Моделирование факторов экономического роста открытых национальных инновационных систем
Кудрявцева С.С., кандидат экономических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры логистики и управления Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета, sveta516@yandex.ru
Шинкевич А.И., доктор экономических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой логистики и управления Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета, ashinkevich@mail.ru
Исследование выполнено при поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований
(грант № 18-310-00213).
Структурированы элементы методологии многоуровневого управления открытыми инновациями. На основе факторного и компонентного анализа проведено моделирование факторов экономического роста, составляющих основу пятого технологического уклада.
Ключевые слова: открытая инновация, факторы экономического роста, управление.
1. Шинкевич А.И., Кудрявцева С.С. Модель открытых инноваций в экономике знаний // Менеджмент в России и за рубежом. – 2014. – № 6. – С. 21–29.
2. Галкина А.И., Бобкова Е.Ю. Актуальные проблемы правового регулирования объектов интеллектуальной собственности, создаваемых в образовательных учреждениях РФ в рамках развития инновационной составляющей образовательного процесса // Навигатор в мире науки и образования. – 2017. – № 2 (35). – С. 151.
3. Материалы Федеральной службы государственной статистики [Электронный ресурс]. URL: gks.ru (дата обращения: 07.08.2018).
Modeling the factors of economic growth of open national innovation systems
Kudryavtseva S.S., an associate professor of the department of logistics and management Kazan National Research Technological University, candidate of economic sciences, docent
Shinkevich A.I., head of the department of logistics and management, Kazan National Research Technological University, doctor of economic sciences, prof.
The study was carried out with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant No. 18-310-00213).
The elements of the methodology of multi-level management of open innovation are structured. On the basis of factorial and component analysis, the modeling of the factors of economic growth, which form the basis of the fifth technological order, was carried out.
Keywords: open innovation, factors of economic growth, management.
1. Shinkevich A.I., Kudryavtseva S.S. Model' otkrytyh innovacij v ehkonomike znanij // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2014. – № 6. – S. 21–29.
2. Galkina A.I., Bobkova E.Yu. Aktual'nye problemy pravovogo regulirovaniya ob"ektov intellektual'noj sobstvennosti, sozdavaemyh v obrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdeniyah RF v ramkah razvitiya innovacionnoj sostavlyayushchej obrazovatel'nogo processa // Navigator v mire nauki i obrazovaniya. – 2017. – № 2 (35). – S. 151.
3. Materialy Federal'noj sluzhby gosudarstvennoj statistiki [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: gks.ru (data obrashcheniya 7.08.2018).
European experience in the formation of sustainable territory development in the conditions of macroeconomic and geopolitical instability
Volkov S.K., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Technical University Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy and Economic Theory, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management
Akimova O.E., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Technical University Associate Professor of the Department of World Economy and Economic Theory
The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research,
project No. 17-32-00006.
In the conditions of macroeconomic and geopolitical instability, the problem of sustainable development of territories acquires paramount importance, since it directly determines the stability of the country's economy as a whole. Russia lags far behind European countries not only in terms of level of development, quality of life, modernization of production, but in theory and practice of sustainable development of territories. During the crisis of 2008–2009. The assistance provided by the federal center to depressed areas was limited only to supporting the regional labor market, which for a short period of time solved the employment problem, but did not solve the problems of regional development for the long term. In this regard, the article presents an analysis of the European experience of sustainable regional development, the distinctive features of regional policy and crisis management in the United States, Germany, Britain, Japan, Italy, France and Poland. The conclusions and recommendations on the use of positive experience of foreign countries in the development of the program of social and economic development of Russian regions are substantiated. The conclusions of the article are presented on the basis of the analysis of the data of the European Economic Recovery Plan, the UNESCO report on global investment in research and development, the European Union's Global Foreign and Security Policy Strategy, and the annual monitoring of funds allocated from the Russian Federal Budget for R & D financing. At present, Russia lacks a comprehensive regulatory and legal framework for regional policy, i.e. There is no law, no strategy, no concept of sustainable development of territories. In the current situation, this article allows you to identify the most problem areas in the territorial development and management. First of all, it is necessary to develop a methodology for assessing the regions to identify the most depressed, develop a holistic concept of sustainable development of these regions, drawing on the positive experience of some European territories that managed to overcome the crisis in the economy.
Keywords: sustainable development of territories, regional policy, cohesion policy, crisis management, institutional support, region, depressed areas.
