Contents of N4/2018

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Contents of N4'2018


«Reset» the management in Russia: conceptual ideas
Ponuzhdaev E.A., Doctor of Philosophy, professor, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA, Moscow regional branch)

The article describes the conceptual ideas associated with the need for rethinking and development of the system of management of socio-economic relations in Russia. Among them: the concept of optimizing the balance between legal and illegal models of financial and labour relations; the mechanism of functioning of the black market and the degradation of the financial system of the state; the idea of the cycle of social structure and decrease middle class; the concept of dynamics of the basic needs of the individual (interpretation of Maslow’s motivation theory) and stratification; “the efficiency index of the individual” in public administration and corporate HR management.
Keywords: models of the employment relationship, shadow market, social stratification, middle class, motivation theory, public and corporate governance, human resource management.

1. Vice-premier Golodec: 40 mln rossiyan zanyati neponyatno gde i chem // Interfaks. 2013. 3 aplelya [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
2. Siluanov: Serie zarplati previshajut 10 trln rublei v god // Vedomosti. 2017. 20 aprelya [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
3. Federal’nij zakon ot 19.12.2016 N 415-FZ “Î federal’nom bjudzhete na 2017 god i na planovij period 2018 i 2019 godov” [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
4. Neobhodimo uregulirovat’ juridicheskij status samozanjatih – biznec-ombudsmen // Rossijskoje agentstvo pravovoj i sudebnoj informacii. 2017. 26 maja [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
5. Aleksandrova L.S., Ponuzhdaev Je.A. Osnovnie modeli finansovo-trudovih otnoshenij v sovremennoj Rossii: kriticheskij analiz // Tendencii razvitija rinochnih otnoshenij v Rossii: Sbornik nauchnih trudov. Ch. 2. – Ì.: MIEP, 2004. – S. 7–16.
6. Medvedev V.P., Ponuzhdaev Je.A. Teorija organizacii: Uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks. – Ì.: Jekonomist, 2007. – S. 54–60.
7. Ponuzhdaev Je.A. Ponuzhdaeva M.Je. Teorija menedzhmenta: Istorija upravlencheskoj misli. Teorija organizacii. Organizacionnoe povedenie. Kn.1.: uchebnoe posobie. – Ì.-Berlin: Direkt-Media, 2015. – S. 581–590.
8. Ponuzhdaev Je.A. Osnovnie modeli organizacii finansovo-trudovih otnoshenij i mehanizm formirovanija srednego klassa Rossii // Aktualnie problem gumanitarnih i pravovih znanij v kontekste innovacionnih praktik. Sbornik statej. – Ì.: Pero; Kraskovo: Gumanitarno-socialnij institut, 2016. – S. 95–100.
9. (data obrashchenija 15.07.2018).
10. Gegel G.W.F. Filosofija prava. – Ì.: Misl’, 1990. – S. 336.
11. Dobren’kov V.I., Kravchenko A.I. Socioligija: V 3 tomah. T.2: Social’naya struktura i stratifikacija. – Ì.: INFRA-Ì, 2000. – S. 162–163.
12. Global Wealth Report 2010 / CREDIT SUISSE AG Research Institute, Zurich (Switzerland), October 2010. (48 ð.) P. 13-15 [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
13. Global Wealth Report 2017 / CREDIT SUISSE AG Research Institute, Zurich (Switzerland), November 2017. (68 ð.) P. 21-22 [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
14. Maslow A.H. A Theory of Human Motivation // Psychological Review. Vol. 50. No. 4. 1943. Pp. 370-396.
15. Maslow A.G. Teorija chelovecheskoi motivacii /
16. Dmitrij Hvorostovskij: “Ja bolee svoboden, chem mnogie drugie” // The New Times. 2017. 22 noyabrja  [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
17. Ponuzhdaev Je.A. Ponuzhdaeva M.Je. Teorija menedzhmenta: Istorija upravlencheskoj misli. Teorija organizacii. Organizacionnoe povedenie. Kn.2.: uchebnoe posobie. – Ì.-Berlin: Direkt-Media, 2015. – S. 206–253.
18. Ponuzhdaev Je.A. Osnovi genderologii: uchebnoe posobie. [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: M.: FLINTA: Nauka, 2016. – S. 282–293 (glava 6).
19. Federal’nii zakon ot 28.12.2017 N 418-ÔÇ “O ezhemesyachnih viplatah sem’yam, imejushcim detei” [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:
20. Ministr Topilin v itogovom interv’ju “Rossija 24” rasskazal o zarplatah, pensijah, targetirovanii bednosti i novih demograficheskih merah // 2017. 29 dekabrya [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL:

Compatibility in a management by projects and cooperation of participants
Morozov V.À., Doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor of department of philosophy and methodology of economy of economic faculty of the Moscow state university the name of Ì.Â. Lomonosov

This work examines the evolution of relationships in the formation and implementation of projects, including problems of interdependence, of relationships, of mutual influence, interaction of direct and indirect participants. Disclosed model of joint activity project participants and functional compliance levels of the environment and subsystems of the organization. The investigated types of organizational structures in interoperability management, identified their strengths and weaknesses in different combinations. Studied forms of development compatible relationship with the conditions of their emergence and development. The conditions of occurrence of risks and conflicts of project stakeholders to identify ways to mitigate them and eliminate.
Keywords: compatibility, cooperation, ðèñêè, participants, project, conflicts.

