The parameter of the «biological» age of the organization as an indicator of organizational old age
Efremov V.S., Doctor of Economics, professor, People’s friendship university Head of Management Department in People’s friendship university,
SPIN-код: 2021-2258; AuthorID: 320336
Kalygina E.V., Lecturer in Institution of hotel business and tourism, People’s friendship university PhD student in Management Department in People’s friendship university,
SPIN-код: 8992-7980
Goryainov K.S., Candidate Science (Econ.), Associate Professor in tourism and hotel business department, People’s friendship university, Vice President of Interstate Hotels & Resorts for Operations in Russia and the CIS,
The existing statistics show a high level of organizational mortality, when enterprises practically do not live for more than 5 years. In the theory and practice of management, the reasons for organizational aging and the possibilities to avoid it are still not clear. The article provides a definition of organizational old age, an explanation of the reasons for its occurrence, and the concept of the «biological» age of an organization as a universal parameter for determining the risk of organizational mortality is proposed. The authors also suggest that due to the characteristics of the «biological» age of the organization, it is possible to more accurately predict the model of organizational development and avoid organizational death.
Keywords: organizational dynamics, age of the organization, organizational old age.
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Digital transformation of the economy: changing business-practices and digital leadership
Groshev I.V., Doctor of Economics, doctor of Psychology, Deputy Director of the Institute of education and science,
ORCID: 0000-0002-7212-6409; SPIN-код РИНЦ: 3843-6418;
Scopus: 8681183900; 57219161188
Zheregelya A.V., research associate of the research Institute of education and science,
ORCID: 0000-0002-1317-315Х
In the conditions of total digital transformation, a new format of leader appears-digital-leader. Its competencies go beyond the traditional understanding of the management category. Its main tasks are to verify and correct the digital strategy, manage and be one step ahead of the digital transformation process. In addition the article discusses the sequence of actions of the Digital leader for the successful integration of the company into the digital economy.
Keywords: digital leader, management, digital economy, corporate digital culture, artificial intelligence, knowledge base.
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Imhroving approaches to the organization of the risk management system
Stavrova T.A., Postgraduate student of the Ural State University of Economics,
SPIN-код, 7423-7765
Syomin A.N., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at the Department of Competition Law and Antimonopoly Regulation Ural State Economic University,
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Researcher ID: U-1359-2019
The article discusses the principles of implementation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of risk management carried out by the Federal Treasury, as an integral part of the management system. The importance of developing principles for regulating the actions of participants in the risk management process is emphasized. In the context of the development and improvement of management mechanisms, a more extended list of risk management principles in relation to the activities of the agency in question is proposed, taking into account the full range of enforcement powers exercised by the agency and taking into account that the purpose of creating this executive authority is not just the implementation of a certain functionality, but the orientation of activities in its implementation on risk management in the economy.
Keywords: Federal Treasury, risks, risk management, risk management system, risk management subsystems, risk management principles, performance efficiency.
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Index of spatial development of municipal district: overwhelming of inter-municipal inequalities
Kharchenko K.V., Leader Researcher, Center for Regional Sociology and Conflict Studies at the Institute of Sociology FCTAS of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Sociology, Dotsent,
SPIN-код: 6329-9856; Author ID: 76188;
ORCID: 0000-0003-3329-7755; Researcher ID: AAV-7562-2020
The paper deals with the factors of spatial development which differ from socio-economic development of municipal formations. The revealed problems of spatial development engendering inter-territorial inequalities are the trend of extraterritoriality, urban sprawl, unequal space development, and increased ‘environmental exhaust’. To solve these problems the spatial development is needed to be rational one – relatively equal and taking into account environmental constraints. The index of spatial development has to be oriented to measure the extent of achieving of this goal. Based on the accessible statistical data, it should be designed in two variants: on the principles of the milieu approach and taking into consideration the dispersion of the population and its public activity across the area.
Keywords: spatial development, inter-territorial inequalities, municipal district, revitalization of area, strategic planning.
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Corporate residency in the event of digital transformation
Itsakov E.D., Ph. D. in Economics, Head of Management and Entrepreneurship Department of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation,
SPIN-код: 6991–0282; Author ID: 2551202; Researcher ID: 680968
Nowadays modern corporations tend to build the business ecosystems around the complete set of consumer needs. The article offers an approach to evaluate the level of consumer needs fulfillment. There is also a proposal to utilize this level as an business ecosystem competition benchmark. The author demonstrates how building of business ecosystems leads towards deeper integration between customers and corporations together with the establishing of corporate residency.
