Contents of N5/2024

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Contents of N5'2024


Situational strategy of the enterprise in a competitive and unstable environment
Burganov R.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and Production Organization, Kazan State Energy University», Kazan, Russia,
SPIN-code: 1143-2027; ORCID: 0000-0002-9957-8472

This paper focuses on the need to study situational strategy in a competitive environment. In the field of view of the authors, the definition of the essence and features of the situational strategy of the enterprise; highlighting the differences between situational and scenario types of strategy; consideration of the stages of situational strategy formation. The role of information asymmetry and the use of «Big Data» of the permanent market environment in achieving the goal of the situational strategy is also determined. According to the authors, each enterprise needs to continuously develop new situational strategies in order to maximize profits by instantly responding to external business challenges.
Keywords: strategy, situational strategy, competition, competitive advantages, trading activities.

1. Porter M. What is strategy? // Harvard Business Review. – 1996. November–December: 61–78 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 03.02.2024).
2. Chandler Alfred D. Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 1962/1998 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 02.04.2024).
3. Kobylko A.A. Planiruemyi i fakticheskii sroki realizatsii strategii//Rossiiskii zhurnal menedzhmenta. – 2023. – T. 21. – ¹ 2. – S. 255–274.
4. Nikolaeva E.V. Ekonomicheskie faktory strategii krupneishikh rossiiskikh korporatsii v vedushchikh otrasliakh promyshlennosti // Vestnik Cheliab. gos. un-ta. – 2022. – ¹ 4 (462). – S. 113–122. – DOI: Bailys J., Wirtz J., Johnson J. Strategy in the Contemporary World. 7th edition. Oxford University Press: Oxford. – 2022. – P. 488. ISBN: 9780192845719.
6. Chase B. Strategy First: How Businesses Win Big? Greenleaf Book Group Press: Austin. – 2020. – P. 272. ISBN: 9781626347137.
7. Tukirin T. Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage of Companies // Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Kesatuan. – 2023. – No. 11. – Pp. 1495–1504 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 02.02.2024).
8. He Z., Huang H., Choi H. and Bilgihan A. Building organizational resilience with digital transformation // Journal of Service Management. – 2023. – Vol. 34. – No. 1. – Pp. 147–171 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 11.03.2024).
9. Rachinger M., Rauter R., Müller C., Vorraber W. & Schirgi E. Digitalization and its influence on business model innovation // Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. – 2019. – No. 30 (8). – Pp. 1143–1160  [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 23.03.2024).
10. Gruber M. & MacMillan I.C. Entrepreneurial behavior: A reconceptualization and extension based on identity theory // Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. – No. 11 (3). – Pp. 271–286 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 22.03.2024).
11. Arunachalam S., Ramaswami S.N., Patel P.C. & Chai L. Innovation-based strategic flexibility (ISF): Role of CEO ties with marketing and R&D // International Journal of Research in Marketing. – 2022. – No. 39 (3). – Pp. 927–946 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: IJRESM AR.2021.11.005. (data obrashcheniia: 17.03.2024).
12. Abramov V.I., Evdokimov D.S. Situatsionnyi tsentr kak mekhanizm gosudarstvennogo upravleniia: rossiiskii i zarubezhnyi opyt // Regionalnye problemy preobrazovaniia ekonomiki. – 2019. – ¹ 10. – S. 21–36 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 11.02.2024).
13. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Sushko E.D. Situatsionnoe modelirovanie – effektivnyi instrument dlia strategicheskogo planirovaniia i upravleniia // Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie. – 2016. – ¹ 6. – S. 26–39.
14. Tsui Ianan. Analiz novykh modelei elektronnogo biznesa v Kitae // Obshchestvo: sotsiologiia, psikhologiia, pedagogika. – 2022. – ¹ 1. – S. 70–74. – DOI: 10.24158/spp.2022.1.10
15. Nefedova K.A., Maslakova D.O. Otsenka populiarnosti torgovykh onlain-ploshchadok na potrebitelskom rynke // Ekonomicheskii analiz: teoriia i praktika. – 2020. – T. 19. – ¹ 7. – S. 1265–1280.
16. Lei Fu, Xian-Ming Gu. Coordination strategies of retail and logistics supply chains with chain-to-chain competition (in Chinese). – 2023 Gongcheng Shuxue Xuebao // Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics. – No. 40 (2). – Pp. 190–206 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 10.04.2024).

The transition to a closed-loop economy as a strategic choice of an enterprise
Uskov D.N., Student of the Department of Management, FGBOU VO «Novosibirsk State Technical University»,

The article is devoted to the problems and prospects of choosing a circular economy as a basis for the development strategy of the business model of the circular economy. Based on the analysis of the experience of the companies that implemented the model, a SWOT analysis was carried out, and the industry aspect of the company’s choice of a particular business model of the circular economy was determined using the BCG matrix. Taking into account the strategic importance of the brand for ensuring the company’s competitiveness in the market, a study of the impact of the choice of business model on the company’s brand was carried out.
Keywords: ñlosed-loop economics, production, brand.

1. Noga V.I., Daniukova M.N. Ekonomika zamknutogo tsikla v Rossii: tendentsii i perspektivy // Human Progress. – 2023. – T. 9. – Vyp. 1. – S. 12.
2. Glukhova L.N. Teoriia ekonomiki zamknutogo tsikla: ucheb. posobie. – M.: Izd-vo NITs INFRA-M, 2013. – 232 s.
3. Tikhonova T.A. Otsenka vliianiia ekonomicheskikh agentov na razvitie zamknutogo tsikla. – M.: Izd-vo RGEU, 2017. – 196 s.
4. Ministerstvo ekonomicheskogo razvitiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii: ofits. sait. Moskva. Obnovliaetsia v techenie sutok [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 02.04.2024).
5. Shumpeter I. Teoriia ekonomicheskogo razvitiia. – M., 1982. – S. 515.
6. Khoskins V.T. Vedenie predprinimatelskoi deiatelnosti v usloviiakh ekonomiki zamknutogo tsikla. – M.: Izd-vo «Iurait», 2014. – 215 s.
7. Dzhessika V. Piat novykh sposobov, kotorymi tsirkuliarnaia ekonomika mozhet sozdat opyt brenda // JWTIntelligence-. Thu 10 Jul 2014 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 02.04.2024).



