Development of the theory and methodology of production management in the conditions of the digital economy
Konovalova G.I., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Industrial Economics, Bryansk State Technical University,
SPIN-code: 4254-0797; Author ID: 556407
The article considers the issues of management of modern industrial enterprises and trends in the development of production management. It is shown that the rate of changes in external and internal factors is so high that taking into account production dynamics and applying universal solutions become the only tools in creating an accurate action plan aimed at solving both current and forthcoming problems of industrial enterprises. For the production dynamics to be taken into account, elements of a universal system of dynamic diversified production operational management have been created. On this basis a flexible mechanism for integrating functions and processes has been built and a unified model of operational and strategic planning has been developed. For the concept of digital transformation of industrial enterprises to be implemented, it is proposed that the universal system of operational management of dynamic diversified production is viewed as the core in the management system of an industrial enterprise. The newly developed elements, approaches, models and tools move forward the theory and methodology of production management.
Keywords: production management, digital transformation, strategic approach, dynamic approach, universal solutions, dynamic multi-type production.
1. Cheiz R., Ekvilain N., Iakobe R. Proizvodstvennyi i operatsionnyi menedzhment: per. s angl. – M.: Izd. dom «Viliame», 2004. – 704 s.
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4. Sterligova A.N. Upravlenie operatsionnoi sredoi organizatsii. – M.: INFRA-M, 2012. – 318 s.
5. Konovalova G.I. Teoriia, metodologiia, praktika operativnogo upravleniia dinamichnym raznotipnym mashinostroitelnym proizvodstvom: monografiia. – Briansk: BGTU, 2018. – 187 s.
6. Ansoff I. Strategicheskii menedzhment. – SPb.: Piter, 2011. – 344 s.
7. Grant R. Sovremennyi strategicheskii analiz. – SPb.: Piter, 2018. – S. 20–29.
8. Konovalova G.I. Metodologiia operativnogo upravleniia tsifrovym proizvodstvom: monografiia / G.I. Konovalova. – Briansk: BGTU, 2020. – 194 s.
9. Repin V.V., Eliferov V.G. Protsessnyi podkhod k upravleniiu: modelirovanie biznes-protsessov. – M.: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2015. – 544 s.
10. Hammer M., Champy J. Reengineering the corporation: a manifesto for business revolution. – N.Y.: Harper Business, 1993. – 223 ð.
11. Konovalova G.I. Razvitie metodologii operativnogo upravleniia proizvodstvom na promyshlennom predpriiatii v kontseptsii «Industriia 4.0» // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2019. – ¹ 2. – S. 79–85.
Platform approach as part of the company’s innovation ecosystem
Altoukhov A.V., Director of the Laboratory for Network Analysis of Ecosystems, Derzhavin Tambov State University, Employee of the Innovation Economics Department, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, CEO and General Designer of «Archangel Ecosystem» LLC,
Scopus ID: 24171014000; ORCID: 0000-0002-4757-0401; Researcher ID: AAE-4006-2019
Artiukhov A.V., graduate student of Innovation Economics Department, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
ORCID: 0000-0002-7949-698Õ
The growing need for the rapid creation of innovative products requires a revision of the usual approaches of interaction between market participants. A platform approach can dramatically increase the speed of development and adaptation of innovative products on the market. This research work will allow a broader look at the opportunities that the platform approach provides for Russian technology companies, and how this approach can be implemented considering the specifics of Russian business.
Keywords: innovation ecosystem, technological platforms, platform solutions, platform approach, innovation.
1. Chislo polzovatelei karsheringa v Moskve rastet na 15% v god // Analiticheskoe agentstvo «Avtostat» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.11.2021).
2. Tesla Impact Report, 2019, Impact Report // Tesla. – Access mode: (access date: 30.11.2021).
3. Edinaia tsifrovaia platforma obieedinit vse servisy dlia transporta i logistiki Rossii // Mintrans Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.11.2021).
