Optimization modeling
Tsarkova E.V., Ph. D., Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics Russian state University of justice
This work explores main optimization problems of economics and management, analytical and numerical methods of unconditional and conditional optimization, gives examples of production volume planning, considers the solution of nonlinear problems using Excel tools with stability analysis.
Keywords: management decisions optimization, optimality criteria, profit maximization, conditional cost minimization, numerical optimization methods, numerical solution in nonlinear optimization problems in Excel.
1. Takha Kh. Vvedenie v issledovanie operatsii. – M.: Izd. dom «Viliams», 2001. – 912 s.
2. Vashchekin A.N., Vashchekina I.V. O razvitii modelei nepriamoi gosudarstvennoi podderzhki selkhozproizvoditelei v Rossiiskoi Federatsii // Aekonomika: ekonomika i selskoe khoziaistvo. – 2017. – № 6 (18). – S. 1.
3. Kvachko V.Iu. Optimizatsiia protsessa issledovaniia funktsii pri reshenii prikladnykh zadach // V sb.: Sovremennoe sostoianie i perspektivy razvitiia nauchnoi mysli: sbornik st. mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf.: v 2 ch. – 2016. – S. 3–6.
4. Tsarkova E.V. Ravnovesiia v ekonomicheskikh modeliakh staticheskikh i dinamicheskikh igr // V sb.: Novaia nauka: opyt, traditsii, innovatsii. – 2017. – T. 2. – № 2. – S. 17–21.
5. Tsarkova E.V. Metod riadov Teilora dlia obyknovennykh differentsialnykh uravnenii i sistem // V sb.: Nauka, obrazovanie i innovatsii: sb. st. mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – 2016. – S. 20–24.
6. Blazhenkov V.V., Goncharov A.V., Tsarkova E.V. Uslovnaia optimizatsiia na osnove metoda neopredelennykh mnozhitelei Lagranzha pri ogranicheniiakh v vide ravenstv // Sb. st. Instituta tochnoi mekhaniki i vychislitelnoi tekhniki im. S. A. Lebedeva RAN. – 2014.
7. Tsarkova E.V. Primenenie differentsialnykh uravnenii dlia issledovaniia rynka s prognoziruemymi tsenami // V sb.: Aktualnye problemy sovremennoi kognitivnoi nauki: sb. st. mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – 2018. – Ch. 2. – S. 18–23.
Market-driven approach to management of scientific, research and design organizations (complexes) of the Russian Federation fuel and energy complex. Methodology for calculation of the engineering companies’ market activity index in the oil and gas sphere
Usmanov M.R., Candidate of Technical Sciences, General Director of «LUKOIL-Nizhegorodniinefteproyect» LLC
Grosul M.V., Head of Efficiency Improvement Management «LUKOIL-Nizhegorodniinefteproyect» LLC
Maltsev K.V., Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor, Deputy Director «Regional Analytics and Information» LLC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Firsov A.V., Head of Center for Implementation of Operating Efficiency Increase Methodology of Efficiency Improvement Management “LUKOIL-Nizhegorodniinefteproyect” LLC
The goal of this article is to review the role of the existing indices, which characterize different aspects of Engineering business in the Oil and Gas Sector, and to propose the Engineering companies’ market activity index for estimation of the market situation and its dynamics. In particular, the following applicable indices have been reviewed: Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), Industrial Production Index (IPI), Solomon Index and Nelson Index. The index proposed by the authors of this article have used the official data about the companies from open information sources and may be used for operating integrated market assessment, comparative analysis of the market players and benchmarking based on a number of parameters.
Keywords: Market activity index, Engineering market, Oil and Gas Industry, market research, market dynamics, engineering companies.
1. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
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3. Antonov M.L. Investitsionnaia strategiia Gruppy «LUKOIL» v oblasti neftepererabotki v izmenivshikhsia makroekonomicheskikh usloviiakh, 11.04.2011. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
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6. Nauka. Tekhnologii. Innovatsii: 2020: kr. st. sb. / L. M. Gokhberg, K. A. Ditkovskii, E. I. Evnevich i dr.; Nats. issled. un-t «Vysshaia shkola ekonomiki». – M.: NIU VShE, 2020. – 88 s. – 300 ekz. – ISBN 978-5-7598-2155-7.