State measures of SME support in 2022–2023: lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic under conditions of the «new reality»
Starshov E.D., Assistant Professor of the Public Administration Department, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University,
SPIN-code: 3497-3008; ORCID: 0000-0001-7599-7966
Fefelov D.L., Doctoral student, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University,
ORCID: 0009-0004-1676-6577
Golubeva A.A., Associate Professor of the Public Administration Department, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University,
SPIN-code: 6181-1980; ORCID: 0000-0001-5191-8928
Andrusenko V.Yu., Managing Director, «Bank VTB» (PJSC),

This research has been conducted with financial support from the Russian Science Foundation grant (project No. 21-78-10024,

The article provides an overview of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) state support infrastructure in Russia in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the «new reality» of 2022–2023. The results of the analysis allow us to conclude that the «lessons» of the pandemic had a significant impact on the subsequent positive dynamics of the SME sector in the context of a new economic shock.
Keywords: SME, small business, state support, crisis.

1. Yoshino N., Taghizadeh-Hesary F. The Role of SMEs in Asia and Their Difficulties in Accessing Finance. ADBI Working Paper 911. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute, 2018 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 07.04.2024).
2. OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Outlook 2019, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2019 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 07.04.2024).
3. Ladygin V.V. Podderzhka malogo biznesa na munitsipalnom urovne v Rossii: osnovnye etapy i tendentsii // Voprosy gosudarstvennogo i munitsipalnogo upravleniia. – 2010. – ¹ 4. – S. 32–49.
4. Miklian J., Hoelscher K. SMEs and exogenous shocks: A conceptual literature review and forward research agenda // International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship. – 2022. – No. 2 (40). – Pp. 178–204.
5. Marshall M.I., Sydnor S., Niehm L. et al. Predicting small business demise after a natural disaster: an analysis of pre-existing conditions // Natural Hazards. – 2015. – No. 79. – Pp. 331–354.
6. Kitching J., Blackburn R., Smallbone D. et al. Business strategies and performance during difficult economic conditions [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).
7. Chang S.E. Urban disaster recovery: a measurement framework and its application to the 1995 Kobe earthquake // Disasters. – 2010. – No. 34. – Pp. 303–327.
8. Antonova M.P., Barinova V.A., Gromov V.V., Zemtsov S.P., Krasnoselskikh A.N., Milogolov N.S., Potapova A.A., Tsareva Iu.V. Razvitie malogo i srednego predprinimatelstva v Rossii v kontekste realizatsii natsionalnogo proekta. – M.: Izd. dom «Delo» RANKhiGS, 2020.
9. Historical Data. Doing Business Data. Doing Business Archive // World Bank [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 07.04.2024).
10. Doklad o sostoianii malogo i srednego predprinimatelstva v Rossiiskoi Federatsii i merakh po ego razvitiiu za 2019–2022 gg. // Ministerstvo ekonomicheskogo razvitiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).
11. Rosstat vpervye raskryl doliu malogo i srednego biznesa v ekonomike // RBK [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 08.04.2024).
12. Lundström A., Stevenson L. Entrepreneurship ðolicy: Theory and ðractice. – N.Y.: Springer, 2005.
13. Zemtsov S.P., Chepurenko A.Iu., Barinova V.A., Krasnoselkikh A.N. Novaia predprinimatelskaia politika dlia Rossii posle krizisa 2020 g. // Voprosy ekonomiki. – 2020. – ¹ 10. – S. 44–67.
14. Ob utverzhdenii Strategii razvitiia malogo i srednego predprinimatelstva do 2030 g. / Pravitelstvo Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).
15. Natsionalnyi proekt «Maloe i srednee predprinimatelstvo i podderzhka individualnoi predprinimatelskoi initsiativy» / Ministerstvo ekonomicheskogo razvitiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:
directions/nacionalnyy_proekt_maloe_i_srednee_predprinimatelstvo_i_podderzhka_individualnoy_predprinimatelskoy_iniciativy/ (data obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).
16. Edinyi reestr subieektov malogo i srednego predprinimatelstva / Federalnaia nalogovaia sluzhba [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).
17. Natsionalnye scheta / Federalnaia sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).
18. Koroleva E.A. Eksternalii politiki sanktsionnogo davleniia i ee posledstviia dlia razvitiia rossiiskogo malogo i srednego biznesa // Russian Journal of Economics and Law. – 2023. – ¹ 17 (3). – S. 515–531.
19. Eksperty obieiasnili minimum bezrabotitsy v Rossii pri sokrashchenii ekonomiki: sredi prichin – demograficheskie problemy i nepolnaia zaniatost // RBK [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 08.04.2024).
20. Indeks RSBI: rezultaty za fevral 2024 g. // OPORA Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:  (data obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).
21. Rossiiskaia ekonomika v 2022 g. Tendentsii i perspektivy (Vyp. 44) / pod nauch. red. d-ra ekon. nauk A.L. Kudrina, d-ra ekon. nauk V.A. Mau, d-ra ekon. nauk A.D. Radygina, d-ra ekon. nauk S.G. Sinelnikova-Muryleva; In-t Gaidara. – M.: Izd-vo In-ta Gaidara, 2023. – 556 s.: il.
22. Eksperty otsenili vliianie sanktsii na kliuchevye otrasli ekonomiki Rossii // Forbes [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).
23. Opredelen perechen naibolee postradavshikh ot koronavirusa otraslei. obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).
24. Zemtsov S., Barinova A., Semenova R., Mikhailov A. New entrepreneurship policy in Russia after the 2020 crisis // Voprosy Ekonomiki. – 2020. – No. 10. – Pp. 44–67.
25. Edinyi reestr subieektov malogo i srednego predprinimatelstva – poluchatelei podderzhki / Federalnaia nalogovaia sluzhba [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).
26. Indeks RSBI: rezultaty za noiabr 2022 g.//OPORA Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:  (data obrashcheniia: 09.04.2024).