1. Uskova T.V. Upravleniye ustoychivym razvitiyem regiona: monografiya.– Vologda: ISERT RAN. 2009. – 355 s.
2. Regionalnaya politika: zarubezhnyy opyt i rossiyskiye realii. – M.: IMEMO RAN. 2015. – 137 s. – S. 71-72.
3. Dudin N.M. Zarubezhnyy opyt osushchestvleniya regionalnoy politiki v usloviyakh tranzitivnoy ekonomiki i vozmozhnost primeneniya ego v Rossii // Regionalnaya ekonomika: teoriya i praktika. – 2015. – № 10(385). – S. 7.
4. Gorbov V.A. Adaptatsiya zarubezhnogo opyta antikrizisnogo upravleniya k otechestvennoy praktike regionalnogo razvitiya // Srednerusskiy Vestnik obshchestvennykh nauk. – 2013. – № 2. – S. 158.
5. European Economic Recovery Plan [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: ec.europa.eu/economy_ finance/publications/pages/publication13504_en.pdf (data obrashch.: 15.06.2017).
6. Kuznetsova O.V. Piramida faktorov sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya regionov // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2013. – № 2. – S. 121-131.
7. Gusakov. M.A., Dzhanelidze M.G., Rumyantsev A.A., Smirnova G.P. Innovatsionnoye razvitiye ekonomiki: regionalnyy aspekt // Ekonomika Severo-Zapada: problemy i perspektivy razvitiya. – 2006. – № 1(27). – S. 39-48.
8. Ezhegodnyy monitoring sredstv. vydelennykh iz Federalnogo byudzheta na finansirovaniye NIOKR: analiticheskiy otchet /Analiticheskiy tsentr pri Pravitelstve Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Elektronnyy resurs]. – 2014. – Rezhim dostupa: ac.gov.ru/files/attachment/4879.pdf (data obrashch.: 15.06.2017).
9. Global investments in R&D / UNESCO Institute for Statistics. No. 36. 2015. – URL: uis.unesco.org/sites/default/files/documents/fs36-global-investments-in-rd-2015-en.pdf (data obrashch.: 15.06.2017).
10. Zarubezhnyy opyt realizatsii aktivnykh programm sodeystviya zanyatosti naseleniya v period mezhdunarodnogo finansovogo krizisa / Analiticheskiy tsentr pri Pravitelstve Rossiyskoy Federatsii // Sotsialnyy byulleten. – 2015. – № 2. – S. 6-7.
Labor market and information digital economy: market dynamic, trends and development prospects
Lovchikova E.I., Candidate of Economy Science, Associate Professor, Orel State Agrarian University present name N.V. Parahin
Solodovnik A.I., Candidate of Economy Science, Associate Professor, Orel State Agrarian University present name N.V. Parahin
The article includes discussion about the trends in the labor market, shows the factors that influencing dynamics of employment at the national and regional levels, the prospects of development of professional structure in education market in process of formation of information and digital economy in the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to education market as human resources are a strategic resource for transition to digital economy and a competitive provision of Russia in the world economy. There is noted development of the mechanism of regulation of the labor market and the education market for interconnection and interdependence.
Keywords: labor market, digital economy, education market, labour productiveness, continuing education.
1. Koncepcia razvitia agrarnoi nauki I nauchnogo obespechenia agropromyshlennogo kompleksa Rossiiskoi Federacii na period do 2025 goda [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: docs.cntd.ru/document/902099525
2. Programma «Cifrovaya economica» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: base.garant.ru/71734878/
3. Volchenkova A.S., Kravchenko T.S. Trudovye resursy v selskom hosyaistve: ocenka I problem povyshenia effektivnosti ih ispolsovania. // Vestnik socialnogo razvitia I socialnoi politiki – 2018. – № 1 (17) – С. 8-14.
4. Vysokoproisvoditelnye rabochie mesta v regionah Rossii (Analiticheskaya zapiska) – М.: ООО «ТPP-Inform», 2013 [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: tpprf.ru/common/upload/04.12._Tekst_Reytinga.pdf
5. Issledovanie RBC: skolko Rossia na samom dele tratit na svoih grazdan [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: rbc.ru/economics/14/12/2016/584fd32e9a7947c251265ede
6. Kolichestvo vysokoproizvoditelnyh rabochih mest v economike Rossii [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: vestifinance.ru/infographics/9328
7. Lovchikova Е.I., Pervych N.А., Solodovnik А.I. Cifrovaya economika I kadrovyi potencial APK: strategicheskaya vsaimosvyaz I perspektivy. // Vestnik agrarnoi nauki. – 2017. – № 5 (68) – С. 107-112.