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17. Thomas L. Saaty (angl.) russk. Relative Measurement and its Generalization in Decision Making: Why Pairwise Comparisons are Central in Mathematics for the Measurement of Intangible Factors – The Analytic Hierarchy / Network Process (англ.) // RACSAM (Review of the Royal Spanish Academy of Sciences, Series A, Mathematics) : journal. – 2008. – June (vol. 102, no. 2). – P. 251–318.
Digital economy in pharmacy: problems and prospects for development
Afanasyeva T. G., Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of VSMU N. N. Burdenko, FGBOU VO «Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko» Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Voronezh
Lavrova N. N., PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of Department, Voronezh State Medical University N. N. Burdenko, FGBOU VO «Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko» Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Voronezh
Tumentseva V. R., 4-year student of the Faculty of Pharmacy of VSMU N. N. Burdenko, FGBOU VO «Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko» Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Voronezh
Workflow efficiency is important in a pharmacy organization (AO), pharmaceutical workers have limited time to serve a large number of patients. Digital technologies and technological advances are improving the pharmaceutical industry, new systems allow AOs to provide better resources to their employees, and patients receive more qualified pharmaceutical counseling and information. Such efforts to integrate technology into everyday pharmacy practice can only be a harbinger of the future. Technological advances can be costly to implement throughout the system, but using existing tools in an innovative way can make a difference in the pharmaceutical market.
Digital technologies provide tools for the rapid collection and exchange of information on demand, which can effectively solve the main problems associated with the delay in access to information and thus contribute to the development of medicine. Electronic prescriptions and their real-time monitoring, drug labeling (FP), an electronic pharmacovigilance system, online drug ordering platforms and the introduction of electronic work books are among the projects designed to help pharmaceutical workers.
Keywords: electronic prescriptions, labeling, pharmacy, digital technology, drug-monitoring system.
1. Koshechkin K.A., Polikarpov A.V., Radzievsky G.P. Digital technologies to improve effectiveness of pharmacotherapy // Procedia Computer Science. – 2018. – Vol. 126. – No. 1. – Pp. 1306–1312.
2. Lebedev G., Tikhonova Y. Information system for pharmacotherapy method selection // International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES 2017. – 2017. – Vol. 112. – Pp. 1658–1663.
3. Karpov O.E., Klimenko G.S., Lebedev G.S., Losev A.Iu. Voprosy zakonodatelnogo i normativnogo obespecheniia elektronnogo zdravookhraneniia v Rossiiskoi Federatsii // Standarty i kachestvo. – 2016. – № 8. – S. 62–67.
4. Stephen John Goundrey-Smith. Technologies that transform: digital solutions for optimising medicines use in the NHS//BMJ Health & Care Informatics. – 2019. – Vol. 26. – No. 1. – Pp. 1–4.
5. Porterfield A., Engelbert K., Coustasse A. Electronic prescribing: improving the efficiency and accuracy of prescribing in the ambulatory care setting // Perspect Health Inf Manag. – 2014. – Vol. 11. – No. 1. – Pp. 1–13.
6. Arcelio Benetoli, Timothy F. Chen, Marion Schaefer, Betty Chaar and Aslani Parisa. Pharmacists’ perceptions of professionalism on social networking sites // Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. – 2017. – Vol. 13. – No. 3. – Pp. 575–588.
7. Anuj Patidar, Kuldeep Vinchurkar, Neelam Balekar. Digitalisation in Pharmacy // International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. – 2018. – Vol. 3. – No. 5. – Pp. 37–43.
8. Orizio, Grazia & Merla, Anna & Schulz, Peter & Gelatti, Umberto. Quality of Online Pharmacies and Websites Selling Prescription Drugs: A Systematic Review // Journal of medical Internet research. – 2017. – Vol. 13. – No. 3. – Pp. 1–25.
9. Makhinova E.N., Akinshina N.I., Afanaseva T.G. Teoreticheskie osnovy tovarovedeniia. Tovarovedcheskie issledovaniia meditsinskikh instrumentov: ucheb.-metod. posobie. – Izd.-poligraf. tsentr Voronezh. gos. un-ta. – Voronezh, 2011. – 300 s
10. Fittler A., Vida RG, Káplár M., Botz L. Consumers Turning to the Internet Pharmacy Market: Cross-Sectional Study on the Frequency and Attitudes of Hungarian Patients Purchasing Medications Online // J Med Internet Res. – 2018. – Vol. 20. – No. 8. – Pp. 1–19.