Popularization of the field of training «entrepreneurial activity» in higher education
Kanina N.P., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of World Economy and Law, Department of World Economy and Tourism, Siberian State University of Railway Engineering (SSUPS) (Novosibirsk),
SPIN-code: 7376-1173; Author ID: 699632

The article discusses the popularization of entrepreneurial activity in a transport university and the reasons why applicants choose the direction «Economics», profile «Entrepreneurial activity». The analysis of the dynamics of indicators of the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation for the period 2019–2023 is presented.
Keywords: small and medium-sized businesses, economics, entrepreneurial activity, applicants, reasons for choosing.

1. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 21 iiulia 2020 g. ¹ 474 «O natsionalnykh tseliakh razvitiia Rossiiskoi Federatsii na period do 2030 goda» // [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 04.12.2023).
2. Maloe i srednee predprinimatelstvo. Natsionalnyi proekt RF [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: xn –80aapampemcchfmo7a3c9ehj.xn – p1ai/projects/msp (data obrashcheniia: 23.12.2023).
3. Tsifrovaia platforma malogo i srednego predprinimatelstva RF [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: xn – l1agf.xn – p1ai/analytics/ (data obrashcheniia: 10.01.2023).
4. Kanina N.P. Formirovanie professionalnoi napravlennosti v vuze // Sovremennye voprosy teorii i praktiki obucheniia v vuze: sb. nauch. trudov. – Vyp. 21. – Novokuznetsk: SibGIU, 2019.
5. Aroshidze A.A. Regionalnoe razvitie malykh i srednikh predpriiatii: stabilnost pozitsii i znachimost v ekonomike // Ekonomika, predprinimatelstvo i pravo. – 2022. – T. 12. – ¹ 1. – DOI: 10.18334/epp.12.1.114073
6. Edinyi reestr subieektov malogo i srednego predprinimatelstva. Federalnaia nalogovaia sluzhba [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 20.01.2024).
7. Federalnyi zakon ot 24 iiulia 2007 g. ¹ 209-FZ «O razvitii malogo i srednego predprinimatelstva v Rossiiskoi Federatsii» // KonsultantPlius [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 04.12.2023).



The concept of integrative formation and coordinated interaction of motor transport business in the regional resort and tourist sector
Kravchenko A.E., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Transport Facilities named after Professor K.A. Daragan FSBEI HE «Kuban State Technological University»,
SPIN-code: 8193-2669; Author ID: 355220; Scopus ID: 57199698810; ID ÐÈÍÖ: 355220; ORCID: 0000-0003-1192-0251; Researcher ID: ABA-3850-2021

The strategic importance of passenger vehicles for the effective functioning of the recreation and tourism industry in regional resort agglomerations (RRA) is shown. A new system-forming factor (initiator) is proposed that influences the comprehensive increase in the competitiveness of service infrastructure through the formation and effective functioning of a business system for passenger road transport services (PRTS) in the RRA. A block diagram of the management of the PRTS business system in the marketing and communication space of the RRA is presented. A categorically managed resource and service potential has been formed and a model of a system of coordinated interaction between the service sectors «Resort-tourist – Passenger motor transport» in the RRA has been presented. The author proposed his own economic and mathematical indicator «Integral economic effect» to assess the effectiveness of the functioning of the PRTS business system in the RRA.
Keywords: seasonal and cyclical conditions, personal and mass consumer demand, business system, formation, coordinated interaction, competitiveness, service infrastructure, regional resort agglomeration, integral economic effect.

