Contents of N1/2022

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Contents of N1'2022


Maslow’s pyramid: little-known pages of history and modern interpretation
Ponuzhdaev E.A., Doctor of Philosophy, professor, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA, Moscow regional branch),
SPIN-code: 3938-2224; AuthorID: 412892
Semenova M.E., Master student, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA, Moscow regional branch),
SPIN-code: 9957–0492; AuthorID: 1109242

The article examines and analyzes information about the history of the appearance and the creators of illustrations to the teachings of Abraham Maslow, studies the works of Keith Davis and Charles McDermid, in which the most famous theory of motivation was first presented as Maslow’s pyramid, and also proposes a modern approach that includes various configurations of relationship material, social and spiritual needs of a person.
Keywords: motivation theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Keith Davis, Charles McDermid, anti-Maslow pyramid, «rhombus» and «hourglass» as models of needs.

1. Maslow A.H. A Theory of Human Motivation//Psychological Review. – 1943. – Vol. 50. – Pp.  370–396 // Internet Archive/–396./mode/2up (data obrashcheniia: 12.05.2021).
2. Ïèðàìèäà Ìàñëîó è å¸ ïðèìåíåíèå â æèçíè// (data obrashcheniia: 05.05.2021).
3. Ïèðàìèäà ïîòðåáíîñòåé Ìàñëîó: òåîðèÿ è å¸ ïðèìåíåíèå â æèçíè // Persfinan – 2021. 11 ôåâð. /äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ: 05.05.2021).
4. StoppU. Betriebliche Personalwirtschaft: Zeitgemaße Personalwirtschaft, Notwendigkeit fur jedes Unternehmen. – Grafenau: Lexika-Verlag, 1975/ (data obrashcheniia: 05.05.2021).
5. Davis K. Human Relations in Business. – N.Y.: Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, 1957. – XIV, 557 p.
6. Davis K. Human Relations at Work/Keith Davis, Professor of Management; Arizona State University. – Second edition of «Human Relations in Business». – N.Y.: Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, 1962. – P. 25 (XI, 642 p.) / (äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ: 07.05.2021).
7. Davis K. Human Relations at Work: The Dynamics of Organizational Behavior / Keith Davis, PhD; Arizona State University. – Third edition. – N.Y.; L.; etc.: Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, 1967. – P. 26, 37 (XI, 559 p.) / (äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ: 07.05.2021).
8. Davis K. Human Relations at Work: The Dynamics of Organizational Behavior / Keith Davis, PhD; Arizona State University. – Fifth edition. – N.Y.; L.; etc.: Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, 1977. P. 43 (ix, 581 p.) / (äàòà îáðàùåíèÿ: 07.05.2021).
9. McDermid Ñ.D. How Money Motivates Men//Business Horizons. – 1960. – Vol. 3. – Iss. 4. – P. 94 (Pp. 93–100)/ (60)80034-1 (data obrashcheniia: 07.05.2021).
10. Bridgman T., Cummings S., Ballard J. Who Built Maslow’s Pyramid? A History of the Creation of Management Studies’ Most Famous Symbol and Its Implications for Management Education // Academy of Management Learning and Education. – 2019. – Vol. 18. – No. 1. – Pp. 81–98 / (data obrashcheniia: 12.05.2021).
11. Luthans F. Organizational Behavior. A Modern Behavioral Approach to Management. – N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1973. – Pp. 485–486 (XIV, 562 p.) / (data obrashcheniia: 07.05.2021).
12. Maslou A. Motivatsiia i lichnost. – 3-e izd.: per. s angl. – SPb.: Piter, 2009. – S. 74–75. (352 s.)
13. Taratuta Iu., Beniumov K., Miklashevskaia A. Nagrada poteriala geroia. Rossiiskii matematik Grigorii Perelman otkazalsia ot premii Fildsa // Kommersant. – 2006. – 23 avg./ (data obrashcheniia: 12.05.2021).
14. Ponuzhdaev E.A. «Perezagruzka» menedzhmenta v Rossii: kontseptualnye idei // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2018. – ¹ 4. – S. 8–9.



Differentiation of levels of interaction with stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem
Popov E.V., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Director of the Center for Social and Economic Research of the Ural Institute of Management – a branch of the RANEPA,
SPIN-code: 9980-7417; Scopus ID: 24822113400; ID RSCI: 44798; ORCID: 0000-0002-5513-5020; Researcher ID: H-3358-2015
Simonova V.L., PhD in Economics, Leading Researcher, Center for Social and Economic Researchof the Ural Institute of Management – a branch of the RANEPA,
SPIN-code: 2760-7620; ID RSCI: 148845; ORCID: 0000-0003-2814-464X; Researcher ID: J-7050-2017
Chelak I.P., Researcher, Center for Social and Economic Research of the Ural Institute of Management – a branch of the RANEPA,
SPIN-code: 3281-6437; ID RSCI: 1078978; ORCID: 0000-0001-8770-0533; Researcher ID: K-6556-2016;

The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of scientific project No. 20-010-00333.

The new ecosystem approach suggests considering the entire range of socio-economic communities under the prism of self-developing innovative ecosystems, filled with the energy of interaction of their elements-stakeholders.
The aim of the research is to solve the scientific and practical problem of dividing the levels of interaction with stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem.
In the process of interaction of stakeholders within the boundaries of both platform and unitary ecosystems, ecosystem effects arise, consisting in the translation of knowledge, activation of value chains and increasing the potential of participants. The need to optimize such processes requires appropriate configuration of the ecosystem interaction management apparatus. To determine the directions of the impact of ecosystem management, the article offers a set of approaches to determining the levels of stakeholder interactions. In order to approbation the main approaches, a graph map of the levels of interaction with stakeholders was developed. It was tested during an expert survey of the degree of influence of stakeholders on the core of the innovation ecosystem of a high-tech enterprise. A number of recommendations for improving the arsenal of ecosystem management tools are proposed.
Keywords: ecosystem economics, innovation, synergy, stakeholders, ecosystem management.