4. Morskaia transportirovka // International Chamber of Commerce [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 30.11.2021).
5. Usov A. Elektromobili: problemy i perspektivy // Neft Rossii. – 2018. – ¹ 10. – S. 14–15.
6. Kravchenko G.V. Avtomatizirovannaia sistema upravleniia dvizheniem gorodskogo elektrotransporta: opyt razrabotki // Izv. Iuzh. feder. un-ta. Tekhnicheskie nauki. – 1995. – ¹ 1 (1). – S. 41–43.
7. Polnostiu elektricheskie samolety poiaviatsia do 2035 goda // Otraslevoe agentstvo «AviaPort» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.11.2021).
8. Letaiushchie avtomobili Hyundai stanut seriinymi k 2028 godu // Populiarnaia mekhanika [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.11.2021).
9. Fueling the Future. Preparing the downstream oil and gas industry for the mobility revolution // KPMG. – Access mode: (access date: 30.11.2021).
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11. V preddverii IPO Uber otsenili v 120 mlrd dollarov // Vector [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.11.2021).
Study of the formats for organizing the activities of competence centers in the Russian Federation
Viter K.A., Junior Researcher, Educational and Scientific Center «Economics», Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
SPIN-code: 4549-4782; Author ID: 1026767
The article discusses various possible formats for the operation of competence centers in the Russian Federation – value chain, business-ecosystem, digital integration platform. The analysis of the main advantages and disadvantages of each considered model is carried out. To determine the most optimal work format for the competence center, an analysis is made of the compliance of various work models with new digital competencies, which include technical (hard skills) and flexible supra-professional skills (soft skills). In addition, the article defines the correspondence of the model of work of competence centers to various types of organizations.
Keywords: competence center, business-ecosystem, value chain, digital integration platform, digital competencies.
1. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po tsifrovoi transformatsii gosudarstvennykh korporatsii i kompanii s gosudarstvennym uchastiem [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 22.11.2021).
2. Dementev V.E. Tsepochki sozdaniia tsennosti pered vyzovami tsifrovizatsii i ekonomicheskogo spada // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2021. – ¹ 3. – S. 68–83.
3. Transformatsiia sovremennykh biznes-modelei v storonu ekosistem [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 22.11.2021).
4. Gretchenko A.I., Gorokhova I.V. Tsifrovaia platforma: novaia biznes-model v ekonomike Rossii // Vestn. Ros. ekon. un-ta im. G.V. Plekhanova. – 2019. – ¹ 1 (103).
5. Sirotkin A.V. Kontseptsiia integratsionnoi tsifrovoi platformy vuza // Sb. mater. II Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Obrazovanie v Rossii i aktualnye voprosy sovremennoi nauki». – 2020. – S. 70.
6. Gorkovaia O.P. i dr. «Soft skills»: v poiske universalnykh traktovok «gibkikh» navykov sovremennykh rabotnikov // Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitie (Terra Humana). – 2019. – ¹ 4 (53). – S. 20–25.
7. Tsifrovye kompetentsii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 22.11.2021).
8. Vertikalnaia integratsiia v mire tekhnologii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 22.11.2021).
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11. Chto takoe innovatsionnyi bank? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 22.11.2021).
Critical thinking methods as a tool for growing the efficiency of management of organizations
Ismagilov R.Kh., Ph. D., associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Kazan national research technical University (KAI) A.N. Tupoleva,
SPIN-code: 6303-2880; Author ID: 804356; ORCID: 0000-0002-8805-303X
The article describes methods of critical thinking that contribute to improving the efficiency of activities at Russian enterprises. Reserves of efficiency growth are shown to emerge from the activation of the intellectual energy of criticism and ensuring effective interaction between generators of ideas and their critics. The psychological safety requirements to be observed when applying critical thinking tools are described. Cited are practical examples of the application of critical thinking methods for solving problems at Russian enterprises.
Keywords: kaizen, reverse brainstorming, critical thinking, management efficiency, thinking, criticism, Russian industrial culture.
