Business performance analysis standardization as a driver of management innovation process
Gerasimova E.B., Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, professor, doctor of economics
This article proposes a new paradigm for economic analysis – standardization of the analysis of activity of enterprises and organizations. The use of standardization of economic analysis as a platform of modernization of the system of management of the economic entity is justified. The legal framework for standardization of economic analysis is studied. Reasoned positive impact of the introduction of the system of standards of economic analysis. According to the research results the author suggests a model of economic analysis standard.
Keywords: economic analysis, standardization, standard, standard, standard, economic analysis.
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Assessment tools for the environment of modern business
Bikeeva M.V., Ph.D. in Economics (Candidate of economic sciences), assistant professor of the «Chair of Statistics, Econometrics and Information Technologies in Management», National Research Mordovia State University
The proposed study is a continuation of a series of articles on issues of stakeholder model of corporate governance. The article describes a tool for assessing the environment of the business cards of interested parties. This tool allows you to identify stakeholders and determine their influence on the business. The aim of the study is the classification of stakeholders for the subsequent building of “tree of objectives” and develop engagement strategies with them. The reform is a long-term development of the enterprise on the basis of balance of interests with stakeholders in the framework of a long-term partnership.
Keywords: stakeholders, the balance of interests, map of stakeholders.
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Knowledge management practices influence on organizational performance in Russian companies: pilot study
Gavrilova T.A., Doctor of Technical Science, Head of Department, Information Technologies in Management Department, Professor, Information Technologies in Management Department, Graduate School of Management SPbU
Alsufyev A.I., Assistant Professor, Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management Department, Graduate School of Management SPbU
Pleshkova A.Yu., Assistant researcher, Information Technologies in Management Department, Graduate School of Management SPbU
This study is devoted to the analysis of practices and processes of knowledge management in Russian companies. The article presents preliminary research results in the context of the influence of the variables on the results of the organization’s activity (innovation activity, financial indicators, etc.). The material of the article will be of interest both for scientists specializing in the field of knowledge management, and for practitioners, managers of companies and enterprises.
Keywords: innovation, knowledge management, organization performance.
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Formation of the partnership strategy of universities and business communities: a regional aspect
Demenenko I.A., candidate of sociological sciences, senior lecturer of sociology and management Belgorod state technological university V.G. Shukhov
Shavyrina I.V., candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor of sociology and management Belgorod state technological university V.G. Shukhov
The article updates the issues of the role of the business community in the formation of a new model of higher education on the basis of partnership between universities and the business community. The results of a sociological study of certain groups of clients of the university system (employers as the main customers of the product of the university and students) are presented, aimed at studying the level of partnership between the university and the business community. A joint strategy of higher education institutions and the business community aimed at improving the client orientation of the university in the regional market of educational services and increasing the competitiveness of the graduate in the labor market, which can be used in the activity of higher education institutions in the process of forming the strategy for the development of the university, is proposed.
Keywords: business community, partnership, higher education, client-oriented, competitive, labor market.
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Comparative analysis of Russian retail chains’ anti-crisis policies
Panyukova V.V., associate professor, Department of management, Financial university under the government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Currently Russian retail chains are increasing both their market power and their share of the domestic market for fast moving consumer goods. According to a forecast presented in the article, the chains’ share of Russia’s total retail trade turnover will reach 30% by the end of 2018. The author analyzes anti-crisis measures implemented by Russian retail chains in 2014–2017. It is shown that during the crisis years leading retailers deployed organic growth and multi-format development strategies. The article stipulates that implementing the long-term partnership strategy is also viable for retail chains during periods of instability and describes types of synergies which can be achieved by concluding long-term partnerships with producers. The article also gives examples of how the vertical integration strategy is implemented by retailers to ensure stable procurement of food products.
Keywords: сrisis management, retail chain, strategic engagement programs, multichannel development, private label.
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10. Panyukova V.V. Crisis Management in Retail Sector. Cases of Russian Retail Chains // Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA). 8–9 November 2017, Madrid Spain. ISBN: 978-0-9860419-9-0, p. 556–563.
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15. «Magnit». Oficial'nyj sajt. Investoram. [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL.: obrashcheniya: 22.02.2018).
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17. X5 Retail Group. Oficial'nyj sajt. Investoram. [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL.: (data obrashcheniya: 22.02.2018).
18. Global Powers of Retailing 2018. Transformative change, reinvigorated commerce - [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL.: (data obrashcheniya: 22.02.2018).
Status and estimation of the educational subsystem of the region: what we wait for (on the materials of the central federal district)
Erokhinа E.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Economics and organization of production FGBOU VO «Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman» (National Research University), a branch in Kaluga
The article is devoted to rethinking the role of the educational subsystem of the region in the development of territories. The main problems of the modern education system and, above all, not material ones are investigated. Special attention is paid to preschool and higher education in Russia. The foreign experience has been studied. It is shown that the quality of education directly affects the level of innovation development. The role of the educational subsystems of the regions of the Central FD is determined, their quantitative assessment based on official indicators.