11. Koshechkin K.A., Olefir Iu.V., Merkulov V.A. Upravlenie informatsionnym soprovozhdeniem zhiznennogo tsikla lekarstvennykh sredstv. Kontseptsii primeneniia elementov CALS/PLM-tekhnologii dlia informatsionnoi podderzhki zhiznennogo tsikla lekarstvennykh sredstv. – M.: IP Chuvashova Natalia Vladimirovna, 2015. – 284 s.
12. Svistunov A.A., Olefir Iu.V., Lebedev G.S., Koshechkin K.A. Formirovanie edinogo informatsionnogo prostranstva v sfere obrashcheniia lekarstvennykh sredstv // Farmateka. – 2017. – № 2. – S. 51–55.
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15. Orizio G., Merla A., Schulz P.J., Gelatti U. Quality of online pharmacies and websites selling prescription drugs: a systematic review // J Med Internet Res. – 2011. – Vol. 13. – No. 3. – Pp. 1–37.
16. Martin A., Brummond P., Vlasimsky T., Steffenhagen A., Langley J., Glowczewski J., Boyd A., Engels M., Hermann S. & Skaff A. The Evolving Frontier of Digital Health: Opportunities for Pharmacists on the Horizon // Hospital pharmacy. – 2018. – Vol. 53. – No. 1. – Pp. 7–11.
17. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 17.03.2020 № 187 «O roznichnoi torgovle lekarstvennymi preparatami dlia meditsinskogo primeneniia» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 24.04.2020).
18. Dremova N.B. Meditsinskoe i farmatsevticheskoe tovarovedenie: ucheb. posobie – M.: OOO «Meditsinskoe informatsionnoe agentstvo». – 2008. – 608 s.
19. Greibo S.V., Pronkin N.N. and O.V. Filippova. Information system for monitoring the movement of drug products. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research // International Scientific and Practical Conference on Digital Economy. – 2019. – Vol. 105. – No. 1. – Pp. 924–928.
20. Kulikov Iu.A., Slivkin A.I., Afanaseva T.G. Farmatsevticheskii entsiklopedicheskii slovar / pod red. G.L. Vyshkovskogo, Iu.A. Kulikova. – M.: VEDANTA, 2015. – 352 s.
21. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii dlia uchastnikov eksperimenta po markirovke sredstvami identifikatsii i monitoringu za oborotom otdelnykh vidov lekarstvennykh preparatov dlia meditsinskogo primeneniia Ministerstva zdravookhraneniia RF ot 27.04.2018 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–1-23196.pdf (data obrashcheniia: 24.04.2020).
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23. Federalnyi zakon ot 12.04.2010 № 61-FZ «Ob obrashchenii lekarstvennykh sredstv» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 20.04.2020).
24. Afanaseva T.G. Osnovy biznes-modelirovaniia v aptechnoi praktike: monografiia / T.G. Afanaseva, N.B. Dremova, S.V. Solomka. – Voronezh: OOO «Antares», 2014. –88 s.
Management of the services sector of the mountain-climatic resort of Russia at the present stage
Bogdanova M.V., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Information Law, Informatics and Mathematics, Russian State University of Justice, Professor of the Department of Marketing, State University of Management
Bogdanova V.G., assistant of the Department of Marketing, State University of Management
The article discusses the main directions for the restoration of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation, as one of the most affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Particular attention is paid to the tasks of improving the service sector of mountain climatic resorts as part of the implementation of the Tourism Development Strategy in the Russian Federation until 2035. A typologization of the world mountain-climatic resorts is carried out, the concept of an integrated mountain-climatic resort is introduced, organizational and managerial models of an integrated mountain-climatic resort are developed.
Keywords: tourism, integrated climatic resort, tourist infrastructure, model, efficiency, competitive tourist product.
1. Ofitsialnyi sait Rosturizma [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 15.06.2020).
2. Bogdanova V.G. Analiz razvitiia gornolyzhnykh kurortov v mire//Nauchnoe obozrenie. Ser. 1. Ekonomika i pravo. – 2019. – № 5. – S. 161–169. – DOI: 10.26653/2076-4650-2019-5-15.
3. Bogdanova V.G., Bogdanova M.V., Parshintseva L.S. Statisticheskie metody kak osnova marketingovykh issledovanii / V.G. Bogdanova, M.V. Bogdanova, L.S. Parshintseva // Vestnik universiteta (Gosudarstvennyi universitet upravleniia). – 2018. – № 4. – S. 78–83.