1. Shmatko L.P. Rol transporta v razvitii vieezdnogo i vnutrennego turizma (na primere Rostovskoi oblasti) // Transport: nauka, obrazovanie, proizvodstvo: sb. nauch. tr. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., Rostov n/D., 2019. – S. 343–348.
2. Kravchenko A.E. Sovremennoe sostoianie i perspektivy ustoichivogo razvitiia passazhirskogo avtomobilnogo transporta v Rossii / A.E Kravchenko, E.A. Kravchenko // Uspekhi sovremennogo estestvoznaniia. – 2011. – ¹ 2. – S. 130–134.
3. Akhunzianova E.F. Povyshenie effektivnosti turisticheskikh uslug s uchetom transportnoi sostavliaiushchei: na primere ros. aviaperevozok: avtoref. dis. … kand. ekon. nauk: 08.00.05 /E.F. Akhunzianova; Gos. un-t upr. – M., 2003. – 21 s.
4. Butko I.I. Turizm i transport: monografiia / I.I. Butko, A.N. Rubanik, V.A. Sitnikov; pod red. I.I. Butko; Roszheldor, FGBOU VPO RGUPS. – Rostov n/D.: RGUPS, 2014. – 150 s.
5. Kotelnikova V.E. Transportnaia infrastruktura turizma // Mir transporta. – M.: MIIT. – 2012. – ¹ 4. – S. 118–123.
6. Kutepova G.N. Vliianie transportnogo obespecheniia na kachestvo turistskogo produkta / Transportnoe delo Rossii. – 2008. – ¹ 6. – S. 100–102.
7. Kozlov I.G. Povyshenie kachestva transportnogo obespecheniia kak metod povysheniia konkurentosposobnosti turistskogo produkta / I.G. Kozlov, G.N. Kutepova // Transportnoe delo Rossii. – 2013. – ¹ 6–2. – S. 92–93.
8. Kutepova G.N. Organizatsiia transportnogo obsluzhivaniia v turizme // Transportnoe delo Rossii. – 2011. – ¹ 4. – S. 179–181.
9. Kravchenko A.E. Metodika otsenki konkurentnogo potentsiala subieektov perevozochnogo biznesa, osushchestvliaiushchikh gibkie transportnye uslugi passazhirskim avtomobilnym transportom v kurortnykh zonakh / A.E. Kravchenko // Transport: nauka, tekhnika, upravlenie. – 2013. – ¹ 1. – S. 80–83.
10. Bragin D.Iu. Upravlenie vzaimodeistviem turistskikh i transportnykh predpriiatii: avtoref. dis. ... kand. ekon. nauk: 08.00.05 / D.Iu. Bragin; S.-Peterb. gos. un-t ekonomiki i finansov. – SPb., 2002. – 17 s.
11. Sitnikova L.V. Upravlenie razvitiem integrirovannoi proizvodstvenno-ekonomicheskoi sistemy na osnove metodologii strukturnoi integratsii: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra ekon. nauk; UfGATU. – Ufa, 2011. – 41 s.
12. Smagulov D.K. Osnovy klasternoi organizatsii rynka turistskikh uslug / D.K. Smagulov, R.K. Sadykova // Vestnik universiteta Turan. – 2016. – ¹ 4 (72). – S. 150–154.
13. Khandamova E.F., Shchepakin M.B. Razvitie motivatsionno-kommunikatsionnoi kontseptsii marketinga // Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo. – 2015. – ¹ 8 (2) (61–2). – S. 968–973.
14. Annenkov A.B. Organizatsiia proizvodstva i upravlenie transportnoi kompaniei v usloviiakh konkurentsii na transportnom rynke: monografiia. – M.: RGOTUPS, 2003. – 245 s.
15. Hensher D.A., Golob T.F. Bus rapid transit systems – a comparative assessment // Transportation 35 (4), 2008. – Ðp. 501–518.
16. Cipriani E., Gori S., Petrelli M. A bus network design procedure with elastic demand for large urban areas // Public Transp 4 (1), 2012. – Ðp. 57–76.
17. Odeck J. The effect of mergers on efficiency and productivity of public transport services // Transp Res, Part A 42 (4), 2008. – Ðp. 696–708.
18. Kravchenko À.Å. Passenger transport servis market functioning and development management in urban agglomerations based on integrated approach / À.Å. Kravchenko, D.A. Gura, A.Yu. Dernovoy // Amazonia investiga. – 2018. – Vol. 7. – No. 13. – Ðp. 331–350.
19. Sheth C., Triantis K., Teodorovic D.  Performance evaluation of bus routes: a provider and passenger perspective // Transp Res, Part E, Logist // Transp Rev 43 (4), 2007. – Ðp. 453–478.
20. Iakunin N.N., Kotov V.V., Iakunina N.V. Vliianie podgotovlennosti perevozchika na kachestvo uslug passazhirskogo avtomobilnogo transporta // Vestnik Sib. gos. avtomob.-dorozh.akad. – 2012. – ¹ 6 (28). – S. 54–61.
21. Shchepakin M.B., Khandamova E.F. Formirovanie integrativnogo multiplikativnogo effekta v marketingovom kommunikatsionnom prostranstve // Ekonomika i predprinimatelstvo. – 2015. – ¹ 6. – S. 894–899.



Improving the management of the information component of the economic security of the organization
Zhigunova A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Accounting and Analysis, Rostov State Transport University (RSTU),
SPIN-code: 2900-7252; Author ID: 321777; Scopus ID: 57213943924; ORCID: 0000-0003-1729-6007; Researcher ID: AAW-1089-2020
Logvinova I.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Accounting and Analysis, Rostov State Transport University (RSTU),
SPIN-code: 7005-8795; Author ID: 630392; Scopus ID: 57212388561; ORCID: 0000-0002-8865-4900

The article discusses the issues of improving the management of the information component of the economic security of an organization in modern conditions. The tools, fundamental stages and methods of analyzing the information component of an organization’s economic security are highlighted. There are three main types of threats to the information security of an economic entity. Recommendations are given on how to build an information security service in an organization. The CRAMM risk Management method (CCTA Risk Analysis and Management Method) is proposed as a tool for improving information security management.
Keywords: economic security, information security, CRAMM method, risk management.

1. Zhigunova A.V., Gorkovenko N.A. Razvitie tsifrovoi ekonomiki kak uslovie obespecheniia informatsionnoi bezopasnosti i protivodeistviia korruptsionnym protsessam // Nauchnoe obozrenie: teoriia i praktika. – 2021. – T. 11. – ¹ 1 (81). – S. 44–55.
2. Zhigunova A.V., Petrova T.A. Problemy informatsionnoi bezopasnosti transportnykh predpriiatii v usloviiakh tsifrovizatsii ekonomiki // V sb.: Aktualnye voprosy ekonomiki transporta vysokikh skorostei: sb. nauch. st. Nats. nauch.-prakt. konf. / pod red. N.A. Zhuravlevoi. – SPb., 2020. – S. 237–241.
3. Zaloznaia D.V., Shcherbakova V.O. Metody analiza informatsionnoi bezopasnosti predpriiatiia // Nauka i obrazovanie: khoziaistvo i ekonomika; predprinimatelstvo; pravo i upravlenie. – 2024. – ¹ 1 (164). – S. 7–12.
4. Kirishchieva I.R., Shamkhalian I.V. Informatsionnaia sostavliaiushchaia ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti predpriiatiia: problemy, instrumenty analiza // V sb.: Transport: nauka, obrazovanie, proizvodstvo (Transport-2021): sb. nauch. tr. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. – Rostov n/D, 2021. – S. 168–171.
5. Nazarov D.M., Nazarov A.D. Analiz semantiki poniatii «ekonomicheskaia bezopasnost» i «informatsionnaia bezopasnost v tsifrovoi ekonomike» // Mezhdunar. zhurnal prikladnykh nauk i tekhnologii Integral. – 2023. – ¹ 4.
6. Volkova L.V., Makarova D.V., Dokuchaev V.A.  Ispolzovanie metoda CRAMM dlia otsenki informatsionnykh riskov // Telekommunikatsii i informatsionnye tekhnologii. – 2021. – T. 8. – ¹ 1. – S. 103–109.
7. Zagidullin R.M. Otsenki riskov po sredstvam IS // Nauch.-issled. tsentr  Technical Innovations. – 2023. – ¹ 15. – S. 109–113.