1. Upravlenie proektami : ucheb. posobie. – M., «Omega_L», 2010.
2. Morozov V.A. Effektivnoe vzaimodeistvie organizacii za schet vysokoi sovmestimosti ih podsistem. V sb.: «Aktual'nye voprosy ekonomicheskih nauk», Izd. Centr razvitiya nauchnogo sotrudnichestva. – Novosibirsk, 2015. – s. 7-13.
3. Morozov V.A. Uroven' sovmestimosti sistem i ocenka ih vzaimodeistviya. V sb. «Sovremennye tendencii v ekonomike i upravlenii: novyi vzglyad», Izd. Centr razvitiya nauchnogo sotrudnichestva. Novosibirsk, 2015. – s. 19–24.
4. Lok D. Osnovy upravleniya proektami. – M: «HIPPO», 2004.
5. Upravlenie proektom. Osnovy proektnogo upravleniya: uchebnik. – M.: KNORUS, 2010.
6. Abramov N.V., Motovilov N.V., Naumov N.D. Upravlenie proektami: Uchebnoe posobie. – Nizhnevartovsk, 2008.
7. Archibal'd R.D. Upravlenie vysokotehnologichnymi programmami i proektami. – M.: Kompaniya AiTi; DMK Press, 2010.
8. Denisenko V.I. i dr. Upravlenie proektami: ucheb. posobie. – Vladimir, izd-vo VlGU, 2015.
9. Gabrielov A.O. Upravlenie riskami. Risk v upravlenii proektami. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:›data/2013/09/27/1277439121/ (data obrasheniya: 04.06.2018).

Business reputation of the organization: structure, characteristics and ranking
Vazhenina I.S., Doctor of Economics, associate professor, leading researcher of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Science
Yushchuk V.E., Applicant of Institute of Economy of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The article analyzes various approaches to determining the structure of a business reputation and a set of its components. The author's interpretation of the complex of business reputation characteristics is proposed in connection with the basic interests of the main target groups interacting with this organization. The benefits of a positive business reputation are determined, both for the company itself and for all interested target audiences and for society as a whole. A critical analysis of foreign methods of ranking the reputations of companies and results of ratings in 2018 was carried out. The status of reputational ratings in Russia is shown and the estimate is given.
Keywords: reputation management, reputation marketing, business reputation of the company, reputation ratings.

1. Vazhenina I.S. Imidzh i reputacija organizacii: jekonomicheskoe soderzhanie i ocenka // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2010. – ¹ 2. – S.136-143 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija 03.03.2018).
2. Sheremet A.D. Kompleksnyj analiz pokazatelej ustojchivogo razvitija predprijatij. – Jekonomicheskij analiz: teorija i praktika. 2014. – ¹ 45 (396). – S. 2-9.
3. Novichenkova L. Delovaja reputacija - ot sistemy k rezul'tatu // Upravlenie kompaniej. – 2007 – ¹ 2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija 06.03.2018)
4. Beljaeva E.Ju. Upravlenie processom formirovanija delovoj reputacii rossijskih kompanij: avtoreferat dis... kand. jekon. nauk: 08.00.05. – M., 2006. – 26 s.
5. Vazhenina I.S., Pestrikov S.A., Sharipov T.R. Reputacija organizaciij. – Ekaterinburg: Institut jekonomiki UrO RAN, 2010.
6. Kozyrev A.N., Makarov V.L. Ocenka stoimosti nematerial'nyh aktivov i intellektual'noj sobstvennosti. – M., 2003.
7. Mnogolikaja reputacija // Jekspert-Ural. 2005. – ¹ 45 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija 22.03.2018).
8. Reputation Institute/ [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija 15.03.2018).
9. SyncForce [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija 15.03.2018).
10. Fortune [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija 15.03.2018).
11. Shejman S.V. Izmerenie delovoj reputacii krupnejshih rossijskih kompanij i ih pervyh lic // Monitoring obshhestvennogo mnenija. – 2007. – ¹ 3 (83), ijul' — sentjabr' [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashhenija 29.03.2018).

Complex model of management of high-tech enterprises
Goncharova M.V., Ìaster of Department of management of innovation in business, higher school of Economics and management, South Ural state University
Babanova Yu.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of innovation management at the business higher school of Economics and management, South Ural state University

This article deals with the organizational and economic relations arising and evolving during the production of high-tech products. The authors reviewed the state of development of high-tech industries, identified the main problem areas for the development of knowledge-intensive enterprises and examined popular management practices with their main shortcomings. The authors developed and presented in action a comprehensive three-dimensional vector control model of high-tech enterprises. This model characterizes the product development strategy based on the integration of market factors, technology, and product lifecycle.
Keywords: high-tech enterprises, management models, management features.