4. Bogdanova M.V., Parshintseva L.S. Sovremennye sredstva elektronnoi obrabotki sotsialno-ekonomicheskoi informatsii / M.V. Bogdanova, L.S. Parshintseva // Vestnik universiteta. – 2017. – № 5. – S. 10–15.
5. Bogdanova M.V., Bychkova S.G., Parshintseva L.S. Ctatisticheskie metody v dissertatsionnykh issledovaniiakh: ucheb. posobie. – M.: KDU, 2019. – 312 s. – DOI:10.31453/ – ISBN978-5-7913-1109-2.
6. 2019 International Report on Snow & Mountain Tourism Overview of the industry figures for ski resorts. – April 2019 – ISBN978-2-9701028-6-1.
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8. Rasporiazhenie Pravitelstva Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 20.09.2019 № 21229-r «O Strategii razvitiia turizma v Rossiiskoi Federatsii na period do 2035 goda» // Parlamentskaia gazeta. – 2019. – 20 sent.
Methodological approach to assessing the efficiency of housing and utilities enterprises (as exemplified by the municipal unitary enterprise «Nikolaevskie injenernie seti»)
Pipko L.S., bachelor’s degree, Eastern Federal University, 8 Sukhanov str., Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, 690091
Levkina E.V., candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of Enterprise Economics, Far Eastern Federal University, 8 Sukhanov str., Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, 690091
Despite the variety of methodological approaches to evaluating the performance of enterprises in different industries, a comprehensive system that would make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of housing and utilities companies and adopt management decisions based on its analysis has not been developed to date. This article discusses the methodological aspects of evaluating the efficiency of housing and utilities enterprises, taking into account the industry specifics which are based on weighting coefficients, integral indicators and comparative characteristics of performance indicators with their normative values. Using the example of the municipal unitary enterprise «Nikolaevskie injenernie seti» production efficiency indicators are calculated and the company’s efficiency as a whole is evaluated. The results of the study can be adapted and used by housing and utilities companies to assess the effectiveness of their operations and take management decisions.
Keywords: criterion, assessment, efficiency, management, housing and communal services, profit, profitability, indicators.
1. Vorozhbit O.Y., Levkina Ye.V. Improving Scoring System of Performance Indicators of Industrial Systems at the Meso-Level / O. Y. Vorozhbit, Ye. V. Levkina // European Research Studies Journal. – 2017. – Vol. XX. – Iss. 4B. – Рp. 666–674.
2. Grishanov V.I. Novye podkhody k otsenke effektivnosti ZhKKh / V.A. Grishanov // Upravlencheskie nauki v sovremennoi Rossii. – 2014. – № 2. – S. 342–343.
3. Ofitsialnyi sait MUP «Nikolaevskie inzhenernye seti» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 10.07.2020).
4. Dmitrieva N.V. Analiz sovremennogo sostoianiia otrasli ZhKKh / N. V. Dmitrieva // Aprobatsiia. – 2016. – № 6 (45). – S. 76–79.
5. Lopatnikov L.I. Ekonomiko-matematicheskii slovar: slovar sovremennoi ekonomicheskoi nauki. – M.: Delo, 2015. – 520 s.
6. Borodin D.V. Povyshenie effektivnosti organizatsionno-ekonomicheskogo mekhanizma khoziaistvovaniia v rybnoi promyshlennosti / D. V. Borodin // Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo. – 2012. – № 2 (25). – S. 220–225.
Estimation of the digitalization of industrial enterprises process as one of the priority tasks in the strategic management system of modern organization
Timokhina O.A., Ph. D., associate professor of management and marketing department Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod National Research University»
Blizkey R.S., Ph. D., associate professor, professor of the accounting, auditing and taxation department «State University of Management»
The article deals with the key aspects of digitalization of modern industrial enterprises, which requires digital technologies to be integrated in the production process. The article analyses the notion of «industrial enterprise digitalization», considers the opportunities and risks of the digitalization process, and proposes a number of indicators for assessing the level of digitalization at industrial enterprises. The article also demonstrates the author’s approach to assessing the level of digitalization by applying the «Square of Potential» graphoanalytical method.
Keywords: digitalization, digitalization of an industrial enterprise, digital technologies, the level of digitalization, the graphoanalytic method «Square of potential», the production sector, digital infrastructure.
1. Bushmeleva G., Solodiankina O., Batov A. Tsifrovizatsiia promyshlennogo predpriiatiia: tsifrovaia infrastruktura // Polish journal of science. – Kiev. – 2019. – № 20-2 (20). – S. 16–18.