Assessment and management of the safety of small enterprises
Filobokova L.Yu., Doctor of Economics, professor of the Department of Economic Expertise and Financial Monitoring MIREA – Russian Technological University,
SPIN-code: 6895-3281; Author ID: 461842; Scopus ID: 57190126440; ORCID: 0000-0003-4542-3835
Grigoreva O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Innovative Entrepreneurship, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University),
SPIN-code: 9958-8080; ORCID: 0000-0003-0029-0581

The article provides a substantiation of the substantial essence of the safety of small enterprises and its local components, methodological support for their assessment (calculation and measurement) using informal approaches that allow identifying the type (state with a reserve for maintaining a sustainable development regime; state with a reserve ensuring transformation into a sustainable development regime; state of insufficient reserve to ensure a safe state) of safe conditions in the context of institutional, economic, financial, social, environmental and digitalization of business processes of local components. Local security elements are considered as an object and a management system, the synergistic effect of which is achieved by effective control measures that take into account the features of the system, its functional role in shaping the competitive environment in the national economy and a given vector for sustainable development. The management system is based on the appropriate information support (auxiliary management system), the justification of the sources and logical content of which for the purposes of managing the safety of small enterprises is also presented in this article.
Keywords: the safety of small enterprises and its local elements, information support for safety management, methodological support for assessment.

1. Analiticheskii doklad «O mezhdunarodnykh podkhodakh k razrabotke i vnedreniiu printsipov, mer i mekhanizmov «zelenoi» ekonomiki» podgotovlen v ramkakh realizatsii v 2021 g. Departament makroekonomicheskoi politiki [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.03.2024).
2. Polianskii A., Sobolev Iu., Tarnovskii V. Tsifrovizatsiia protsessov malogo i srednego predprinimatelstva // Upravlencheskoe konsultirovanie. – 2020. – ¹ 4. – S. 80– 94.
3. Lobschat L., Mueller B., Eggers F., Brandimarte L., Diefenbach S., Kroschke M., Wirtz J. Corporate digital responsibility // Journal of Business Research. – 2019 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.03.2024).
4. Zargarian Z.S., Savostin N.N., Savtsova A.V. O perspektivakh razvitiia malogo biznesa v Rossii // Rossiia, Evropa, Aziia: tsifrovizatsiia globalnogo prostranstva: sb. nauch. tr. II Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. foruma / pod red. V.A. Koroleva. – Stavropol: OOO «Sekvoiia», 2019 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 09.03.2024).
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6. Volkov V. K voprosu vzaimosviazi poniatii i problem ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti i ustoichivogo razvitiia // Evraziiskoe nauchnoe obieedinenie. – 2015. – ¹ 5. – T. 2. – S. 94–97.
7. Filobokova L. Pesotsky Yu., Grigorreva O. NON-FORMALIZET METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES IN SMALL BUSINESS FINANCIAL MANAGAMENT // Polish Journal of Management Studies. – 2016. – Vol. 13. – Pp. 59–68.
8. Programma Organizatsii Obieedinennykh Natsii po okruzhaiushchei srede (IuNEP) ot 15.12.1972  [Elektronnyi resurs]. (data obrashcheniia: 11.03.2024).
9. Shekhovtsov R., Fedorenko N. Osnovnye ugrozy ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti malogo i srednego biznesa v Rossii. Povyshenie effektivnosti form i metodov rasprostraneniia sredi naseleniia znanii po voprosam ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti Rossii, borby s tenevymi dokhodami, protivodeistviia finansirovaniiu terrorizma, ekstremizma, antigosudarstvennoi i destruktivnoi deiatelnosti: sb. dokl. Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. 6 iiunia 2017 g. / pod red. d. e. n., prof., zasluzh. deiatelia nauki RF A.U. Albekova. – M.: RAEN, 2017. – S. 106–110.
10. Chmykhalo A. Sotsialnaia bezopasnost: ucheb. posobie. – Tomsk: TGU, 2007. – 168 s.
11. Sukharev O.V. Metodologicheskie problemy i perspektivy sovremennogo institutsionalizma / O.V. Sukharev // Zhurnal ekonomicheskoi teorii. – 2020. – ¹ 4. – S. 904–921.

Reactive and preventive methods of supplier risk management in network structures
Ismagilov R.Kh., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Kazan national research technical University (KAI). A.N. Tupoleva,
SPIN-code: 6303-2880; Author ID: 804356; ORCID: 0000-0002-8805-303X
Illarionov M.G., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge (Kazan),
SPIN-code: 2035-0568; Author ID: 1237753

The article describes methods of reactive and preventive risk management of suppliers of network enterprises. It is shown that the key advantage of preventive risk management of suppliers of a global structure is to predict possible problems of the enterprise in the future and develop preventive measures. The sequence of actions for applying the method, their content and role in ensuring the problem are reflected. It has been established that the effectiveness method is highly dependent on the correct determination of the main parameter for determining a dangerous risk.
Keywords: risk, risk management methods, insurance, management efficiency, network structures.