1. Imai Masaaki. Kliuch k uspekhu iaponskikh kompanii. – M.: Izd-vo «Alpina Pablisher», 2021.
2. Sheinov Viktor. Manipulirovanie i zashchita ot manipuliatsii. Priemy, kotorye dolzhen znat kazhdyi. – M.: Izd-vo «AST», 2019.
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5. Analiz fotograficheskogo izobrazheniia [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 10.11.2021).
6. Analiz i kritika fotografii: realistichno, krasivo, dushevno? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 10.11.2021).
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The concept of controlling in the cost assessment of the quality of management of the sustainable functioning and economic development of the road management enterprise
Kravchenko A.E., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Structures named after Professor K.A. Daragan, Kuban State Technological University,
SPIN-code: 8193-2669; Author ID: 355220; Scopus ID: 57199698810;
ID ÐÈÍÖ: 167766; ORCID: 0000-0003-1192-0251; Researcher ID: ÀÂÀ-3850-2021
Kuskov V.D., Master’s student of the Department of Transport Structures named after Professor K.A. Daragan, Kuban State Technological University,
The cost principles, the concept of controlling and a flow approach are proposed, forming a complex managerial competence and responsibility of top management for ensuring the efficiency of financial and economic activities of the road sector as a whole. The matrix model of coordinated cash flow management is reflected. The economic and mathematical model of the assessment of the integral economic result of the quality of management of sustainable functioning and economic development of the enterprise is shown.
Keywords: road management, enterprise, business processes, assessment, management quality, sustainable functioning, economic development, cash flows, integral economic effect.
1. Popov S.A. Strategicheskoe upravlenie / S.A. Popov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2012. – 407 s.
2. Pavlova L.N. Finansovyi menedzhment. Upravlenie denezhnym oborotom predpriiatiia / L.N. Pavlova. – M.: IuNITI, 2015. – 400 s.
3. Chernenko A.F. Dvizhenie denezhnykh sredstv: biudzhet i otchetnost predpriiatii / A.F. Chernenko // Mezhdunarodnyi bukhgalterskii uchet. – 2015. – ¹ 39. – S. 50–66.
4. Kosiniaeva N.S. Osnovnye napravleniia optimizatsii denezhnykh potokov / N.S. Kosiniaeva // Molodoi uchenyi. – 2016. – ¹ 5. – S. 42–44.
5. Lukasevich I.Ia. Upravlenie denezhnymi potokami / I.Ia. Lukasevich. – M.: INFRA, 2017. – 184 s.
6. Blank I.A. Upravlenie denezhnymi potokami / I.A. Blank. – Kiev: Nika-Tsentr; Elga, 2014. – 242 s.
7. Popov S.A. Konkurentosposobnaia strategiia na osnove kornevykh kompetentsii // Ekonomicheskie strategii. – 2010. – ¹ 11. – S. 69–78.
8. Zaripova G.M. Sushchnost i metody upravleniia denezhnymi potokami organizatsii / G.M. Zaripova // Ekonomika i sotsium. – 2015. – ¹ 3. – S. 25–26.
9. Kemenov A.V. Upravlenie denezhnymi potokami kompanii: monografiia. – M.: Izd. dom «Ekonomicheskaia gazeta», 2011. – 144 s.
10. Erkhard M. Denezhnye potoki. – SPb.: RGGR, 2013. – 269 s.
11. Kravchenko À.Å. Flexible approach to municipal route network optimization for regular bus transport of general use / À.Å. Kravchenko, D.A. Gura, A.Yu. Dernovoy // International Journal of Economic Perspectives. – 2017. – No. 3. – Ðð. 136–153.