8. Lovchikova Е.I., Savkin V.I., Solodovnik А.I. Institucionalnye problem I perspektivy razvitiya kadrovogo autsorsings // Vestnik Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. – 2017. – № 2. – Т. 65. – С. 85-89.
9. Monitoring economiki obrazovaniya. Nacionalnyi issledovatelskii universitet «Vysshaya shkola economili» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: memo.hse.ru/data/2017/11/17/1161075738/indicators_adult.pdf
10. Olenin G.G., Zvereva G.P. Aktualnye problem vosproizvodstva trudovyh resursov v agrarnom sektore economiki. Neftekamsk, ООО «Nauka I obrazovanie», 2015. – С. 207-210.
11. Proka N.I. Kadrovaya polotoka I prodovolstvennaya bezopasnost. – Or`el, 2017. – С. 350-353.
12. Sait Federalnoi sluzby gosudarstvennoi statistiki [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: gks.ru
13. Solodovnik А.I. Kadrovyi potencial formirovania informacionnogo obschestva v Rossii. – М.: MGAU im. V.P. Goryachkina, 2007. – С. 192-194.
14. Suhocheva N.А. Osnovnye socialno-economicheskie parametry formirovania I razvitia kadrovogo potenciala v APK. – Bryansk, 2017. – С. 230-235.
15. Tretyakova L.А., Grudkina T.I. Mobilnost truduvyh resursov v kontekste investicionnoi privlekatelnosti regionov CFO // Nacionalnye interesy: prioritety I bezopasnost. – 2016. – № 12 (345) – С. 133-142.
16. 9 glavnyh trendov rossiiskogo rynka truda v 2018 godu [Elektronnyy resurs].
URL: e-xecutive.ru/career/hr-indicators/1987825-9-glavnyh-trendov-rossiiskogo-rynka-truda-v-2018-godu
A retrospective analysis of the activities of the main bodies of state support for small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia
Prygunova M.I., Leading Researcher Center of perspective economic researches of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
Nikiforova E.G., Kazan Federal University, docent of department of the General management by the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance at Kazan Federal University
The article was written with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the project “Development and approbation of modern approaches to assess the effectiveness of regional measures of state support for small and m edium-sized businesses”, grant No. 18-410-160005.
In the article the current system of state support of small and medium business (hereinafter – SMEs) at the level of the Russian Federation is considered. The main agencies and agents for providing government support to SMEs have been identified. The main directions of support, as well as existing problems of creation and development of subjects of SMEs, are singled out.
Keywords: small and medium-sized business (SME), state support agents and agencies, the problem of SME development, monitoring of implementation.
1. Federal'nyy zakon ot 24 iyulya 2007 g. № 209-FZ «O razvitii malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: pravo.gov.ru/proxy/ips/?docbody=&nd=102115928 (data obrashcheniya: 10.08.2018).
2. Postanovleniye Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 27 fevralya 2009 goda № 178 «O raspredelenii i predostavlenii subsidiy iz federal'nogo byudzheta byudzhetam sub"yektov Rossiyskoy Federatsii na gosudarstvennuyu podderzhku malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva, vklyuchaya krest'yanskiye (fermerskiye) khozyaystva» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_85598/ (data obrashcheniya: 10.08.2018).
3. Rasporyazheniye Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 2 iyunya 2016 g. № 1083-r «Ob utverzhdenii Strategii razvitiya malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2030 goda» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: pravo.gov.ru/proxy/ips/?docbody=&nd=102400738 (data obrashcheniya: 10.08.2018).
4. Postanovleniye Pravitel'stva RF ot 3 fevralya 1994 g. N 65 «O Fonde sodeystviya razvitiyu malykh form predpriyatiy v nauchno-tekhnicheskoy sfere» (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami) [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: pravo.gov.ru/proxy/ips/?docbody=&nd=102028477&rdk=&backlink=1 (data obrashcheniya: 10.08.2018).
5. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 05.06.2015 №287 «O merakh po dal'neyshemu razvitiyu malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_180670/ (data obrashcheniya: 10.08.2018).
6. Prezentatsiya Korporatsii MSP «Materialam o khode okazaniya mer podderzhki sub"yektam malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva Korporatsiyey MSP v 2018,godu» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: corpmsp.ru/upload/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F%2004.06.2018.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 10.08.2018).