Keywords: corporate residency, corporate citizenship, business ecosystem, corporation, competition, co-opetition.
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9. COVID-19 And E-Commerce Impact On Businesses And Policy Responces. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2020).
10. COVID-19 Boosts E-Commerce, Resizing U.S. Retail. Morgan Stanley Research, 06–2020 [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniia: 03.02.2021).
11. Maslow A.H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50 (4), 370–396.
12. Reiting poiskovykh sistem. SEO-AUDITOR [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashcheniia: 03.02.2021).
13. Brandenburger Adam M., Nalebuff Barry J. Co-Opetition: Competitive Collaboration in Business, 9th printing (304 p.). Crown Business, 2011.
Going near the estimation of probabilistic character of demand of XYZ-analysis on the base of theory of cross-correlation functions
Negomedzyanov Yu.A., Doctor of engineering sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of «Management» of the Tver State University,
SPIN-code: 1514-9523
Negomedzyanov G.Yu., Candidate of Science (Economics), Research Fellow, Department of «Management» of the Tver State University,
The article lays out the conceptual basis of a radically new approach to providing complex characteristics – based on the indices traditionally used in the theory of probabilities and an additional criterion, a new measure of risk – of the assessment of the probabilistic allowing decision-making in supplies management and predictive nature-of-demand calculations for every nomenclature position with the use of the XYZ-analysis.
Keywords: XYZ-analysis, character of demand, new approach, complex description, traditionally applied criteria, additional criteria, CF is a cross-correlation function.
1. Fedko V.P., Bondarenko V.A. Kommercheskaia logistika. – M.: IKTs «MarT»; Rostov n/D: Izd. tsentr «MarT», 2006. – 304 s.
2. Modeli i metody logistiki / pod red. V.S. Lukinskogo. – SPb.: Piter, 2003.
3. Gadzhinskii A.M. Logistika: uchebnik / A.M. Gadzhinskii. – 18-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Izd.-torg. korporatsiia «Dashkov i Ko», 2010. – 484 s.
4. Negomedzianov Iu.A., Negomedzianov G.Iu. Otsenka riska po realnoi volatilnosti / Iu.A. Negomedzianov, G.Iu. Negomedzianov // Finansy i kredit. – 2015. – № 24 (648). – S. 22–26.
5. Negomedzianov Iu.A., Negomedzianov G.Iu. Analiz riska i vybor nailuchshei alternativy / Iu.A. Negomedzianov, G.Iu. Negomedzianov // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2015. – № 4. – S. 3–7.
6. Negomedzianov Iu.A., Negomedzianov G.Iu. Uglublenie funktsionalnosti kontseptsii VaR // Iu.A. Negomedzianov, G.Iu. Negomedzianov // Finansy i kredit. – 2016. – № 2 (674). – S. 2–8.
Motivation: features of the XXI century
Shklyar T.L., Candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, associate Professor of Advertising, Public relations and design, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
SPIN code: 1865-6315; Author ID: 634543; Scopus Author ID: 57188741929;
Researcher ID (Was): B2325-2015; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8262-7584
In the modern world, overloaded with rapidly changing information, the individual is characterized by weak motivation, illogical behavior, and insufficient manageability.
Getting lost in different methods and methods, it is extremely difficult for the Manager to find the necessary approach to employees, increasingly inclined to quickly replace some performers with others, maximum optimization of processes, companies increase the cost of finding new personnel, adaptation and training.
The human factor is leveled by software, routine processes are automated as much as possible, while jobs are reduced and the unemployment rate increases.
In this article, the author examines the main causes of psychological changes in the modern generation and ways to deal with them by means of various motivational options.
Keywords: management, motivation, psychology, psychoanalysis, personnel management.
1. Vroom V.H. Work and motivation. – N.Y.: Wiley, 1964. – 331 p.
2. Makklelland D. Motivatsiia cheloveka. – SPb.: Piter, 2007. – 672 s.
3. Maslou A. Motivatsiia i lichnost. – SPb.: Piter, 2019. – 400 s.
4. Meskon Maikl Kh., Albert Maikl, Khedouri F. Osnovy menedzhmenta: per. s angl. – 3-e izd. – M.: OOO «I.D. Viliams», 2007. – 672 s.
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6. Smertina P. Kak startap iz Krasnodara pomogal stroit moskovskoe metro // Vedomosti. – 2019. – 4 apr. – S. 2.