Digital transformation of personnel management system
Korolev V.I., Doctor of Economics, professor, Head of management and marketing, Chair Foreign Trade Academy,
SPIN-code: 5586-1512; Author ID: 668398; Scopus ID: 57200380194; ID RINZ: 668398;
ORCID: 0000-0002-5229-5344; Researcher ID: Q-2651-2017
Dikul E.V., PhD in Economics, Commercial Director LLC «PLAnt_SPACE»,
In the context of digitalization the personnel management process changes both in its form and its content. The authors analyze the factors that check back the digitalization of management at Russian enterprises and consider the experience of companies outside Russia. They study the impact of digitalizing the personnel’s work upon their selection, training and involvement. They consider the directions in which digital technologies impact personnel’s development. The importance of searching for the ways of improving the work with the personnel is brought into sharp focus.
Keywords: digital technologies, personnel, development, staff management, education, modernization, interest, problems, tasks.
1. Rossiiskii biznes priznali ne gotovym k tsifrovoi transformatsii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL://
2. Strelnikova L.A., Lembrikova M.M. Aktualizatsiia tsifrovykh tekhnologii v upravlenii protsessom podbora personala [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:// (data obrashcheniia: 02.10.2021).
3. Kazakova M.I., Bertulite L.S. Effektivnost ispolzovaniia tsifrovykh tekhnologii pri podbore personala v sovremennykh usloviiakh [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:// (data obrashcheniia: 02.10.2021).
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5. 44% rossiiskikh rabotodatelei schitaiut, chto sotrudnikam ne khvataet tsifrovykh navykov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL://–08–11–44-rossiijskih-rabotodatelej #:~: text=44… (data obrashcheniia: 02.10.2021).
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7. Korporativnyi universitet Sberbanka [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:// (data obrashcheniia: 02.10.2021).
8. Suvalov O.S. Povyshenie vovlechennosti personala: prakticheskii opyt [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL://… (data obrashcheniia: 02.10.2021).
9. Salikov Iu.A., Logunova I.V., Kablashova I.V. Tendentsii izmenenii v upravlenii chelovecheskimi resursami predpriiatiia v usloviiakh tsifrovoi ekonomiki [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:// (data obrashcheniia: 02.10.2021).
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17. Podtserob M. Kakim budet rynok truda v 2025 godu [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL://… (data obrashcheniia: 10.10.2021).
18. Korolev V.I. Problemy ispolzovaniia personala v usloviiakh tsifrovizatsii: zarubezhnaia i otechestvennaia praktika // Rossiiskii vneshneekonomicheskii vestnik. – 2021. – ¹ 9. – S. 116–124.
19. Vliianie tsifrovizatsii na strategiiu upravleniia personalom v rossiiskikh kompaniiakh obsudili na forume truda [Elektronnyi resurc]. URL://… (data obrashcheniia: 10.10.2021).
Human risk management as a key imperative of industrial enterprises innovative growth
Vasyaycheva V.A., Candidate in Economics, Associate Professor of Human Resource Management Department, Samara National Research University,
SPIN-code: 8297-1858; Author ID: 660484; Scopus ID: 57188768818; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 660484;
ORCID: 0000-0002-5472-937X; Researcher ID: V-4643-2018
The article highlights the key aspects of human resources and risk management contributing to the typology and unification of management activities as well as the formation of a balanced management system for innovative activities of industrial enterprises. The approach proposed by the author makes it possible to objectively assess and substantiate the directions of elimination of personnel risks as a key imperative to improve the efficiency of functioning and innovative growth of enterprises based on the use of modern methodological tools.
Keywords: management, personnel risks, innovative development, efficiency, industrial enterprise.
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6. Vasiaicheva V.A., Tiukavkin N.M. O razrabotke podkhodov k upravleniiu innovatsionnoi deiatelnostiu promyshlennykh predpriiatii // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2021. – ¹ 4. – S. 102–109.
7. Mamas Ia.D., Novoselova O.V. Menedzhment vnutrennikh kommunikatsii kak instrument upravleniia kadrovymi riskami // Mater. II Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Aktualnye teoreticheskie i prikladnye voprosy upravleniia sotsialno-ekonomicheskimi sistemami». – M., 2020. – S. 265–267.