7. Minekonomrazvitiya razrabotalo novyye mery podderzhki malogo i srednego biznesa / 31.01.18 / Ministerstvo ekonomicheskogo razvitiya RF [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: economy.gov.ru/minec/about/structure/depMB/201831011(data obrashcheniya: 02.03.2018).
8. Itogi sploshnogo nablyudeniya za deyatel'nost'yu sub"yektov malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva za 2015 god / Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/business/prom/splosh.html (data obrashcheniya: 10.08.2018).
9. Otsenka effektivnosti Programmy podderzhki MSP MER. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: smb.gov.ru/files/images/MSP-Executive+summary_final.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 10.08.2018).
Labour productivity increase and power supply network complex of russia: directions of changes and latent reserves
Afanasyev V.Ya., head of the department “economy and management in the fuel and energy complex”, doctor of economics, professor State University of Management, Moscow
Vorontsov N.V., science research assistant State University of Management, Moscow
The present work considers main components of state policy in the sphere of labour productivity increase. The aspects of the system of labor productivity management are revealed in the context of the level of technological state of production systems, much attention is paid to the planning of work and control over labor costs. The authors developed structural model of directions of organizational changes of power supply network complex enterprises, as well as described specific initiatives of labour productivity increase as regards process maintenance and repair, explained the approach to calculation of labour productivity changes in the form of integral index.
Keywords: labour productivity, operational effectiveness, power engineering, power supply network complex.
1. Strategiya innovacionnogo razvitiya Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda (utverzhdena rasporyazheniem Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 8 dekabrya 2011 g. N 2227-r) URL: government.ru/docs/9282/ (data obrashcheniya: 08.05.2018).
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Development of strategic management in clusters
Pronyaeva L.I., Doctor of Economics, professor, head of the department “Economics and economic security“ Central Russian Institute of Management – a branch of the FSBEI HE Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Pavlova A.V., senior teacher of the department “Economics and economic security” Central Russian Institute of Management – a branch of the FSBEI HE Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
The article analyzes the current state of clustering processes in Russia. Particular attention is focused on the problem of the development of strategic management in clusters. It should be built on the basis of programs for the development of clusters formed at the meso- and micro-levels of cluster management. To this end, the article proposes normative and methodological materials that determine the structural content and content of the cluster development strategy and the cluster development program for the long term, as well as authorial developments for the improvement of these aspects of the cluster organizations’ activities.
Keywords: cluster, strategic management, development program, indicators.
1. Karta klasterov Rossii [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: clusters.monocore.ru/list (data obrasheniya 20.10.17).
2. Bortnik I.M., Zemcov S.P., Ivanova O.V., Kucenko E.S., Pavlov P.N., Sorokina A.V. Stanovlenie innovacionnyh klasterov v Rossii: itogi pervyh let podderzhki. // Innovacii. – 2015. – № 7 (201). – S. 26–36.
3. Pronyaeva L. I. , Fedotenkova O. A., Pavlova A.V. Formirovanie strategii razvitiya produktovogo klastera v regione. // Srednerusskii vestnik obshestvennyh nauk. – 2017. – № 3. – S.70–83
4. Islankina E. A., Kucenko E.S., Rudnik P.B., Shadrin A.E. Innovacionnye klastery – lidery investicionnoi privlekatel'nosti mirovogo urovnya: metodicheskie materialy Minekonomrazvitiya Rossii. – M.: NIU VShE, 2017.
5. Abashkin V. L., Artemov S.V., Islankina E.A. Metodicheskie materialy po sozdaniyu promyshlennyh klasterov. – M.: NIU VShE, 2017.
6. Sirotkina, N. V., Ahenbah Yu. A. Nauchno-proizvodstvennye klastery: teoriya i praktika upravleniya regionami: monografiya. – Voronezh: IPC «Nauchnaya kniga», 2012.
7. Pronyaeva L. I. Fedotenkova O.A.Upravlenie mezhorganizacionnymi otnosheniyami v klasterah i ego uchetno-informacionnoe obespechenie. – Orel: Izd-vo OF RANHiGS, 2016.
8. Shehtman A. Yu. Analiz metodov ocenki effektivnosti upravleniya klasternymi sistemami (otechestvennyi i zarubezhnyi opyt) // Sistemnoe upravlenie. – 2016. – № 1(30). – S. 40.