Keywords: regional educational subsystem, the quality of education, Central Federal District.
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Models and principles of university spin-off: the experience of Portugal
Kozlova O.A., Doctor of Economics, professor of commerce and management of Nizhnevartovsk State University
Nemchinova N.A., Head of International Office of Nizhnevartovsk State University
Yakovishak О.Y., Project Manager of International Office of Nizhnevartovsk State University
The paper is published in the framework of the project UNISON «The University enterprise cooperation via spin-off companies network (№ 573555-EPP-1-2016-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein».
The material of research are reflects the results of only with experience in the development of academic entrepreneurship in Portugal. The authors of the article reflected the General approaches to definition Spin-off organizations and their role in the economic development of some countries and regions. The article discusses the basic principles of a University Spin-off, and highlighted three models of their development based on the studied experience: classic model, International model and a model of a full cycle.
Keywords: fcademic entrepreneurship, spin-off organizations, management, innovation.
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4. Kopylova Yu.V. Genezis teorii i praktiki socialno-ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya regionov. // Kul'tura, nauka, obrazovanie: problemy i perspektivy: mater. III vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf., (Nizhnevartovsk, 7 fevralya 2014 goda). –Nizhnevartovsk: Izd-vo Nizhnevart. gos. un-ta. 2014. – S. 131–132.
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6. Teixeira A.C., Coimbra C. The determinants of the internationalization speed of Portuguese university spin-offs: An empirical investigation. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. – 2014. – No. 12 (3) [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
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Features and trends of the digital economy development in the world and Kazakhstan
Tashenova L.V., post-graduate student of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg), Researcher of the Scientific-Research Institute of Regional Development (Karaganda), Master of Economic Sciences
Babkin A.V., Professor of the Higher School of Industrial Management and Economics of the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg), Doctor of Economics, Professor
In the article the main trends in the development of digital economies in the world, using the key indicators such as the Global Connection Index (GCI), the Digital Evolution Index in 2017, and the Global Competitiveness Index, were investigated. The current state of the process of digitalization of Kazakhstan was studied, the main aspects of the development of electronic commerce were reflected, the key indicators of the state program “Digital Kazakhstan” were presented.
Keywords: information and communication technologies (ICT), Global Connectivity Index, Digital Planet – 2017, «Digital Kazakhstan».
1. Varnavskij V.G. Cifrovye tehnologii i rost mirovoj jekonomiki. // Drukerovskij vestnik. – 2015. – № 3 (7). – S. 73-80.
2. Kuncman A.A. Transformacija vnutrennej i vneshnej sredy biznesa v uslovijah cifrovoj jekonomiki. // Teorija upravlenija. – 2016. – № 11. – S. 8-20.
3. Andieva E.Ju., Fil'chakova V.D. Cifrovaja jekonomika budushhego, Industrija 4.0 // Prikladnaja matematika i fundamental'naja informatika. – 2016. – № 3. – S. 214-218.
4. Galimov T.S. Biznes-modeli v cifrovoj jekonomike: kraudsorsingovye platformy i klastery // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov 4-j Mezhdunarodnoj molodezhnoj nauchnoj konferencii «Junost' i znanija – garantija uspeha - 2017» (27-28 sentjabrja, 2017 г.) / ZAO «Universitetskaja kniga». – Kursk, 2017. – S. 59–62.
5. Zhumanova B. Internet veshhej v Kazahstane - jeto 100 millionov ustrojstv, podkljuchennyh k seti [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
6. Tashenova L.V., Babkin A.V. Sistemoobrazujushhij innovacionno-aktivnyj promyshlennyj klaster v uslovijah cifrovoj transformacii: ponjatie, sushhnost', osobennosti // Trudy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem «Jekonomika i menedzhment v uslovijah cifrovizacii: sostojanie, problemy, forsajt» (27 dekabrja, 2017 g.) / Izdatel'stvo Politehnicheskogo Universiteta. – Sankt-Peterburg, 2017. – S. 301–313.
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9. Razvitie svjazi i informacionno-kommunikacionnyh tehnologij v Respublike Kazahstan / Statisticheskij bjulleten' pod red. Ajdapkelova N.S. – Astana: ТОО «Indesign Studio», 2017. – 71 s.
10. Digital Kazakhstan State Program [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
11. Mamraeva D.G., Tashenova L.V. Ocenka dejatel'nosti internet-magazinov glazami kazahstanskih pokupatelej // Teleskop: zhurnal sociologicheskih i marketingovyh issledovanij. – 2016. – № 4. – S. 32–35.
12. Internet World Stats [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
Ecological management: solution of the problem of sustainable development of rural territories
Savkin V.I., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics and Management in the Agroindustrial Complex FSBEE of HE “Orel state agrarian university named after N.V. Parakhin”
The problems of introduction of the principles of ecological management designed to provide sustainable development of rural territories reveal. The concept – ecological management of rural territories is introduced for the first time. The conceptual system of development of ecological management of rural territories is offered. The practical value of developing the system of environmental management in rural areas is provided by the development of unique principles for integrated management of environmental activities based on international standards ISO 14000.