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8. Mei R. Chelovek v poiskakh sebia. – M.: Institut Obshchegumanitarnykh Issledovanii, 2015. – 224 s.
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11. Shopengauer A. Mir kak volia i predstavlenie. – Minsk: Kharvest, 2011. – 848 s.
12. Howe N., Strauss W. Millennials Go to College: Strategies for a New Generation on Campus (2nd ed.). – Great Falls: LifeCourse Associates, 2008.
13. Taler R. Novaia povedencheskaia ekonomika: pochemu liudi narushaiut pravilo traditsionnoi ekonomiki i kak na etom zarabotat. – M.: Eksmo, 2020. – 384 s.
14. 7 primerov uspeshnoi geimifikatsii dlia vovlecheniia i motivatsii sotrudnikov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 10.02.2021).
Efficiency of personnel costs in the structural division of the Russian railways holding
Belyaeva T.V., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of transport Economics, Siberian state University of railway transport, Novosibirsk,
SPIN-код: 7152-5453; Author ID: 757903; ID РИНЦ: 757903
Buintseva Yu.M., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of transport Economics, Siberian state University of railway transport, Novosibirsk,
SPIN-код: 5728-7170; Author ID: 281386; ID РИНЦ: 281386
The article offers a system of indicators for estimating costs, taking into account the specifics of the activities of the Сenter for organizing the work of railway stations.
Keywords: personnel costs, cost estimation methods, efficiency.
1. Materialy ofitsialnogo saita OAO «RZhD»: rasporiazhenie Pravitelstva RF ot 19.03.2019 № 466 r «Dolgosrochnaia programma razvitiia OAO «RZhD» do 2025 goda» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 01.10.2020).
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3. Materialy ofitsialnogo saita Mezhdunarodnoi organizatsii truda (MOT): postanovlenie po statistike zatrat na rabochuiu silu. Priniato XI Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsiei statistikov truda (oktiabr 1966 g.) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: – en/index.htm (data obrashcheniia: 01.10.2020).
4. Postanovlenie Rosstata ot 28.11.2005 g. № 88 «Ob utverzhdenii metodologicheskikh polozhenii po provedeniiu vyborochnogo obsledovaniia organizatsii o sostave zatrat na rabochuiu silu» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 01.10.2020).
5. Materialy ofitsialnogo saita OAO «RZhD»: ob utverzhdenii Rekomendatsii o poriadke nalogooblozheniia nalogom na dokhody fizicheskikh lits i strakhovymi vznosami vyplat v polzu rabotnikov dochernego obshchestva OAO «RZhD»: rasporiazhenie OAO «RZhD» ot 12.05.2011 № 1026 r [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 01.10.2020).
6. Kirkpatrik Donald L., Kirkpatrik Dzheims D. Chetyre stupenki k uspeshnomu treningu. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po otsenke effektivnosti obucheniia: per. s angl. – M.: Eich Ar Media, 2008. – 128 s.
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10. Churakova N.I., Siniakova M.G. i dr. Sotsialnaia i ekonomicheskaia effektivnost upravleniia personalom v organizatsii: posobie dlia studentov i slushatelei po obrazovatelnym programmam v oblasti upravleniia personalom i prakticheskikh spetsialistov kadrovykh sluzhb; Ural. gos. ped. un-t. – Ekaterinburg, 2013. – 151 s.
11. Dannye statisticheskoi otchetnosti Tsentra organizatsii raboty zheleznodorozhnykh stantsii – strukturnogo podrazdeleniia Zapadno-Sibirskoi direktsii upravleniia dvizheniem – filiala OAO «RZhD».
12. Beliaeva T.V., Lunina T.A. Otsenka ekonomicheskoi effektivnosti tiazhelovesnogo dvizheniia na Zapadno-Sibirskoi magistrali // Innovatsii v zhizn. Mezhdunarodnyi nauchnyi zhurnal. – Novosibirsk: Izd-vo OOO «Arkhivarius-N». – 2017. – № 3 (22). – S. 42–51.
Organizational features of allocating accounting functions to a subsidiary
Fedorova O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department «International Financial and Management Accounting» of the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)),
In the article, the author considers the problem of transferring accounting functions to a specialized subsidiary. This «reorganization» allows you to significantly increase the speed and quality of accounting processes and at the same time not lose control over the functionality that is strategically important for any company (accounting). To ensure the harmony of the transition to internal outsourcing, the author suggests using a step-by-step model: first, organize a common accounting service center in the form of a separate branch, and then withdraw it from the branch structure into a special dedicated legal entity.