8. Vasiaicheva V.A., Ivlieva T.M. Otsenka effektivnosti upravleniia professionalnymi riskami v sisteme kadrovogo menedzhmenta // Ekonomika i obshchestvo. – 2019. – ¹ 10 (14). – S. 14–19.
9. Mitrofanova A.E. Kontseptsiia upravleniia kadrovymi riskami v rabote s personalom organizatsii // Kompetentnost. – 2013. – ¹ 3. – S. 40–45.
10. Finochenko T.A., Semiglazova E.A. Upravlenie professionalnymi riskami // Transport i logistika: innovatsionnoe razvitie v usloviiakh globalizatsii tekhnologii i ekonomicheskikh sviazei. – Rostov n/D: RGUPS, 2017. – S. 241–245.
11. Bastgen C.L. Holzner Employment protection and the market for innovations // Labour Economics. – 2017. – Vol. 46. – Pp. 77–93.
12. Sukhankina N.V., Slatov D.G., Solovova N.V. HR risks management in the context of labour market precarization // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. – 2021. – Vol. 161 LNNS. – Pp. 633–643.
Systematization of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management
Vlasova T.A., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of management and marketing, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod State University»,
SPIN-code: 4228-0257; Author ID: 665391; Scopus ID: 57204434176; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 665391; ORCID: 0000-0001-9183-231X; Researcher ID: N-5729-2016
The article substantiates the need to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel management based on the choice of an optimal system of indicators for the organization. The main aspects of evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management are disclosed, in the context of which the systematization of possible performance evaluation indicators is presented, which serves as the basis for the formation of an individual system of indicators for organizations.
Keywords: performance assessment, personnel management, personnel management functions, performance indicators, economic and social efficiency.
1. Stoliarenko A.V., Abdulkhairova E.M. Otsenka effektivnosti sistemy upravleniia personalom na predpriiatii: teoreticheskii podkhod /A.V. Stoliarenko, E.M. Abdulkhairova // Uchenye zapiski Krym. inzh.-ped. un-ta. – 2020. – ¹ 2 (68). – S. 196–202.
2. Voronin V. Otsenka effektivnosti raboty HR-sluzhby / V. Voronin, M. Iontseva // Kadrovik. – 2012. – ¹ 8. – S. 76–83.
3. Fedotova M. Voprosy otsenki effektivnosti upravleniia personalom / M. Fedotova // Kadrovik. – 2014. – ¹ 9. – S. 116–122.
4. Kondrachuk O.E. Otsenka effektivnosti sistemy upravleniia personalom predpriiatiia / O.E. Kondrachuk // Vestn. Alt. akad. ekonomiki i prava. – 2019. – ¹ 1–2. – S. 55–58.
5. Krasnova N. Obzor sistem otsenki effektivnosti upravleniia personalom / N. Krasnova // Portal KUPIEVENT.RU [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
6. Lapshova O.A. i dr. Upravlenie chelovecheskimi resursami: uchebnik i praktikum dlia vuzov / pod obshch. red. O.A. Lapshovoi. – M.: Izd-vo «Iurait», 2020. – 406 s.
Trends in the development of corporate culture management tools in remote work
Orlova M.V., PhD (econ), Associate professor of Marketing, «Higher School of Brand Management», IFUR RANEPA, Moscow, Russia,
SPIN-code: ÐÈÍÖ 5252–5987; Researcher ID: D-1544-2019; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3971-6570
Ivanova V.Å., the 4th year student of the Marketing Institute, State University of Management, Moscow, Russia,
The article analyzes the environmental factors affecting the corporate culture of a modern company in an environment where more and more companies prefer the use of remote labor. Based on our own research and analysis of the experience of leading companies, the main trends in the development of corporate culture management tools have been identified.
Keywords: corporate culture, remote work, distributed teams, remote work.