2. Lamentova A.Iu. Tsifrovizatsiia promyshlennosti kak novaia strategiia ekonomicheskogo razvitiia // Sinergiia nauk. – 2018. – № 25. – S. 243–249.
3. Iaroshevich N.Iu. Tsifrovizatsiia promyshlennosti v neoindustrialnom razvitii regiona // Ural – KhKhI vek: makroregion neoindustrialnogo i innovatsionnogo razvitiia: materialy III Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – Ekaterinburg, 2018. – S. 196–201.
4. Karina Zh.P. Tsifrovizatsiia protsessov proizvodstva: osnovnye printsipy, perspektivy razvitiia i problemy vnedreniia v RF: sb. st. III Mezhdunar. nauch.-issled. konkursa // Dostizheniia vuzovskoi nauki 2018. – Penza. – 2018. – S. 62–64.
5. Babkin A.V., Pestova A.Iu. Pokazateli dlia otsenki urovnia tsifrovizatsii promyshlennogo predpriiatiia: materialy KhIV Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. // Aktualnye problemy razvitiia khoziaistvuiushchikh subieektov, territorii i sistem regionalnogo i munitsipalnogo upravleniia. – Kursk: Izd-vo Iugo-Zap. gos. un-ta,
2019. – S. 38–41.
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8. Dobykina E.K., Iakovenko M.N., Latysheva E.V. Otsenka effektivnosti investitsionnykh proektov s ispolzovaniem grafoanaliticheskogo metoda «Kvadrat potentsiala» // Vestnik ekonomicheskoi nauki Ukrainy. – 2016. – № 2 (31). – S. 65–68.
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On the way to a «Smart» factory: how digital platforms are changing the industry
Ramenskaya L.A., PhD Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics theory and Corporate Economy, Ural State University of Economics
The reported study was funded by RFBR and the Sverdlovsk Region, project number 20-410-660032 r_a «Innovative and technological development of the region’s industry in the context of the business architecture transformation and management technologies producing knowledge and shared values: institutional and stakeholder aspects».
The paper outlinse prerequisites for the emergence of a new industrial revolution and highlights the essential features of a «smart» enterprise. Based on the Audi Smart Factory case study, the distinctive features of traditional and «smart» manufacturing are illustrated. The management`s requirements for ERP – new generation systems that provide the possibility of «smart» production are stated. A version of practical implementation of the concept is offered with the use of the S/4 HANA system example.
Keywords: «smart» manufacturing, «smart» factory, digital transformation, ERP systems.
1. Oztemel E. Literature review of Industry 4.0 and related technologies / E. Oztemel, S. Gursev // Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. – 2020. – Vol. 31. – Pp. 127–182.
2. Novaia tekhnologicheskaia revoliutsiia: vyzovy i vozmozhnosti dlia Rossii. Ekspertno-analiticheskii doklad / pod red. V. N. Kniaginina. – M.: Tsentr strategicheskikh razrabotok, 2017. – 136 s. – C. 20.
3. Jacobides M. G. Towards a theory of ecosystems / M. G. Jacobides, C. Cennamo, A. Gawer // Strategic Management Journal. – 2018. – Vol. 39. – Pp. 2255–2276.
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5. Hameed B., Durr F., Rothermel K. RFID based Complex Event Processing in a Smart Real-Time Factory [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 02.06.2020).
6. Lucke D. Smart factory-a step towards the next generation of manufacturing, in Manufacturing Systems and Technologies for the New Frontier / D. Lucke, C. Constantinescu, E. Westkämper. – Springer, 2008. – Pp. 115–118.
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12. Kagermann H. Recommendations for Implementing the Strategic Initiative Industrie 4.0: Securing the Future of German Manufacturing Industry; Final Report of the Industrie 4.0 Working Group / H. Kagermann, J. Helbig, A. Hellinger, W. Wahlster [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 03.06.2020).
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Management multipliers of business performance
Andreeva N.N., Candidate of Economics, Docent, Department of Social Psychology of Management, Siberian Transport University
The article presents management multipliers essential for a modern manager in taking management decisions based on the figures in financial statements, which is an important aspect of modern management and an object of improvement.
Keywords: management performance, efficiency, organization.