1.  Yeh T.  et al. Using a Hybrid MCDM Methodology to Identify Critical Factors in New Product Development // Neural Computing and Applications. – 2014. – Pp. 957–971.
2. Belassi W., Tukel O.I. A New Framework for Determining Critical Success-Failure Factors in Projects // International Journal of Project Management. – 1996. – No. 3. – Pp. 141–151.
3. Cooper R.G. Formula for Success // Marketing Management Magazine. – 2006. – No. March–April. – Pp. 21–24.
4.  Cooper R.G., Kleinschmidt E.J. Winning Businesses in Product Development: the Critical Success Factors // Research Technology Management Industrial Research Institute. – 2007. – No. 50. – Ðp. 52–66.
5. Duncan W.R.  Defining and Measuring Project Success // Project Management Partners. – 2005. – No. 4.
6.  Gemuenden H.G., Lechler T. Success Factors of Project Management: The Critical Few: An Empirical Investigation // Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. – 1997. – Pp. 375–377.
7. Souder W. Managing New Products Innovations. – Lexington: Lexington Books, 1987.
8.  Tzokasa N.  et al. Navigating the New Product Development Process // Industrial Marketing Management. – 2004. – No. 33. – Pp. 619–626.
9. Wideman M.R.  Improving PM: Linking Success Criteria to Project Type: paper presented to the Southern Alberta Chapter, Project Management Institute, Symposium “Creating Canadian Advantage through Project Management”. – Calgary, 1996. – May.
10. KulyasovaA. S., GolubevA. A. Gosudarstvennaya podderzhka razvitiya vysokotekhnologichnyh proizvodstv v Rossijskoj Federacii // Molodoj uchenyj. – 2016. – ¹ 8. – S. 569-572 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 10.03.2018).
11. Bat'kovskijA.M., Bat'kovskijM.A., BozhkoV.P. i dr. Metodologiya i instrumentarij upravleniya innovacionnoj deyatel'nost'yu ehkonomicheskih sistem v usloviyah transnacionalizacii ehkonomiki i ee neustojchivogo postkrizisnogo razvitiya. – M.: MEHSI, 2010.
12. Bendikov M. A., Frolov I. EH. Rynki vysokotekhnologichnoj produkcii: tendencii i perspektivy razvitiya // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2010. – ¹ 2. – S. 57–71.
13. Prikaz Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki RF ot 1 noyabrya 2012 g. N 881 «Ob utverzhdenii kriteriev otneseniya tovarov, rabot, uslug k innovacionnoj i vysokotekhnologichnoj produkcii dlya celej formirovaniya plana zakupki takoj produkcii». Prilozhenie. Kriterii otneseniya tovarov, rabot, uslug k innovacionnoj i vysokotekhnologichnoj produkcii dlya celej formirovaniya plana zakupki takoj produkcii.
14. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 7 iyulya 2011 g. N 899 «Ob utverzhdenii prioritetnyh napravlenij razvitiya nauki, tekhnologij i tekhniki v Rossijskoj Federacii i perechnya kriticheskih tekhnologij Rossijskoj Federacii» (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami). Prioritetnye napravleniya razvitiya nauki, tekhnologij i tekhniki v Rossijskoj Federacii.
15. Tomasheva V.V. Topuzova A.N., Shchelkonogov A.E. Modelirovanie ehkonomicheskih ob"ektov v tryohmernom otobrazhenii // Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo. – M.: Redakciya zhurnala «Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo». – 2017. – ¹ 5. – S. 830–834.



Application of customer-oriented concept in university management
Lyuhanova S.V., Associate professor of the department «The economy of transport, logistics and quality control», Ph.D. in åconomics

This article deals with the concept of customer focus in management of the State University. Consumers are classified into groups and identified their requirements and expectations. Identified future needs of direct clients and other interested parties. Results of studies of students ‘ satisfaction with the economic direction of the Technical University quality education services. The factors affecting the satisfaction and their relevance, as well as the factors that distort the results of the assessments. The role of the employer as an end user educational facilities and analyzed the value of graduates on the example of transport from Russia. The analysis of the dynamics of employment of graduates majoring in economic direction in the first year after release and trajectory of their further movement after graduation. ENQA and the Committee’s recommendations are shown international organization for Standardization (ISO) in part of the standards.
Keywords: requirements and expectations of the consumer services, quality assurance in the European higher education area, the employment of graduates.

1. Raizberg B.F., Lozovskii L.Ch. Sovremennii economicheskii slovar. – 4-å izd., pererab. i dop.– Ì.:INFRA-Ì, 2005.
2. GOST R 52614.2-2006 Systemi. managementa qachestva. Rukovodiachie ukazaniya po primeneniu GOST R ISO 9001-2001 v sfere obrazovaniya  [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obracheniya 01.03.18).
3. Kalinina S.V. Sistemi menedgmenta kahestva obrazovatelnih uslug vuza. Monographiya – Ì.: GOU «Uhebno-metodiheskii center po obrazovaniu na geleznodorognom transporte», 2010.
4. Standarti i recomendacii dlya garantii kachestva v Evropeyskom prostranstve vischego obrazovania (ESG) [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obracheniya, 19.03.2018).
5. GOST R ISO 9000-2015. Sistemi menedgmenta kachestva. Osnovnie pologeniya i slovary [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: 0%A2_% D0%A0_%D0%98%D0%A1%D0%9E_9000-2015 (data obracheniya: 01.03.18).
6. GOST R ISO 9001-2015. Sistemi menedgmenta kachestva.Trebovaniya. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: %D0% 98%D0%A1%D0%9E_9001-2015 (data obracheniya: 01.03.18).
7. Informacionno-analiticheskiy gurnal. Universitetskaya kniga [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obracheniya: 05.02.2018).
8.  Kim Chingi. Istoriya cheljvechestva – eto  istoriya sozdaniya cennosti. // Informacionno-analiticheskiy gurnal. Universitetskaya kniga [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obracheniya: 15.12.2017).