The combination of cluster innovation and personnel policy in the region (based on materials from the voronezh region)
Ovchinnikovа T.I., professor of the Department of economic security and financial monitoring of FSBEI HE «Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies»
Bulgakova I.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Methods of Operational Research FSBEI HE «Voronezh State University»
The article analyzes the state and identifies the main trends in the development of cluster innovation activity of enterprises in the Voronezh region. The problems of training specialists in the formation of cluster plans for the introduction and development of new technologies have been identified. Prospective directions of increasing the effectiveness of the system of professional higher and secondary technical education in the region are indicated.
Keywords: cluster policy, innovative activity, training.
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8. Ovchinnikova T.I., Kolomyitseva O.Yu., Kolesnikova E.Yu. Bezopasnoe ekonomiche-skoe razvitie predpriyatiy na osnove innovatsiy // Vestnik VGUIT. – 2016. – № 1. – S.237–243.
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13. Funktsionirovanie klasterov i ih rol v innovatsionnom razvitii ekonomiki [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: studwood.ru/1302047/ekonomika/funktsionirovanie_klasterov_rol_innovatsionnom_razvitii_ekonomiki (data obrascheniya 02.04.2018).
14. Razvitie klasterov v Rossii: tekuschie rezultatyi, napravleniya razvitiya, gosu-darstvennaya podderzhka [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: irkcluster.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/razvitie_klasterov_v_rossii._tekushchie_rezultaty_napravleniya_razvitiya_gosudarstvennaya_podderzhka.pdf (data obrascheniya 02.04.2018).
15. Svodnaya statisticheskaya informatsiya geoinformatsionnoy sistemyi po klaste-ram [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: gisip.ru/stats_sum_clusters/pdf/ru/ (data obrascheniya 02.04.2018).
16. Zakon Voronezhskoy oblasti ot 30.06.2010 № 65-OZ «O strategii sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Voronezhskoy oblasti na dolgosrochnuyu perspektivu» [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: econom.govvrn.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71&Itemid=75 (data obrascheniya 02.04.2018).
17. Prikaz ot 25.04.2012 goda № 67 «Ob utverzhdenii koncepcii klasternoj politiki Voronezhskoy oblasti v promyishlennom sektore ekonomiki» [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: docs.cntd.ru/document/441724566 (data obrascheniya 02.04.2018).
18. Innovatsionnyie i promyishlennyie klasteryi v Rossii: aktualnaya povestka gos-udarstvennoy politiki [Elektronnyiy resurs]. URL: ced.by/media/news/20160128klastery/2016_01_28_kutsenko.pdf (data obrascheniya 02.04.2018).
Internal benchmarking as a method of optimizing the number of accounting units of the holding
Fedorova O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor RUT (MIIT)
In the article the author considers the problem of optimizing the number of accounting units within a large company. The most acute in solving this problem is the issue related to the standardization of accounting work and evaluation of accounting staff. The article presents the criteria by which the volume of operations performed within the accounting service can be most accurately described, and also the mechanism of using internal benchmarking as a tool for assessing the activity of accountants is considered.
Keywords: internal benchmarking, quantity optimization, accounting staff, accountant.
1. Kuznetsova O., Dedova O., Melguy A. Optimizatsiya chislennosti bukhgalterii i raskhodov na eye soderzhaniye // Ekonomika i upravleniye: nauchno-prakticheskikh zhurnal. – 2017 – № 2 (136).
2. Fedorova O.V., Fedorov A.S. «Povysheniye effektivnosti upravleniya zatratami Tsentra korporativnogo ucheta i otchetnosti «Zheldoruchet» - filiala OAO «RZhD». Sbornik XII Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii «Gosudarstvennoye upravleniye: Rossiyskaya Federatsiya v sovremennom mire» – M.: Infra-M, 2015
3. Statistika : uchebnik / pod red. M.G. Nazarova. – M.: KNORUS, 2016.
Integrated approach to the management of markets of passenger transport services in krasnodarian agglomeration
Kravchenko A.E., candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Structures Kuban State Technological University
Shchepakin M.B., doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of Marketing and Enterprise Management Department Kuban State Technological University
Dernovoy A.Yu., student of the Department of “Organization of transport and traffic” Kuban State Technological University
Classification of passenger transport services markets is proposed, which allows to differentiate and optimize the route network in accordance with the requirements of consumer demand. An integrated approach has been formulated that integrates SWOT analysis tools and PEST analysis into a single coherent system that allows for the accounting of global and local aspects in solving the problems of managing the functioning and development of passenger transport services markets in urban agglomerations. Model “Coordination of public transport services” is developed, which includes a substantial part of the SWOT and PEST analysis tools, the use of which allows systematically and purposefully to identify the components that affect the effective functioning and development of the VTC markets.
