2016. – S. 228-232.
4. CHulkova G., Semchenkova S., Zaryankina O. Investicionnaya privlekatel'nost' sel'skogo hozyajstva regiona: riski i strategii razvitiya. // Mezhdunarodnyj sel'skohozyajstvennyj zhurnal. – 2016. – № 3. – S.13-14.
5. Semchenkova S.V. Ustojchivost' zemlepol'zovaniya v agrarnom proizvodstve kak faktor razvitiya sel'skih territorij. // Tendencii sel'skohozyajstvennogo proizvodstva v sovremennoj Rossii: sb. nauch. tr. – Kemerovo: Kemerovskij GSKHI, 2014. – S. 212-223.
6. IshchukO.V. Vazhnye faktory povysheniya ustojchivosti v zhivotnovodstve – novye tekhnologii i novaya tekhnika. // Teoriya i praktika sovremennoj nauki. 2016. № 10 (16). S. 144-147.
7. SemchenkovaS.V., Laz'koO.V., CHulkovaG.V. Razvitie regional'nogo zernoproduktovogo podkompleksa v usloviyah intensifikacii skotovodstva. // Nauchnoe obozrenie: teoriya i praktika. – 2016. – № 11. – S.29-39.
8. Semchenkova S.V., Romanova I.N., Rybchenko T.I. Osnovnye problemy i tendencii razvitiya l'nyanogo podkompleksa Smolenskoj oblasti. // Fundamental'nye issledovaniya. – 2016. - № 12 (chast' 3). – S.698-703.
Experience of agile approach implementation in the practice of banking business
Dolzhenko R.А., Doct. Sc. (Econ.), Deputy Director of Development and External Interaction, Non-state Higher Educational Establishment «UMMC Technical University», Professor of the Ural State University of Economics
The article discusses the content of the agile software development approach. The roles of the agile participants are specified. The experience of Sberbank in the sphere of agile-implementation are analyzed, because this organization was one of the first in the domestic practice which implement the agile methodology in its activity and able to organize the work of the employees of the Retail and IT departments in a new way. In order for business to start using this approach, it needs to understand how the implementation process should be organized, what resources it will require, and what results can be expected.
Keywords: projects agile, agile software development, role of participants.
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Non-financial reportingor. Abopt international standarts to Russions conditions
Suprunova E.A., candidate of economic science, docent of department Finance, credit, accounting and auditof the Omsk state university of means of communication
Voronina V.S., specialist of sales department OOO «API «Garant-enterprise»
In recent years there is a trend of increasing social responsibility of business, and as a result, there is a need to compile non-financial reporting. The article provides an analytical overview of the publication activities on issues of non-financial reports in Russia, the analysis of the definition of non-financial reports with the author’s position, considered international standards governing the compilation of non-financial reports and also reflected the results of applied research of non-financial reports of Russian companies. The conclusion is made about the lack of uniform regulations for the compilation of non-financial reports, adapted for the Russian companies, in connection with which there are differences in understanding the essence of non-financial reports and their structure, as they can be formed in the form of social, ecological, integrated, sectoral reports and reports on sustainable development.
Keywords: non-financial reporting, corporate social reporting.
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Competence model of evaluating the quality of administration of administrative decisions
Lazarenko V.A., MD, Professor, Rector of the Kursk State Medical University Prirodova O.F., PhD, Vice-Rector for postgraduate and further education of the Russian National Research Medical University N.I. Pirogov
Nikishina V.B., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. Department of Psychology of health and correctional psychology Kursk State Medical University, Dean of the FPC
Petrash E.A., Ph.D., assistant professor of health psychology and correctional psychology Kursk State Medical University
The article contains a description and an assessment of competence model of managerial decision-making, including the competence of the goal-setting, collecting and analyzing information, organizing activities and control, predictability, focus on results.
Keywords: management solutions, competence model, indicators of competence.
1. Uiddet S., Holliford S. Rukovodstvo po kompetencijam. M.: GIPPO, 2008. – s. 34.
2. Lazarenko V.A., Nikishina V.B., Petrash E.A. Kompetentnostnaja model' ocenki jeffektivnosti vzaimodejstvija strukturnyh podrazdelenij vuza // Universitetskoe upravlenie: praktika i analiz. – 2014. – № 3. – S. 49-57.