Innovative activity management on the «Altayvagon» corp
Vasyaycheva V.A., PhD, Associate Professor of Human Resource Management at Samara National Research University

The author considers the process of innovation management of «Altayvagon» factory. There is a fragment of interaction of all management subprocesses and specifies the technology of their management. Particular attention is paid to the construction of an organizational and economic mechanism for managing innovation activities. The main reserves of effective development of the of «Altayvagon» were determined as a result of the research.
Keywords: modernization, innovative project, competitive advantages.

1. Buhgalterskaya otchetnost’ OÀÎ «Àltaivagon» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:!20/ (data obraschenia: 19.04.2018).
2. Vasyaycheva V.À. Problemy I perspektivy integracii promyshlennogo kompleksa  Samarskoi oblasti / Innovacionnye process v formirovanii integrirovannyh struktur redional’nyh promyshlennyh kompleksov Povolzh’ya / sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii / pod obsch. red. N.Ì. Tjukavkina. – Samara: ÀNÎ «Izdatel’stvî SNC», 2017. – S. 38-45.
3. SahabievaG.À. Upravlenie investicionnoi deyatel’nost’ju predpriyatiya / Upravlencheskii uchet. 2017. – ¹ 2. – S. 98-106.
4. SahabievaG.À. Sokraschenie riskov v upravlenii predpriyatiem / Nauka, obrazovanie i innovacii: sbornik statei mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii. – Ufa: ÌCII ÎÌÅGÀ SÀINS, 2016. – S. 190-193.
5. Gerasimov B.N. Funkcii upravleniya: sostav, soderzhanie, parametry // Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya.  – 2016. – ¹ 7. – S. 91-100.
6. Gerasimov B.N.  Modelirovanie vzaimodeistviya processov îrganizacii // Ìånedzhment I biznes-administrirovanie.  – 2016. – ¹ 4. – S. 121-128.
7. Vasyaycheva V.À., Sahabieva G.À., Sahabiev V.À. Î konkurentosposobnosti promyshlennogo kompleksa Samarskoi oblasti // Nauka, obrazovanie i innovacii: sbornik statei mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii. – Ufa: ÌCII ÎÌÅGÀ SÀINS, 2016. – S. 193-196.
8. Sahabieva G.À. Ànaliz principov formirovaniya ustoichivogo razvitiya otechestvennyh predpriyatii / Problemy effektivnogo ispolzovaniya nauchnogo potenciala obschestva: sbornik statei mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferencii. – Ufà, 2017. – S. 102-105.
9. Povyshenie urovnya konkurentosposobnosti predpriyatii transportnogo mashinostroeniya na osnove upravleniya innovacionnymi proektami: monografiya / V.À. Vasyaycheva – Samara: Samar. gumanit. àkàd., 2017. – 177 s.
10. Vasyaycheva V.À. Teoretiko-metodicheskie voprosy upravleniya konkurentosposobnostju promyshlennyh predpriyatii: monografiya. – Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskii universitet», 2016.
11. SahabievV.À., SahabievaG.À., VasyaychevaV.À. Î povyshenii konkurentosposobnosti predpriyatii Samarskoi oblasti na osnove federacii rabochih kooperativov regiona // Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2014. – ¹ 4 (115). – S. 120-125.
12. VasyaychevaV.À. Osnovnye determinant upravleniya konkurentosposobnostju / Matematicheskie modeli sovremennyh ekonomicheskih processov, metody analiza I sinteza ekonomicheskih mehanizmov. Àktual’nye problem I perspektivy menedzhmenta organizacii v Rossii: sb. st. XI Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. Vyp. 11. – Samara: Izd-vo SamNC RAN, 2017. – S. 199-206.
13. Vasyaycheva V.À. Prognozirovanie urovnya konkurentosposobnosti promyshlennogo predpriyatiya // Upravlencheskii uchet. – 2017. – ¹ 1. – S.11-18.