Keywords: organization of accounting, shared service center, internal outsourcing, corporate outsourcing, a subsidiary of the company, the transfer of accounting functions.
1. Krasin V., Snigirev I. Vydelenie IT-sluzhby v docherniuiu kompaniiu: ozhidaniia i vyzovy [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 25.01.2021).
2. Fedorova O.V., Fedorov A.S. Povyshenie effektivnosti upravleniia zatratami Tsentra korporativnogo ucheta i otchetnosti «Zheldoruchet» – filiala OAO «RZhD» // Sb. tr. XII Mezhdunar. konf. «Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie: Rossiiskaia Federatsiia v sovremennom mire». – M.: Infra-M, 2015.
3. Bukhgalterskii (finansovyi) uchet na zheleznodorozhnom transporte: uchebnik dlia bakalavriata i magistratury / E.Z. Makeeva, T.N. Kuzminova, D.P. Ustich i dr.; pod obshch. red. E.I. Kharybinoi; nauch. red. G.V. Kraft. – Ch. 1. – M.: Prometei, 2019. – 330 s.
4. Avilova N.D., Fedorova O.V. Metody identifikatsii i otsenki riskov v sisteme vnutrennego kontrolia // Ekonomika zheleznykh dorog. – 2020. – № 2 (146). – S. 28–34.
5. Osadshaia O. Docherniaia bukhgalteriia: ekonomiia dlia upravleniia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 25.01.2021).
Implementation of environmental management systems in the Russian Federation: issues and trends
Astafieva O.V., Ph. D. of Chemical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Urban Environments Institute of Industrial Ecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
SPIN-код: 1129-8812; ORCID: 0000-0002-3801-4454
The article studies the reasons that prevent the active implementation of environmental management systems in accordance with the international standard ISO 14001 in the Russian Federation. The dynamics of the number of ISO 14001 certificates received by Russian companies for the period 2004–2019; and the distribution of current ISO 14001 certificates by economic sectors in the world and in Russia have been also analyzed. Using the example of Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company – JSC «Uralelectromed», which introduced an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 requirements in 2004, tendencies of implementation of environmental management system in company and significant successes in environmental protection which were achieved due to successful functioning of this system. Possible directions for enhancing the implementation and certification of environmental management systems in accordance with international standards of ISO 14000 series in the Russian Federation were proposed and justified.
Keywords: environmental management systems, standard, certification, negative impact, environment.
1. Strategiia ekologicheskoi bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federatsii na period do 2025 goda // Elektronnyi fond pravovoi i normativno-tekhnicheskoi dokumentatsii [Elektronnyi resurs].URL: (data obrashcheniia: 02.12.2020).
2. Obzor sostoianiia i zagriazneniia okruzhaiushchei sredy v Rossiiskoi Federatsii za 2019 god. Federalnaia sluzhba po gidrometeorologii i monitoringu okruzhaiushchei sredy. – M.: Rosgidromet, 2019. – 247 s.
3. Bashlakova O.I. Problemy ekologicheskoi bezopasnosti Rossii // Vestnik MGIMO – Universiteta. – 2015. – № 3 (42). – S. 112–121.
4. Feraru G.S. Ekologicheskii menedzhment: uchebnik dlia studentov bakalavriata i magistratury. – Rostov n/D: Fenikc, 2012. – 528 s.
5. Bashlakova O.I. Problemy razvitiia ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta v Rossii // Aktualnye problemy sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiia Rossii. – 2019. – № 2. – S. 40–44.
6. Shpakov A.S., Burdonov A.E. Osnovnye problemy na puti vnedreniia ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta // Nauchnyi zhurnal NIU ITMO. Ser.: Ekonomika i ekologicheskii menedzhment. – 2019. – № 1. – C.154–162.
7. Gorbunova O.I., Kanitskaia L.V., Safonova S.S. Problemy realizatsii mezhdunarodnykh standartov ISO 14000 v Rossii // Evraziiskii soiuz uchenykh. – 2016. – № 29-3. – S. 29–32.
8. Daiman S.Iu., Guseva T.V., Zaika E.V., Sokornova T.V. Sistemy ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta: prakticheskii kurs. – M.: Forum, 2010. – 336 s.
9. Ratner S.V., Almastian N.A. Ekologicheskii menedzhment v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: problemy i perspektivy razvitiia // Natsionalnye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost. – 2014. – № 17 (254). – S. 37–46.