Keywords: ecological management of rural territories, sustainable development, the concept of the ecologist of the focused development.
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Analysis of the system of inter-organizational exchange of experience of municipal employees on the example of the activities of the administration of magnitogorsk
Zinovieva E.G., PhD philosophy, associate professor state municipal administration and personnel management, Nosov Magnitogorsk state technical university
Kuznetsova M.V., PhD philosophy, associate professor of the department of economics and finance, Nosov Magnitogorsk state technical university
Limareva Ju.A., PhD pedagogic, associate professor of the department of accounting and economic analysis, Nosov Magnitogorsk state technical university
The article deals with the studies related to the professional training of the staff in the form of inter-organizational exchange of experience, which ensures the development of personal and professional qualities of specialists.
Keywords: interorganizational exchange of experience, local self-government bodies, human resources, advanced training.
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4. Limarev P.V., Subach I.A., Limareva Ju.A. Imidzh g. Magnitogorska v soznanii ego zhitelej // Marketing in Russia and Abroad. – 2016. – № 2. – S. 108-117.
5. Zinovieva E.G., Kuznetsova M.V., Dorfman T.V., Limareva Ju.A., Limarev P.V. Study of external and internal factors affecting enterprise’s stability // Advances in Systems Science and Applications. – 2016. – Т. 16. – № 1.
Concept of operational management of dynamic different mechanical engineering production
Konovalova G.I., Ph.D., professor of economics, organization of production, management Bryansk State Technical University
The concept of operational management of a dynamic multi-type production contains proposals for improving it. The research is aimed at strengthening the interrelations between production subsystems and management levels, as well as increasing the efficiency of operating activities at engineering enterprises on the basis of a systemic, process, situational, integration and optimization approach. The application of these approaches in a single complex to the management of production contributes to the adequate formulation of problems and the development of a strategy for their solution.
Keywords: concept, management, integration, situation, optimization, process.
1. Konovalova G.I. Razvitiye metodologii vnutrifirmennogo upravleniya. – Bryansk: BGTU, 2014.
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3. Konovalova G.I. Metodologiya universalnoj sistemy operativnogo upravleniya raznotipnym dinamichnym proizvodstvom menedzhment // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2016. – № 5. – S.89–95.
The process of accepting administrative and collective solutions: management procedures
Lazarenko V.A., MD, Professor, Rector of the Kursk State Medical University
Prirodova O.F., PhD, Vice-Rector for postgraduate and further education of the Russian National Research Medical University N.I. Pirogov
Nikishina V.B., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head. Department of Psychology of health and correctional psychology Kursk State Medical University, Dean of the FPCu
The article contains the results of a study of the procedure for managing the process of making administrative and collective decisions. As a result, it was found that the least attractive solution from the proposed alternatives governs the process of making both administrative and collective decisions.
Keywords: administrative decisions, collective decisions, management of the decision-making process.
1. Laskovaja A.K. Teoreticheskie istoki i mesto koncepcii jeffektuacii v teorii strategicheskogo upravlenija // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2015. – № 3. – S. 26–32.
2. Lazarenko V.A., Nikishina V.B. Аdministrative academicians or academic administrators: competence assessment model of university staff reserves // Lifelong learning Proceedings of 13 International Conference: сб. – 2015. – С. 312–315.
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Benchmarking of healthcare organizations in St. Petersburg
Iablonskii K.P., doctoral student, department of operations management, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University
Fedotov Y.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, department of operations management, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University
The article is devoted to technical efficiency measurement of healthcare organizations. Some of requirements that are critical to efficiency assessment of healthcare organizations due to specificity of their activities are analyzed. An approach on the basis of frontier methods (Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis) is suggested for efficiency measurement of healthcare organizations. The results of technical efficiency measurement of St. Petersburg healthcare organizations for the years 2013–2014 is analyzed and consistency of them is shown.
Keywords: efficiency measurement, healthcare organizations, benchmarking.
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Prospects of using the crowdsourcing in business practice
Dolzhenko R.A., Doct. Sc. (Ec.), Chair of Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management, Ural State University of Economics
Bakalenko A.V., The project manager of PJSC “Sberbank of Russia”
In the article possibilities of using crowdsourcing in business are considered, its advantages are shown, allowing to use the potential of the involved participants for solving some organizational tasks. A review of the scientific literature devoted to the possibilities of using crowdsourcing in the sphere of business is reviewed. The results of a sociological study of the attitude of crowdsourcing experts to the prospects of using this technology in business practice are analyzed. As the study showed, crowdsourcing in our country has not received significant application in the business sphere. The results of the research make it possible to assert that, despite the potential demand for this practice on the part of organizations, the current level of its development is not enough for the active and effective use of crowdsourcing in order to solve business problems.
Keywords: innovation, crowdsourcing perspectives, professional communities.
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