Keywords: market of passenger transport services, urban agglomeration, problems of management of functioning and development, passenger transport, coordination of public transport services.
1. Kravchenko A.E., Kravchenko E.A., Osennyaya A.V. Geoinformacionnye sistemy v logisticheskih processah na passazhirskom transporte: teoriya i praktika: monografiya – Krasnodar: Izd. KubGTU, 2018.
2. Kravchenko A.E., Kravchenko E.A. Upravlenie kachestvom passazhirskogo transportnogo servisa: teoriya, metodologiya, tehnologiya: monografiya – Krasnodar: Izd. KubGTU, 2017.
3. Kravchenko A.E. Passazhirskij avtotransportnyj kompleks kurortnyh zon Krasnodarskogo kraya: metodologiya organizacii, tehnologii, ocenki, upravleniya: monografiya. – Krasnodar: Izd. KubGTU, 2015.
4. Kravchenko A.E. Teoriya passazhirskih transportnyh sistem na avtomobilnom transporte v kurortnyh zonah: monografiya. – Krasnodar: Izd. KubGTU, 2011.
5. Kravchenko A.E. Formirovanie sistemy perevozochnyh processov passazhirskim avtomobilnym transportom v kurortnyh zonah: monografiya. – Krasnodar: Izd. «Izdatelskij DOM - YuG» , 2010 g.
6. Kravchenko A.E., Kravchenko E.A. Organizaciya perevozochnyh uslug i bezopasnost transportnogo processa: ucheb. posobie – Krasnodar: Izd. OOO RIC «Mir Kubani», 2008.
7. Kravchenko E.A., Kravchenko A.E. Sovremennye problemy transportnoj nauki, tehniki i tehnologii: ucheb. рosobie. – Krasnodar: Izd. Dom - Yug, 2011.
8. Kravchenko A.E., Kravchenko E.A. Osnovy upravleniya kachestvom transportnogo obsluzhivaniya naseleniya. Chast 1. Ocenochnye pokazateli kachestva obsluzhivaniya naseleniya passazhirskim avtotransportom: ucheb. posobie s grifom UMO / Krasnodar: Izd. KubGTU, 2008.
9. Sampaio BR., Neto OL., Sampaio Y. Efficiency analysis of public transport systems: lessons for institutional planning. Transp Res, Part A, Policy Pract 42(3): 2008. – Pp. 445–454.
10. Kravchenko A.E., Schepakin M.B., Dernovoj A.Yu. Funkcionalnaya optimizaciya avtobusnogo transporta marshrutnoj seti v g. Krasnodare // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – № 6. – S. 48-56.
11. Kravchenko A.E., Schepakin M.B., Dernovoj A.Yu. Postroenie logisticheskoj modeli privlekatelnosti marshrutov gorodskogo transporta dlya ustanovleniya sprosa passazhirov na obsluzhivanie / Vestnik AGTU. Seriya: Ekonomika. – 2017. – № 4. – S. 113-123.
12. Kravchenko A.E., Dernovoj A.Yu. Formirovanie sistemy upravleniya gibkimi kurortno-transportnymi uslugami v municipalnyh obrazovaniyah na osnove marketingovo-logisticheskogo instrumentariya / Upravlenie ekonomicheskimi sistemami: elektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Kislovodsk: KIE, 2017. – № 8 (102). – Rezhim dostupa: uecs.ru
13. Kravchenko A.E., Kravchenko E.A., Schepakin M.B. Konceptualnyj podhod k formirovaniyu i razvitiyu infrastruktury passazhirskogo transportnogo biznesa na osnove marketingovo-integracionnyh processov / Vestnik AGTU. Seriya: Ekonomika. – 2016. – № 4. – S 111-123.
14. Kravchenko A.E., Schepakin M.B. Formirovanie i razvitie infrastruktury passazhirskogo transportnogo biznesa v kurortnyh municipalnyh obrazovaniyah / Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo. – 2016. – № 10-1 (75-1). – S. 741-747.
15. Kravchenko E.A., Kravchenko A.E. Koncepciya povysheniya logisticheskoj effektivnosti passazhirskogo transporta v municipalnyh obrazovaniyah // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. - 2015 g. № 5. S. 97-104.
16. Alvarez A., Casado S., Gonzalez Velarde J.L. & Pacheco J. A computational tool for optimizing the urban public transport: A real application. Journal of Computer Systems Sciences International, 49(2), 2010. – Pp. 244–252.