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The impact of managerial system on marketing digitalization in Russia
Leonov A.I., Doctor of economic sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Russian Presidential Academy of Economy and Public Administration
A relatively low position of Russia in the World Digital Competitiveness Ranking contradicts with a number of processes and results of the digitalization of Russian economy and marketing. The approach proposed in the paper is based on the criterion of an objective necessity in marketing in a concrete context (market) and takes into account the heterogeneity of the digitalization of marketing in Russia. This has allowed to identify a cluster, among others, equal to the top counties in the Ranking. The paper focuses on two types of criteria accounting for the effectiveness of the digitalization of marketing. Near the criterion of the maturity of marketing environment (i. e. the objective necessity in marketing), the effectiveness of digitalization is determined, to a significant extent, by the quality of managerial tools of a company, as results of the primary explorative research show.
Keywords: impact of management on marketing effectiveness, digital tools of marketing, maturity of marketing environment, digital competitiveness.
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Improving the emotional intelligence of retailers in times of crisis
Nikiforova E.G., PhD in Economics, docent of department of the General management by the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance at Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420008, Russian Federation, Kazan, Butlerova, 4
Abrosimova A.D., Bachelor of the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation, Direction: Management (38.04.02), profile: Management of the organization, 420008, Russian Federation, Kazan, Butlerova, 4
Theoretical views on emotional intelligence (EQ next), studied EQ unit employees of retailers, based on the study, the authors propose actions to improve EQ of managers and other employees. Some of the ways to increase EQ are based on the performance of other major global retail companies.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional competence, Bar-On model, application Assess First, retail trade.
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Flexible management technologies: the essence, functions, signs of flexibility, varieties and characteristics of agile methodologies
Shestakova E.V., doctor of Economics, associate Professor, head of the Department of personnel management, service and tourism «Orenburg state University», Russia, Orenburg
Sitzhanova A.M., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of personnel management, service and tourism «Orenburg state University», Russia, Orenburg
Prytkov R.M., senior lecturer of the Department of personnel management, service and tourism «Orenburg state University», Russia, Orenburg
The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR in the framework of the scientific project № 20-010-00459/20.
The article is devoted to the application of flexible management technologies in the activities of enterprises is quite relevant, since there is a need to increase the adaptation of modern business to changing conditions and environmental factors. The article reveals the content of the definitions «flexibility», «flexible», manageability», «flexible management technologies». The article defines the main features of flexibility in accordance with the theory of systems, and also describes the content of management functions in the implementation of the principle of flexibility, on the basis of which it is concluded there is a need for a transition to flexible management technologies in the implementation of enterprise management functions. Varieties of agile methodologies are considered that allow managers of enterprises of various industries and fields of activity to make a choice depending on the specifics of the activity, principles, mission and views on the future.
Keyword: flexibility, manageability, system, signs of flexibility, technology, management functions, agile methodology.
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Attraction of «Green» investments in the waste processing industry
Nikonorov S. M., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Environmental Economics, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University Lomonosov
Eliseev E. A., graduate of the bachelor’s degree in 2020, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University Lomonosov
In our study, we conducted an industry-wide strategic analysis of the waste management industry, analyzed the world experience in using green financial instruments (especially the experience of China was analyzed carefully). New theoretical approaches to green finance were substantiated. One of the ways to transition to a «green» economy and motivate businesses to modernize the waste management industry is green financing. The waste recycling industry was chosen because of its capital intensity and low marginality, where entrepreneurs need new forms of attracting investment to develop not just an eco-friendly business, but a profitable business. The article presents the Russian experience of using green financial instruments, where such green financial instruments as green bonds and loans are introduced and used.
Keywords: green investments, waste recycling, strategic analysis of the industry, green financial instruments, green economy, green energy, China’s experience.
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Characteristics of the main stages of entrepreneurial activity in modern national economies
Pinkovetskaia Yu.S., Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Analysis and State Management, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation
The article estimates the specific weight of the number of entrepreneurs at various stages of business creation and management in the number of economically active population across the world. The study examines indicators that characterize the levels of nascent entrepreneurial activity, the initial stage of entrepreneurial activity, as well as ongoing entrepreneurship. The calculations were based on empirical data provided in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project for fifty countries. The estimation of the levels of these indicators was based on economic and mathematical modeling, during which the functions density of the normal distribution were developed. The use of these functions made it possible to determine the average values and ranges of changes in the indicators considered, which are typical for most countries, and to identify national economies that are characterized by high and low values of each of the three indicators.
Keywords: economy, entrepreneurship, stages of development, global monitoring, modern countries, emerging entrepreneurial activity, beginning entrepreneurs, ongoing entrepreneurs, life cycle, distribution functions.
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