1. Vetrova A.Iu. Sistema upravleniia riskami innovatsionnykh programm v ramkakh korporativnogo upravleniia setevymi organizatsiiami roznichnoi torgovli // Menedzhment i biznes-administrirovanie. – 2022. – ¹ 2. – S. 113–124.
2. Garnov A.P., Vetrova A.Iu. Sovershenstvovanie risk-menedzhmenta rossiiskikh riteilerov kak faktor povysheniia ikh finansovoi ustoichivosti // Sovremennye finansovye rynki v usloviiakh novoi ekonomiki: mater. 2-i Mezhdunar. mezhvuz. nauch.-prakt. konf. – M.: Izd-vo FGBOU VO «REU im. G.V. Plekhanova», 2022. – S. 44–50.
3. Rynok internet-torgovli v Rossii [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 02.04.2024).
4. V 2023 godu kolichestvo sellerov na marketpleisakh uvelichilos bolee chem na tret [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–235981/ (data obrashcheniia: 18.03.2024).
5. Ismagilov R.Kh., Gumerov A.V., Safargaliev M.F. Kompleks priznakov dlia rannego obnaruzheniia riskov setevykh struktur. V sb.: Tsifrovaia transformatsiia promyshlennosti: sovremennye formy ustoichivogo razvitiia: sb. nauch. tr. po mater. 4-i Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. – M., 2023. – S. 114–119.
6. Khimicheva D.V., Vereskovskii A.Iu. Issledovanie predprinimatelskikh riskov setevoi kompanii. V sb. mater. IKh Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf., posviashch. 65-letnemu iubileiu filiala, «Obshchestvo i ekonomicheskaia mysl v XXI v.: puti razvitiia i innovatsii». Voronezh. filial REU im. G.V. Plekhanova. – Voronezh: Izd.-poligraf. tsentr «Nauchnaia kniga», 2021. – S. 490–494.
7. Punkty vydachi zakazov Wildberries nachali zabastovku iz-za shtrafov [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: ( 7947 de327e0288) (data obrashcheniia: 12.04.2024).

BPM-system as a management tool increasing key business performance indicators
Skvortsova N.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy», Moscow,
SPIN-code: 2579-8025; Author ID: 504002; ORCID: 0000-0002-9139-3756
Borisoglebsky M.A., 1-nd year PhD student, Faculty of Business, Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy», Moscow,
SPIN-code: 9918-0010; Author ID: 1217160

The article analyzes BPM systems presented as a management tool aimed at improving the key performance indicators of companies’ business. The interpretation of the content of the concept of «BPM system» is revealed, its main concept, goals and objectives are determined, and the shares of contractors in terms of the number of implemented BPM projects and their industry distribution are determined. It is shown that BPM systems synthesize the strategy and tactics of the organization and its structural divisions, methodically assess the effectiveness of the organization’s activities in relation to the established goals.
Keywords: BPM systems, BPM solutions, BPM projects, business process management, business efficiency.

1. Skvortsova N.A., Chentsova K.G. Razvitie sistemy elektronnoi kommertsii torgovykh kompanii // Nauchnye zapiski OrelGIET. – 2020. – ¹ 1 (33). – S. 20–25.
2. Kravchenko A.V., Dragunova E.V., Kirillov Iu.V. Modelirovanie biznes-protsessov: ucheb. posobie. – Novosibirsk: Novosib. gos. tekhn. un-t, 2020. – 136 c.
3. Trysiachnyi V.I. Sistema metodov strategicheskogo menedzhmenta // Sovremennaia nauka. – 2022. – ¹ 3–1. – S. 61–68.
4. Skvortsova N.A. Sistema BPM – sovremennyi instrument onlain-upravleniia biznes-protsessami predpriiatiia // Innovatsionnaia nauka. – 2022. – ¹ 3 (1). – S. 22–25.
5. 11 luchshikh sistem biznes-analitiki v 2024 godu [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 30.03.2024).
6. Kompaniia «Obshchestvo s ogranichennoi otvetstvennostiu «SORRI, AI EM NOT» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 29.03.2024).
7. 10 interesnykh muzhskikh marok odezhdy na liuboi biudzhet [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 30.03.2024).
8. BPM-sistemy – analiz razvitiia rynka [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 29.03.2024).
9. Rossiiskii rynok BPM-sistem. Obzor TAdviser 2023 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 29.03.2024).
10. Krupneishie IB-kompanii v Rossii (statistika rynka). Obzor TAdviser 2023 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: Statistika_rynka_BPM?ysclid=lv17y3el9t803461039 (data obrashcheniia: 15.04.2024).
11. Tsifrovye ekosistemy ustoichivogo razvitiia ekonomicheskikh subieektov i biznes-analiz: monografiia / pod red. d-ra ekon. nauk, prof. M.A. Osipova. – SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGEU, 2021. – 158 s.
12. Luchshie BPM-sistemy dlia kontrolia biznes-protsessov 2024 goda [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 29.03.2024).
13. Dadaeva B.Sh., Osmanova A.M. BPM-sistema kak instrument upravleniia biznes-protsessami kompanii // Zhurnal prikladnykh issledovanii. – 2022. – ¹ 11 (9). – S. 770–775.
14. BPM-sistemy – vse o tekhnologiiakh [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 29.03.2024).



Bureaucracy in cultural institutions: statistical analysis
Bakanov E.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Economics SaCS Kemerovo State Institute of Culture,
SPIN-code: 2528-2890; Author ID: 885690

The article discusses the results of studying the opinions of employees of cultural institutions regarding the elements of the bureaucratic component of the organization’s culture. The study is based on estimates obtained from a survey of employees of cultural institutions using the OCAI methodology. Cameron and R. Quinn. Statistical analysis revealed the features of the desired change in various elements of bureaucracy in institutions. The elements of bureaucracy have been identified, the proportion of which, in the opinion of the majority of respondents, should be significantly reduced.
Keywords: cultural sphere; organizational culture; bureaucracy; statistical analysis.