17. Odeck J. The effect of mergers on efficiency and productivity of public transport services. Transp Res, Part A 42(4), 2008. – Pp. 696–708.
18. Sheth C., Triantis K., Teodorovic D. Performance evaluation of bus routes: a provider and passenger perspective. Transp Res, Part E, Logist Transp Rev 43(4), 2007. – Pp. 453–478.
19. Boudali I., Ben Jaafar I. & Ghedira K. Distributed decision evaluation model in public transportation systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 21(3), 2008. – Pp. 419–429.
20. Kravchenko E.A., Kravchenko A.E. Konkurentosposobnost vidov transporta v kurortnoj zone na osnove logisticheskoj teorii kachestva transportnogo obsluzhivaniya naseleniya avtobusnym transportom / Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal eksperimentalnogo obrazovaniya. – 2015. – № 6. – S. 28-34.
21. Kravchenko, A.E. Osnovnye napravleniya ustojchivogo razvitiya i funkcionirovaniya passazhirskogo avtomobilnogo transporta / Gruzovoe i passazhirskoe avtohozyajstvo. – 2010. – № 10. –S.85-90.
22. Kravchenko A.E., Gura D.A., Dernovoy A. Yu. Flexible approach to municipal route network optimization for regular bus transport of general use (Scopus) / International Journal of Economic Perspectives. – 2017. – № 3. – Р.136.
23. Kravchenko A.E., Kravchenko E.A. Osnovnye napravleniya povysheniya kachestva obsluzhivaniya naseleniya / Problemy i dostizheniya avtotransportnogo kompleksa: materialy nauchno-tehn. konf. – Ekaterinburg: UGTU-UPI, 2008 g. – S. 133-136.
24. Kravchenko E.A., Kravchenko A.E. Modernizaciya strategii razvitiya sistemy organizacii passazhirskih perevozok v municipalnyh obrazovaniyah i upravleniya imi v usloviyah sezonnosti (na primere Krasnodarskogo kraya) / Problemy kachestva i ekspluatacii avtotransportnyh sredstv: materialy VIII mezhdunar. zaoch. nauchno-tehn. konf. – Penza: PGUAS, 2014. – S. 57-64.
Identification and prevention of misrepresentation of accounting financial reporting in russian companies
Shcherbakova E.P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, department of accounting Rostov State University of Economics (RINH)
In the article is considered the concept of reliability of accounting financial reporting. Also is represented the characteristics of possible misrepresentations in accounting financial reporting that may arise in any commercial organization: significant and unpredictable, intentional and unintentional, technical and accounting, etc. Also in the article are represented the ways of revealing the misrepresentations accounting financial reporting. In this article is given the description of the main methods of prevention of misrepresentations of accounting financial statements in Russian commercial organizations.
Keywords: reliability of accounting financial statements, misrepresentation of accounting financial reporting, errors in accounting financial reporting, veil of the balance sheet, falsification of the balance sheet.
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2. Slobodnyak I.A. Dostovernost' buhgalterskoj (finansovoj) otchetnosti /I.A. Slobodnyak, T.G. Arbatskaya. – Irkutsk: Izd-vo BGU, 2017.
3. Karelskaya S.N., Zuga E.I. Dostovernost i informatsionnyye granitsy finansovoy otchetnosti // Mezhdunarodnyy bukhgalterskiy uchet. – 2014. – № 9. – S. 32-42.
4. Kotov V.V. Obespecheniye dostovernosti nalogovoy otchetnosti kak zadacha negosudarstvennogo finansovogo kontrolya // Finansovoye pravo. – 2013. – № 7. – S. 14-16.
5. Semchenko M.M. Dostovernost finansovoy (bukhgalterskoy) otchetnosti // Finansy i biznes. – 2011. – №3. – S. 193-197.
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11. Nalogovyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (chast vtoraya) ot 05.08.2000 № 117-FZ [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Elektronno-pravovaya sistema «Konsultant Plyus» consultant.ru (data obrashcheniya 16.08.2018).
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Logistics status and functions of trade fair stakeholders
Simonov K.V., Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor of Department of Marketing of Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University
The article presents the results obtained using the logistics concept of economic resources flow processes management involved in exhibitions organizing.
Keywords: trade fair, trade show, exhibition, logistics system.
1. Koncepciya razvitiya vystavochno-yarmarochnoj i kongressnoj deyatel'nosti v RF i рlan eyo realizacii (utverzhdeny rasporyazheniem Pravitel'stva RF 10 iyulya 2014 g. № 1273-r) [EHlektronnyj resurs]. URL: informexpo.ru/676 (data obrashcheniya: 20.03.2018).