Improvement of the formation system of the personnel reserve of the public civil service
Tretjakovа L.А., Doctor of Economics, associate professor, corresponding member RAEN, professor of chair human resource management, FGAOU VPO Belgorod State National Research University
The analysis of the current state of internal personnel resources of the public civil service shows existence of a number of problems and allows us to offer the priority directions on formation and development of a personnel reserve.
The evidence-based recommendations and offers offered by authors can be applied by bodies of the public and municipal administration, the public civil service when developing projects on formation and development of a personnel reserve.
Keywords: personnel reserve, public civil service, professional and official growth.
1. Hopkins W.E., Mallette P., Hopkins Sh.A. Proposed factors influencing strategic inertia/strategic renewal in organizations // Academy of Strategic Management Journal. 2013. Vol. 12. Is. 2. Pр. 77–94.
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11. Huselid M.A., Becker B.E. Bridging Micro and Macro Domains: Workforce Differentiation and Strategic Human Resource Management // Journal of Management. 2011. Vol. 37. No. 2. Pр. 421–428.
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15. Noskova K.A. Vliyanie chelovecheskogo kapitala na innovacionnoe razvitie organizacii. // Ekonomika i menedzhment innovacionnyh tehnologii. – 2013. – № 12. – S. 10-14.
16. Gableta M., Bodak A. Employee interests in the light of human resource management concepts // Management. 2014. Vol. 18. No. 1. Pр. 9–20.
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Conceptual view of career marketing: from experience of managerial consultation
Sotnikova S.I., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chairholder, Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management, Novosibirsk State University of Economy and Management
The term “career marketing” is used recently and wasn’t widely adopted in domestic practice owing to high theoretical, methodological and methodical uncertainty. However as the tool regulating process of management of career in the organization it is difficult to revaluate a role of career marketing as this marketing is intended to be a guarantee of professional approach to investment into career of own personnel, the main incentive of search and implementation of long-term competitive advantages of a human resource of the organization. In article it is carried out system субстанциональный the analysis of career marketing. On the basis of the analysis and generalization of a long experience of career consultation in article the author's interpretation of the concepts «career marketing», «career potential», «career positioning» is given. Classifications of a competitive line item for goal achievement of career and a career potential of the worker are offered.
Keywords: career, worker’s competitiveness, competitive line item of the worker, career marketing, career potential, competence model, career positioning.
1. SotnikovN.Z. Delovaja kar'era kak metamodel' upravlenija konkurentosposobnost'ju naemnogo personala // Vestnik NGUJeU. – 2015. – № 1. – S. 190-200.
2. SotnikovaS.I. O kar'ernom prostranstve v rossijskom obshhestve // Izvestija Bajkal'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2014. - № 3. – S.46-52.
3. SotnikovaS.I. Professional'naja orientacija molodezhi kak instrument obespechenija konkurentosposobnosti promyshlennyh predprijatij // Vestnik NGUJeU. – 2012. – № 4. – t.2. – S.14-22.
4. SotnikovaS.I., SotnikovN.Z. Strategicheskoe upravlenie kar'eroj kak instrument dostizhenija konkurentosposobnosti personala // Vestnik Omskogo universiteta: Serija «Jekonomika». – 2014. – № 1. – S.60-65.
5. Sotnikova S.I. Upravlenie personalom: delovaja kar'era Ucheb. posobie. // – M.: RIOR: INFRA-M, 2016.
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Social package as a pert of incentive system: the practices of Russian companies and the expectations of employees
Lisovskaia A.Y., PhD, Associate Professor, Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management Department, Graduate School of Management (St.-Petersburg State University)
Nikitina I.A., Doctor of Science, Professor, Department of World Economics and Management, St. Petersburg International Banking Institute
The article devoted to the discussion of the role of social package that typical Russian organizations use in order to stimulate employees. The purpose of this article is twofold: to clarify and delineate a number of widely used concepts: “salary”, “compensational package”, “social package”. The authors justifies the use of the term “social package” in relation to the system of benefits and compensations of material and immaterial nature, that employees receive from a company in addition to salaries and wages. In practical terms, the paper analyzes the data of sociological surveys conducted by Kelly Services and Superjob research centers in 2014–2016, at the formation of the social package.
Keywords: incentive system, salary, compensations, social package.
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