Improvement of main business operations for design and technological departments’ employees at large industrial enterprise as a key direction for increasing operational efficiency
Balyberdin A.S., The head of Multi-criteria analysis and operational efficiency bureau of strategic development department JSC «Afrikantov ÎÊÂÌ»
Brykalov S.M., Doctor of Economic Sciences, the head of strategic development and production system improvement division JSC «Afrikantov ÎÊÂÌ»
Borodina V.E., The engineer on marketing JSC «Afrikantov ÎÊÂÌ»
Kuznetsova M.V., The head of strategic development department JSC «Afrikantov ÎÊÂÌ»
Kuznetsova N.A., The engineer on marketing JSC «Afrikantov ÎÊÂÌ»
Martynova K.A., The engineer-designer JSC «Afrikantov ÎÊÂÌ»

The article is devoted to employees’ workflows satisfaction analysis among design and technological departments workers at a large industrial machine-building enterprise (JSC «OKBM Afrikantov»). Ten processes with the lowest degree of satisfaction were identified, the areas for improvement are mentioned and the current recommendations are given. Since the employees’ involvement is one of the key factors which influence the company’s success, this work is considered not only as a tool for preserving and increasing the level of employees’ involvement, but also as an element of increasing the operating efficiency of an industrial enterprise as a whole. Research results and suggested solutions can be borrowed and used on similar enterprises.
Keywords: operating efficiency, industrial enterprise, employees’ and customers’ satisfaction, processes improvement.

1.  Brykalov S.M., Zaitseva E.V. Udovletvorennost' potrebitelei kak klyuchevoi pokazatel' effektivnosti organizatsii, opredelyayushchii konkurentosposobnost' produktsii i potentsial rynochnogo uspekha v atomnoi energetike // Budushchee tekhnicheskoi nauki: sbornik materialov XV Mezhdunarodnoi molodezhnoi nauchno-tekhn. konf. – Nizhnii Novgorod: NGTU im. R.E. Alekseeva, 2016.
2.  Publichnyi godovoi otchet AO «OKBM Afrikantov» (data obrashcheniya: 03.07.2018).
3.  Brykalov S.M. Novyi podkhod k povysheniyu effektivnosti predpriyatii mashinostroitel'nogo diviziona Goskorporatsii «Rosatom» (na primere AO «OKBM Afrikantov») // Nauchnaya shkola F.F. Yurlova: sbornik nauchnykh trudov / Nizhegorod. gos. tekhn. un-t im. R.E. Alekseeva – Nizhnii Novgorod, 2016.
4.  Brykalov S.M., Yurlov F.F. Strategicheskoe upravlenie promyshlennymi predpriyatiyami atomnoi otrasli na osnove mnogourovnevogo podkhoda. – M.: Izd-vo «Vash poligraficheskii partner», 2015.
5.  Rezul'taty vnutrennego issledovaniya vovlechennosti rabotnikov AO «OKBM Afrikantov» Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018 gg.
6.  Vainu Ya. Ya. - F. Korrelyatsiya ryadov dinamiki. M.: Statistika, 1977. S. 90.
7.  5S: sortirovka, soblyudenie poryadka, soderzhanie v chistote, strandartizatsiya, sovershenstvovanie. URL: strana.rosatom.local/People/_layouts/15/ WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/People/HRDocuments (data obrashcheniya: 03.07.2018).
8.  Balyberdin A.S. Brykalov S.M., Kuznetsova M.V. Proizvodstvennaya sistema «Rosatom» kak instrument povysheniya effektivnosti promyshlennykh predpriyatii atomnoi otrasli // Budushchee tekhnicheskoi nauki: sbornik materialov XV Mezhdunarodnoi molodezhnoi nauchno-tekhn. konf. – Nizhnii Novgorod: NGTU im. R.E. Alekseeva, 2016.



The formation of the business climate in Belgorod distrikt: problems and contradictions
Divichenko O.I., candidate of sociological sciences, senior lecturer of sociology and management Belgorod state technological university V.G. Shukhov

This article considers a conceptual approach to the study of entrepreneurship, in particular, the entrepreneurial climate, clarifies the content of the concept of “business climate”, as well as the leading characteristics of the entrepreneurial climate of the Belgorod region. A methodological review of the scientific foundations for the formation of an entrepreneurial climate was conducted. The author presents the results of a sociological study aimed at identifying the actual state of the entrepreneurial climate of the Belgorod region, identifying the main problems and contradictions that hamper entrepreneurial activity. Based on the conducted research, a number of problems and contradictions in the development of the business climate are grouped.
Keywords: business climate, personnel, competitiveness, socio-economic system.