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3. Simonov K.V. Marketingovye issledovaniya torgovo-promyshlennyh vystavok: kabinetnyj analiz // Marketing v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2018. – № 1. – S. 31–41.
4. Bathelt H., Spigel B. The spatial economy of North American trade fairs // The Canadian Geographer/Le Gèographe canadien. – 2012. – No. 56 (1). – Pp. 18–38.
5. Rinallo D., Golfetto F. Exploring the knowledge strategies of temporary cluster organizers: A longitudinal study of the EU fabric industry trade shows (1986–2006) // Economic Geography. – 2011. – No. 87 (4). – Pp. 453–476.
6. Rinallo D., Bathelt H., Golfetto F. Economic geography and industrial marketing views on trade shows: Collective marketing and knowledge circulation // Industrial Marketing Management. – 2017. – No. 61. – Pp. 93–103.
7. Aspers P., Darr A. Trade shows and the creation of market and industry // The Sociological Review. – 2011. – No. 59 (4). – Pp. 758–778.
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10. Hao-Chen Huang. How Does Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions Industry Attract Exhibitors? // Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. – 2016. – Vol. 21. – No. 1. – Pp. 73–93.
11. Whitfield J., Webber D.J. Which Exhibition Attributes Create Repeat Visitation? // International Journal of Hospitality Management. – 2011. – No. 30 (2). – Pp. 439–447.
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14. Zhang Shixiang. Research on Exhibition Logistics Information Platform Construction / International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation / ed. Yarlagadda P.; Kim Yh. – Guangzhou, Peoples R China. – Sep. 15–16, 2012. – Vol. 241–244. – Pp. 3205–3208.
15. Guo Haixia. Analysis on the Outsourcing of Chinese Exhibition Logistics / International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management. – Harbin, Peoples R China. – Jan. 09–10, 2010. – Vol. 1–3. – Pp. 1119–1122.
Management of the conflicts in power supply companies of the Amur region
Vasilyeva A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, department chair of economy and management of the VO FGBOU organization “Amur state university”
Zalomskaya G.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of economy and management of the organization, FGBOU “The Amur state university”
The research is devoted to the operating practice of management of the conflicts in power supply companies of the Amur region. In the organizations the interpersonal conflicts and the conflicts between the personality and group are often shown. As a result of the analysis it is revealed that specialists of departments of work with the population have problems in communicativeness and in relationship with people. The staff of the enterprises is often not familiar with elements of the nature of the conflict in the organization, conflict types, the main reasons and models of process of the conflict, and, as a result, doesn’t own ways of management of a conflict situation. The conflict is resulted by his dysfunctional consequences which are shown in decrease in efficiency of experts and preservations of a stressful condition of subscribers; increase in hostility between conflicting parties.
Keywords: management of the conflicts, types of the conflicts in power supply companies, styles of permission of the interpersonal conflict.
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Audit of the quality of work. The index of effectiveness of personnel in the work of the entity being audited
Krioni А.Е., individual entrepreneur А.Е. Krioni, Moscow, Russia
Based on the analysis of the methodological foundations for conducting private investigations, the essence of the quality audit of labor has been determined and its features for small business organizations have been revealed. A method for calculating the quality of labor is proposed. The system of evaluation criteria is described that characterizes the effectiveness of personnel with contractual documentation
Keywords: external control, detective audit, private investigator, calculating the quality of labor.
1. GOST R 66.0.01-2015 Ocenka opyta i delovoj reputacii sub"ektov predprinimatel'skoj deyatel'nosti. Nacional'naya sistema standartov. Obshchie polozheniya, trebovaniya i rukovodyashchie principy. – M.: Standartinform, 2016.
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About calculation of experts competence coefficients
Klevets N.I., Candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor of System analysis and information technology department Academy of Life and Environmental Sciences FSAEI HE «V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University»
The calculation methods of expert competence coefficients and weight coefficients of indicators used in the integrated estimation of objects have been considered in the article. It is shown that all examined methods give coinciding values of competence coefficients and integrated average estimations of indicators (objects) are equal to values of arithmetic averages of the estimations given by experts. On a basis of it, the conclusion is drawn that mathematical methods of competence coefficients calculation are inefficient and in practice, expert methods of their estimation have to be used.
Keywords: coefficient of expert competence, indicator, integrated estimation, weight coefficient.
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Requirements to Manuscripts