10. Shestak M.N. Barery vnedreniia sistem ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta v sootvetstvii s mezhdunarodnymi standartami ISO 14001 // Drukerovskii vestnik. – 2015. – № 3. – S. 105–121.
11. Obshchestvennyi registr sertifikatsii sistem ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta v Rossii // Informatsionnyi sait sistem ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 02.11.2020).
12. Ekologicheskii menedzhment kak instrument obespecheniia ustoichivogo razvitiia promyshlennogo predpriiatiia: nauchnaia monografiia / L.A. Mochalova; Ural. gos. gornyi un-t. – Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo UGGU, 2008. – 456 s.
13. International Organization for Standardization ISO // Сайт ИСО [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.11.2020).
14. Deriagina S.E., Astafeva O.V. Adaptatsiia sushchestvuiushchei sistemy ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta s novoi versiei standarta ISO 14001 (na primere OAO «Uralskii zavod grazhdanskoi aviatsii» // Liderstvo i menedzhment. – 2018. – T. 5. – № 3. – S. 115–124.
15. Dukmasova N.V. Ekonomicheskaia effektivnost vnedreniia sistemy ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta na promyshlennykh predpriiatiiakh: dis. ... kand. ekon. nauk. – Ekaterinburg, 2015. – 214 s.
16. O kompanii // Sait kompanii OOO «Russkii Registr – Baltiiskaia inspektsiia» [Elektronnyi resurs].URL: (data obrashcheniia: 15.02.2021).
17. Gosudarstvennye doklady // Ofitsialnyi sait Ministerstva prirodnykh resursov i ekologii Sverdlovskoi oblasti [Elektronnyi resurs].URL: (data obrashcheniia: 15.02.2021).
18. Molina-Azorín J.F., Tarí J.J., Claver-Cortés E., López-Gamero M.D. Quality management, environmental management and firm performance: a review of empirical studies and issues of integration // International Journal of Management Reviews. – 2009. – Vol. 11. – Iss. 2. – Pp. 197–222.
19. Franchetti M. ISO 14001 and solid waste generation rates in US manufacturing organizations: an analysis of relationship // Journal of Cleaner Production. – 2011. – No. 19. – Pp. 1104–1109.
20. O kompanii//Ofitsialnyi sait AO «Uralelektromed» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 15.02.2021).
21. Puti snizheniia negativnogo vozdeistviia na okruzhaiushchuiu sredu AO «Ural-elektromed» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 15.02.2021).
22. Lazareva M.S., Ivanova O.V. Sistema ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta na rossiiskikh predpriiatiiakh: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Bezopasnost zhiznedeiatelnosti v sovremennykh usloviiakh: problemy i puti resheniia». – Ufa, 2015. – C. 87–88.
Optimization of environmental management systems based on decomposition of managed objects and application of the broad norm of controllability in sustainable developmentof the agricultural sector of the economy
Savkin V.I., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Department of Economics and Management in the Agro-Industrial Complex Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin», Orel, Russia,
SPIN-код: 4826-3295; Author ID: 426599; Scopus ID: 57208508509; ID РИНЦ: 426599;
ORCID: 0000-0002-1379-1847; Researcher ID: B-4467-2018
The article considers the issues of optimization of environmental management based on the decomposition of the objects of management and the use of the broad norm of controllability in ensuring sustainable development of the agricultural sector of the economy.
Analysis, synthesis, deduction and analogy are used as research instruments to ensure a systemic approach to the matter and practical significance of the achieved results. The author suggests an approach based on the use of the broad norm of controllability and decomposition of the objects of management within the system of environmental management in the agricultural sector of the economy.
A framework model of the factors of a broad norm of controllability of environmental management, segmented by levels of vertical decomposition, has been developed.
The results of the study make it possible to supplement the theory and methodology of environmental management by ensuring maximum consideration of the environmental component in the process of sustainable development.
Keywords: environmental management, managerial decisions, a broad norm of controllability, sustainable development, the agricultural sector of the economy.
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5. Savkin V.I. Skrytyi ekologicheskii menedzhment v agroproizvodstve // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2019. – № 4. – S. 101–106.
6. Savkin V.I. Mekhanizm informatsionnogo obespecheniia ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2010. – № 6. – S. 102–109.
7. Savkin V.I. Rol ekologicheskogo menedzhmenta v ustoichivom razvitii agrarnogo sektora ekonomiki // Vestnik agrarnoi nauki. – 2017. – № 6 (69). – S. 166–170.