1. Divichenko O.I. Faktory formirovanija predprinimatel'skogo klimata v regione // Obshhestvo: sociologija, psihologija, pedagogika. – 2017. – ¹ 6. – S. 9–14.
2. Russkih A.Ju. Predprinimatel'skij klimat v Rossii: sovremennye problemy malogo i srednego biznesa // Pravovoe pole sovremennoj jekonomiki. – 2013. – ¹ 9. – S. 92–98.
3. Pachin N.A. Klientoorientirovannost' v sovremennyh konceptual'nyh podhodah k upravleniju kompaniej // Nauchnoe obozrenie. – 2013. – ¹ 1. – S. 227–233.
4. Imaeva G.R. Predprinimatel'skij klimat v Rossii i formirujushhie ego faktory: sociologicheskij analiz // Monitoring obshhestvennogo mnenija: jekonomicheskie i social'nye peremeny. – 2013. – ¹ 2 (114). – S. 114–121.
5. Patlah I. Klientoorientirovannost' kak filosofija biznesa // Vash biznes. – 2011. –¹ 10. – S. 24–26.
6. Demenenko I.A., Shavyrina I.V. Klientoorientirovannost' v kompanijah stroitel'nogo sektora jekonomiki // Vestnik Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnologicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Shuhova. – 2017. – ¹ 3. – S. 176–181.
7. Doroshenko Ju.A., Klimashevskaja A.A. Analiz nauchno-tehnicheskogo potenciala predprijatij promyshlennosti stroitel'nyh materialov v kontekste ocenki neobhodimosti provedenija tehnologicheskoj modernizacii v otrasli // Vestnik Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnologicheskogo universiteta im. V.G. Shuhova. – 2017. – ¹ 1. – 214–218.
8. Reznik G.A., Jashina O.V. Strategicheskaja klientoorientirovannost' korporacii kak vyzov vremeni // Menedzhment i biznes-administrirovanie. – 2013. – ¹ 2. – S. 67–76.
9. Avilova. Z.N., Gulei I.A., Shavyrina I.V. Formation of the Customer-Centric Organizational Culture of the University as a Factor of Effective Social and Economic Development of the Region // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. – 2015. – Ò. 6. – ¹ 3. – Pp. 207–216.
10. Doroshenko Ju.A., Malyhina I.O. Perspektivy innovacionnogo razvitija vysshih shkol v sovremennyh uslovijah // Belgorodskij jekonomicheskij vestnik. – 2015. – ¹ 2 (78). – S. 3–8.
11. Bessmertnyh E.V. Predprinimatel'skij klimat v stroitel'stve. Uslovija sozdany // Rossijskoe konkurentnoe pravo i jekonomika. – 2016. – ¹ 1 (5). – S. 36–41.
12. Lin'kov A.Ja. Mezhdunarodnye ocenki kachestva predprinimatel'skogo klimata v Rossii // Jekonomicheskoe vozrozhdenie Rossii. – 2016. – ¹ 2 (48). – S. 119–127.
13. Kosharnaja G.B., Dmitriev R.V. Social'naja otvetstvennost' predprinimatel'stva v regional'nom sociume // Regionologija. – 2017. – Ò. 25. – ¹ 2 (99). – S. 294–305.

Subjective components of management of industrial safety dangerous production objects
Malkov A.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Russian Chemical Technology University of D.I. Mendeleyev

The article is devoted to the subjective components of industrial safety management, the socalled human factor. The indirect causes of accidents associated with human actions are analyzed. The measures developed by industrial enterprises within the framework of modern management systems aimed at minimizing the manifestation of the human factor in the event of emergency situations are considered.
Keywords: industrial safety management, industrial accidents, causes of accidents, human factor, sustainable development.

1. Ustoychivoe razvitie: Novyie vyizovyi: Uchebnik dlya vuzov. – M.: Aspekt Press, 2015.
2. Svedeniya o ChS, proisshedshih na territorii RF za 2015 god // Ofitsialnyiy sayt MChS Rossii [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
3. Liberman A.N. Tehnogennaya bezopasnost: chelovecheskiy faktor: ucheb. posobie SPb: Tsentr informatiki «Gamma 7», 2006.
4. Razrushenie gidroagregata ¹ 2 Sayano-Shushenskoy GES: prichinyi i uroki. Sbornik materialov (v 3 tomah). – M.: NP «Gidroenergetika Rossii», 2013.
5. Meksikanskiy zaliv: uroki avarii // Bezopasnost truda v promyishlennosti. – 2012. – ¹ 5 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
6. Avariya na shahte «Severnaya»: Prichinyi i versii // Natsionalnaya sluzhba novostey [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: http: //
7. Bazarov T. I. Upravlenie personalom: uchebnik. M.: Akademiya, 2014.
8. Korobko V.I. Promyishlennaya bezopasnost: ucheb. posobie dlya stud. uchrezhdeniy vyissh. prof. obrazovaniya. – M.: Akademiya, 2012.
9. Otchet o deyatelnosti v oblasti ustoychivogo razvitiya na territorii RF 2013-2014 PAO «Lukoyl» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
10. Zaripova N.D. Chelovecheskiy faktor – osnovnaya prichina avariy na proizvodstve // Promyishlennaya i ekologicheskaya bezopasnost, ohrana truda, ¹ 1 (98), fevral, 2015 s. 21-22.
11. Integrirovannyiy otchet PAO «Uralkaliy» za 2015 god [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
12. Kontseptsiya kadrovogo rezerva. Vvedenie. // HR – portal [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
13. Godovoy obzor «SIBUR Holding» za 2015 god. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:
14. Otchet o deyatelnosti v oblasti ustoychivogo razvitiya 2014 PAO «Bashneft». [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:

The risk character of the power industry of Russia
Khayrullina A.D., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Management, Kazan Federal University
Rozova A.I., student, Kazan Federal University
Svishcheva A.A., student, Kazan Federal University

This article analyzes the risky nature of the electricity industry in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. JSC “RusHydro” was considered with the purpose of revealing the features of risk management in this organization.
Keywords: electric power industry, the risky of the industry, the organization’s risk management system.