1. Hedenigg S. Caring Economics, Cooperation, and the COVID-19 Pandemic // Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies. – April 2021. – No. 8 (1). – P. 4.
2. Àóçàí À.À. Ãëîáàëüíûå èíñòèòóöèîíàëüíûå ïîñëåäñòâèÿ êîðîíàêðèçèñà  // Æóðíàë íîâîé ýêîíîìè÷åñêîé àññîöèàöèè. – 2021. – ¹ 1 (49). – Ñ. 204–208.
3. Autio E. Orchestrating ecosystems: a multi-layered framework // Innovation. – May 2021. – Pp. 1–14.
4.  Nikishina E.N. Doverie i sheringovye platformy // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. – Ser. 6: Ekonomika. – 2020. – ¹ 4. – S. 71–83.
5. Bittencourt B.A., Santos D.A.G., Mignoni J. Resource orchestration in innovation ecosystems: a comparative study between innovation ecosystems at different stages of development // International Journal of Innovation. – April 2021. – No. 9 (1). – Pp. 108–130.
6.  Khardon K.M., Molodchik M.A., Vlasov A.S., Luzina E.K., Shishkin D.G. Intellektualnye resursy rossiiskogo malogo biznesa: priamoe i kosvennoe vliianie na rezultaty deiatelnosti // Zhurnal ekonomicheskoi teorii. – 2019. – T. 16. – ¹ 1. – S. 75–90.
7.  Helbin T., Van Looy A. Is Business Process Management (BPM) Ready for Ambidexterity? Conceptualization, Implementation Guidelines and Research Agenda // Sustainability. – 2021. – No. 13 (4). – Pp. 1–25.
8.  Van Veldhoven Z., Vanthienen J. Digital transformation as an interaction-driven perspective between business, society, and technology // Electron Markets. – March 2021.
9.  Paklina S., Parshakov P., Molodchik M. Digital relational capital of a company // Meditari Accountancy Research. – 2018. – Vol. 26. – No. 3. – Pp. 443–462.
10. Elokhova I.V., Molodchik M.A. Podkhody k diagnostike samoorganizuiushchikhsia i samorazvivaiushchikhsia sistem dlia innovatsionnogo predpriiatiia // Fundamentalnye issledovaniia. – 2012. – ¹ 9–3. – S. 724–728.
11. Kleiner G.B. Intellektualnaia teoriia firmy // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2021. – ¹ 1. – S. 73–97.
12. Franck G. The economy of attention // Journal of Sociology. – November 2018. – No. 55 (1).
13.  Chitra A., Vanadhi R. A literature review of emotional intelligence // Wesleyan Journal of Research. – 2021. – Vol. 14. – No. 1 (X).
14.  Gaim M., Nair S., Blomquist T. Orchestrating Ecosystems: Interactive Spaces for Startup-Corporate Collaboration // MGMT of innovation and technology. – October 2020.
15. Soh Wan Geok, Mohamad Bin Bilal Ali. Bibliometric Analysis of Learning Organization // Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. – March 2021. – No. 27 (1).
16. Tkachenko I.N. Implementatsiia steikkholderskogo podkhoda v proektakh s uchastiem gosudarstva i biznesa // Sovremennye upravlencheskie tekhnologii: ot teorii i metodologii k prakticheskim resheniiam: monografiia / pod nauch. red. I.N. Tkachenko. – Ekaterinburg: Ural. gos. ekon. un-t, 2016. – 167 s.
17. Armstrong A. Ethics and ESG // Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal. – 2020. – No. 14 (3). – Pp. 6–17.
18. Popov E.V., Simonova V.L., Chelak I.P. Steikkholderskaia model innovatsionnoi ekosistemy regiona // Innovatsii. – 2020. – ¹ 6 (260). – S. 46–53.
19. Talmar  M., Walrave B.,  Podoynitsyna  K.S., Holmström  J., Romme A.G.L. Mapping, analyzing and designing innovation ecosystems: The Ecosystem Pie Model // Long Range Planning. – 2020. – Vol. 53. – Iss. 4.
20. Khvostenko P.V. Metodika postroeniia sistemy sbalansirovannykh pokazatelei na osnove ucheta interesov steikkholderov // Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo. Vestn. Volgogr. in-ta biznesa. – 2012. – ¹ 3. – C. 84–89.
21.  Tkachenko I.N., Zlygostev A.A. Otsenka vklada steikkholderov v stoimost kompanii: primer rossiiskogo bankovskogo sektora // Upravlenets. – 2018. – T. 9. – ¹ 4. – S. 40–52.
22.  Novozhilova Iu.V. Informatsionno-analiticheskoe obespechenie integrirovannoi otchetnosti: otsenka vliianiia steikkholderov na izmenenie sozdavaemoi stoimosti // Statistika i ekonomika. – 2017. – T. 14. – ¹ 1. – S. 43–50.

Information and communication processes as an element of âusiness ðerformance ìanagement
Limarev P.V., PhD economic, associated professor in management and innovation department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
SPIN-code: 9840-1956; Author ID: 714495; Scopus Author ID: 56820242500; ORCID: 0000-0002-2465-1823; Researcher ID: Q-8818-2018
Limareva Yu.À., PhD pedagogic, associated professor in management and innovation department, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
SPIN-code: 4531-5237; Author ID: 367999; Scopus Author ID: 57205098559; ORCID: 0000-0001-7941-1459

The article is devoted to the use of information and communication processes in the process approach to management (Âusiness Ðerformance Ìanagement – BPM). The article reveals the need to revise the attitude towards modern methods of obtaining information and methods of communication with partners in business processes.
Keywords: Âusiness Ðerformance Ìanagement, communications, information, enterprise management.

1. Zinovieva C., Kuznetsova M., Dorfman T., Limarev P., Limareva Yu. Study of external and internal factors affecting enterprise’s stability // Advances in Systems Science and Application. – 2016. – Vol. 16. – Iss. 1. – Pp. 62–71.
2. Upravlenie effektivnostiu biznesa. Kontseptsiia Business Performance Management / E.Iu. Dukhonin, D.V. Isaev, E.L. Mostovoi i dr.; pod red. G.V. Gensa. – M.: Alpina Biznes Buks, 2005. – 269 s.
3. Limarev P.V., Limareva Iu.A. Kharakteristika rynka informatsii, ispolzuemoi v protivopravnykh tseliakh // Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia. Ser. 1: Organizatsiia i metodika informatsionnoi raboty. – 2018. – ¹ 4. – S. 13–15.
4. Reshetova O. Ne tolko pandemiia: pochemu torgovlia perekhodit v onlain [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa (data obrashcheniia: 24.10.2021).
5. Merzlikina E.M. Otsenka effektivnosti deiatelnosti ekonomicheskogo subieekta: kliuchevye poniatiia // Vestn. MGUP. – 2005. – ¹ 4.
6. Kádárová Ja., Kočišová M. Success and Performance Measures of Industrial Companies Based on Balanced Scorecard // Acta Mechanica Slovaca. – 2017. – No. 21 (4). – Pp. 18–22.
7. Kinziabulatov R. Razbiraemsia s poniatiem BPM. Chto takoe upravlenie biznes-protsessami [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: obrashcheniia: 24.10.2021).

Why and how are digital platform ecosystems growing
Ramenskaya L.A., PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics theory and Corporate Governance, Ural State University of Economics,
SPIN-code: 4290-9220; Author ID: 627417; Scopus ID: íåò; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 627417; ORCID: 0000-0003-3884-4500; Researcher ID: Y-3742-2019

The reported study was funded by RFBR and the Sverdlovsk Region, project No. 20-410-660032 r_a
«Innovative and technological development of the region’s industry in the context of the business architecture transformation and management technologies producing knowledge and shared values: an institutional and stakeholder aspects».

The paper examines the causes and patterns of development of digital platforms ecosystems. The study carried out using content analysis of open source materials describing the cases of the five largest Russian digital platforms forming their ecosystems. The paper highlights the general features of the development of business ecosystems. The ecosystems development strategies differences demonstrated, an attempt made to analyze the economic feasibility of their development. As a result, the key management challenges emerging as a result of the development of ecosystems are highlighted. As a result, we identified the key management challenges that have arisen due to the development of ecosystems.
Keywords: digital platform, ecosystem, digitalization.

1. Nambisan S. Global platforms and ecosystems: Implications for international business theories / S. Nambisan, S.A. Zahra // Journal of International Business Studies. – 2019. – Vol. 50. – Pp. 1464–1486. – DOI: 10.1057/s41267-019-00262-4
2.  Teece D.J. Explicating dynamic capabilities: the nature and microfoundations of (sustainable) enterprise performance / D.J. Teece // Strategic Management Journal. – 2007. – Vol. 28. – Pp. 1319–1350.
3.  Jacobides M.G. Towards a theory of ecosystems / M.G. Jacobides, C. Cennamo, A. Gawer // Strategic Management Journal. – 2018. – Vol. 39. – Iss. 8. – Pp. 2255–2276. – DOI:
4.  Fuller J., Jacobides M. The myths and realities of business ecosystem. MIT Sloan Management Review [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 02.06.2021).
5. Johnson N. Platform vs. linear: Business models 101 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 30.05.2021).
6. Srnichek N. Kapitalizm platform / N. Srnichek. – M.: Izd. dom NIU VShE, 2019. – 128 s.
7. Kleiner G.B. Razvitie ekosistem v finansovom sektore Rossii / G.B. Kleiner, M.A. Rybachuk, V.A. Karpinskaia // Upravlenets. – 2020. – T. 11. – ¹ 4. – S. 2–15. –  DOI: 10.29141/2218-5003-2020-11-4-1
8.  Bengtsson M. The coopetition paradox and tension: The moderating role of coopetition capability / M. Bengtsson, T. Raza-Ullah, V. Vanyushyn // Industrial Marketing Management. – 2016. – Vol. 53 (1). – Pp. 19–30.
9.  Schwab K. COVID-19: The great reset / K. Schwab, T. Malleret [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.05.2021).
10. Interviu pervogo zamglavy «Sbera» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.08.2021).
11. Yandex Financials [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 01.08.2021).
12. Ekosistema ekosistem. Strategiia Group [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 05.08.2021).
13. Ofitsialnyi portal «Tinkoff». Spisok partnerov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 05.08.2021).
14. Finansovye rezultaty gruppy MTS za vtoroi kvartal 2021 goda. Prezentatsiia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–1816256809.1631474254 (data obrashcheniia: 02.09.2021).
15. Finansovye rezultaty gruppy MTS za vtoroi kvartal 2020 goda. Prezentatsiia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–1816256809.1631474254 (data obrashcheniia: 01.07.2021).
16. Finansovaia otchetnost po MSFO Sberbank [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 01.07.2021).
17. Finansovye otchety Group [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 01.08.2021).
18. Finansovaia otchetnost gruppy MTS [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.08.2021).
19. Finansovaia otchetnost «TiSiEs Grup Kholding PiElSi» (TCS Group Holding PLC) [Elektronnyi resurs]. obrashcheniia: 01.08.2021).
20. Mattsson L.-G. Applying the principles of Yin-Yang to market dynamics: On the duality of cooperation and competition/L.-G. Mattsson, A. Tidstrom // Marketing Theory. – 2015. – Vol. 15 (3). – Pp. 347–364.
21.  Crick J.M. The Yin and Yang nature of coopetition activities: Non linear effects and the moderating role of competitive intensity for internationalised firms / J.M. Crick, D. Crick // Journal contribution [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 01.06.2021).