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Improving efficiency through business planning
Chuvaeva A.I., PhD in economics, Associate Professor of international business Department, Siberian state University of science and technology named after M.F. Reshetnev,
SPIN-code: 2468-9226; Author ID: 821801; GoogleScholar ID: XVh2GIEAAAAJ; ORCID: 0000-0003-0896-2055; Researcher ID: ABD-6016-2021
Alashkevich Yu.D., academician RAO, Doctor of engineering Professor, head of the Department of machines and devices of industrial technologies, Siberian state University of science and technology named after M.F. Reshetnev,
SPIN-code: 2385-7165; Author ID: 509810; Scopus ID: 57200546519; Researcher ID: I-9840-2016
This article provides a rationale for the need to draw up a business plan when launching a new project and increase its efficiency. A list of methods for developing business plans popular in Russia and abroad is given. The paper proposes the most versatile methodology for drawing up a business plan, which can be used for both small and medium-sized businesses.
Keywords: efficiency, business plan, business planning techniques.
1. Chuvaeva A.I. Klassifikatsiia vidov effektivnosti / A.I. Chuvaeva, Iu.D. Alashkevich // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2020. – ¹ 6. – S. 3–9.
2. Vaneev A.V. Biznes-planirovanie kak forma realizatsii strategii korporatsii / A.V. Vaneev, I.E. Lebedev, A.S. Sheptiev // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. – 2019. – Vol. 4–2. – Pp. 153–155.
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15. Behrens W., Hawranek P.M. Manual for the preparation of industrial feasibility studies. – 2nd ed. – Vienna: UNIDO, 1995. – 386 p.
16. Shchegoleva E.N. Sovremennye metodiki biznes-planirovaniia i analiz programm dlia sostavleniia biznes-planov / E.N. Shchegoleva // Ekonomicheskie nauki. – 2018. – ¹ 4. – S. 29–34 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
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23. Barsukov D.P. Biznes-planirovanie kak instrument dostizheniia strategicheskikh tselei organizatsii / D.P. Barsukov, Iu.A. Shindina, Z.Kh. Shogenova // Nauchnye izvestiia. – 2015. – ¹ 1. – S. 33–37.
24. Ketoeva N.L. Biznes-planirovanie kak instrument povysheniia effektivnosti deiatelnosti infokommunikatsionnoi kompanii / N.L. Ketoeva, E.A. Malysh // Vestnik nauki i obrazovaniia. – 2018. – T. 1. – ¹ 8 (44). – S 46–47.
25. Troitskaia L.I. Sravnenie metodov postroeniia biznes-planov / L.I. Troitskaia, T.S. Kremlev // Azimut nauchnykh issledovanii: ekonomika i upravlenie. – 2017. – T. 6. – ¹ 4 (21). – S 128–131.
26. Chuvaeva A.I. Graficheskoe otobrazhenie poniatiia «effektivnost». Sobliudenie «printsipa lepestka» / A.I. Chuvaeva, Iu.D. Alashkevich // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2021. – ¹ 5. – S. 12–19.
Application of data mining methods in researching the implementation of sustainable development goals
Kozhevina O.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor of M.V.N.E. Bauman, expert of the Trade and Industrial Board of the Russian Federation, Member of the Russian Business Ethics Network,
SPIN-code: 6696-6538; Author ID: 346023; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 346023; Scopus ID: 57190430404;
Researcher ID: R-9605-2017; ORCID: 0000-0001-5347-2253
Danko E.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Altai State University,
SPIN-code: 8122-9125; Author ID: 893624; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 893624; ORCID: 0000-0002-8651-5296
The article was prepared with the financial support of the RFBR grant 20-010-00182.