1. TOP-10 biznes-riskov [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 08.03.2018).
2. «Ernst end Yang»: 10 osnovnykh riskov i vozmozhnostey dlya kompaniy sektora TEK i elektroenergetiki [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 08.03.2018).
3. Investitsionnaya privlekatel'nost' otrasley rossiyskoy ekonomiki [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 10.03.2018).
4. Bankrotstva yuridicheskikh lits v Rossii: osnovnyye tendentsii [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 10.03.2018).
5. Energeticheskaya strategiya Rossii na period do 2020 goda [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 13.03.2018).
6. Energeticheskaya strategiya Rossii na period do 2035 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 14.03.2018).
7. Elektroenergetika Rossii: problemy i strategicheskiye napravleniya razvitiya otrasli [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 16.03.2018).
8. Osnovnyye tendentsii razvitiya elektroenergeticheskogo kompleksa Respubliki Tatarstan [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 17.03.2018).
9. Godovoy otchot PAO «RusGidro» za 2016 god [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 20.03.2018).
10. Programma «RusGidro» po upravleniyu riskami [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 20.03.2018).



Key indicator of efficiency of operational management of production at machine-building enterprise
Konovalova G.I., Ph.D., professor of economics, organization of production, management Bryansk State Technical University

The characteristics of a universal system of operational management of a dynamic multi-type production are described. The necessity of managing the completeness of the work in progress is substantiated. The indicator of completeness of work in progress is developed, on the basis of which production plans are optimized, and the degree of achievement of production goals is characterized. The proposed solutions help to reduce production costs, the length of the production cycle, and the observance of the deadlines for fulfilling orders.
Keywords: enterprise, methodology, work in progress, optimization.

1. Konovalova G.I. Razvitiye metodologii vnutrifirmennogo upravleniya. – Bryansk: BGTU, 2014.
2. Konovalova G.I. Metodologiya sistemnoj integracii i optimizaci proizvodstva i upravleniya mashinostroitelnym predpriyatiem. - Bryansk: BGTU, 2016.
3. Konovalova G.I. Metodologiya universalnoj sistemy operativnogo upravleniya raznotipnym dinamichnym proizvodstvom menedzhment // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – M., 2016, ¹ 5. – S.89-95.

Practical approaches to the management of the enterprise's risks
Kononenko E.V., Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Metrology, Standardization and Certification, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Vorobyeva E.P., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Department of Fire Safety in Construction, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia, Ekaterinburg
Mandrygina O.A., Master of the Department of Metrology, Standardization and Certification, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.÷Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg

The development of the organization, its success in the market is impossible without the operational management of business processes based on the application of risk management procedures and tools. Risk management allows you to identify problems in a timely manner and take full advantage of existing opportunities, which requires the design and application of measures to identify and assess risks.
Keywords: risk, risk management, risk assessment, principles of ÍÀÑÑÐ.

1. GOST R ISO 9001–2015. Sistemy menedzhmenta kachestva. Trebovaniya. – Vved. 2015–11–01. – M. : Standartinform, 2015.
2. ISO 31000:2018. Upravlenie riskami. Principy i rukovodyashchie ukazaniya. – Vved. 2018–02–01. – ZHeneva : ISO, 2018.
3. Analiz opasnostej i kriticheskie kontrol'nye tochki (NASSR) [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 03.02.2018).
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5. GOST R ISO/MEK 31010:2011. Menedzhment riska. Metody ocenki riska. – Vved. 2012–12–01. – M. : Standartinform, 2012.
6. GOST R 51901.21-2012. Menedzhment riska. Reestr riska. Obshchie polozheniya. – Vved. 2013–12–01. – M. : Standartinform, 2014.
7. GOST R 51901.22-2012. Menedzhment riska. Reestr riska. Pravila postroeniya. – Vved. 2013–12–01. – M. : Standartinform, 2014.
8. GOST R 51901.23-2012. Menedzhment riska. Reestr riska. Rukovodstvo po ocenke riska opasnyh sobytij dlya vklyucheniya v reestr riska. – Vved. 2013–12–01. – M.: Standartinform, 2014.
9. GOST R 14001-2016. Sistemy ehkologicheskogo menedzhmenta. Trebovaniya i rukovodstvo po primeneniyu [Tekst]. – Vved. 2017–03–01. – M. : Standartinform, 2016.
10. ISO 45001-2018. Sistemy menedzhmenta ohrany zdorov'ya i bezopasnosti truda. Trebovaniya i rekomendacii po primeneniyu. – Vved. 2018–03–12. – Zeneva : ISO, 2018.



Personal organization of the manager: how to check ability to operate by itself
Reznik S.D., Doctor of Economics (Ph.D.), professor, Honored Sientist of the Russian Federation, director of Institute for Economics and Management, Head of the department of Management of the Penza State University of Architecture and Construction
Chemezov I.S., Candidate of Economics, associate professor, associate professor of the department of Management of the Penza State University of Architecture and Construction

Whether it is possible to estimate the level of the organization? Where strengths in the system of the personal organization of the manager on which it is necessary to lean and continue to develop and where – weak to which it is necessary to draw close attention and on which it is necessary to work constantly?
In article the technique of a self-assessment of level of personal organization as abilities of the businessman to operate by itself is offered. This complex indicator is offered to be estimated as extent of development of the personal qualities and competences connected with self-organization.
Such analysis will help not only to estimate systemically, but also to develop the qualities of self-organization, to increase effectiveness of the activity.
Keywords: personal organization, manager, personal management, qualities and competences, self-assessment.

1. Reznik S.D. i dr. Personal'nyi menedzhment: uchebnik.  – M.: INFRA-M, 2016.
2. Reznik S.D. Instrumenty povysheniya rezul'tativnosti lichnoi deyatel'nosti rukovoditelya // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2013. – ¹ 2. – S. 130-137.
3. Reznik S.D., Chemezov I.S. O metodicheskih podhodah k samoocenke kachestva lichnoi raboty universitetskogo menedzhera // Russian Journal of Management, 2017. – ¹ 2.
4. Reznik S.D., Chemezov I.S. Personal'nyi menedzhment kak nauka ob upravlenii sobstvennoi zhizn'yu i lichnoi deyatel'nost'yu delovyh lyudei // Naukovedenie. 2017. – ¹ 6.
5. Reznik S.D., Chemezov I.S. Razvitie tehnologii samokontrolya kak klyuchevoi funkcii personal'nogo menedzhmenta // Russian Journal of Management, 2018. – ¹ 1.
6. Reznik S.D., Chemezov I.S. Sistemnyi chelovek: ponyatie i kompetencii // Kadrovik, 2017. – ¹ 12.
7. Zaivert L. Vashe vremya v vashih rukah: (Sovety delovym lyudyam kak effektivno ispol'zovat' rabochee vremya). – M.: Interekspert, Infra-M, 1995.
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14. Reznik S.D., Usov V.R. Samoorganizaciya i lichnaya effektivnost': sekrety i uroki zhizni organizovannogo cheloveka. – M.: INFRA-M, 2018.
15. Sovershenstvovanie stilya raboty rukovoditelei organizacii s ispol'zovaniem metoda aktivnogo sociologicheskogo testirovannogo analiza i kontrolya «MASTAK-RO-2». Metod. razrab. / In-t povysheniya kvalifikacii rukovodyashih rabotnikov i specialistov sudostroit. prom-sti. – Leningrad : IPK SP, 1978.
16. Reznik S.D., Bondarenko V.V., Sokolov S.N. Personal'nyi menedzhment. Testy i konkretnye situacii. Praktikum. – M.: INFRA-M, 2010.

Assessment of the quality of work of university staff
Anokhin E.V., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Chair of Management and Marketing, Nizhny Novgorod Branch of Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. Business address: 2A, Komarov St., N. Novgorod, 603029, Russia

The procedure for evaluating the university faculty activity is studied herein. Its peculiarities have been revealed including the principal ones such as the priority of “external works” over “internal” and the lack of any quite serious incentives for the individual self-improvement. Certain proposals are suggested to adjust the methodology for assessing the activities of faculty members in the line of “non-material incentives”.
Keywords: àssessment, motivation, qualification, rating, indices.

1. Anohin E.V., Kasatova ZH.V. Monitoring ocenki deyatel'nosti rabotayushchego personala //Problemy identichnosti sovremennogo rossijskogo obshchestva: politika, pravo, ehkonomika, ehkologiya, ideologiya, duhovnost': Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Nizhnij Novgorod: NF MNEHPU, 2007.
2. Anohin E.V., Anohin V.A. O motivacii personala v bankovskoj sfere //Den'gi i kredit, 2016. – ¹ 5. – S. 57 – 62.
3. Motivacionnaya sreda kompanii [Elektronnyy resurs]. (data obrashcheniya: 20.12.2015).
4. Golubkov E.P. O nekotoryh aspektah koncepcii marketinga i ego terminologii //Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 1999. – ¹ 6.

Portfolio method of selection the adequate KPI system for all types of organizations
Palei T.F., PhD in Economics, docent of department of the General management by the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance at Kazan Federal University, 420008, Russian Federation, Kazan, Butlerova st., 4
Nikiforova E.G., PhD in Economics, docent of department of the General management by the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance at Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420008, Russian Federation, Kazan, Butlerova, 4

Conceptually new direction, called “Performance Management (PM)” was formed at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries. In the article there is an attempt to retrace the interrelation of such instruments of Performance Management as Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and KPI (key performance indicator).The key performance indicators of the strategy are defined in this article as the instruments of corporate control, consisting of a set of indicators in the context of the interests of the company's stakeholders. Comparing their dynamics, one can judge about the effectiveness of the strategy execution. It is recommended to use BSC at the strategic level and KPI on the operational level, but it is possible to use it as an independent method of corporate control. Portfolio method of selection of adequate KPI system, depending on two factors, was proposed: the technology of KPI indicators development (according to the targets or business processes) and the possibility of connection the objectives with a separate structural unit (integration/disintegration). The matrix, determining the collective contribution (at the department level) into the implementation of the company's common strategy, has been optimized. Two approaches to the formation of the system KPI were approved: the target integration and process closed in the Tatarstan Customs, through the introduction of key performance indicators. This proves the universality of the used corporate control instrument, and the possibility of its implementation in state bodies.
Keywords: company’s objectives, strategy, Performance management, Key Performance Indicators, matrix for the selection of KPI system.

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