1. Semenov Iu.G. Organizatsionnaia kultura v kontekste gumanitarnykh tekhnologii // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2010. – ¹ 2. – S. 127–130.
2. Pivovarov I.V. Kreativnaia organizatsionnaia kultura kak faktor preodoleniia soprotivleniia izmeneniiam v vysshem uchebnom zavedenii / I.V. Pivovarov, V.N. Nekrasov // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2013. – ¹ 6. – S. 114–120.
3. Spesivtseva S.E. Strategiia formirovaniia organizatsionnoi loialnosti personala / S.E. Spesivtseva, I.A. Demenenko // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2020. – ¹ 1. –  S. 81–88.
4. Glamazda A.V. Sotsialno-psikhologicheskie instrumenty upravleniia: sushchnost i soderzhanie // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2023. – ¹ 6. – S. 71–78.
5. Bakanov E.A. Pokazateli effektivnosti deiatelnosti uchrezhdenii kultury i ikh ispolzovanie dlia motivatsii personala / E.A. Bakanov, A.A. Gubich // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. – 2022. – ¹ 3. – S. 103–110.
6. Adizes I. Upravlenie izmeneniiami bez potriasenii i konfliktov / Itskhak Adizes; per. s angl. – M.: Alpina Pablisher, 2023. – 260 s.
7. Kameron K., Kuinn R. Diagnostika i izmenenie organizatsionnoi kultury. – SPb.: Piter, 2001. – 290 s.
8. Silbiger S. MBA za 10 dnei / per. s angl. E.V. Shustera. – 2-e izd. – M.: ZAO «KonsultantPlius», 2002. – 440 s.

Approaches to planning – S&OP and IBP: similarities and differences in approaches and scope of application
Voloshchuk K.S., master’s student, Federal state autonomous institution of higher education «Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, k.

The article analyzes two approaches to planning the organization’s activities: the sales and operations planning process (S&OP) and integrated business planning (IBP), attempts to identify the similarities and differences between the two approaches, and also considers the practices of their effective application. A distinction is made between both concepts – the definition of their similarities and differences, as well as the identification of the success of using both methods in practice for planning the activities of the organization, as well as the associated difficulties.
Keywords: business planning, sales and operations planning, integrated business planning, S&OP, IBP.

1. Dick L. Breakthrough S&OP [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: data obrashcheniia: 20.11.2023).
2. Konina N.Iu. Menedzhment: teoriia, praktika i mezhdunarodnyi aspekt: uchebnik. – 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. – M.: Aspekt Press, 2021. – 432 s. [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 05.02.2024).
3. Anaplan Inc. The ultimate guide to the sales and operations planning (S&OP) process [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 23.10.2023).
4. Business Solutions Consulting. Ïëàíèðîâàíèå ïðîäàæ è îïåðàöèé: Ìàêñèìàëüíî òî÷íûé ïðîãíîç ñïðîñà [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: text=Ïðîöåññ%20 ïëàíèðîâàíèÿ%20 ïðîäàæ %20 è%20 îïåðàöèé, êîíêðåòíûå%20øàãè%20 ïî%20 åãî%20 ðåàëèçàöèè (data obrashcheniia: 31.01.2024).
5. Colibri S&OP. What is S&OP or Sales & Operation planning? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 31.01.2024).
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7. Oracle Corp. What is Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 23.10.2023).
8. Plex Systems Inc. What is Sales and Operations Planning? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 23.10.2023).
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10. Zendesk Inc. What is sales and operations planning (S&OP)? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 23.10.2023).
11. Thome A.M.T., Scavarda L.F., Fernandez N.S., Scavarda A.J. Sales and operations planning and the firm performance [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 24.10.2023).
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15. Anaplan Inc. What is IBP? Process, Strategy & Benefits [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 04.02.2024).
16. CAMELOT Management Consultants AG. Integrated Business Planning [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.10.2023).
17. Kompaniia «CEO Konsalting». Tri glavnye prichiny vnedrit protsess integrirovannogo biznes-planirovaniia IBP [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 04.02.2024).
18. IBM Corp. What is Integrated Business Planning (IBP)? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.10.2023).
19. Inchainge. Integrated Business Planning [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 04.02.2024).
20. o9 Solutions. What is IBP? (Integrated Business Planning) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 23.10.2023).
21. Oliver Wight EAME LLP. Integrated Business Planning [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 23.10.2023).
22. Oracle Corp. Net Suite. What Is Integrated Business Planning and Why Is It Important? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.10.2023).
23. River Logic Inc. What Is Integrated Business Planning And Why Is It Crucial In 2020? [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 04.02.2024).
24. ÀÎ «ÈÁÑ ÈÒ Óñëóãè». Èíòåãðèðîâàííîå áèçíåñ-ïëàíèðîâàíèå [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 16.10.2023).
25. Farro D., Gazzo G. The transition From Sales and Operations Plan to Integrated Business Plan: a Systematic Literature Review. – Milano: Politecnico, 2023. – Ð. 7 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 07.02.2024).
26. Bower P. Integrated Business Planning: Is It a Hoax or Here to Stay? // N.Y.: Journal of Business Forecasting. – 2012. – Spring. – Pp. 11–17  [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.10.2023).
27. Sorensen D. Integrated Business Planning Is Not Just a Marketing Hoax [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 16.10.2023).
28. Wilson E. The Real Cost & ROI of Implementing S&OP [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 07.02.2024).
29. Business Wire. Birla Carbon Enhances Sales & Operations Planning Efficiency With Blue Yonder’s Supply Chain Solution [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 07.02.2024).
30. Banker S. Procter & Gamble Embraces Continuous Planning and Execution [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: – gamble-embraces-continuous-planning-and-execution/(data obrashcheniia: 22.03.2024).
31. o9 Solutions. o9 Solutions and RHI Magnesita Establish a Strategic Partnership to Implement a Global Integrated Business Planning and Solution [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 07.02.2024).
32. Mobility Outlook Bureau. Infosys Revamps ZF’s Supply Chain Operations [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 07.02.2024).
33. X5 Dialog. Êîíôåðåíöèÿ ïî èíòåãðèðîâàííîìó ïëàíèðîâàíèþ ñâåæèõ ïðîäóêòîâ â òîðãîâîé ñåòè «Ïÿò¸ðî÷êà» [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: obrashcheniia: 22.03.2024).