The article presents the results of the sociological and analytical study of the introduction of sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Russian companies. It is shown that the transition to a «green» economy and new business models is closely linked to the implementation of the SDG management concept. The study aims at assessing Russian companies’ awareness of the sustainable development goals, identifying the SDGs that are of special importance to business, determining the possibility for improving the quality of forecasting the introduction of SDGs in the companies relying on the data analysis method, It is shown that this depends on the degree of Russian companies’ awareness of the situation. The factors that motivate them are identified. The analysis is carried out with the use of the Data Mining application methods in the following areas of the study: data quality, decision tree, checking the accuracy of the algorithm, identifying dependencies, predicting the implementation of SDGs. Despite the fact that the study focuses on Russian companies, the authors note the versatility of their methodology and the possibility for its use by foreign companies in analyzing and forecasting SDGs.
Keywords: sustainable development, entrepreneurship, business models, data mining, SDG forecasting, «green» economy.
1. Kozhevina O.V. Transformatsiia biznes-modelei v kontekste ustoichivogo razvitiia // Ekonomist. – 2020. – ¹ 6. – S. 28–36.
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5. Matveev M.G., Sviridov A.S., Aleinikova N.A. Modeli i metody iskusstvennogo intellekta. Primenenie v ekonomike. – M.: Finansy i statistika, 2014.
6. Makedonskii A.M., Aksenov K.A. Postroenie derevev priniatiia reshenii s ispolzovaniem geneticheskikh algoritmov // V kn.: Peredacha, obrabotka, vospriiatie graficheskoi informatsii / pod red. A.G. Tiagunova. – Ekaterinburg: Ural. feder. un-t im. B.N. Eltsina, 2015. – S. 102–107.
7. Suvorova S.A., Kretova A.S. Ispolzovanie intellektualnogo analiza dannykh v ekonomike // Nauka segodnia: fundamentalnye i prikladnye issledovaniia: mater. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – Vologda: OOO «Marker», 2018. – S. 80–81.
Key aspects of sustainable development of the russian federation in the context of ESG
Zambrovskaya T.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Head of the Inspectorate of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of Moscow,
SPIN-code: 8622-9490
Grishchenko A.V., doctor of economics, certified auditor of the Russian Ministry of Finance, head of a private expert Bureau,
SPIN-code: 8736-3619; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 304358; ORCID: 0000-0003-3923-1247
Grishchenko Yu.I., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Financial and Investment Management of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,
SPIN-code: 4877-5335; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 304395; ORCID: 0000-0003-2238-6170
The article examines the issues of sustainable development of the Russian Federation in the context of the introduction of ESG approaches. The article pays special attention to the climate issue, in particular, the environmental strategy of the European Union and its significance for the Russian Federation and Russian business, as well as the development and prospects of «green brands», the possibility of introducing eco-friendly technologies. The article analyzes the issues of ESG transformation of the state agenda and business: the missions of the state and companies, values for corporate culture and new qualities in the context of the ESG agenda.
Keywords: Sustainable development, ESG, approaches, implementations, technologies, ecology, emissions, environmental aspect, social aspect, corporate governance aspect.
1. Valianskii S.I., Kaliuzhnyi D.V. Tretii put tsivilizatsii, ili Spaset li Rossiia mir? – M.: Algoritm, 2002. – S. 140.
2. Edinyi plan po dostizheniiu natsionalnykh tselei razvitiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii na period do 2024 goda i na planovyi period do 2030 goda [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: celey_razvitiya_do_2024g.pdf (data obrashcheniia: 20.12.2021).
3. Glebova A.G., Daneeva Iu.O. Adaptatsiia rossiiskoi energetiki k dekarbonizatsii mirovoi ekonomiki. – M., 2012 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.12.2021).
4. Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2021 edition [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.12.2021).
5. Prikaz generalnogo direktora Obshchestva s ogranichennoi otvetstvennostiu «Natsionalnoe Reitingovoe Agentstvo» ot 28.04.2020 ¹ PR/28-04/20-1 «Metodologiia prisvoeniia nekreditnykh reitingov, otsenivaiushchikh podverzhennost kompanii ekologicheskim i sotsialnym riskam biznesa, a takzhe riskam korporativnogo upravleniia (ESG-reitingov) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.12.2021).