Develop a comprehensive approach to promoting the products of an industrial enterprise on the internet as a tool to increase customer loyalty
Ovcharov A.V., Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Education and Scientific Work of Novomoskovsk affiliate branch of D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia,
SPIN-code: 6988-5613; Author ID: 790895; ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2385-6859
Babkina T.V., Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management of the Novomoskovsk affiliate branch of D.I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia,
SPIN-code: 6699-2039; Author ID: 445811; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8439-2627

The article describes the necessity and peculiarities of using Internet promotion of industrial enterprise products. The main tools of virtual marketing are defined. A scheme of implementing the approach to the promotion of industrial enterprise products as a customer loyalty tool has been proposed. The advantages and disadvantages of its use in the activities of an industrial enterprise are identified.
Keywords:  industrial enterprise, Internet, promotion, management, efficiency.

1. Androsov N. Internet-marketing na 100% / N. Androsov, I. Voroshilova i dr. – SPb.: Piter, 2009. – 240 s.: il.
2. Mkhitarian S.V. Marketingovaia informatsionnaia sistema / S.V. Mkhitarian. – M.: EKSMO, 2008. – 336 s.
3. Siniavets T.D., Katunina N.V., Luneva E.A. Marketingovye instrumenty formirovaniia loialnosti na rynke V2V // Innovatsii i investitsii. – 2020. – ¹ 3. – S. 113–117.
4.  Evdokimov N.V. Sozdanie saita: prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po sozdaniiu i raskrutke veb-saita / N.V. Evdokimov, A.B. Babaev, M.M. Bode. – SPb.: Piter, 2013. – 304 s.
5. Babaev A. Kontekstnaia reklama / A. Babaev, N. Evdokimov, A. Ivanov. – SPb.: Piter, 2011. – 304 s.
6. Vekshinskii A.A. Internet-marketing kak novoe napravlenie v sovremennoi kontseptsii marketinga vzaimodeistviia / A.A. Vekshinskii, L.F. Tyvin // Tekhniko-tekhnologicheskie problemy servisa. – 2012. – ¹ 20. – S. 102–108.

New decision-making approaches in organizational performance
Eralieva A.A., PhD in economics, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic,
SPIN-code: 2670-2603; Author ID: 818835; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 818835; ORCID: 0000-0003-3447-3626

In the article, the modern approaches in management were evaluated. The areas for effective decision-making were reviewed, new approaches in management was found and analyzed. In the process of investigating were applied the systems analysis, synergistic and integrated approaches together with the method of analysis, synthesis and the method of expert estimations. The models were proposed in decision-making allowing ensuring that decisions were effective.
The study had validated the need for management action based on Data-based decision making (DBDM), to identify strengths and weaknesses in some concepts of management.
Keywords: digital decision-making, data-based decision-making, innovations, human capital, digital skills, models.

1. Shchokin G.V. Kak effektivno upravliat liudmi: psikhologiia kadrovogo menedzhmenta: nauch.-prakt. posobie / G.V. Shchokin. – Kiev: MAUP, 1999.
2.  Ejimabo Nichodemus Obioma. An approach to understanding leadership decision making in organization // European Scientific Journal. – 2015. – Vol. 11. – No. 11 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.08.2021).
3. Tohidi Hamid, Jabbari Mohammad Mehdi. Decision role in management to increase effectiveness of an organization // Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. – 2012. – No. 31. – Pp. 825–828 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.08.2021).
4. Tompson James D. Organizations in action. – N.Y.: Mc graw-hill book company, 1967.
5.  Eralieva A.A. Vliianie eksporta chelovecheskogo kapitala na ekonomicheskoe razvitie Kyrgyzskoi Respubliki / A.A. Eralieva // Nauchnyi rezultat. Ekonomicheskie issledovaniia. – 2020. – T. 6. – ¹ 1. – S. 15–23.
6. Eralieva A.A. Protsess vliianiia chetvertoi promyshlennoi revoliutsii na sovremennyi menedzhment / A.A. Eralieva // Sovremennye tendentsii razvitiia menedzhmenta i gosudarstvennogo upravleniia: mater. Mezhreg. zaoch. nauch.-prakt. konf. (7 dek. 2018 g.): v 2-kh t. T. 1 / pod red. A.V. Polianina. – Orel: Izd-vo Srednerus. in-ta upr. – fil. RANKhiGS, 2019. – S. 188–190.
7.  Brynjolfsson Erik, McElheran Kristina. Data in Action: Data-Driven Decision Making and Predictive Analytics in U.S. Manufacturing. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016, 1–49 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 25.08.2021).
8.  Lee Wan. Big Data Strategies for Government, Society and Policy-Making // Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business. – 2020. – Vol. 7 (7). – Pp. 475–487 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 02.09.2021).
9. Gimpel Henner, Schmied Fabian. Risks and side effects of digitalization: A multi-level taxonomy of the adverse effects of using digital technologies and media. In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden. – 2019  [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–LEVEL_TAXONOMY_OF_THE_ADVERSE_EFFECTS_OF_
USING_DIGITAL_TECHNOLOGIES_AND_MEDIA/link/5d91c347299bf10cff1a1e8a/download (data obrashcheniia: 03.09.2021).
10. Drumaux Anne and Goethals Christophe. Strategic management: A tool for public management? An overview of the Belgian federal experience // International Journal of Public Sector Management. – 2007. – Vol. 20 (7). – Pp. 638–654  [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 03.09.2021).



The economy of inequality: gender aspect
Strizhakova E.N., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department «Industrial Management», Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk,
SPIN-code: 6550-7510; Author ID: 556491; ORCID: 0000-0001-8749-0505
Strizhakov D.V., Ph. D. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department «Industrial Management», Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk,
SPIN-code: 7378-0331; Author ID: 444160

The article shows the main problems of gender inequality in the modern world. Comparative analysis was made with three main indicators: gender gap index, gender inequality index and gender development index. The reasons why some countries show high values of indicators every year, and some traditionally remain outsiders, are analyzed. Proposes the main directions of changing the current situation at different levels of management.
Keywords: gender, inequality, economic growth, welfare, opportunities.

1. Ofitsialnyi sait Mezhdunarodnoi organizatsii truda [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:–-europe/–-ro-geneva/–-sro-moscow/documents/publication/wcms_312702.pdf (data obrashcheniia: 04.03.2021).
2. The Global Gender Gap Index 2020 [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniia: 04.03.2021).
3. Ofitsialnyi sait OON [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniia: 02.03.2021).
4. Ofitsialnyi sait RIA «Novosti» [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniia: 21.03.2021).
5. Ofitsialnyi sait RBK [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniia: 04.03.2021).
6. Ofitsialnyi sait OON [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniia: 15.02.2021).
7. Women in the Workplace [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniia: 18.03.2021).
8. Ofitsialnyi sait RBK [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniia: 17.02.2021).

Determining the processes of innovative human capital development by using a management model based on corporate competences in the agro-industrial sector of the economy
Azarova N.A., candidate of economical sciences, assistant professor of global and national economy department, Voronezh state university of forestry and technologies named after G.F. Morozov,
SPIN-code: 8450-8957; Author ID: 583069; Scopus ID: íåò; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 583069; ORCID: 0000-0001-8244-8922; Researcher ID: AAR-8472-2020

Within the framework of this article, the processes of innovative development of human capital in the agro-industrial sector of the economy were analyzed. The author offers a list of tools of the management model of corporate competencies necessary for the innovative development of human capital at enterprises of the agro-industrial sector of the economy, identifies behavioral indicators of employees of these enterprises.
Keywords: corporate competence model, human capital, personnel management.

1. Ôèëèìîíåíêî È.Â., Ðàçíîâà Í.Â., ßðè÷èíà Ã.Ô. Ìåòîäîëîãèÿ òî÷åê ðèñêà íà ðûíêå òðóäà ðåãèîíà íà îñíîâå êîìïåòåíòíîñòíîãî ïîäõîäà // Âåñòí. Êðàñíîÿð. ãîñ. àãðàð. óí-òà. – 2015. – ¹ 3. – Ñ. 143–147.
2. Àçàðîâà Í.À. Âëèÿíèå ÷åëîâå÷åñêîãî ïîòåíöèàëà íà óñòîé÷èâîå ýêîíîìè÷åñêîå ðàçâèòèå ðåãèîíàëüíûõ èííîâàöèîííûõ ñèñòåì / Í. À. Àçàðîâà, Í. È. Ëàâðèêîâà // Óïðàâëåí÷åñêèé ó÷¸ò. – 2021. – ¹ 6–3. – Ñ. 584–592. – DOI: 10.25806/uu6-32021584-592
3. Òðåòüÿêîâà Ë.À. Ìåòîäè÷åñêèé èíñòðóìåíòàðèé äåëîâîé îöåíêè ïåðñîíàëà ïðè íàéìå â ñåëüñêîõîçÿéñòâåííûõ îðãàíèçàöèÿõ / Ë.À. Òðåòüÿêîâà // Àãðàðíàÿ Ðîññèÿ. – 2021. – ¹ 2. – Ñ. 30–36. – DOI: 10.30906/1999-5636-2021-2-30-36
4. Sharipova O.M. Primenenie kompetentnostnogo podkhoda v upravlenii personalom i PR-tekhnologii dlia dostizheniia strategii predpriiatiia // Liderstvo i menedzhment. – 2020. – T. 7. – ¹ 2. – S. 201–212. – DOI: 10.18334/lim.7.2.110305
5. Guseva Iu.Iu. Primenenie metoda repertuarnykh reshetok Dzhordzha Kelli dlia resheniia ekonomicheskikh zadach // Nauch. vestn. MGTU GA. – 2007. – ¹ 118.
6. Kompetentnostno-orientirovannye zadaniia v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniia / A.A. Shekhonin, V.A. Tarlykov, I.V. Kleshcheva i dr. – SPb.: Universitet ITMO, 2014. – 100 s. – ISBN 9785757704753.
7. Chikunova V.S. Spetsifika nabliudeniia kak metoda nauchnogo issledovaniia / V.S. Chikunova, L.V. Piatiletova // Sovremennye nauchnye issledovaniia i innovatsii. – 2017. – ¹ 10 (78). – S. 23.
8. Kuznetsov A.V. Sposob opredeleniia registriruemykh sobytii / A.V. Kuznetsov, S.M. Nenashev // Voprosy kiberbezopasnosti. – 2015. – ¹ 5 (13). – S. 23–25.
9. Pershin A.N. Analiz kak metod poznaniia dokumentirovannoi informatsii / A.N. Pershin // Nauch. vestn. Om. akad. MVD Rossii. – 2014. – ¹ 3 (54). – S. 54–58.
10. Tretiakova L.A. Problemy otsenki effektivnosti PR-deiatelnosti v upravlenii personalom / L.A. Tretiakova, A.A. Podvigailo // Ekonomicheskii analiz: teoriia i praktika. – 2014. – ¹ 35. – S. 52–57.