8. Golik F.V., Maier I.I. Dekompozitsiia sluchainykh potokov v zadachakh ekonomiki i finansov // Vestnik Novgor. fil. RANKhiGS. – 2015. – T. 2. – № 4–2 (2). – S. 32–40.
9. Moody D. A decomposition Method for Enterprise Relationship Models: A System Theoretic Approach // Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2000. Brisbane, Australia. – 2000. – Dec. 10–13. – Pp. 462–469.
10. Dobrokhotov A.L. Novaia filosofskaia entsiklopediia. – 2-e izd. – M.: Mysl, 2010. – T. 4.
11. Fedorov I.G. Printsipy dekompozitsii modeli protsessa // Prikladnaia informatika. – 2016. – T. 11. – № 5 (65). – S. 19–30.
12. Fedorov I.G. Sistemnyi podkhod k vyiavleniiu biznes-protsessov metodom «sverkhu vniz» // Prikladnaia informatika. – 2012. – T. 41. – № 5. – S. 5–13.
The fourth industrial revolution: causes and consequences
Strizhakova E.N., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk,
SPIN-код: 6550-7510; Author ID: 556491; ORCID: 0000-0001-8749-0505
Strizhakov D.V., Ph. D. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk,
SPIN-код: 7378-0331; Author ID: 444160
The article presents the background of the fourth industrial revolution. A brief historical review on the previous technical revolutions is given. Megatrends that form the preconditions for the creation of many completely new, breakthrough innovations are analyzed. The article presents «profound changes», the implementation of which is predicted by 2025, as well as their negative and positive consequences. The directions of impact on the economy of the fourth industrial revolution at all stages of its implementation and in the context of developed and developing countries separately are shown.
Keywords: industrial revolution, technology, innovation, megatrend, change.
1. Tolkachev S.A. Kto glavnyi? Kak soedinit tekhnologicheskie uklady i promyshlennye revoliutsii [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Strizhakova E.N. Effektivnoe ispolzovanie resursov v protsesse ekonomicheskogo rosta – faktory i ogranicheniia // Ekonomicheskie i gumanitarnye nauki. – 2014. – № 5 (268). – S. 12–22.
3. Tatarkin A.I., Sukharev O.S., Strizhakova E.N. Shumpeterianskaia ekonomicheskaia teoriia promyshlennoi politiki: vliianie tekhnologicheskoi struktury // Zhurnal ekonomicheskoi teorii. – 2017. – № 2. – S. 7–17.
4. Strizhakova E.N., Strizhakov D.V. Razvitie innovatsionnoi ekonomiki: problemy i vozmozhnosti // Vestnik evraziiskoi nauki. – 2019. – T. 11. – № 1. – S. 41.
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10. Kristensen K.M. Dilemma innovatora / K.M. Kristensen; per. s angl. – M.: Alpina Biznes Buks, 2004. – 239 s. – ISBN: 978-5-9614-6785-7.
11. Chetvertaia promyshlennaia revoliutsiia / K. Shvab. – M.: Eksmo, 2016. – (Top Business Awards). – ISBN 978-5-699-90556-0.
12. Vsemirnyi ekonomicheskii forum «Glubinnoe izmenenie – tekhnologicheskie perelomnye momenty i sotsialnoe vozdeistvie». Issledovatelskii otchet. Mezhdunarodnyi ekspertnyi sovet Vsemirnogo ekonomicheskogo foruma po voprosam budushchego programmnogo obespecheniia i obshchestva, noiabr 2015 g. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
13. Strizhakova E.N., Strizhakov D.V. Tsifrovaia ekonomika: problemy i perspektivy razvitiia // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2019. – № 2. – S. 27–33.
14. Glazev S.Iu. Upravlenie razvitiem ekonomiki: kurs lektsii / S.Iu. Glazev. – M.: MGU im. Lomonosova, 2019. – 759 s.: il.
Open innovation management in the digital collaborative economy
Lavrikova N.I., candidate of economic sciences, employee of the Russian Federation Security Guard Service Federal Academy,
SPIN-код: 7255-9470; Author ID: 534247; ID РИНЦ: 534247; ORCID: 0000-0002-9459-2793
The article describes the results of the study of the possibilities of controlling the opening of the digital boundaries of the economic system and the typology developed by the author, suitable for determining the boundaries of the economic system, controlled and managed by the operating organization of the digital platform or by external actors present. To solve the problem, an exploratory qualitative approach was used to identify different general types of frontier opening and different general controls according to the type of frontier.
Keywords: management, governance, open innovation, economic systems, digitalization, collaborative economy.
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