6. Doklad Mezhdunarodnogo diskussionnogo kluba «Valdai» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 20.12.2021).
7. Global Energy Transition Statistics [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.12.2021).
8. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.12.2021).
In case of using esg-factors in risk-management process of commercial banks
Kazakova Yu.V., PhD in economics,
SPIN-code: 4552–6740
The article defines the general problems and the increasing role of ESG-factors in corporate governance of commercial banks. The approach of assessment ESG-factors in banks is defined, the questions of identifying ESG-factors are also important and needed to solve at the legislative level. Directions how to use ESG-factors in banks, have been also important to resolve.
Keywords: ESG-factors in governance, ESG-policy, risk-management, corporate governance in commercial banks, climate risks, financial risks, credit strategy in risk-management of commercial banks, regulatory process.
1. Globalnyi dogovor OON (The Global compact) Who cares wins connecting financial markets to a changing world, The Global compact, dek. 2004 g.
2. Issledovanie Deloit i Assotsiatsii rossiiskikh bankov «ESG-banking v Rossii», mai 2021 g. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http: (data obrashcheniia: 24.11.2021).
3. Doklad dlia obshchestvennykh konsultatsii «Vliianie klimaticheskikh riskov i ustoichivoe razvitie finansovogo sektora Rossii», mai 2020 g. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.11.2021).
4. Informatsionnoe pismo Banka Rossii ot 12.07.2021 ¹ IN-06/2849 «O rekomendatsiiakh po raskrytiiu publichnymi aktsionernymi obshchestvami nefinansovoi informatsii, sviazannoi s deiatelnostiu takikh obshchestv».
5. Gruppa dvadtsati (G20, «Bolshaia dvadtsatka») [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: http: (data obrashcheniia: 25.11.2021).
6. Strany G20 priniali itogovuiu deklaratsiiu na sammite v Rime [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.11.2021).
7. ESG-prozrachnost rossiiskikh kompanii: kak dostich, otsenit i zarabotat [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 19.11.2021).
The adoption of information and communication technologies: intercountry multidimensional statistical analysis
Parshintseva L.S., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics,State University of Management,
SPIN-code: 8930-5467; Author ID: 639992; Scopus ID: 57216918904; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 639992;
ORCID: 0000-0002-2256-7070; Researcher ID: P-1667-2018
Dolgikh E.A., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, State University of Management,
SPIN-code: 6532-2299; Author ID: 666042; Scopus ID: 35268205500; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 666042; ORCID: 0000-0003-2266-3326; Researcher ID: C-7502-2019
The article analyzes the main changes in the methodology for calculating the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) and assesses the quality of the changes made from the point of view of statistics. A comparative assessment of the countries of the world and the Russian Federation for each of the components of ICT implementation was carried out, a multidimensional grouping of countries by the level of ICT implementation was developed.
Keywords: information society, digital economy, Internet, public service, ecommerce.
1. Efimova M.R., Dolgikh E.A. Tsifrovaia ekonomika: rol statistiki v Industrii 4.0 // Statistika v tsifrovoi ekonomike: obuchenie i ispolzovanie: mater. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. (Sankt-Peterburg, 1–2 fevr. 2018 g.). – SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGEU, 2018. – 235 s.
2. Bychkova S.G., Parshintseva L.S. Informatsionno-kommunikatsionnye tekhnologii kak osnova razvitiia informatsionnogo obshchestva: Rossiia v sisteme mezhdunarodnykh statisticheskikh indikatorov // Statistika i ekonomika. – 2019. – T. 16. – ¹ 1. – S. 32–40.
3. The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-09 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
4. The Global Competitiveness Report 2019 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
5. Klaus Schwab. The Fourth Industrial Revolution // Foreign affairs [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 08.02.2021).
6. Ofitsialnye dannye Indeksa globalnoi konkurentosposobnosti [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 08.02.2021).
7. Ofitsialnyi sait otkrytykh dannykh Vsemirnogo banka [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: