The issue of organizational mortality in organization theories
Efremov V.S., Doctor of Economics, professor, People’s friendship university Head of Management Department in People’s friendship university,
SPIN-code: 2021-2258; Author ID: 320336
Kalygina E.V., Lecturer in Institution of hotel business and tourism, People’s friendship university PhD student in Management Department in People’s friendship university,
SPIN-code: 8992-7980
Goryainov K.S., Candidate Science (Econ.), Associate Professor in tourism and hotel business department, People’s friendship university, Vice President of Interstate Hotels & Resorts for Operations in Russia and the CIS,
The existing statistics show a high level of organizational mortality not only in Russia, but also in the world. At the same time, it is not clear why organizations do not have the experience of their predecessors and where to look for the causes of organizational death. In the theory of organization, there is no consensus on this matter. Different approaches to understanding the essence of the organization do not answer this question. Except for the organismic concept. The article analyzes the organization of this concept, identifies the key feature of such organizations and finds an answer to the question about the causes of organizational death, which must be considered through the prism of the organization’s age, which is inherent exclusively to the organismic concept.
Keywords: organization, organization-mechanisms, organismic concept, adaptability, age of the organization.
1. Efremov V.S., Kalygina E.V., Goriainov K.S. Parametr «biologicheskogo» vozrasta organizatsii kak pokazatel organizatsionnoi starosti // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2021. – № 3. – S. 3–9.
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Graphical representation of the concept of «efficiency». Compliance with «the petal principle»
Chuvaeva A.I., PhD in economics, Associate Professor of international business Department Siberian state University of science and technology named after M.F. Reshetnev,
Alashkevich Yu.D., Doctor of engineering Professor, head of the Department of machines and devices of industrial technologies Siberian state University of science and technology named after M.F. Reshetnev,
This article provides a chronological graph of the birth of the concept of effectiveness. The relation to the concept and its various interpretation are studied. The versatility of the concept of efficiency is confirmed. As a clarification, a graphical interpretation of this concept is given, the application of the petal principle is proposed. The types of efficiency are briefly considered according to the functional basis. A graphical representation of the types of efficiency is given.
Keywords: efficiency, effect, concept, graphic display, chronological chart of the concept, types of effectiveness.
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Russian and foreign practice of effective healthcare management under pandemic conditions
Gabueva L.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the Center for Management Training of the Faculty of Management in Medicine and Healthcare, Institute of Sectoral Management, RANEPA,
SPIN-code: 7696-0939; Author ID: 568483; ID РИНЦ: 568483; ORCID: 0000-0001-6249-3443
Kozhevina O.V., Doctor of Economics, Lecturer at the Center for Management Training of the Faculty of Management in Medicine and Healthcare, Institute of Sectoral Management, RANEPA,
SPIN-code: 6696-6538; Author ID: 346023; ID РИНЦ: 346023; Scopus ID: 57190430404;
Researcher ID: R-9605-2017; ORCID: 0000-0001-5347-2253
The organization of public health protection in Russia is based on uniform principles that take into account both the general principles of organizing the provision of medical care and national characteristics inherent in the health care system of each country. The article examines the methods of organizing the work of medical institutions in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, including in the OECD countries. An analysis of the best practices, which is advisable to scale in the further organization of management in medicine and health care, has been carried out. The priorities of the national drug policy are identified, as well as the main tasks in pharmaceutical and pharmacy activities. The directions of increasing the efficiency of organizing the work of medical units, hospitals in non-standard and risky circumstances are proposed.
Keywords: management, efficiency, organization, health care system, medical institutions, pandemic, decision making, organizational effectiveness.
1. Molchanova E.V. Vliianie sotsialno-ekonomicheskikh i ekologicheskikh faktorov na mediko-demograficheskie tendentsii v regionakh//Regionalnaia ekonomika: teoriia i praktika. – 2011. – № 39 (222). – S. 56–66.
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11. Guliev Ia.I., Belyshev D.V., Mikheev A.E. Modelirovanie biznes-protsessov meditsinskoi organizatsii: klassifikatsiia podkhodov // Meditsinskie informatsionnye sistemy. – 2015. – № 4. – S. 6–13.
12. Federalnyi zakon ot 29.11.2010 № 326-FZ (red. ot 24.02.2021) «Ob obiazatelnom meditsinskom strakhovanii v Rossiiskoi Federatsii» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 03.05.2021).