Potential for practical using of the competency-based approach in remuneration (for example railway transport)
Khoroshiltseva N.A., Ph. D. in economics, associate prof., Department of Labor Economics and Personnel, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation,
SPIN-code: 7916-6504; Author ID: 810230; ORCID: 0000-0002-4128-5327
Batsokin A.O., Applicant for a Degree Candidate of Sciences, Department of Labor Economics and Personnel, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation,
SPIN-code: 5056-4773; Author ID: 966488; ORCID: 0000-0002-1568-3997

The article examines the problem of ensuring the material interest of employees of JSC Russian Railways from the operational staff in increasing the level of development of competencies. Based on the results of a study conducted using the survey method, shortcomings of the current remuneration system of JSC Russian Railways were identified, factors limiting the ability of employees to influence the amount of wages were identified, and the nature of the relationship between productivity, labor quality and the level of development of competencies was established. Analysis of the survey results made it possible to assess the potential for salary formation by competencies and determine the share of this part of the salary.
Keywords: competency-based approach, remuneration, labor efficiency, railway transport, professional competencies.

1. Romanovskaia E.V., Bakulina N.A., Skorokhodov I.S., Utkin V.E. Sovremennye instrumenty regulirovaniia oplaty truda na predpriiatii // Moskovskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal. – 2022. – ¹ 6. – S. 613–623 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–2022–45/(data obrashcheniia: 18.02.2024).
2. Chulanova O.L. Primenenie kompetentnostnogo podkhoda pri razrabotke sistemy oplaty truda personala // Internet-zhurnal «NAUKOVEDENIE». – 2014. – ¹  6 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 24.02.2023). – DOI: 10.15862/15EVN614
3. Shevchenko A.A. Anketirovanie kak tekhnologiia organizatsii korporativnykh meropriiatii // Molodoi uchenyi. – 2015. – ¹ 8. – S. 698–701.
4. Polozhenie OAO «RZhD» O korporativnoi sisteme oplaty truda rabotnikov OAO «RZhD» (v red. ot 22.05.2015) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 24.02.2024).
5. Polozhenie OAO «RZhD» «O korporativnoi sisteme premirovaniia» (utv. rasporiazheniem OAO «RZhD» ot 10.11.2021 ¹ 2404/r) [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL:–01-KSPR-s-2022-goda..pdf (data obrashcheniia: 24.02.2024).
6. Solovev V.S. Teoriia sotsialnykh sistem. – Novosibirsk: SibAGS, 2009. – T. 2. – 950 s. – ISBN 978-5-8036-0266-8.
7. Potasheva G.A. Ustoichivo neravnovesnyi aspekt v sisteme greidirovaniia // Stroitelstvo: nauka i obrazovanie. – 2016. – ¹ 4 [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniia: 24.02.2024).



The role of prototyping in new product development models from idea to commercialization
Isakhanova E.R., student, master degree, «Management», Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University,
SPIN-code: 9151-9790; ORCID: 0009-0002-2116-4752

In order to identify the role of prototyping in the process of developing a new product, the author conducted a comparative analysis of three process models according to key criteria. As objects of comparison, approaches were chosen that describe the entire process from idea to product and its commercialization, including the “development” stage, within which prototypes are created and tested. The comparative analysis examined: the product development life cycle model of A. Cohen, a product manager specializing in innovative technologies, and the Stage-Gate system together with the model of this next generation system by R. Cooper, an expert in innovation management. A systems study identified the need to prototype new product features at each stage of development using an Agile approach, dividing the development process into short sprints. At the same time, the prototype plays an important role in testing not only consumer properties, but also the technical characteristics of a new product.
Keywords: prototyping, prototype, rapid prototype, Stage-Gate, Next-Generation Stage-Gate, innovation management, product development.

1. Oxford University Press, 2023. (accessed: 15.03.2024).
2. Christer Elverum, Torgeir Welo, Sigmund Arntsønn Tronvoll. Prototyping in new product development: Strategy considerations, 26th CIRP Design Conference, 2016; 177–22.
3. Roger L. Martin. The Unexpected Benefits of Rapid Prototyping. 2024. (accessed: 23.03.2024).
4. Sampsa Kohtala, Jørgen Falck Erichsen, Heikki Sjöman, Martin Steinert. Augmenting Physical Prototype Activities in Early-Stage Product Development, NordDesign, 2018.
5. Derzu Omaia, Walter F.M. Correia, Andre L.M. Santos. Interactive rapid prototyping combining 3D Printing and Augmented Reality // Journal on Interactive Systems. – 2024; 15 (1):20–35.
6. Cohen A. Prototype to Product: A Practical Guide for Getting to Market. – CA: O’Reilly Media, 2015. – 444 p.
7. Cooper R.G. Idea-to-Launch Gating Systems: Better, Faster, and More Agile // Research-Technology Management. – 2017; 60 (1):48–52.
8. Cooper R.G. Agile–Stage-Gate Hybrids: The next stage for product development // Research-Technology Management.  – 2016; 59 (1):21–29.
9. Cooper R.G. What’s next? After Stage-Gate // Research-Technology Management. – 2014; 57 (1).


Âñå ïðàâà ïðèíàäëåæàò Èçäàòåëüñòâó «Ôèíïðåññ» Ïîëíîå èëè ÷àñòè÷íîå âîñïðîèçâåäåíèå èëè ðàçìíîæåíèå êàêèì-ëèáî ñïîñîáîì ìàòåðèàëîâ äîïóñêàåòñÿ òîëüêî ñ ïèñüìåííîãî ðàçðåøåíèÿ Èçäàòåëüñòâà «Ôèíïðåññ».