Human resources management in the integrated management system of the organization
Mozhaeva T.P., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of the information and methodological department of additional professional education, associate professor of the department «Production management» at the Bryansk State Technical University,
ORCID: 0000-0001-8461-3442
Simkin A.Z., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, vice-rector for additional training and international cooperation, associate professor of the department «Quality management, standardization and metrology» at the Bryansk State Technical University,
ORCID: 0000-0003-1343-9621
Proskurin A.S., leading engineer of the information and methodological department of additional professional education, associate professor of the department «Quality management, standardization and metrology» at the Bryansk State Technical University,
ORCID: 0000-0001-8186-7375

The article considers a conceptual approach to human resource management in an integrated management system of an organization in the context of the ISO 30400:2016 family of international standards. The main recommendations and principles of building an organization’s personnel management system based on the considered international standards are analyzed. The expediency of adapting the ISO 30400:2016 standards to the practice of domestic management is justified.
Keywords: integrated management system, harmonization of standards, human resources management, ISO 30400:2016, principles and recommendations of human resources management.

1. Azarov V.N., Boitsov B.V., Maiboroda V.P. Vyzovy epokhi tsifrovoi revoliutsii: integrirovannye sistemy menedzhmenta tsifrovogo predpriiatiia // Kachestvo i zhizn: nauchnye trudy Akademii problem kachestva (spetsvypusk). – 2018. – ¹ 4. – S. 12–24.
2. Daniliak V.I. Normativnaia podderzhka chelovecheskogo faktora v integrirovannykh sistemakh menedzhmenta // Metody menedzhmenta kachestva. – 2016. – ¹ 2. – S. 40–46.
3. ISO 30400:2016. Human resource management – Vocabulary [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: std: iso:30400: ed-1: v1: en (data obrashcheniia: 03.09.2021).
4. ISO 30405:2016. Human resource management – Guidelines on recruitment [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: std: iso:30405: ed-1: v1: en (data obrashcheniia: 03.09.2021).
5. ISO 30408:2016. Human resource management – Guidelines on human governance [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: std: iso:30408: ed-1: v1: en (data obrashcheniia: 03.09.2021).
6. ISO 30409:2016. Human resource management – Workforce planning [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: std: iso:30409: ed-1: v1: en (data obrashcheniia: 03.09.2021).
7. Egorshin A.P. Osnovy upravleniia personalom: ucheb. posobie. – M.: Infra-M, 2015. – 352 s.
8. HR and standards. Learn about British and International standards in human resource management, and our role in their development [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 07.09.2021).
9. Short H., Anderson V.A. Standards formation and the implications for HRD // European Journal of Training and Development. – 2021. – Vol. 45 (1). – Pp. 74–94.
10. Ulfsdotter Eriksson Y. Global HRM standards as boundary objects: a device to enhance legitimacy and status // Personnel Review. – 2017. – Vol. 46 (6). – Pp. 1089–1103.


Corporate governance in the usa: current trends
Klyuchko V.N., Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of Economics and organization of production, BMSTU,
SPIN-code: 6781-3260; Author ID: 344457; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 344457

The article examines the situation in the corporate governance of US companies, due to the application of the Friedman doctrine and the theory of shareholder value, and the consequences of the buyback of shares caused by them. The reaction of the modern business community and the public to the results of the application of the shareholder theory is presented. Shown is the turn of the public and part of the legislators towards empowering employees with the rights to participate in the management of companies (co-determination system), following the example of Germany and the Nordic countries.
Keywords:  corporation, USA, corporate governance, Friedman doctrine, shareholder theory, managers, buyback, employees, co-determination system, bills.

1. Friedman M. A Friedman doctrine – The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits. The New York Times Magazine. September 13, 1970 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
2. Dzhensen M.K., Mekling U.Kh. Teoriia firmy: povedenie menedzherov, agentskie izderzhki i struktura sobstvennosti // Vestn. S.-Peterb. un-ta. – Ser.: Menedzhment. – 2004. – Vyp. 4. – S. 118–191.
3.  Jensen Michael C., Meckling William H. Reflections on the Corporation as a Social Invention (September 30, 1983) // Midland Corporate Finance Journal. – Autumn 1983. – Vol. 1. – No. 3 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
4. Jensen Michael C., Murphy Kevin J. CEO Incentives – It’s Not How Much You Pay, But How. Harvard Business Rewiew. May–June, 1990 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
5.  Balsam Steven. Taxes and Executive Compensation. Economic Policy Institute, August 14, 2012 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
6. Gillan Stuart L.  and Martin John D.  Financial Engineering, Corporate Governance, and the Collapse of Enron (November 2002). U of Delaware Coll. of Bus. and Econ. Ctr. for Corp. Governance Working Paper No. 2002–001 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
7. Lazonick William. Profits Without Prosperity. Harvard Business Review, September, 2014 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
8. UseemJerry. The Stock-Buyback Swindle. The Atlantic. August, 2019 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
9. Wolf Martin. We must rethink the purpose of the corporation. Financial Times. December 11, 2018 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–11e8-ac00–57a2a826423e (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
10.  Denning Stive. Making Sense of Shareholder Value: ‘The World’s Dumbest Idea’. Forbes, July 17, 2017 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
11.  Cliffe Sarah. The CEO View: Defending a Good Company from Bad Investors. Harvard Business Rewiew. May–June, 2017 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
12. Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
13. Kliuchko V.N. Sistema uchastiia rabotnikov v upravlenii kompaniiami Germanii: istoriia i sovremennost // Innovatsii v menedzhmente. – 2020. – ¹ 4. – S. 8–13.
14. 1919 Chap. 0070. An Act To Enable Manufacturing Corporations To Provide For The Representation Of Their Employees On The Board Of Directors [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
15. Hill Steven. Economic Democracy and Codetermination: Harnessing the Capitalist Engine. The Globalist. January 15, 2010 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
16. Tyler George. The superiority of codetermination. Social Europe. July 16, 2019 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
17. Tyler George. Trade War Anomaly: Why Northern Europe Sells More to China, Proportionally, Than We Do. The American Prospect. August 15, 2019 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
18.  Holmberg Susan. Want to fix US corporations? Put regular workers on company boards. Quartz at Work. October 23, 2017 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
19. S.2605 – Reward Work Act [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
20. S.3348 – Accountable Capitalism Act [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
21. Anzilotti Eillie. Want Fairer Workplaces? Give Employees Seats On The Board. Fast Company. April 6, 2018 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 10.03.2021).
22. Yglesias Matthew. Elizabeth Warren has a plan to save capitalism: She’s unveiling a bill to make corporate governance great again. August 15, 2018 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
23.  Oprysko Caitlin, Cassella Megan, Otterbein Holly. Biden lashes Trump in economic speech tinged with populist rhetoric. Politico. July 9, 2020 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.09.2021).
24. Allen Katie. Five ways capitalism can work ‘for all, not just the few’. How should Theresa May act on her pledge to reform corporate culture in the wake of the BHS scandal? The Guardian. July 30, 2016 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia:  16.09.2021).
25. Kliuchko V.N. Rossiiskaia model korporativnogo upravleniia: stanovlenie i perspektivy // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2017. – ¹ 6. – S. 101–104.


Digital technology base for providing metallurgical enterprises with prepared materials
Negomedzyanov Yu.A., Doctor of engineering sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management of the Tver State University,
SPIN-code: 1514-9523
Negomedzyanov G.Yu., Candidate of Science (Economics), Research Fellow of the Department of Management of the Tver State University,

The article considers the principles underlying the formation of innovative technology of providing metallurgical enterprises with prepared materials focused on system-wide interests. It is shown that a macrologistic system of delivery of prepared materials to metallurgical enterprises must be technologically optimal, logistically organized and meet the requirements of digital economy, functioning on the basis of a technological process interconnected with main transport and main production. A science-based fundamentally new approach to optimizing the technological parameters of the system for providing metallurgical enterprises with prepared materials has been developed. A mathematical model of the system is proposed. The results of choosing the optimal technological parameters of the system are presented, an analysis is offered.
Keywords: metallurgical production, provision of prepared materials, innovative technology.

1. Negomedzianov Iu.A., Negomedzianov G.Iu. Strategicheskoe tekhnicheskoe planirovanie makrologisticheskoi sistemy obespecheniia podgotovlennymi materialami predpriiatii metallurgii pri poetapnom vvode moshchnostei osnovnogo proizvodstva // Logistika i upravlenie tsepiami postavok. – 2019. – ¹ 2 (91). – C. 53–60.
2. Negomedzianov Iu.A., Negomedzianov G.Iu. Iskhodnye usloviia formirovaniia tekhnologicheskoi bazy sistemy obespecheniia predpriiatii metallurgii podgotovlennymi materialami // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2019. – ¹ 6. – C. 62–71.
3. Kozlov P.A., Vladimirovskaia I.P. Metod optimizatsii vzaimodeistviia v proizvodstvenno-transportnykh sistemakh // Sovremennye parametry nauki i obrazovaniia. – 2009. – ¹ 6. – S. 17–19.

Development of the organization and management of the he retail fuel business
Devlikamova G.V., Candidat of Economics, docent of Ufa School of Excellence Ufa State Petroleum Technical University,
SPIN-code: 1993-0777; AUTHOR ID: 309051; ORCID: 0000-0002-5185-4554; Scopus AU ID: «Devlikamova G.V.» 8556822700

The article analyzes the problems and achievements of the retail fuel business. The directions of improving the organization and management of gas stations are established. The world practice of expanding related business has been studied. The approaches to optimization of parameters of deliveries of goods to gas stations are offered. It is justified to conduct a spatial analysis of the markets of the presence of different economic entities.
Keywords: retail fuel business, gas station, retailed product, spatial analysis, geographical boundaries of the market.