Approbation of approaches to the formation of the transport and logistics infrastructure of the region (on the example of the Orenburg region)
Kucenko E.I., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Institute of Management, Orenburg State University, Orenburg,
SPIN-code: 1772-1300; Author ID: 636021; Scopus ID: нет; ID РИНЦ: 636021;
ORCID: 0000-0002-5860-542х
Mishurova A.I., Master of Management Institute, Orenburg State University, Orenburg,
SPIN-code: 1296-0020; Author ID: 972443; Scopus ID: нет; ID РИНЦ: 972443;
ORCID: 0000-0002-2748-4530
The article is devoted to the issue of systematizing empirical approaches to the formation of the transport and logistics infrastructure of the region and testing the results in Russian conditions. The systematization of approaches is carried out on the basis of identifying the functional features of the regional system and analyzing the principles for its development in order to further implement the methodological tools for creating an optimal transport and logistics infrastructure in the region. The work also analyzed the functioning of the transport and logistics infrastructure of the Orenburg region. It was revealed that this regional system is characterized by an insufficient level of development of transport and logistics entities and sporadic implementation of interaction between them, however, the potential of the region is quite high and requires further development of a strategic development program that meets the needs of improving the quality of life and trends in strengthening inter-economic, interregional and foreign economic relations with taking into account the designated problems.
Keywords: transport and logistics infrastructure of the region, territorial development, regional economy, Orenburg region.
1. Bolodurina M.P., Mishurova A.I. Kontseptualnye osnovy formirovaniia i razvitiia TLI // Natsionalnye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost. – 2019. – T. 15. – № 2 (371). – S. 240–257. – DOI: 10.24891/ni.15.2.240.
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3. Sheleg E.V. Obosnovanie effektivnosti sozdaniia obieektov regionalnoi transportno-logisticheskoi sistemy // Problemy sovremennoi ekonomiki. – 2014. – № 5. – S. 382–385.
4. Savchenko E.E. Transportnaia infrastruktura kak instrument regionalizatsii ekonomiki, ee sut i vliianie na region // Izv. Irkut. gos. ekon. akad. – 2012. – № 5. – S. 56–61.
5. Tsiunchik V.V., Savin D.A. Modelirovanie regionalnoi logisticheskoi sistemy // Vestn. Balt. feder. un-ta im. I. Kanta. Ser.: Fiziko-matematicheskie i tekhnicheskie nauki. – 2014. – № 10. – S. 173–175.
6. Eremenko I.A., Eremenko T.I. Logistizatsiia klasternogo podkhoda razvitiia regionalnoi ekonomiki // Molodoi uchenyi. – 2016. – № 12. – S. 1239–1249.
7. Matushkina N.A., Averina L.M. Perspektivy razvitiia TLI v usloviiakh formirovaniia regionalnogo promyshlenno-stroitelnogo klastera // Regionalnaia ekonomika: teoriia i praktika. – 2014. – № 23 (350). – S. 30–37.
8. Prokofeva T.A., Klimenko V.V. Regionalnye transportno-logisticheskie sistemy: strategicheskoe planirovanie i upravlenie funktsionirovaniem i razvitiem: monografiia / pod obshch. red. d-ra ekon. nauk, professora T. A. Prokofevoi. – M.: OAO «ITKOR», 2016. – 630 s.
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Atlas of digital platforms of social innovation projects
Popov E.V., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Director of the Center for Socio-Economic Research and Expertise, Ural Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration,
SPIN-code: 9980-7417; Author ID: 44798; Scopus ID: 24822113400;
ORCID: 0000-0002-5513-5020; Researcher ID: H-3358-2015
Veretennikova A.Yu., PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher, Institute of Economics, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading Researcher, Ural Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Economics, Innovative Entrepreneurship and Security, Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin,
SPIN-code: 7251-7371; Author ID: 587754; Scopus ID: 55522721900;
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1808-7856; Researcher ID: N-4275-2016
Muhamedyanova Yu.Yu., Undergraduate student Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin,
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0700-4736; Researcher ID: AAE-3689-2021
The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of scientific project No. 20-010-00333.