1. Magaziny i kafe pri AZS – trendy 2021 g . i kak vybratsia v lidery [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.07.2021).
2.  Kerzhaeva V. Soiuz benzina s magazinom, ili AZS kak obieekt riteila [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.07.2021).
3.  Kuznetsov M. Goriuchii riteil. Sinergiia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.07.2021).
4. Kuzmin A. Kofe na AZS: itogi goda, prognozy, nabliudeniia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.07.2021).
5. Orlov S. Modeli sotrudnichestva. «Gazpromneft» vnedriaet novye formy sotrudnichestva [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.07.2021).
6. Nazarova E. Obzor rynka toplivnogo riteila [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.07.2021).
7. Osnovnye napravleniia razvitiia magazinov pri AZS [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.07.2021).
8. Riteil na AZS: o trendakh, kofe i sosiskakh [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.07.2021).
9. Ruban I. Mirovye tendentsii v setiakh AZS [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.07.2021).
10.  Tikhonova A. Polnyi bak konkurentov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.07.2021).
11.  Brodetskii G.L., Gusev D.A. Ekonomiko-matematicheskie metody i modeli v logistike. Protsedury optimizatsii: ucheb. posobie // G.L. Brodetskii, D.A. Gusev. – M.: Izd. tsentr «Akademiia», 2012. – 288 s. (Ser. «Bakalavriat»). – ISBN 9768-5-7695-4676-1. – Tekst: neposredstvennyi.
12. Modeli i metody teorii logistiki: ucheb. posobie. – 2-e izd. / pod red. V.S. Lukinskogo. – SPb.: Piter Press, 2008. – 448 s.: il. – (Ser. «Uchebnoe posobie»). – ISBN 978-5-91180-139-7. – Tekst: neposredstvennyi.
13. Skovronek Ch., Sariush-Volskii Z. Logistika na predpriiatii. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 2004. – 395 c. – ISBN 5-279-02790.
14. Devlikamova G.V. Nekotorye vozmozhnosti opredeleniia granits rynka v sbyte nefteproduktov // Neft, gaz i biznes. – 2013. – ¹ 6. – S. 16–20.


Perception of the economic consequences of the introduction of the eu carbon tax (on the example of the khanty-mansiysk autonomous okrug – yugra)
Korosteleva V.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Institute of Digital Economy, Yugorsk State University,
SPIN-code: 6990-8902; Author ID: 691069; Scopus ID: 57205168903; ORCID: 0000-0002-0678-6660
Zhemchuzhnikova A.N., 4th year student of the specialty «Economic Security» of the Institute of Digital Economy, Yugorsk State University,

This article discusses the reasons and options for the introduction of cross-border carbon regulation (TUR) by the EU countries. TUR aims to reduce air pollutants by increasing emission prices. The extraction of oil and gas is a carbon-intensive process, in this regard, the oil-producing regions of countries outside the European Union will have to bear a heavy burden of paying funds to the EU budget. Companies of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra are the largest exporters in the Russian Federation, including to the European Union.
Keywords: air pollution, carbon tax, forecast of tax liabilities.

1. Grigoreva L., Pavliushina V., Muzychenko E., Kheifets E. Ekologiia i ekonomika: tendentsiia k dekarbonizatsii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 26.06.2021).
2. Ramochnaia konventsiia ob izmenenii klimata, Dvadtsat pervaia sessiia, Parizh, 30 noiabria–11 dekabria 2015 goda [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 27.06.2021).
3. Bazhan A. I., Roginko S.A. Pogranichnyi korrektiruiushchii uglerodnyi mekhanizm ES: status, riski i vozmozhnyi otvet [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 25.06.2021).
4. Bourgeois Cyril, Giraudet Louis-Gaëtan, Quirion Philippe.  Lump-sum vs. energy-efficiency subsidy recycling of carbon tax revenue in the residential sector: A French assessment [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 03.07.2021).
5. Statistika vneshnei torgovli po dannym FTS Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–202012/RU71100/export/world/0527 (data obrashcheniia: 27.06.2021).
6. Rasporiazhenie pravitelstva Khanty-Mansiiskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Iugry ot 05.10.2020 ¹ 563-rp «O prognoze sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiia Khanty-Mansiiskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Iugry na 2021 god i na planovyi period 2022 i 2023 godov» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 05.07.2021).
7. O podkhodakh i posledstviiakh vvedeniia transgranichnogo uglerodnogo regulirovaniia v Evropeiskom soiuze [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 02.07.2021).
8. Sun Yuanyuan, Mao Xianqiang, Yin Xinan, Liu Gengyuan, Zhang Jun, Zhao Yanwei. Optimizing carbon tax rates and revenue recycling schemes: Model development, and a case study for the Bohai Bay area [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 07.07.2021).
9. Filipchuk A.N., Malysheva N.V., Moiseev B.N., Strakhov V.V. Analiticheskii obzor metodik ucheta vybrosov i pogloshcheniia lesami parnikovykh gazov iz atmosfery // Lesokhoziaistvennaia informatsiia. – 2016. – ¹ 3. – S. 36–85.
10. Kharakteristika lesnogo fonda Khanty-Mansiiskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Iugry na 1 ianvaria 2020 goda [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 10.07.2021).

Âñå ïðàâà ïðèíàäëåæàò Èçäàòåëüñòâó «Ôèíïðåññ» Ïîëíîå èëè ÷àñòè÷íîå âîñïðîèçâåäåíèå èëè ðàçìíîæåíèå êàêèì-ëèáî ñïîñîáîì ìàòåðèàëîâ äîïóñêàåòñÿ òîëüêî ñ ïèñüìåííîãî ðàçðåøåíèÿ Èçäàòåëüñòâà «Ôèíïðåññ».