The aim of the research is a systematization of digital platforms which implement social innovation projects. The object of the research is the digital platforms of ongoing social innovation projects. The subject of the research is the economic relationship regarding the systematization of digital platforms. We have used system comparative analysis of published data as a method of research. The digital platforms of social innovation projects which are implemented in different countries have been chosen based on the analysis of published articles on the international database of scientific citation Scopus, Web of Science, JSTOR, and on the platform Digital Social Innovation. We have divided it into criteria of digitized resources and scale of activities. This classification is described as the atlas of digital platforms of social innovation projects. We have established that the number of information platforms at the national and global levels is much greater. However, labor, financial, material digital platforms at the local and global levels are less developed. The development of digital platforms at the national level is primarily a matter of necessity. After that we can use the experience of creating and developing digital platforms at the global level. The theoretical importance of this research lies in the systematization of digital platforms of ongoing social innovation projects. Its practical importance is the development of the applied capacity for the analysis of social innovation activity.
Keywords: social innovation, digital platforms, socio-innovative projects.
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Economic security as an institution
Pagis Ya.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department «Management» of the Novomoskovsk Institute of the D.I. Mendeleev Russian State Technical University,
Buravova A.A., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management of the Novomoskovsk Institute of the D.I. Mendeleev Russian State Technical University,
ORCID: 0000-0002-3575-8108
Trembach K.I., Senior lecturer of the Department «Management» of the Novomoskovsk Institute of the
D.I. Mendeleev Russian State Technical University,
ORCID: 0000-0001-7388-5629
The article considers the formation of the concept of economic security and its interpretation by different authors. It also highlights the problems of economic security through the prism of the perception of business security by entrepreneurs who assess the institutional conditions of their activities.
Keywords: Economic security, economic growth, GDP, state, business, institutions.
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Agile-approach for selection and implementation of investment projects
Kurmangaliyev T.K., JSC «Leasing Group» Chairman Deputy, Senior Lecturer at the Business School Kazakh-British Technical University,
SPIN-code: 7082-8881; Author ID: 110349; Scopus ID: no; ID РИНЦ: no;
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5851-7497; Researcher ID: no
The article discusses the selecting and managing criteria of investment projects and the use of non-standard flexible techniques based on the Agile-approach. It is considered the concept of Agile-approach usage in combination with traditional methods in the construction and agricultural sectors, where such an approach has not been applied before.
Advisability of dividing the project into separate modules corresponding to various development scenarios, called by the author as «desprints®», has been proved using the Agile-approach methodology. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of reducing the risk of a project default, maximizing profits, increasing the value of the project at each stage, through the use of new tools and maximizing the intellectual resources of the project team when developing non-standard solutions. Applying an Agile approach using «desprints» makes the implementation of investment/innovation projects in a rapidly changing environment more predictable and manageable.
Keywords: Agile outside the IT sphere, flexible approaches, investment projects, flexible project management, application of flexible approaches, desprint.
1. Gudpastur Dzh. Gibkoe upravlenie proektami: kak zastavit ego rabotat na predpriiatii. – 2010. – ISBN-13: 978-1604270273.
2. Kholodkova V.V. Upravlenie investitsionnym proektom: prakt. posobie. – M.: Izd-vo: «Iurait», 2019. – ISBN978-5-534-09088-8.
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4. Ekstrem Aksel, Petterson Emma. Gibkoe upravlenie proektami na stadii proektirovaniia – Vozmozhnosti stroitelnykh proektov v primenenii gibkikh metodov. TRITA-FOB-PrK-MASTER-2016: 15.
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Priority areas digital transformation regional economic systems
Lavrikova N.I., candidate of economic sciences, employee of the Russian Federation Security Guard Service Federal Academy,
SPIN-code: 7255-9470; Author ID: 534247; ID РИНЦ: 534247; ORCID: 0000-0002-9459-2793
The article proves that successful processes of transition to digital technologies require a strategic vision, opportunities to implement the chosen strategy and effective management, the foundations for which should be laid down within the framework of the regional model of the strategic evolution of the information system of state management and the three-year plan for the development of information technology in state management. The strategic algorithm outlined in the article calls for the creation of a complete and homogeneous plan, which further emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to the problem of digital transformation. A research-based qualitative approach was used to solve the problem, which allowed to identify all possible protagonists of innovation.
Keywords: marketing, management, management, innovations, economic systems, digitalization, transformation.
1. Buzgalin A.V. Teoriia planomernosti i zadachi razvitiia selektivnogo planirovaniia v rynochnoi ekonomike / A.V. Buzgalin, A.I. Kolganov // Voprosy politicheskoi ekonomii. – 2016. – № 1. – S. 21–43.
2. Avdeeva I.L. Analiz perspektiv razvitiia tsifrovoi ekonomiki v Rossii i za rubezhom // Tsifrovaia ekonomika i «Industriia 4.0»: problemy i perspektivy. Trudy nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. – 2017. – S. 19–25.
3. Pogonyshev V.A., Pogonysheva D.A. Fraktalnye metody v upravlenii innovatsiiami v regione // V sb.: Sovremennye tendentsii v nauke, tekhnike, obrazovanii: sb. nauch. tr. po mater. III Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf.: v 2-kh ch. – 2018. – S. 205–206.
4. Adamanova Z.O. Strategii innovatsionnogo razvitiia v paradigme ekonomiki znanii / Z.O. Adamanova // KANT. – 2019. – № 1 (30). – S. 239–243.
5. Stroeva O.A., Lavrikova N.I., Alekhina T.A., Semenova E.E., Stepanova M.A. Development of Organizational Diagrams and Governance Mechanisms of Region’s Economy // Modern Global Economic System: Evolutional Development vs. Revolutionary Leap. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. – 2021. – Vol. 198. – Pp. 1807–1816. Springer, Cham.
6. Buzgalin A. Rossiiskaia ekonomicheskaia sistema: spetsifika rynka i ego korporativno-gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie / A. Buzgalin, A. Kolganov // Probl. teorii i praktiki upravl. – 2014. – № 9. – S. 8–16.
7. Lavrikova N.I. Instrumentarii otsenki urovnia innovatsionnogo potentsiala ekonomicheskikh sistem: kvadratichnaia model / N.I. Lavrikova // Nauka, obshchestvo, innovatsii: aktualnye voprosy i sovremennye aspekty: monografiia / pod obshch. red. G.Iu. Guliaeva. – Penza: MTsNS «Nauka i Prosveshchenie», 2021. – S. 6–15. – ISBN: 978-5-00159-791-9.
8. Buzgalin A.V. Kliuch k ponimaniiu protivorechii sovremennoi ekonomiki (k 200-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia Karla Marksa) / A.V. Buzgalin // TERRA ECONOMICUS. – 2018. – T. 16. – № 2. – S. 83–98.
9. Simchenko N.A. Instituty formirovaniia novogo kachestva ekonomicheskogo rosta: monografiia / N.A. Simchenko, S.Iu. Tsekhla, R.M. Nizhegorodtsev, N.P. Goridko. – Simferopol: OOO «Antikva», 2018. – 172 s.
The survival of small and medium enterprises during COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review of empirical research
Laskovaia A.K., Candidate of Science (Economics), Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Management SPbU,
SPIN-code: 9852–9661; Author ID: 793802; Scopus ID: 57193674532;
ORCID: 0000-0002-6283-5025; Researcher ID: B-4874-2015
Bogatyreva K.A., Candidate of Science (Economics), Senior Lecturer, director of the Center for entrepreneurship, Graduate School of Management SPbU,
SPIN-code: 5185-2921; Author ID: 827411; Scopus ID: 5702395060;
ORCID: 0000-0001-5715-6354; Researcher ID: P-3791-2015
This research has been conducted with financial support from St. Petersburg State University (grant ID 60419345).
The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical foundations of survival strategies of firms in periods of pronounced crises. It focuses on the study of COVID-19 pandemic impact on the survival of small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). Such firms are the most vulnerable to the external shocks and uncertainty of environmental changes due to their limited resource availability and «liability of smallness». The results of the bibliometric analysis revealthat organisational resilience, innovation, and crisis management are dominant among the researched approaches to overcoming the consequences of the crisis.
Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, crisis, SMEs, entrepreneurship, business survival.
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Modern formats of personnel management
Korgova M.А., doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Professor of the IBDA RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation,
SPIN-code: 1875-4267; Author ID: 350780
An urgent task for the modern organizations is to improve personnel management. Personnel management, being the core of organizational management, is aimed at transferring the management of the organization from the mode of functioning to the mode of development. The article analyzes the state of personnel management and its formats. The practice of personnel management in the best companies in the world is considered, development trends are determined. The main problems of the formation of the Russian model of personnel management and the prospects for their resolution are identified.
Keywords: personnel management, personnel management, personnel work; HR management system, HR management functions, HR management trends, HR management models, HR management formats.
1. Korgova M.A., Dzugkoeva O.G. Deiatelnost kadrovykh sluzhb kak subieektov kadrovogo menedzhmenta v organizatsiiakh: sostoianie i perspektivy razvitiia v sovremennoi Rossii: monografiia. — Piatigorsk: Izd-vo PGLU, 2011.
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10. Kolesnikova I.V., Korgova M.A., Semenova E.Kh. Sozdanie innovatsionnoi modeli kadrovogo menedzhmenta // Meditsina. Sotsiologiia. Filosofiia. Prikladnye issledovaniia. – 2019. – № 6. – S. 91–94.
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Digital business transformation: analysis of professional competencies
Bikeeva M.V., Ph.D. in Economics (Candidate of economic sciences), assistant professor of the Department of Statistics, Econometrics and IT in management, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University»,
SPIN-code: 3648-4965; Author ID: 274898; ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1535-4082
The materials of the article are devoted to the study of changes in working conditions, working environment and the emergence of new competencies in the context of digital transformation. The modern labor market requires the development of new competencies in demand in the digital economy. Digital reality dictates the need to develop a new block of competencies – digital skills. Knowledge of computer technology, IT skills and the use of software and programming are of great importance.
Keywords: digital transformation of business, labor market, digital skills, competencies.
1. Emelianenko E.E. Chetvertaia promyshlennaia revoliutsiia: novye vozmozhnosti dlia rynka truda // Sb. izbr. st. po mater. nauch. konf. GNII «Natsrazvitie» / otv. za vypusk S.V. Viktorenkova. – SPb.: Izd-vo GNII «Natsrazvitie», 2019. – S. 229–231.
2. Itinson K.S. Tsifrovye tekhnologii: chetvertaia promyshlennaia revoliutsiia // Regionalnyi vestnik. – 2020. – № 1 (40). – S. 68–69.
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un-ta (MIREA), 2017. – S. 444–449.
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9. Tendentsii razvitiia interneta: gotovnost ekonomiki i obshchestva k funktsionirovaniiu v tsifrovoi srede: analiticheskii doklad / G.I. Abdrakhmanova, M.D. Vaniushina, K.O. Vishnevskii, L.M. Gokhberg i dr.; ANO «Koordinatsionnyi tsentr natsionalnogo domena seti Internet»; Nats. issled. un-t «Vysshaia shkola ekonomiki». – M.: NIU VShE, 2021. – 248 s.
10. Rasskazova O.A. Tsifrovye kompetentsii personala v sovremennykh organizatsiiakh: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Upravlencheskii i servisnyi potentsial tsifrovoi ekonomiki: problemy i perspektivy» / redkol.: E.V. Iakovleva (otv. red.), A.A. Belolobova. – Omsk, 2020. – S. 200–204.
11. Brolpito A. Tsifrovye navyki i kompetentsii, tsifrovoe i onlain-obuchenie. Evropeiskii fond obrazovaniia. – Turin, 2019. – 84 s.
12. Atlas novykh professii 3.0 / pod red. D. Varlamovoi, D. Sudakova. – M.: Intellektualnaia Literatura, 2020. – 456 s.
Career advancement of women in the organization
Nikolaenko V.M., Candidate of Philosophy, Docent, Department of Social Psychology of Management, Siberian Transport University,
SPIN-code: 3883-2900; Author ID: 662984
Khanagyan T.A., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Docent, Department of Social Psychology of Management, Siberian Transport University,
SPIN-code: 9746-9660; Author ID: 841454
The article analyzes the factors that promote and hinder the career advancement of women in the organization. The coefficient of gender asymmetry was calculated, and barriers to career advancement in the West Siberian traffic management directorate were identified.
Keywords: career, gender asymmetry, gender stereotypes, barriers to career advancement.
1. Korostyleva N.N. Formirovanie gendernoi ekosistemy sovremennoi organizatsii: tendentsii i perspektivy / N.N. Korostyleva // Zhenshchina v rossiiskom obshchestve. – 2019. – № 3. – S. 27–39.
2. Belova A. Karera v Rossii: kak dobratsia do vershiny?/A. Belova, E. Fediashina // Business excellence = Delovoe sovershenstvo. – 2014. – № 1. – S. 42–48.
3. Reznik S.D., Makarova S.N. Gendernye osobennosti karernogo rosta: zhenshchiny v menedzhmente // EKO. – 2006. – № 3 (381) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 15.02.2021).
4. Ilina E.L., Latkin A.N., Bocharova E.A., Koroleva I.A. Gendernye osobennosti v formirovanii menedzhmenta kompanii // V sb.: Nauka segodnia: globalnye vyzovy i mekhanizmy razvitiia: mater. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf.: v 2 ch. Nauchnyi tsentr «Disput». – 2017. – S. 83–85.
5. Makarova S.N. Zhenshchina-rukovoditel: osobennosti protsessa stanovleniia / S.N Makarova // V sb.: Personal. Materials of the V international scientific conference. – 2018. – C. 14–18.
6. Gurieva S.D., Belova O.E. Stekliannyi potolok v professionalnoi karere zhenshchin / S.D. Gurieva, O.E. Belova // Nauchnye trudy KubGTU. – 2019. – № 4. – S. 769–773.
7. Gurieva S.D. Sotsialno-psikhologicheskii fenomen gendernogo neravenstva / S.D. Gurieva, T.V. Kazantseva, O.A. Belova, L.V. Mararitsa // V kn.: Sotsialnaia psikhologiia. Traditsii i sovremennost. – 2020. – S. 211–223.
8. Pologikh A.A. Gendernye razlichiia v upravlenii i liderstve / A.A. Pologikh // Liderstvo i menedzhment. – 2016. – T. 3. – № 2. – S. 73–86.
9. Mararitsa L.V., Kazantseva T.V., Gurieva S.D. Fenomen gendernogo neravenstva kak faktor karernogo kapitala zhenshchiny: postanovka problemy / L.V. Mararitsa, T.V. Kazantseva, S.D. Gurieva // Psikhologiia cheloveka v obrazovanii. – 2019. – № 1. – S. 44–52.
10. Gurieva C.D., Udavikhina U.A. Osobennosti primeneniia gendernykh strategii pri postroenii karery zhenshchinami v Rossii / C.D. Gurieva, U.A. Udavikhina // Gertsenovskie chteniia: psikhologicheskie issledovaniia v obrazovanii. – 2020. – Vyp. 3. – S. 270–273.
11. Chiker V.A. Psikhologicheskie aspekty individualnoi karery / V.A. Chiker // Vestn. SPbGU. Ser. 16: Psikhologiia. Pedagogika. – 2011. – № 3. – C. 80–90.
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13. Seregina I.I. Osobennosti professionalnoi karery zhenshchin-rukovoditelei / I.I. Seregina [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
14. Iarushkin N.N., Satonina N.N. Psikhologicheskie osobennosti zhenshchin-rukovoditelei / N.N. Iarushkin, N.N. Satonina // Vestn. Samar. guman. akad. Ser.: Psikhologiia. – 2009. – № 1. – S. 125–134.
15. Zabota o sotrudnikakh. Sotsialnaia zashchita zhenshchin. Koordinatsionnyi sovet OAO RZhD po sovershenstvovaniiu uslovii truda, otdykha i sotsialnoi podderzhki zhenshchin [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
16. Sventsitskii A.L. Sotsialnaia psikhologiia sotsialnogo kapitala / A.L. Sventsitskii, L.G. Pochebut, L.V. Mararitsa, T.V. Kazantseva // V kn.: Sotsialnaia psikhologiia. Traditsii i sovremennost. – 2020. – S. 200–210.
17. Özbilgin M.F. Work-life, diversity and intersectionality: a critical review and research agenda / M.F. Özbilgin, T.A Beauregard, A. Tatli, M.P. Bell // International Journal of Management Reviews. – 2011. – Vol. 13. – No. 2. – Pp. 177–198.
The role of marketing in improving management efficiency
Kruglova N.Yu., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Higher Attestation Commission for Management and Entrepreneurship, Professor of the department «Economy of Culture and Law» of Moscow State Institute of Culture,
SPIN-code: 1889-5710; Author ID: 860441
Edinak A.Yu., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor, Head of the Department of «Economics of Culture and Law» of Moscow State Institute of Culture,
SPIN-code: 3144-9130; Author ID: 1011842
The purpose of the article is to draw the attention of administration, managers, specialists and individual entrepreneurs to the rather obvious but often underestimated aspects of competition in the context of market economy.
The article reveals the reasons for and the importance of marketing research and offers an analysis of goals pursued by various organizations in the course of their activity and the peculiarities of demand typical of the different strata of the population. It is shown that the need for practical implementation of the mechanism of strategic management is an important aspect of providing for greater effectiveness in running an organization.
Keywords: demand, demand dynamics, management efficiency, satisfaction of public needs, goals of the organization, profit.
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